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Sunario Waluyo
Jakarta: Pusat pengembangan agribisnis, 1979
330.9 SUN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yayat Karyana
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 1995 telah mulai diperkenalkan oleh Ananta dan Anwar suatu pengukuran migrasi yang relatif Baru untuk kasus di Indonesia yaitu indeks migrasi atau GMR (Gross Migra-Production Rate) yang merupakan penjumlahan dari ASMR (Age Specific Migration rate). Ada 2 jenis indeks migrasi yaitu indeks migrasi keluar atau GOMR (Gross Out Migra-Production rate) dan indeks migrasi masuk atau GIMR (Gross In-Migra-Production Rate). Berdasarkan hasil Sensus Penduduk 1980 dan 1990, Ananta dan Anwar (1995) menghitung indeks migrasi keluar (GOMR) dan indeks migrasi masuk (GIMR) per propinsi. Indeks migrasi keluar (GOMR) per propinsi belum melihat tujuan propinsi migran, dan indeks migrasi masuk per propinsi belum melihat asal propinsi migran. Indeks migrasi yang dapat melihat asal propinsi dan tujuan propinsi migran sekaligus adalah indeks migrasi antar propinsi. Dalam tesis ini mencoba membuat proyeksi indeks migrasi antar propinsi di Indonesia untuk tahun 1990-1995. Proyeksi indeks migrasi yang dimaksud adalah proyeksi indeks migrasi keluar antar propinsi penduduk laki-laki, proyeksi indeks migrasi keluar antar propinsi penduduk perempuan, proyeksi indeks migrasi masuk antar propinsi penduduk laki-laki dan proyeksi indeks masuk antar propinsi penduduk perempuan. Untuk dapat membuat proyeksi tersebut data yang diperlukan adalah : 1) Banyak migran keluar (total) per propinsi menurut kelompok umur dan jenis kelamin dari Sensus Penduduk 1980 dan 1990, 2) Banyak migran keluar dari satu propinsi ke propinsi lainnya menurut jenis kelamin dari Sensus Penduduk 1980 dan 1990, dan 3) ASOMR dan ASIMR per propinsi menurut jenis kelamin tahun perode 1975-1980 dan 1985-1990. Dengan adanya data tersebut di atas metoda proyeksi yang dicoba diajukan oleh penulis dengan langkah-langkahnya adalah: 1. Proyeksi banyak migran keluar per propinsi tahun 1990-1995 yang berumur 5 tahun ke atas 2. Proyeksi banyak migran keluar per propinsi tahun 1990-1995 yang berumur 0-4 tahun 3. Proyeksi banyak migran keluar dari propinsi a menurut kelompok umur tahun 1990-1995 4. Menghitung distribusi proporsi migran keluar dari propinsi a ke propinsi-propinsi lainnya 5. Proyeksi banyak migran keluar antar propinsi untuk kelompok umur u tahun 1990-1995 6. Proyeksi Indeks Migrasi. Suatu proyeksi hanya akan benar (terjadi) jika dan hanya asumsi yang diajukan benar-benar terjadi. Di sini asumsi yang diperlukan adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Banyak migran keluar dari tiap propinsi ke luar negeri sedikit sekali. Asumsi ini diperlukan karena dari hasil pengolahan baik oleh BPS ataupun Lembaga Demografi FE UI tidak ada datanya. Kalaupun kenyataannya ada, diharapkan jumlah migran keluar selama periode 1990-1995 sedikit dibanding dengan jumlah migrasinya. 2. Angka pertumbuhan banyak migran keluar per propinsi menurut jenis kelamin pada tahun periode 1990-1995 mengikuti angka pertubuhan pada periode sebelumnya. 3. Pola distribusi migran keluar dari satu propinsi ke 26 propinsi lainnya, dan Pola distribusi migran keluar menurut kelompok umur pada tahun periode 1990-1995 mengikuti pola pada tahun periode sebelumnya, serta Pole distribusi migran keluar menurut kelompok umur mengikuti totalnya. Dari hasil proyeksi antara lain dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Asal dan tujuan migran dari dan ke propinsi-propinsi belum merata, yang mencerminkan masih terkonsentrasinya ke beberapa propinsi saja. 2. Meskipun DKI Jakarta tidak lagi selalu jadi tujuan utama migran, namun ternyata propinsi-propinsi di pulau Jawa masih mempuyai indeks migrasi masuk yang besar. 3. Indeks migrasi penduduk perempuan tidak selalu lebih rendah dari pada indeks migrasi penduduk laki-laki, baik untuk indeks migrasi keluar maupun untuk indeks migrasi masuk.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Indah Nikensari
