ABSTRAKGreen diesel merupakan bahan bakar generasi kedua dari biofuel yang menggunakan minyak nabati. Bahan baku yang dipilih adalah minyak nyamplung yang memiliki kadar minyak 50 hingga 70%. Green diesel ini diharapkan dapat menyamai bahakan melebihi petroleum diesel dengan keunggulan angka setana dan impurities yang lebih rendah, juga memiliki spesifikasi yang minimal sama dengan petroleum diesel yang ada saat ini. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk mensintesis green diesel yaitu metode hidrodeoksigenasi dengan menggunakan katalis NiMo/Zeolit dengan bahan baku minyak nyamplung. Kondisi operasi yang digunakan yaitu pada tekanan 12 bar dan variasi suhu operasi yang digunakan yaitu 350oC, 375oC dan 385oC. Hasilnya didapat bahwa Kondisi operasi optimal dicapai pada suhu 375oC dan tekanan 12 bar dengan spesifikasi green diesel yang didapatkan memiliki densitas 0,829 g/cm3, viskositas 0,344 Cp, dan indeks setana 63. Selanjutnya penelitian ini dapat lebih disempurnakan lagi untuk mendapatkan konversi yang lebih tinggi.
ABSTRACTGreen diesel is a second generation biofuel that being converge from 100% vegetable oil. The raw material that chosen is an oil that being produced from Calophyllum inophyllum seed that have oil content between 50 and 70%. Green diesel hypothised to be in par with petroleum diesel and have higher cetane number and fewer impurities. Moreover, at least, have a minimum specification as same as petroleum diesel. The method that being used to synthesize green diesel is hydrodeoxygenation method using NiMo/Zeoilt as catalyst. In this research, the operation condition that being applied is the pressure at 12 bar and temperature at 350oC, 375oC dan 385oC. the result shows that the optimum Operaton condition is temperature at 375oC and pressure at 12 bar. the specification of green diesel density at 0,829 g/cm3, viscosity at 0,344 cSt, dan cetane number 63. In the future this research can be perfected in order to get a higher conversion, yield and selectivity of product., Green diesel is a second generation biofuel that being converge from 100% vegetable oil. The raw material that chosen is an oil that being produced from Calophyllum inophyllum seed that have oil content between 50 and 70%. Green diesel hypothised to be in par with petroleum diesel and have higher cetane number and fewer impurities. Moreover, at least, have a minimum specification as same as petroleum diesel. The method that being used to synthesize green diesel is hydrodeoxygenation method using NiMo/Zeoilt as catalyst. In this research, the operation condition that being applied is the pressure at 12 bar and temperature at 350oC, 375oC dan 385oC. the result shows that the optimum Operaton condition is temperature at 375oC and pressure at 12 bar. the specification of green diesel density at 0,829 g/cm3, viscosity at 0,344 cSt, dan cetane number 63. In the future this research can be perfected in order to get a higher conversion, yield and selectivity of product.]"