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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Setya Widiana
Abstrak :
Konversi hutan lindung semakin meningkat seiring dengan berkembangnya pembangunan nasional yang memanfaatkan lahan hutan untuk kebutuhan energi listrik dari sumber energi yang terbarukan. Kondisi hutan lindung yang memiliki kemiringan lereng 45O dan fungsi hidrologisnya merupakan potensi PLTA yang menjanjikan sehingga banyak pengembang melakukan pembangunan PLTA pada kawasan hutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada rencana pembangunan PLTA Tumbuan Mamuju di Kabupaten Mamuju. Kabupaten Mamuju adalah salah satu Kabupaten di Indonesia yang berfungsi sebagai Kawasan Strategis Konservasi Nasional akan tetapi pada kenyataan dilapangan tutupan lahan pada hutan lindung Kabupaten Mamuju telah beralih fungsi sebagai kebun dan pemukiman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik fisik, dan kondisi sosial ekonomi Kabupaten mamuju, mengidentifikasi alih fungsi hutan lindung Kabupaten mamuju, dan menentukan strategi pengendalian alih fungsi hutan lindung Kabupaten Mamuju. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan analisis skoring dan analisis spasial dengan ArcGIS 10.1 dan Analitycal Hierarchi Proses. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah karakteristik fisik berupa jenis vegetasi pada wilayah penelitian termasuk hutan sekunder campuran dengan kemiringan lereng di dominasi oleh katagori curam dan jenis tanah didominasi jenis tanah Podsolik, dan intensitas hujan termasuk dalam katagori sangat rendah. Kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat di kawasan hutan lindung Kabupaten Mamuju sebanyak 91 adalah petani. Identifikasi alih fungsi hutan lindung dengan skor 150 dengan luasan 190 Ha telah dikatagorikan sebagai kawasan non-lindung. Strategi pengendalian alih fungsi hutan lindung berdasarkan judgment dari para responden adalah dengan hutan kemayarakatan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam menganalisis kebijakan terkait dengan konversi hutan lindung berbasis partisipasi masyarakat. ...... Conversion of protected forests increasing in line with the growth of national development that utilizes forest land for electricity demand from renewable energy sources. The condition of protected forest that has slope of 45O and its hydrological function is a promising hydropower potential so that many developers undertake hydropower development in forest area. This research was conducted on the construction of PLTA Tumbuan Mamuju in Mamuju District. Mamuju Regency is one of the districts in Indonesia that functions as a National Conservation Strategic Area but in fact the field of land cover in protected forest of Mamuju Regency has changed function as garden and settlement. The purpose of this research is to know the physical characteristic, and socio economic condition of mamuju Regency, to identify the transfer function of protected forest of mamuju regency, and to determine the strategy of controlling the transfer of protected forest function of Mamuju Regency. The method used is by using scoring analysis and spatial analysis with ArcGIS 10.1 and Analitycal Hierarchi Process. The result is physical characteristic in the form of vegetation type in research area including mixed secondary forest with slope dominated by steep category and soil type dominated Podsolic soil type, and rain intensity is included in very low category. The socioeconomic condition of the community in protected forest area of Mamuju Regency is 91 is farmers. The identification of the protected forest conversion with a score of 150 with an area of 190 Ha has been categorized as a non protected forest area. The strategy control of protected forest conversion based on the judgment of the respondents is with the social forestry. This research is expected to contribute in analyzing policies related to the protection forests conversion based on community participation.