Abstrak :
Kebijakan pengurangan jumlah subsidi BBM dan Listrik dalam APBN 2001 oleh Pemerintah Indonesia membawa konsekuensi pada kenaikkan harga BBM dan Listrik. Meskipun harga BBM dan Listrik selalu mengalami kenaikkan dari tahun ke tahun, akan tetapi kenaikkan harga pada tahun 2001 ini lebih banyak disebabkan oleh penurunan jumlah subsidi dalam APBN, setelah sejak tahun anggaran 1997/1998 sampai dengan tahun anggaran 2000 jumlah subsidi BBM terus mengalami peningkatan akibat naiknya biaya pengadaan. Atas rekomendasi IMF, sehubungan dengan pencairan paket bantuan dan negara-negara donor yang tergabung dalam CG1 kepada Indonesia, subsidi BBM & Listrik direkomendasikan segera dihapus supaya ada efisiensi pada APBN. Rencana penghapusan jumlah subsidi BBM dan Listrik dalam APBN direncanakan secara bertahap dan akan berakhir pada tahun 2004. Pengurangan jumlah subsidi membawa dampak multiplier yang sangat luas pada perekonomian, termasuk pada PDB. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil simulasi dengan model INDECGE dengan tahun dasar 1998, yang menyatakan bahwa dalam jangka pendek adanya kenaikkan harga energi masih memberikan dampak positif pada kenaikkan PDB Sektoral maupun PDB Pengeluaran dengan prosentase yang menurun, akan tetapi dalam jangka panjang kenaikkan harga energi akan memberikan dampak negative pada PDB semua sektor, kecuali pada sektor yang masih ada subsidinya, dengan cacatan kondisi perekonomian saat itu tidak ada peningkatan dari kondisi tahun dasar 1998. Dampak negatif pada PDB Pengeluaran jika kondisinya belum berubah lebih baik, adaiah bahwa selain Konsumsi. Pemerintah, semua variabel pada PDB Pengeluaran seperti Konsumsi Rumah Tangga, Pembentukan Modal Tetap Bruto (PMTB), Stok Inventori, Ekspor serta Impor akan mengalami penurunan.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi atas uji materi UU Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 berimplikasi pada adanya tafsir konstitusional pengelolaan hulu minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia yakni pada pelaksanaan konsep kepenguasaan negara dan sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis realitas dan implikasi pelaksanaan sistem fiskal dan kelembagaan pengelola hulu minyak dan gas bumi yang sesuai dengan amanat konstitusi. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penggunaan metode kualitatif dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana realitas pelaksanaan sistem fiskal dan kelembagaan pengelola terhadap penerimaan negara dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Sementara penggunaan metode kuantitatif terbatas untuk membandingkan bagaimana komposisi penerimaan negara dan kontraktor atas penerapan sistem kontrak bagi hasil gross split dan cost recovery dengan teknik analisis regresi berganda. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sistem kontrak bagi hasil KBH adalah sistem fiskal yang mampu menerjemahkan konsep kepenguasaan negara dan sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat sebagaimana amanat konstitusi. Dalam pelaksanaan sistem KBH Cost Recovery, pemerintah rata-rata mendapatkan komposisi 55,96 persen dari total penerimaan minyak dan gas bumi. Pada tahun 2016, komposisi penerimaan pemerintah adalah sebesar 38,41 persen. Berdasarkan analisis data historis dan proyeksi minyak bumi, komposisi penerimaan pemerintah dan kontraktor tidak berbeda jauh jika menggunakan sistem KBH gross split dimana rentang penerimaan pemerintah adalah 41 - 42 persen sementara kontraktor sebesar 57 - 58 persen dari total penerimaan minyak dan gas bumi. Kelembagaan pengelola yang memiliki risiko fiskal