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Ditemukan 23 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
The rapid development of many sectors at the Bandung - Soreang Groundwater basin has increased the demand for clean water. It si estimated that approximately 70 per cent of the clean water demand is still fulfilled by ground water ....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Syamsu Rosid
Abstrak :
Suatu kajian tentang kemungkinan adanya sistim mata air di lingkungan kampus UI Depok telah dilakukan dengan melakukan pengukuran geolistrik tahanan jenis. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan konfigurasi elektroda model Schlumberger. Dengan mengukur parameter-parameter arus I dan tegangan V serta jarak antar elektroda, diperoleh harga variasi tahanan jenis lapisan tanah dan ketebalannya pada setiap titik sounding. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan software Res1D Modeling dan Grapher menggunakan komputer PC. Pengukuran hanya dilakukan pada 8 titik sounding, dengan panjang bentangan kabel arus AB/2 hanya mencapai ± 100 meter. Mapping resistivity tidak penulis lakukan. Dari ke delapan titik sounding tersebut diperaleh suatu gambaran estimasi tentang sebaran lapisan akifer. Lapisan ini berada pada kedalaman ± 20 m di daerah FT dan FISIP, mendangkal menjadi ± 10 m di sekitar FMIPA dan FILM, dan makin mendangkal lagi menjadi ± 5 m di lingkungan Politeknik. Kedalaman lapisan ini penulis hitung dari permukaan tanah. Dari gambaran ini ada kemungkinan lapisan ini munculltersingkap di sekitar Politeknik. Dan ini bisa berpotensi menjadi mata air yang diduga ada di sekitar danau antara FMIPA dan Politeknik.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kudus is one of sub province in central Java with have the fresh water availability problem. Condition of insufficiency "Standard water" has been regoinezed in some part of regional area, those are Karangrowo area, Undaan District....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
demakmis one of regency are placed at north beach, Central Java. Some part of this area espicially tlogorejo Site karangawen have the problem of fresh water avability....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yan Adhitya
Abstrak :
Gunung Agung is a stratovolcano type of volcano which has a height of 3,142 masl and is located in Karangasem Regency, Bali Province. At the end of 2017, Mount Agung's volcanic activity increased until it finally erupted several times in October to December. The government has prepared refuge pockets at the foot of Mount Agung, in areas that are not directly affected by eruption. There are 19 drilling plan points that will be carried out to meet the raw water needs at the evacuation site. This paper presents the groundwater recharge potential including the distribution of water sources, Hydrogeological conditions and the magnitude of groundwater recharge potential at hillside of Mount Agung and the surrounding area. The method used in this study is a field survey, calculation of potential recharge, analysis and evaluation of hydrogeological conditions, distribution of water sources and calculation of potential groundwater recharge. Groundwater at the foot of Mount Agung has the potential to be utilized and developed mainly to cover raw water needs in several refugee locations, namely in the Districts of Sidemen, Abang and Karangasem. The result of the analysis is that the largest groundwater potential is in Kubu Sub-District, namely 97,560,207 m3 / year, with a position that is relatively susceptible to primary hazards and secondary to Mount Agung eruption. For locations that are relatively safe and reachable in the area, they are in Tianyar, Sukadana, Baturinggit, Kubu, and Tulamben Villages, all of which are on the coast of the sea. These results are expected to be used by local governments in an effort to deal with the provision of water from the impact of the eruption of Mount Agung.