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rumahorbo, Rony Parulian
Abstrak :
Tingginya kebutuhan listrik pada masyarakat untuk pemenuhannya membutuhkan sumber daya air, dikarenakan air di Indonesia sangat melimpah. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya perlu pengaturan terhadap pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga air (PLTA) yang masuk ke dalam energi baru terbarukan (EBT). Adapun kondisi pemerintah yang masih terbatas sehingga dibutuhkan kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan swasta. Wawasan lingkungan sering kali dilanggar oleh swasta/PLTA dan dapat berpotensi menimbulkan permasalahan dalam ketersediaan sumber daya air untuk masyarakat. Jadi oleh karena itu perlu dilihat bagaimana jalan keluar yang harus dibuat oleh pemerintah. Pembahasan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yakni: pertama, pengaturan pemanfaatan energi baru terbarukan sumber daya air dalam pembangunan PLTA Batang Toru Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan. Kedua, pemanfaatan air sebagai energi baru terbarukan dan dampaknya bagi masyarakat dalam pembangunan PLTA Batang Toru yang kepemilikan mayoritasnya swasta. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yakni doktrinal. Penelitian doktrinal menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data dasar dengan melakukan penelitian dan di dukung oleh data primer melalui wawancara kepada pihak terkait. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dalam perkembangan regulasi EBT SDA di Indonesia dan Daerah belum sepenuhnya diatur, serta berorientasi pada aspek kemanfaatan EBT. Regulasi yang memengaruhi pelaksanaan EBT perlu disesuaikan dan diubah sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatan EBT, khususnya PLTA sebagai penghasil listrik yang beasal dari air. Listrik dan air adalah cabang produksi yang menyangkut hajat hidup orang banyak, oleh karena itu kekayaan alam harus dikuasai oleh negara sesuai dengan Pasal 33 ayat 3 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Adapun saran yang ditawarkan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah perlu meninjau kembali terkait aspek keekonomian pada sektor EBT, perlu dilakukan perninjauan kembali terhadap kontrak-kontrak PT PLN – IPP, pemerintah perlu dengan cermat melihat dampak pembangunan PLTA bagi masyarakat dalam serta menyoroti kepemilikan mayoritas cabang produksi yang menyangkut hidup orang banyak. ......The high demand for electricity in society to fulfill it requires water resources, because water in Indonesia is very abundant. However, in practice it is necessary to regulate the development of hydroelectric power plants (PLTA) which are included in the new renewable energy (EBT). The condition of the government is still limited so that cooperation between the government and the private sector is needed. Environmental awareness is often violated by the private sector/PLTA and can potentially cause problems in the availability of water resources for the community. So therefore it is necessary to see how the solution must be made by the government. The discussion of the problems in this study are: first, regulation of the utilization of new renewable energy in water resources in the construction of the Batang Toru hydropower plant, South Tapanuli Regency. Second, the use of water as a new renewable energy and its impact on the community in the construction of the Batang Toru hydropower plant, which is majority owned by the private sector. In this study the method used is doctrinal. Doctrinal research uses secondary data as basic data by conducting research and is supported by primary data through interviews with related parties. This study concludes that in the development of regulations on Natural Resources EBT in Indonesia and the Regions it has not been fully regulated, and is oriented towards aspects of the benefits of EBT. Regulations that affect the implementation of EBT need to be adjusted and changed so as to increase the utilization of EBT, especially hydropower as a producer of electricity derived from water. Electricity and water are branches of production that concern the livelihoods of many people, therefore natural resources must be controlled by the state in accordance with Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution. The suggestions offered from the results of this study are that it is necessary to review the economic aspects of the EBT sector, it is necessary to review PT PLN - IPP contracts, the government needs to carefully look at the impact of hydropower development on the community and highlight the ownership of the majority of production branches which concern the lives of many people.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Helmi Fauzan Abdillah
Abstrak :
This study investigated the optimum value of Archimedes Screw Turbine (AST) performance by taking into account blades number. This paper also addressed the design approach based on a fixed incline angle of 30°, where this paper also addressed the design approach. Variations of the single and double blades were experimentally carried out concerning the turbine power output, torque, and rotation speed. This study's aim was related to the optimum power output between two blade variations, while the manufacturing and design steps were addressed as well. In the design process, the obtained blade length dimension was 0.180 m and 0.269 m for the single and double blades. Furthermore, the overall turbine's length was 1.7m, and the inner and outer of the turbine's radius were 0.069m and 0.128m. Meanwhile, the manufacturing process began with turbine modeling, plate cutting, plate withdrawal (thread formation), welding, and attained finishing process. Based on the experimental result, a double blade turbine generated turbine power by 48.8W at an average rotational speed of 115.3 rpm. Moreover, a single blade turbine produced 37.5W with turbine power averaging a rotational speed of 109.8 rpm. It was obtained that the values of turbine efficiency were 42% and 38% for double and single turbine types, respectively. Based on this finding, it can be suggested that a double blade was more efficient than a single one. This study is beneficial for the design consideration of the AST system.
Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (P3M) STTA, 2022
620 JIA XIV:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bolaji Fatai Sule
Abstrak :
Small hydropower has been found to have a positive effect on the quality of life of rural dwellers in numerous ways. It provides a wide range of services, such as improved lighting; energy for small industries, schools, computer and communication service centers, clinics, and entertainment centers; and operations of a range of domestic and light industrial appliances. Nigeria has many dams built for irrigation and water supply, but these may still have the potential for other uses. One such dam is the Doma dam in north central Nigeria. The dam has a live storage of 30 Mm3 and a yearly average inflow of 114 Mm3. This study is a hydrological investigation concerning the possibility of using the dam for power generation. An artificial neural network model, as automated in ALYUDA Forecaster XL, was used to extend the available streamflow record at the dam site. Thereafter, a reservoir yield–capacity analysis was carried out by maximizing the unknown releases subject to storage capacity constraints. The sequent peak algorithm was used to establish the real storage needed to meet the primary demands, including ecological releases and evaporation losses. The results showed that the maximum monthly yield from the reservoir is 6.56 Mm3, while the storage required to satisfy the dam’s primary functions is 12.07 Mm3. This means that there is 16.93 Mm3 of monthly excess stored water, or 6.53 m3/s, which can be used for other purposes, such as electricity generation. Considering 50%, 75%, and 100% usage of the excess stored water with a head of 20 m, the power potentials were found to be 0.51 MW, 0.77 MW, and 1.03 MW, respectively. It is expected that providing 2×500 kW Kaplan turbines to operate for 12 hours a day will deliver between 2.0 and 4.0 GWh of energy yearly to the immediate communities in the Doma local government area.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haeqal Gielbran Arif
Abstrak :
Lanskap energi Indonesia siap untuk bertransformasi, dimana pembangkit listrik tenaga air menjadi komponen penting dalam transisi menuju energi terbarukan. Pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga air mini, khususnya, menawarkan potensi besar dalam menghasilkan energi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun penilaian terhadap proyek-proyek tersebut penuh dengan ketidakpastian karena rentan terhadap berbagai risiko dan faktor eksternal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Value at Risk (VAR), yang menggabungkan Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) dan Simulasi Monte Carlo, untuk mengukur nilai fasilitas pembangkit listrik tenaga mini hidro di Koro Kabalo. Dengan menganalisis dampak berbagai skenario terhadap nilai fasilitas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang risiko dan ketidakpastian yang terlibat dalam penilaian proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga air. Temuan ini menyoroti peran penting laju aliran air dalam menentukan nilai fasilitas dan menggarisbawahi pentingnya mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor risiko dalam proses penilaian. Studi ini berkontribusi pada pengembangan model penilaian yang lebih kuat dan akurat untuk proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga air, yang pada akhirnya memberikan informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi dan pengambilan kebijakan di sektor energi. ......Indonesia's energy landscape is poised for transformation, with hydropower emerging as a crucial component in the transition to renewable energy. The development of mini hydropower plants, in particular, offers significant potential for energy generation and economic growth. However, the valuation of these projects is fraught with uncertainty, as they are susceptible to various risks and external factors. This study employs the Value at Risk (VAR) approach, combining Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Monte Carlo Simulation, to quantify the value of a mini hydropower plant facility in Koro Kabalo. By analysing the impact of different scenarios on the facility's value, this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the risks and uncertainties involved in hydropower project valuation. The findings highlight the critical role of water flow rate in determining the facility's value and underscore the importance of considering multiple risk factors in the valuation process. This study contributes to the development of more robust and accurate valuation models for hydropower projects, ultimately informing investment decisions and policy-making in the energy sector.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Supriyadi
