ABSTRAKBerdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh berbagai peneliti menunjukkan bahwa kandungan teripang tinggi akan nutrisi-nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh seperti protein, polisakarida, lemak, asam amino dan menunjukkan aktivitas anti bakteri, anti fungi dan anti oksidan yang sangat baik untuk tubuh. Melihat keterangan
di atas, suplemen dengan bahan dasar teripang dapat menghasilkan suplemen yang kaya nutrisi. Jenis suplemen dengan bahan dasar yang sama telah muncul di negara Malaysia dengan spesies Stichopus variegatus dengan bentuk jelly. Pada penelitian ini penulis akan membuat suplemen dengan bahan dasar teripang yang paling sering
ditemui di Indonesia yaitu Holoturia scabra dengan bentuk yang sama dan akan melakukan uji identifikasi kandungan serta melakukan uji aktivitas anti bakteri, anti fungi dan anti oksidan Hasil protein yang didapat adalah Jelly terbuat dari 35% hidrolisat, 45% air, 15% gelatin dan 5% gula. Hasil protein sampel jelly 5.1% dan
sampel komersil 0.175%, hasil lemak sampel jelly 0.03% dan sampel komersial 0.06% dan hasil karbohidrat sampel jelly 2.6% dan sampel komersial 2.9%. Uji antioksidan dan antimikroba pun menunjukkan bahwa jelly teripang buatan memiliki aktivitas lebih tinggi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa jelly teripang memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang baik dan aktivitas anti oksidan dan anti mikroba yang baik pula.
ABSTRACTSea cucumber is known for their low cholesterol and high protein content that has good effect for human health. Based on the research done before, sea cucumber is proved to have the essential nutrition needed for human body such as proteins, polysaccharides, fat acid, amino acid and shows anti bacteria, anti fungi and anti oxidant activity that is useful in maintaining human health. Making supplement from sea cucumber is a very ideal choice. The same type of supplement with Stichopus variagetus as the ingredient has been produced commercialy by Malaysia. In this research, the product produced will be a supplement in the form of jelly made from
Holothuria scabra and the product will go through several content identification process such as protein, carbohidrate and fat acid amount. Also there will be anti bacteria, anti fungi and anti oxidant activity of the sample and the commercial product from Malaysia. The ingredients for the jelly are 35% sea cucumber hydrolisate, 45% water, 15% gelatine dan 5% sugar. The protein content in sea cucumber jelly sample (sample 1) is 5.1% and in commercial product sample (sample 2) is 0.0175%. The fatty acid content for sample 1 is 0.03% and for sample 2 is 0.06%. The carbohydrate content for sample 1 is 2.6% and for sample 2 is 2.9%. The results for anti oxidant
and anti microbial activity test shows high activity for the sea cucumber jelly made. We can conclude that the jelly made has great nutritions and also high activity in antioxidant and anti microbes., Sea cucumber is known for their low cholesterol and high protein content that has
good effect for human health. Based on the research done before, sea cucumber is
proved to have the essential nutrition needed for human body such as proteins,
polysaccharides, fat acid, amino acid and shows anti bacteria, anti fungi and anti
oxidant activity that is useful in maintaining human health. Making supplement from
sea cucumber is a very ideal choice. The same type of supplement with Stichopus
variagetus as the ingredient has been produced commercialy by Malaysia. In this
research, the product produced will be a supplement in the form of jelly made from
Holothuria scabra and the product will go through several content identification
process such as protein, carbohidrate and fat acid amount. Also there will be anti
bacteria, anti fungi and anti oxidant activity of the sample and the commercial product
from Malaysia. The ingredients for the jelly are 35% sea cucumber hydrolisate, 45%
water, 15% gelatine dan 5% sugar. The protein content in sea cucumber jelly sample
(sample 1) is 5.1% and in commercial product sample (sample 2) is 0.0175%. The
fatty acid content for sample 1 is 0.03% and for sample 2 is 0.06%. The carbohydrate
content for sample 1 is 2.6% and for sample 2 is 2.9%. The results for anti oxidant
and anti microbial activity test shows high activity for the sea cucumber jelly made.
We can conclude that the jelly made has great nutritions and also high activity in
antioxidant and anti microbes.]"