Bandung: Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2019
627 JTHID 10:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Ruteng , capital of Kabupaten manggarai, is situated in the river sediment basin between Poco Ranakan in the southeast and Poco Kuwus in the southwest, at an elevation of 1000 m above mean sea level (msl)....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Farms observational land agricultural (BPLP) BATAN lies at palasari's Village , Cipanas's district, Cianjur's regency, West Java.The currently used water resources, come from shallow well that groundwater's quality adverse, brownish rush colored, so indecent being utilized as source of fresh water....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Metti Utami
Abstrak :
Pantai Kuta Bali merupakan salah satu Daerah Tujuan Wisata di Indonesia yang amat terkenal di seluruh dunia. Pariwisata adalah salah satu industri yang merupakan penyumbang pajak terbesar (51,6%) kepada Pendapatan Asli Daerah Propinsi Bali. Semakin dikenalnya Kuta membuat perkembangan pembangunan di daerah ini melaju dengan sangat pesatnya. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara (wisman) dan wisatawan nusantara (wisnu) ke Kuta, semakin meningkat pula pembangunan sarana penunjang kebutuhan, wisatawan seperti hotel. restoran, transportasi, hiburan, serta sarana-sarana lainnya yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas pariwisata. Pariwisata adalah industri yang kelangsungan hidupnya sangat ditentukan oleh baik buruknya lingkungan (Soemarwoto, 2001). Industri ini sangat peka terhadap kerusakan lingkungan, misalnya pencemaran sumber air baku oleh limbah domestik, serta pencemaran tanah oleh sampah yang dihasilkan dari industri pariwisata tersebut. Semakin pesatnya pertumbuhan industri pariwisata menghasilkan limbah yang semakin meningkat pula. Begitu juga kebutuhan akan sumber daya air baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitas. Sarana pariwisata seperti hotel dan restoran membutuhkan air yang sangat banyak. Keterbatasan cakupan layanan air bersih oleh PDAM menimbulkan alternatif lain yang dipilih oleh masyarakat/pelaku industri pariwisata untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersihnya yaitu dengan mengambil air tanah. Bila pengambilan air tanah tidak sesuai dengan daya dukungnya, akan mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan muka air tanah, intrusi air laut. Penurunan kualitas air tanah akan terjadi akibat pencemaran limbah cair hasil dari industri pariwisata yang dibuang di lingkungan tanpa melalui pengelolaan yang semestinya. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka pertanyaan penelitian yang muncul adalah: 1) Bagaimanakah kualitas air tanah saat ini di Kuta, Bali? 2) Apakah ada pengaruh limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari industri pariwisata terhadap kualitas air tanah di Kuta, Bali? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Menganalisis kondisi kualitas air tanah di Kuta, Bali. 2) Menganalisis pengaruh limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari industri pariwisata terhadap kualitas air tanah di Kuta, Bali. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah volume limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh industri pariwisata mempengaruhi kualitas air tanah di Kuta Bali. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode penelitian adalah ex post facto dan survey. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah volume limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh industri pariwisata (hotel dan restoran), dan variabel terikatnya adalah kualitas air tanah. Analisis data dilakukan untuk: 1) Menghitung Indeks Mutu Kualitas Air Tanah dengan metode NSF-WQI (National Sanitation Foundation's Water Quality Index), serta membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan sampel air tanah dengan PP No.82 Tahun 2001 tentang pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air untuk Mutu Air berdasarkan kelas I; dan 2) Menguji hipotesis dengan uji korelasi dan regresi linier sederhana, untuk melihat hubungan dan pengaruh volume limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh industri pariwisata terhadap kualitas air tanah. Volume limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh industri pariwisata didapatkan dari jumlah konsumsi air bersih untuk hotel, yaitu 1000 liter/kamar/hari dan untuk restoran 5 liter/tempat duduk/hari (Bappeda Propinsi Bali,2000). jumlah konsumsi air bersih tersebut 70% akan terbuang dalam bentuk limbah (Metcal&Eddy, 1979). Konsumsi air bersih sangat tergantung pada jumlah kunjungan dan lama tinggal wisatawan yang menginap, sehingga diketahui jumlah kamar yang terpakai dalam setahun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan: 1) Kualitas air tanah pada tahun 2004 yang digunakan sebagai sumber air oleh industri pariwisata di Kuta sebagian telah tercemar bakteri coli, dan beberapa parameter melebihi Baku Mutu (BOD, COD, Fosfat). Keadaan ini terutama ditemukan pada lokasi pemantauan yang sarana sanitasinya tidak baik antara lain jarak sumber air (sumur) dengan resapan/septic tank kurang dari syarat sanitasi yang dianjurkan. Perhitungan Indeks Mutu Kualitas Air Tanah pada Tahun 2004 didapatkan hasil pada lima lokasi menunjukkan IMKA Tanah kategori sedang. Hal ini karena sarana pengolahan limbahnya hanya menggunakan septic tank dan jaraknya dengan sumber air kurang dari 15 meter. Lima lokasi pemantauan lainnya IMKA Tanah kategori baik, karena sarana pengolah limbahnya menggunakan IPAL dan resapan, serla jaraknya dengan sumber air lebih dan 15 meter. Hasil pemantauan selama 5 tahun dari tahun 1999 sampai tahun 2003, IMKA Tanah di Kuta Bali cenderung meningkat meskipun pada tahun 2000 sempat menurun. 2) Hasil pemantauan kualitas limbah cair yang dibuang di lingkungan pada tahun 2004 dari 10 titik pemantauan di semua lokasi menunjukkan hasil 6 dari 7 parameter yang dipantau berada di atas Baku Mutu (BOD, COD, TSS, NO3, PO4 dan conform). 3) Terdapat hubungan yang sangat .kuat antara volume limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas industri pariwisata (hotel dan restoran) dengan kualitas air tanah. Hubungan yang sangat kuat ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai koefisien korelasi (r = -0,937). Volume limbah cair yang dibuang ke lingkungan memberikan kontribusi sebesar 87,8% terhadap kualitas air tanah (r2 = 0,878). Semakin bertambahnya volume limbah cair yang dibuang ke lingkungan akan mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas air tanah. Hal ini sesuai dengan persamaan regresi linier sederhana yang dihasilkan yaitu, Y = 86,39 - 0,000016 X. Saran yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Pemda Kabupaten Badung agar secara aktif melakukan penyuluhan terhadap masyarakat dan pengusaha industri pariwisata, sehingga secara sadar mereka dapat menjaga fungsi kelestarian lingkungan terutama dalam perilaku membuang limbah ke lingkungan; 2) Menyediakan sarana pengolahan limbah terpadu (sistem duster atau komunal) untuk pengelolaan limbah cair hotel dan restoran di Kuta. Pemda ataupun pihak swasta dapat memfasilitasi dan mengelola sarana ini; 3) Melakukan pengawasan secara terpadu antar instansi terkait yang berwenang melakukan pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan limbah sehingga pemantauan kualitas limbah cair yang dihasilkan dapat diperketat; 4) Meningkatkan cakupan pelayanan air bersih oleh PDAM, dan menetapkan tarif air tanah melalui mekanisme disinsentif sehingga pelaku industri pariwisata tidak mengeksploitasi air tanah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersihnya; 5) Setiap pelaku industri pariwisata melakukan upaya minimisasi limbah dengan pembinaan dari instansi teknik terkait antara lain dengan cara penghematan konsumsi air sehingga volume limbah yang dihasilkan dapat ditekan pula; dan 6) Anjuran pembuatan sumur resapan terutama bagi industri pariwisata dan permukiman penduduk di wilayah Kuta.