paling rendah adalah berbentuk badan usaha khusus sebab pemerintah tidak menjadi pihak peserta kontrak. ...... The Constitutional Court 39 s decision on the judicial review of Law Number 22 2001 has impacted to the constitutional interpretation of upstream oil and gas management in Indonesia, namely on the concept of state control and the greatest prosperity of the people. This study aims to analyze the reality and implications of the implementation of the fiscal system and management body of upstream oil and natural gas in accordance with the mandate of the constitution. This research combines qualitative and quantitative methods. The use of qualitative methods is conducted to see how the implementing of the fiscal system and management body to state revenues by descriptive analysis techniques. The use of quantitative methods is limited to compare how the composition of state revenue and contractors on the implementation of gross split and cost recovery production sharing contract with multiple regression analysis techniques. This study concludes that the production sharing contract PSC is a fiscal system capable for translating the concept of state control and the maximum prosperity of the people as mandated by the constitution. In the implementation of the PSC cost recovery, the government gets average of 55.96 percent of total oil and gas revenues. In 2016, government revenues amounted to 38.41 percent. Based on analysis of historical data and projection of petroleum, government revenue and contractor does not differ much if using gross split PSC where the government revenue range is 41 42 percent while contractor equal to 57 58 percent of total oil and gas revenue. The organizational institution that has the lowest fiscal risk is in the form of a special business entity because the government is not a party to the contract.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Zahra Wahyunita
Abstrak :
Selisih antara jumlah pasokan dan kebutuhan gas bumi di Indonesia yang semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya diakibatkan jumlah pasokan gas bumi semakin menurun dan kebutuhan akan gas bumi yang semakin meningkat serta kurangnya penemuan cadangan gas terbaru. Hal ini mendorong pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengembangkan sumber daya gas lainnya seperti shale gas sehingga dapat diproduksi secara komersial. Potensi shale gas Indonesia diperkirakan mencapai 574 TCF yang tersebar di Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa dan Papua. Formasi Meliat yang berada di Cekungan Tarakan memiliki sumber daya shale gas yang bisa dihasilkan secara teknis sebesar 3.8 TCF dari gas-in-place resiko sebesar 25.1 TCF. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji skema kontrak gross split terhadap aspek keekonomian dari pengembangan lapangan shale gas di Formasi Meliat, Cekungan Tarakan. Skenario dasar dalam penelitian ini yaitu membuat tiga profil laju alir yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan kurva penurunan hiperbolik Arps, antara lain profil produksi rendah dengan laju alir awal (qi) sebesar 50 mmcf/mo, profil produksi sedang qi=125 mmcf/mo dan profil produksi tinggi qi=200 mmcf/mo. Amerika Serikat dan lapangan migas terdekat menjadi benchmarking dalam membuat biaya investasi pengembangan lapangan shale gas di Cekungan Tarakan. Pada kondisi analisis kontrak gross split memiliki NPV>0, IRR>10% pada profil produksi sedang dan tinggi. Analisis sensitivitas dilakukan pada profil produksi, biaya pengeboran dan harga gas. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang lebih berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan NPV dalam kontrak gross split adalah profil produksi. NPV positif dicapai ketika gas bumi dijual pada $9.24/MMBTU pada profil produksi sedang dan $6.43/MMBTU pada profil produksi tinggi.
