ABSTRAKGrinding ball merupakan salah satu komponen dalam mesin ball mill yang
berfungsi untuk menggerus batuan mineral menjadi partikel yang sangat halus
(100-300 mesh). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh
penambahan unsur paduan berupa khromium, molibdenum, vanadium, dan boron
terhadap sifat-sifat mekanik grinding ball terbuat dari material high chromium
white cast iron, serta pengaruh volume karbida primer, karbida sekunder, dan
austenit sisa terhadap ketahanan aus produk grinding ball.
Pembuatan grinding ball berukuran Ø50 mm dilakukan dengan menggunakan
teknik pengecoran logam dengan menggunakan tungku induksi. Berikut ini adalah
komposisi kimia dari masing-masing grinding ball dalam penelitian ini: 2,18C -
13Cr - 1.38Mo; 1.94C - 13.1Cr - 1.29Mo - 1.307V; 1.89C - 13.1Cr - 1.32Mo -
1.361V - 0.00051B; 2.12C - 16.5Cr - 1.55Mo. Proses perlakuan panas dilakukan
terhadap material tersebut berupa: (1) subcritical heat treatment (700oC, 1 jam)
dengan pendinginan udara atmosfer, (2) hardening (950oC, 5 jam) dengan
pendinginan udara paksa, (3) tempering (250oC, 1 jam) dengan pendinginan udara
atmosfer. Karakterisasi untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat mekanik dan struktur mikro
dari material tersebut dilakukan melalui beberapa pengujian diantaranya adalah
analisa komposisi kimia (Optical Electron Spectroscopy/OES), uji kekerasan
(Brinell/ASTM E-10), uji impak (Charpy/ASTM E-23), analisa struktur mikro
(mikroskop optik, SEM, XRD), dan uji ketahanan aus/wear rates (laboratory ball
mill unit).
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penambahan khromium, molibdenum,
vanadium, dan boron memberikan peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap nilai
kekerasan dan ketahananan aus pada material high chromium white cast iron.
Nilai ketahanan aus grinding ball yang tinggi dimiliki oleh material dengan
komposisi 1.89C - 13.1Cr - 1.32Mo - 1.361V - 0.00051B (as-cast) dan 2.12C -
16.5Cr - 1.55Mo (as-tempered), dimana nilai ketahanan aus material tersebut
lebih baik dibandingkan dengan grinding ball impor asal China dan India.
Ketahanan aus yang tinggi pada material tersebut diakibatkan oleh nilai kekerasan
dan ketangguhan yang berimbang, besarnya kandungan volume karbida primer
dan sekunder dalam matriks martensit, rendahnya kandungan austenit sisa, serta
morfologi karbida primer dan sekunder yang halus.
AbstractGrinding ball is one of the components in the ball mill unit to grind the minerals
rock into very fine particles (100-300 mesh). The purpose of this research are to
investigate the effect of alloying elements, such as chromium, molybdenum,
vanadium, and boron on the mechanical properties of grinding ball which is made
from high chromium white cast iron, and to investigate the effect of primary and
secondary carbide volume fraction and also retained austenite volume on the wear
resistance of grinding ball.
The manufacturing of Ø50 mm grinding ball was conducted by using the iron
casting process. The following are the chemical composition of the grinding ball?s
materials in this research: 2.18 C-13 Cr- 1.38 Mo; 1.94 C-13.1 Cr-1.29Mo-1.307
V; 1.89 C-13.1Cr-1.32 Mo-1.361 V-0.00051B; 2.12 C-16.5 Cr-1.55 Mo. The heat
treatment process were conducted into those materials include: (1) Subcritical heat
treatment (700 ° C, 1 h) with atmospheric air cooling , (2) Hardening (950oC, 5
hours) with forced air cooling, and (3) Tempering (250oC, 1 hour) with
atmospheric air cooling. Materials characterization was conducted to find out the
mechanical properties and micro structure of those materials by using a few
testing methods, there were: chemical analysis (Optical Electron
Spectroscopy/OES), hardness testing (Brinell/ASTM E-10), impact testing
(Charpy/ASTM E-23), micro structure analysis (optical microscope, SEM, XRD),
and wear resistance/wear rates testing (laboratory ball mill unit).
From the results, the addition of alloying elements, such as chromium, vanadium,
molybdenum and boron provided a significant improvement on the hardness and
wear resistance of high chromium white cast iron. The high wear resistance was
owned by the material with 1.89 C-13.1Cr-1.32 Mo-1.361 V-0.00051B (as-cast)
and 2.12 C-16.5 Cr-1.55 Mo (as-tempered), which were better than grinding ball?s
material from China and India. It was caused by a good combination between
hardness and toughness, higher primary and secondary carbide volume fraction in
martensitic matrix, lower retained austenite volume, and finer structure of primary
and secondary carbide."