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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Depkes. RI, 2000
613.042 4 IND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kolander, Cheryl A.
Abstrak :
Emphasizes health promotion and the impact of multicultural and diversity issues on women's health. This text is written from a woman-centered perspective and offers discussions on a range of female-centric topics including feminism and women's health movement, global issues in women's health, and health concerns specific to diverse populations
Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2014
613.042 44 KOL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miller, Mary Ann
Boston: Little, Brown, 1983
618.200 246 MIL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wolff, Jonathan
Abstrak :
The universal declaration of human rights -- The human right to health and its critics -- HIV/AIDS and the human right to health -- Problems and prospects -- What’s next?
New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2012
362.1 WOL h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robinson, James, 1943-
New York: Delmar, 2011
613.044 3 ROB c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alexander, Linda Lewis
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014
613.042 44 NEW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Arus urbanisasi yang masuk ke kota Jakarta dalam tiga dasawarsa terakhir ini dirasakan meningkat dengan pesat.. Sedangkan perencanaan kota Jakarta belum secara rinci tertata, di samping itu perangkat pengawasan pembangunan kota juga masih dirasakan kurang memadai. Ketiga hal tadi mengakibatkan tumbuhnya banyak kawasan tak terencana (unplanned area). Kawasan ini kekurangan fasilitas umum namun padat penduduknya, sehingga menjadi kawasan kumuh dan telah melampaui batas daya dukung lingkungannya. Program perbaikan Kampung Proyek Muhamad Husni Thamrin merupakan upaya Pemerintah dalam menaikkan kualitas lingkungan yang telah cenderung menurun akhir-akhir ini serta meningkatkan pembangunan manusia seutuhnya. Dalam bidang sanitasi lingkungan, Pemerintah telah banyak membangun MCK. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengkomunalkan sarana mandi, cuci, dan kakus agar limbahnya mudah dikendalikan dan pencemaran lingkungan dapat dibatasi, serta memudahkan pengadaan air bersih (PAM).Di samping itu juga untuk melestarikan budaya mandi bersama, seperti di daerah asal mereka. Kawasan yang padat penduduknya, umumnya luas rumah di bawah luas hunian baku per jiwa. Hal ini mengakibatkan sulitnya mencari ruang untuk lokasi sumur maupun kakus. Kawasan itu terutama dihuni oleh warga masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah, yang cenderung tidak dapat menyisihkan sebagian pendapatannya untuk membangun kakus atau kamar mandi sendiri. Apalagi mereka belum mendapatkan penyuluhan tentang sanitasi lingkungan, yang mempunyai kaitan erat dengan kualitas air tanah. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, dilakukan pengamatan dan wawancara yang terstruktur dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pemanfaatan sarana komunal pembuangan tinja dan kaitannya dengan kepadatan, pendapatan, pembuangan limbah sabun serta pola penggunaan air. Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah : (i) Bagaimana warga masyarakat mengelola MCK untuk mencapai sasaran pembangunannya ? (ii) Apakah MCK yang dimaksud telah sesuai dengan upaya untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan warga masyarakat ? Untuk itu dirumuskan suatu hipotesis bahwa 1. Pola pemanfaatan sarana komunal pembuangan tinja akan bermanfaat apabila berada di tengah lingkungan permukiman yang padat dan masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. 2. Pola pembuangan limbah sabun tidak akan berbeda antara sebelum dengan setelah pembangunan MCK. 3. Pola pengambilan air tanah dangkal oleh penduduk akan berbeda antara sebelum dengan setelah pembangunan MCK. Hipotesis dimaksud perlu diuji dan dianalisis secara statistik.dengan menggunakan Chi-square, guna membuktikan kebenaran hipotesis dimaksud. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (i) dari 19 MCK yang diteliti telah dapat dimanfaatkan oleh warga masyarakat; (ii) tingkat kepadatan, tingkat pendapatan serta tingkat pendidikan warga masyarakat di sekeliling MCK mempengaruhi pemanfaatan aarana komunal pembuangan tinja; (iii) tingkat pendidikan dan penghasilan warga masyarakat mempengaruhi pengambilan air tanah dangkal, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kebutuhan akan kakus perorangan; (iv) adanya MCK tidak mempengaruhi pengadaan sumur pampa disekelilingnya serta tidak mengurangi pencemaran air permukaan akibat pembuangan limbah sabun. Hasil penelitian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembuatan MCK telah menunjukkan hasilguna walaupun belum berdayaguna secara optimal. Untuk mendapatkan dayaguna yang optimal dirasakan perlu untuk meninjau kembali rancang bangun MCK dan mengajak masyarakat ikut berperan serta dalam rekayasanya. Selain itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang rekayasa tangki terpadu untuk menampung limbah sabun dan tinja. Upaya ini bertujuan mencari alternatif mengurangi dan menghilangkan pencemarannya terhadap air permukaan dan lingkungan hidup.
