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[Penelitianinimenitikberatkanpadaimplementasikebijakanketentuanpenyediaanruan gterbukahijauberdasarkanpasal 29 undang-undangnomor 26 tahun 2007 tentangpenataanruang di wilayahkota Bogor.Penelitianiniadalahpenelitianyuridisnormatifyaitupenelitian yang mengacukepadanormahukum yang terdapatpadaperaturanperundang-undangan. Sedangkanmetodepenelitian yang digunakanadalahpenelitianwawancaradengantujuanuntukmemperoleh data primer melaluialatpengumpul data yaituwawancaradengan Kantor Pemerintah Kota Bogor danpenelitiankepustakaandengantujuanuntukmemperoleh data sekundermelaluialatpengumpul data yaitustudidokumen. Data dalampenelitiandiolahsecarakualitatif yang nantinyaakanmenghasilkanbentuk data berupadeskriptif-analistis yang bergunauntukmemberikan data setelitimungkintentangkeadaanataugejala yang adadananalisitisbergunauntukmenarikasas-asashukum yang terdapat di dalamhukumpositif yang berlaku di Indonesia. Berdasarkanhasildaripenelitiandapatdisimpulkanbahwaimplementasiketentuanpen yediaanruangterbukahijauberdasarkanpasal 29 undang-undangnomor 26 tahun 2007 tentangpenataanruang di Kota Bogor yang dilaksanakanolehpemerintah Kota Bogor yaitudenganadanyabeberapaPeraturan Daerah Wujuddarikoordinasipenyelenggaraanpenataanruang demi mendapatkannilai minimal proporsiruangterbukahijausebesar 30 persendari total wilayah Kota yaituberupaperencanaan, pemanfaatansertapengendalianruangkota. Hal tersebutdiwujudkandengankerjasamabaikdariPemerintah Kota, masyarakat, swasta, danbersamabadanlainnya. Dalampelaksanaanimplementasitersebut, masihterdapatbeberapakendala. Olehkarenaitupemerintahdenganmelaluibeberapa program terusberupayauntukmeningkatkankekuranganruangterbukahijaudenganberbagaistr ategi. Mengingatbahwaluas Kota yang tidakdapatbertambahluas, makapemerintahlebihmengoptimalisasikanpenyelenggaraanpenertiban, pengawasanpemanfaatanruang, evaluasi, penanganan, danperizinan yang lebihketat., This study focuses on the implementation of the provisions of the policy on green open space pursuant to Article 29 of Law No. 26 of 2007 on spatial planning in the city of Bogor. This research is a normative juridical research that refers to the legal norms contained in the legislation. While the research method used was an interview study with the aim to obtain primary data through a data collection tool that is an interview with the Office of the City Government and the research literature with the aim of obtaining secondary data through a data collection tool that studies document. The data were analyzed qualitatively in which will result in the form of descriptive-analytical data in the form that is useful to provide the data as accurately as possible about the state or existing symptoms and analysts useful to draw legal principles contained in the applicable positive law in Indonesia. Based on the results of this study concluded that the implementation of the provisions of the policy on green open space pursuant to Article 29 of Law No. 26 of 2007 on spatial planning in the city of Bogor implemented by the government, namely the presence of some Local Rule realization of the coordination of spatial planning in order to obtain the value minimum proportion of green open space by 30 percent of the total area of the city in the form of planning, utilization and control of urban space.This is realized with good cooperation from the city government, public, private, and together with other institutions. In the implementation of the implementation, there are still some obstacles. Therefore, the government through several programs continually strives to raise the shortage of green open spaces with a variety of strategies. Given that the area of the city that can’t be expanded, then the government is to optimize the control, monitoring of space utilization, evaluation, treatment, and strict licensing.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library