The difference between the amount of supply and demand of natural gas in Indonesia is increasing each year year due to the decreasing natural gas supply with increasing demand and the lack of discovery of the latest gas reserves. This encourages the Indonesian government to develop other gas resources such as shale gas so that it can be produced commercially. Shale gas potential in Indonesia was predicted reached 574 TCF which spread in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Papua. Meliat Formation, located in Tarakan Basin has shale gas potential in which 3.8 TCF is technically recoverable with 25.1 TCF risked gas in place. The purpose of this study is to examine the gross split contract scheme on technoeconomic aspect of shale gas field development in Meliat Formation in Tarakan Basin. The basic scenario in this research is to create three flow rate profiles developed using the Arps hyperbolic decline curves, consist a low production profile with initial production (qi) of 50 mmcf / mo, medium production profile qi = 125 mmcf / mo and high production profile qi = 200 mmcf / mo. The The United States and the nearest oil and gas field in Tarakan Basin have become a benchmark in making investment costs for the development of this shale gas field. In the analysis condition, gross split contracts have NPV> 0, IRR> 10% on medium and high production profiles. Sensitivity analysis is carried out on the production profile, drilling costs and wellhead gas price. The analysis shows that the factor that has more affected on the increase in NPV in gross split contract is the production profile. A positive NPV is reached when gas price is $ 9.24 / MMBTU at medium production profile and $ 6.43 / MMBTU at high production profile.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fataninda Dwi Kesumaputri
Abstrak :
Indonesia telah menggunakan sistem Kontrak Bagi Hasil atau biasa disebut dengan Production Sharing Contract (PSC) sejak 1966. Pada tahun 2017, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri (Permen) ESDM No. 8 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross splitsebagai penanda perubahan sistem Kontrak dari PSC ke Gross split. Blok X adalah lapangan penghasil minyak milik suatu Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama Asing yang habis masa kontraknya di tahun 2018. Sehubungan dengan sistem Kontrak yang baru, Blok X dianalisa dengan menggunakan PSC dan Gross Splituntuk membandingkan Pendapatan Negara dan Pendapatan Kontraktor dengan menggunakan kedua metode ini. Hasil yang didapat adalah dengan menggunakan metode Gross Splitpendapatan kontraktor akan lebih meningkat dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode PSC dikarenakan persentase pembagian Gross Splityang bersifat dinamis dengan skenario terbaik yang didapat adalah skenario 2 untuk nilai NPV M$ 1,652,469; POT 1.1 tahun dan DPIR 8.6 ......Indonesia has been using Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Cost Recovery as its oil and gas contract regulation since 1966. In 2017, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources released new regulation which set new oil and gas contract regulation in Indonesia from PSC Cost Recovery to Gross split (GS). Block X, an oil and gas block owned by International Oil Company operating in Indonesia, end its contract period in 2018. Regarding the new regulation, contract system of Block X is analysed by using PSC and GS to compare Government Take and Contractor Take result by using these methods. The final result is by using Gross split the Contract Take will be higher than using PSC because Gross split has more dynamic variable split with the Scenario 2 as the best scenario for NPV M$ 1,652,469; POT 1.1 years and DPIR 8.6.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Walid Hamidi
Abstrak :
Ukuran keberhasilan suatu pembangunan tidaktah dilihat dari ukuran pertumbuhan ekonomi semata-mata, namun juga dilihat dari pembangunan kualitas sumber daya manusianya. Pembangunan manusia dapat diartikan sebagai suatu proses untuk memperbanyak pilihan-pilihan yang dimiliki oleh manusia. Diantara berbagai pilihan itu adalah berumur panjang dan sehat yang dapat ditunjukan antara lain oleh usia harapan hidup, berilmu pengetahuan yang dapat ditunjukan oleh tingkat pendidikan, mempunyai akses terhadap sumber daya yang dibutuhkan agar dapat hidup layak yang ditunjukan oleh keterbukaan di berbagai bidang. Isu pcningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia telah menjadi topik perbincangan hangar dewasa ini di Indonesia. Isu tersebut antara Iain dengan adanya tuntutan anggaran pendidikan 20% dari APBN. Propinsi DKI Jakarta sebagai ibu kota negara, yang juga sekaligus sebagi barometer propinsi-propinsi lain telah menganggarkan anggaran pendidikan lebih dari 20% dari APBD nya Produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB) yang tinggi di DKI Jakarta, yang merupakan hasil dari kineda ekonomi Pemerintah daerah merupakan modal dalam membangun kualitas sumber daya manusia di DKI Jakarta. Namun sebagai lbukota negara, yang juga sekaligus sebagai pusat kegiatan ekonomi, Jakarta telah menarik arus urbanisasi dari daerah-daerah lainnya. Kaum urban yang tidak semuanya siap dengan lapangan pekerjaan yang ada, telah menyebabkan munculnya kantong- kantong kemiskinan di DK] Jakarta. Penelitian ini ingin coba melihat pengaruh kinerja perckonomian daerah yang diukur dengan PDRB per kapita, perhatian pemerintah daerah terhadap upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dilihat dari besarnya anggaran untuk sektor pendidikan, serta tingkat kemiskinan, terhadap kualitas sumber daya manusia yang diukur dengan rata-rata lama tahun sekolah (MYS). Dengan menggunakan data sekundcr dari publikasi BPS DKI Jakarta, kantor PEMDA DKI Jakarta. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 5 kotamadya dan l kabupaten di propinsi DKI Jakarta dari tahun 2002 - 2007. Dengan menggunakan model data panel, dan replikasi model dari penelitian Lee (l996) di Korea Selatan, serta pcnelitian Bcrlian (2006) untuk kasus propinsi- propinsi di Indonesia. Dari hasil analisa regresi, diketahui PDRB per kapita dan anggaran pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan signitikan terhadap tingkat pendidikan penduduk. Sedangkan tingkat kcmiskinan bcrpcngaruh ncgatif dan signifikan terhadap tingkat pendidikan pencluduk.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadli Hanafi