Kuta Beach, Bali, is one of tourism destination in Indonesia which very famous in the world. Tourism is one of industry representing biggest tax contributor (51,6%) to original earnings of Bali Province. Progressively recognizing of Kuta makes development growth in this area is fast. Along with the increasing of foreign tourist and domestic tourist visit to Kuta, the requirement of tourist supporting medium (like hotels, restaurants, transportation, entertainment amusement; and the other medium related to tourism activities) development increases. Tourism is industry, which is the continuity of its life, is very determined by environmental quality (Soemarwoto, 2001). This industry is very sensitive to environmental damage, for example permanent water source contamination by domestic waste, and also the ground contamination by garbage yielded from the tourism industries. Fast progressively its industrial growth of tourism yield waste that progressively mounts also. So also the water resource requirement will be good from facet amount of and also quality. Tourism medium like restaurants and hotels require a lot of clean water service. Coverage limitation by PDAM generate alternative of other selected by tourism industrial society to fulfill the clean amount of water required is taken from ground water. When the usage of ground water is above carrying capacity, will result the happening of lowering ground water level, intrusion sea. Degradation of quality of ground water will be happened by effect of contamination of liquid waste of result of from industry of tourism, which is thrown in environment without treatment. Based on the background, the research questions are: 1) What will be quality of ground water in present time in Kuta, Bali? 2) Whether there is influence of liquid waste yielded from industry of tourism to quality of ground water in Kuta, Bali? Objectives of this research are: 1) to analyses condition of quality of ground water in Kuta, Bali; 2) to analyses influence of liquid waste yielded from industry of tourism to the ground water quality in Kuta, Bali. The research hypothesis is: volume of liquid waste yielded by tourism industry influences quality of ground water in Kuta Bali, with assumption of burden of waste yielded by is of equal, because representing domestic wastes having same characteristic. This research is descriptive with quantitative approach. The research method is ex post facto and survey. Independent variable in this research is volume of liquid waste yielded by tourism industry (hotel and restaurant), and the dependent variable is ground water quality. Data analyses conducted to: 1) calculating Index of Quality of Quality of Ground Water with NSF-WQI (National Sanitation Foundation's Water Quality Index) method, and compare result of inspection of sample of ground water with PP No. 82 of Year 2001 about Management of Water Quality and the Control on Water Contamination on Water quality of pursuant to class 1; 2) testing hypothesis with linear correlation and simple regression technique, to see relation and influence of volume of liquid waste yielded by industry of tourism to ground water quality. Volume of liquid waste yielded by tourism industry got from amount consumes clean water for the hotels, that is 1000 liters/room/day and for restaurants S liters/seat/day (Bappeda of Bali Province, 2000). 70 percents of clean water consumption castaway will in the form of waste (Metcal & Eddy, 1979). Clean water consumption very depended from tourist visits amount lodging and length of stays, is so that is known by the use rooms amount per year. Based on research result, the conclusions are: 1) Quality of ground water in the year 2004 which is used as by a source disposal by tourism industries in Kuta of some of have been contaminated bacterium coli, and some parameters exceed standard of quality (BOD, COD, phosphate). This circumstance is especially found at monitoring location which bad sanitation medium for example distance between (well) and septic tank less than suggested sanitation condition. Calculation of quality index of ground water in the year 2004 got by result of at five locations show medium quality index of ground water category. This matter because its waste processing medium only use its septic tank distance and with source irrigate less than 15 meters. Five other monitoring locations of good quality index of ground water category, because its waste processor medium use IPAL diffusion and its distance with source irrigate more than 15 meters. Result of monitoring of during 5 year from year 1999 until year 2003, quality index of ground water in Kuta, Bali tend to increase though decrease in the year 2000; 2) Result of monitoring quality of liquid waste which thrown in environment in the year 2004 from 10 monitoring points in all location show result that 6 from 7 parameters watched reside in for standard of quality (BOD, COD, TSS, NO3, PO4, and conform; 3) There are very strong relation between volume of liquid waste yielded from tourism industrial activity (restaurants and hotels) with ground water quality. This very strong relation shown by correlation coefficient (r = - 0.937). Volume of liquid waste which thrown to environment give contribution of equal to 87.8°Io to ground water quality (r2=0.878). Progressively increase it volume of liquid waste which thrown to environment will result downhill it the ground water quality. This matter as according to linear simple regression yielded by that is: Y=86.39-0.000016.X. Recommendations raised in this research are: 1) Local government of Badung