ABSTRACT The very rapid growth of the Jakarta population within the last three decades necessitates solutions to accommodate them in the form of decent settlement including infrastructure and new employments. However, appropriate detailed city planning is not yet available. Those factors led to unplanned accommodations in areas lacking in public facilities. Hence, it became densely populated areas and finally degraded into slum area that had exceeded its carrying capacity. The Jakarta city government had introduced Kampung Improvement Program (KIP), as one of a number of activities for improving the deteriorating environmental quality in the slum areas and for the improvement of total human development. In the sector of environmental sanitation, a lot of public latrines (MCK's) have already been built, both by the Municipal Government of DKI Jakarta and by self-help of the community. The objectives of these MCKs is to communalize public bathing, washing and toilet facilities under one roof and also localizing human and detergent waste disposal to mini mite ground water and soil pollution. The MCK's have been provided with treated water and also used as a place for communication with one another by all users of the facility. At the densely populated slum area, the floors of most of the houses are below the standard. That is why it is hard to find an open space to build a sanitary latrine and to install a shallow well pump. This slum area is inhabited by the low-income people, so they are not able to save part of their income to build a toilet, and also unable to install a private shallow well pump. They have not got any health education concerning environmental sanitation including ground water quality. This research was done to gather information on the correlation between usage of communal human waste disposal and the population characteristics, level of spatial density, income and formal education, detergent waste and pattern of water usage by the people_ Main research problems investigated are: (i) how the slum dwellers manage the MCKs in order to achieve the objective? (ii) Whether the MCK are appropriate for the improvement welfare of the slum dwellers ? Based on those problems, the research hypotheses were formulated as follows: 1. Usage of the MCKs can be obtained and optimal zed, if the MCKs were placed around houses of those with low income. 2. There is no difference in the condition of deter-gent waste, before and after the MCKs were built. 3. There were differences concerning the pattern of surface water use by the slum dwellers before and after the MCKs were built. This research is designed as a descriptive research. Primary data were gathered using structured questionnaire from those people who are using the 19 MCKs located in Kelurahan Petamburan, the administrative area of Central Jakarta. Analysis were done statistically using the Chi-square methods to test the above mentioned hypotheses. Several important results of the analysis, were as follows: 1. The 19 MCKs had fulfilled their objective, based on the answers from the majority of respondents, who had expressed satisfaction in using the MCKs. 2. The level of MCK's usage was affect by the spatial density and their level of formal education and in-come. 3. Exploitation of groundwater was affect by the level of income and formal education of the slum dwellers. 4. Needs for private toilets were not affect by the level of income and formal education of the dwellers. 5. The existence of the MCKs had not affected the building of the well around the MCKs. 6. The existence of the MCKs didn't affect groundwater pollution caused by detergent waste. In general, the results of the research analysis indicated that the MCK was very useful for the slum dweller. To obtain the optimum results, the MCK still needs improvement in its design. In this matter, more involvement of the slum dwellers as MCK`s users is required in the design phase which would be a helpful input. To seek other alternatives in order to eliminate the groundwater pollution, further research is needed in the future on the design of tanks for both the detergent waste and human feces container.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlita Tantri
Abstrak :
Surabaya was one of the important cities in the Netherlands Indies since the nineteenth century. However as a coastal city, which had many potential plantations, busiest business districts & port,naval based, and defense area, Surabaya also faced annual flood problem in rainy season. So, what were the cause and the ipact of the flood problem in surabaya? What was the Dutch colonial goverment done to overcome flood and its impact? What was he Dutch.s motive on its efforts? This paper would like to know the Dutch colonial.s flood contorol in surabaya city from 1906 to 1942 and its motivation. As a historical study, this paper user literature study that is started from the colonial period. Finally, food control was necassary for surabaya where may ethnics and important economic activities based which needed good infrasturctures, and healty environment. Therefore, flood as the source of diseases and inconvenience had to be eradicated from the influential city.
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya, 2017
PATRA 18:2 (2017)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlita Tantri
Abstrak :
Surabaya was one of the important cities in the Netherlands Indies since the nineteenth century. However as a coastal city, which had many potential plantations, busiest business districts & port, naval based, and defense area. Surabaya also faced annual flood problem in rainy season. So what were the cause and the impact of the flood problem in Surabaya? What was the Dutch colonial government done to overcome flood an its impact? What was the Dutch motive on its efforts? This paper would like to know the Dutch colonial.s flood control in Surabaya city from 1906 to 1942 and its motivation. As a historical study, this paper uses the colonial literature study that is started from the colonial period. Finally, flood control was necessary for Surabaya where many ethnics and important economic activities based which needed good infrastructures and healthy environment. Therefore, flood as the source of diseases and inconvenience had to be eradicated from the influential city.
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Yogyakarta, 2017
959 PATRA 18:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saltman, Deborah
Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991
613.042 4 SAL w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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