Abstrak :
The capital consists management of saving and investment (as the proxy of savings and loans), FDI, and DDI and is important production factors. The contribution of management of savings and investment are estimated using panel regression and Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) and also series regression. The results show that management of savings and investment has significant effect on economic growth with the respective negative and positive effects. Moreover, FDI, DDI, Labor by Sector (SMA), and Population Growth also play a significant role on growth with distinctive coefficient describing respective effects for each variable on growth. Furthermore, sector-specific analysis gives very dynamic effects on growth in the case of Indonesia. In order to identify long-run bidirectional relationship between variables, we employ Granger Causality Test using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). As presented in the result and analysis, no variables performing bidirectional relationship in the long-run.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulan Tristiyanti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang : Sindrom Down merupakan penyakit genetik yang dapat menyebabkan keterlambatan perkembangan motorik, bahasa, kognitif, dan psikososial. Periode perkembangan anak dalam tiga tahun pertama kehidupan sangat penting, karena merupakan dasar untuk hasil perkembangan selanjutnya. Sampai saat ini belum dilakukan penelitian yang menghubungkan kemampuan motorik pasien sindrom Down dengan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya. Mengingat prevalensi anak sindrom Down yang cukup banyak di Indonesia, dan belum didapatkan data tersebut maka penelitian dilakukan pada anaksindrom Down sehingga anaksindrom Down mendapatkan hasil optimal dari program intervensi yang dijalankan Tujuan : Mengetahui karakteristik pertumbuhan dan perkembangan motorik anak sindrom Down serta faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat perkembangan motorik kasar untuk menentukan kemampuan anak, kebutuhan terapi dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Metode: Studi potong lintang deskriptif dan analitik selama Agustus sampai September 2015 pada 103 anak sindrom Down usia 6 bulan - 3 tahun di Poli Anak dan Poli Rehabilitasi medic Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Data orang tua didapat dari autoanamnesis dan pencarian rekam medis, data antropometrik berupa beratbadan, tinggi badan dan lingkar kepala diplot pada kurva pertumbuhan khusus anak sindromDown, perkembangan motorik kasar dinilai berdasarkan milestone khusus anak sindrom Down. Hasil penelitian : Sejumlah 103 subjek (56 laki-laki, 47 perempuan) memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Median subjek adalah 12 bulan. Jumlah subjek yang mengalami gizi baik dan gizi kurang hampir sama. Mikrosefali dialami oleh sebagian kecil subjek 10 (9,6%). Anak sindrom Down dengan tipe klasik ditemukan pada sebagian besar pasien sebanyak 99 (96%) dan tipe translokasi sebanyak 4 (3,9%). Keterlambatan motorik ringan dialami oleh 69,2% subjek, keterlambatan motorik sedang 16,3%, dan keterlambatan motorik ringan 13,5%. Hasil analisis multivariate memperlihatkan faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan keterlambatan motorik adalah lingkar kepala (p=0,011; OR 6,852; IK95% 1,565-30,038), riwayat asfiksia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; IK95% 1,427-11,4), dan frekuensi program stimulasi (p=0,006; OR 3,845; IK95% 1,460-10,125). Kesimpulan : Lingkar kepala, riwayat asfiksia, dan frekuensi program stimulasi merupakan faktor risiko keterlambatan perkembangan motorik anak sindromDown.ABSTRACT
Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted. Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents (auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes. Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions. Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were 4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%. Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125). Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted. Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents (auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes. Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions. Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were 4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%. Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125). Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted. Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents (auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes. Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions. Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were 4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%. Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125). Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted. Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents (auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes. Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions. Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were 4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%. Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125). Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted. Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents (auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes. Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions. Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were 4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%. Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125). Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Cultured sporophytic thalli of Undaria pinnatifida were collected at different periods of the year from Okkirai Bay, northeastern Japan........
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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