Regency actively conducts counseling to tourism industrial entrepreneur and society, so that consciously is they can take care of environmental conservation function especially in behavior throw away waste to environment; 2) Providing integrated waste processing medium (system cluster or communal) for management of liquid waste of restaurants and hotels in Kuta. Local government and private sectors can facilitate and manage this medium; 3) Doing integrated control between related institutions in charge conduct control to waste management so that the monitoring quality of liquid waste yielded by tight earn; 4) Improving clean water service coverage by PDAM, and cost determination of ground water should be through disincentive mechanism, so that the tourism industrial agents do not exploit ground water to fulfill the clean amount of water required it; 5) Every tourism industrial agents conduct effort to minimize waste with construction from related technique institution for example by saving consume water so that the waste volume yielded can be depressed; and 6) Recommendation for tourism industry (hotel and restaurant) and human settlement at Kuta area are making a recharging well.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristianti Utomo
Abstrak :
Pengelolaan sampah perkotaan di Indonesia tidak dapat lepas dari peran Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Salah satu TPA sampah yang menerapkan sistem sanitary landfill adalah TPST Bantargebang. Perencanaan TPST Bantargebang sudah sesuai dengan prosedur perlakuan landfill, namun pemeliharaan dan monitoring yang dilaksanakan pengelola TPST belum sempurna karena Undi masih keluar dari lingkungan TPST. Peningkatan kinerja lingkungan IPAS IV TPST Bantargebang sangat diperlukan sehingga efluen yang dihasilkan dapat memenuhi standar baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan ke lingkungan dapat diminimalkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja IPAS IV dalam hal mengolah Undi; menganalisis pengaruh Undi pada kualitas air sumur penduduk; menganalisis pengaruh Undi pada Sungai Gketing-Sumur Batu. Penelitian untuk mengetahui kualitas Undi dan efisiensi bak pengolahan Undi dilakukan di inlet, outlet, dan masing-masing bak yang ada di IPAS IV. Penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Undi terhadap kualitas air sungai dilakukan di sepanjang Kali Ciketing dan Kali Sumur Batu. Penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Undi terhadap kualitas air sumur penduduk dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel sumur penduduk yang masih digunakan penduduk untuk keperluan sehari-hari dan berada di sekitar lokasi TPST Bantargebang. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan persentase penyisihan yang dicapai oleh IPAS TV untuk beberapa parameter kunci masih belum optimal, yaitu SS sebesar 43,78%, COD sebesar 78%, BOD sebesar 76,2%, dan ammonia sebesar 96,06%. Parameter utama yang lain, misalnya nitrit, nitrat, dan besi setelah pengolahan di IPAS IV nilainya bertambah besar. Parameter utama Undi yang mencemari air sungai adalah SS, nitrat, nitrit, COD, dan BOD. Parameter utama Undi yang mencemari air sumur adalah SS, pH, nitrat, dan besi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kinerja pengolahan IPAS IV TPST Bantargebang masih belum optimal. ......Treatment system of urban waste in Indonesia related to Municipal Waste Disposal Site (MWDS). One of MWDS that used sanitary /andfill system is MWDS Bantargebang. MWDS Bantargebang planning has been same with /andfill procedure, but maintenance and monitoring by MWDS manager does not good because leachate still goes outof MWDS area that will be impacted to stream water guaiity and soil water guaiity in around MWDS. Considering the bad impact that was caused, the improvement environment efficiency of leachate treatment plant (LTP) IV is really needed, so efhuent that was produced could pass the Standard o f guaiity that was determined and the Impact could minimized. The goals of this thesis are to know the efficiency of Leachate Treatment Plant IV MWDS Bantargebang to threat leachate, to anafyze the impact of leachate for soil water guaiity especially ground water in around MWDS Bantargebang, and to analyze the impact of leachate for stream water guaiity (Ciketing-Sumur Batu River). The researches of leachate guaiity and the leachate treatment units efficiency located in inlet, outiet, and each unit in Leachate Treatment Plant IV MWDS Bantargebang. The research of leachate impact to stream water guaiity located in throughout Ciketing and Sumur Batu River. The research of leachate impact to soil water guaiity especially ground water by doing take a ground water sample that still in used for dally purpose and located in around MWDS Bantargebang. Calculation result shown the percentage of eliminab'on that was reached by LTP IV for several key parameters still not yet optimal, such as SS is 43,78%, COD is 77,9%, BOD is 76,2%, and ammonia is 96,06%. The value ofthe other parameter, such as nitrit, nitrate, and ferro became increased after treated in LTP IV. The main leachate parameter that pollute the stream water are SS, nitrate, nitrit, COD, and BOD. The main leachate parameters that pollute the ground water are SS, pH, nitrate, and ferro. The conclusions o f this research are the Leachate Treatment Plant IV efficiency is still not yet optimized. LTP IV cannot decllne pollutant load as expected due to lack of installation support to the leachate load.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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