Abstrak :
The Role of an Engineer in Accelerating the Progress of a Hydroelectric Power Construction Project (PLTA) in Indonesia (Case Study of Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.'S Hydroelectric Power Projects)Indonesia is well endowed with hydropower potential, which is renewable and indigenous energy, with natural support of ample rainfall. The construction of hydropower (PLTA) will conserve the exportable resources such as oil, natural gas and coal, and thus contribute to Indonesia's foreign exchange earnings. The fact that the hydroelectric power is a kind of complex and diversified project involving many parties within the limited space and management, then the presence of a qualified consulting engineer is required to ensure that the Project be completed to quality, to time and to cost. Selecting a consultant is one of the most important decisions an owner or client makes. The success of the Project often depends on obtaining the most able, experienced, and reputable consulting firm. The procurement of a consulting engineer is merely based on the following 3 (three) principal categories: (a) Experience in similar projects (20 % weight) ; (b) Approach and methodology (30 % weight) ; (c) Qualification and competence of the personnel proposed (50 % weight). These categories justify the qualification of a consulting firm selected. This thesis investigates the relationship between the qualification of a consulting engineer supervising the construction of a hydroelectric power and its progress. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., being the first private independent consulting firm in Japan established in 1946, was selected as the consulting firm with samples of projects including Tanggari-II, Besai, Renun and Musi Hydroelectric Power. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. has been involved over a long period of time in the development of a number of hydroelectric power projects in Indonesia providing extensive accumulated experience and knowledge therefrom. The required data (secondary data) was obtained from the Monthly Progress Report. The progress of the Project was easily noted from the "S-Curve" and the quality of the Consultant was reflected in the Manning Schedule. Other variables such as productivity level of each expert, the role of Owner and Contractor, and procurement method were assumed to be constant. SPSS 7.5 for Windows was used to run the data for regression analysis. The result yielded a significant relationship in the form of a positive correlation between quality of the Consultant and progress of the Project. It is, therefore, justifiable to conclude that the more qualified consulting firm will positively accelerate the completion of the hydroelectric power projects in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Ramot Mangihut
Abstrak :
Gangguan breakdown dan kerusakan pada transformator daya dapat menyebabkan terganggunya ketersediaan listrik pada jaringan dan kerugian finansial bagi perusahaan. Kondisi fisik dari transformator daya tidak dapat dinyatakan sebagai bahan evaluasi yang didasarkan pada inspeksi visual. Parameter operasi dan pengukuran elektrikal tiap komponen peralatan dapat menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda sehingga harus dilakukan beberapa pengujian untuk melihat kondisi transformator secara menyeluruh. Transformator daya PLTU unit 4 pada Unit Pembangkit Muara Karang telah melebihi useful life dari yang telah direkomendasikan. Kenaikan temperatur operasi transformator daya saat beroperasi akan berdampak pada degradasi dari komponen peralatan itu sendiri. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pendekatan sistematis dengan menganalisa parameter peralatan transformator sebagai dasar rekomendasi yang kuat untuk melakukan perbaikan peralatan maupun dalam perencanaan aset peralatan oleh perusahaan pembangkit listrik. Parameter kondisi dan prioritas peralatan transformator diidentifikasi dan dianalisa untuk memperoleh weighting factor dengan menggunakan metode PHA. Dengan metode Proses Hirarki Analitik (PHA) dan bantuan responden ahli, akan diperoleh nilai weighting factor dari tiap elemen peralatan utama dengan urutan prioritasnya. Nilai weighting factor yang diperoleh menjadi kriteria penilaian kondisi transformator yang mengacu pada HAP (Hydropower Advancement Project) untuk memperoleh nilai Condition Indicator (CI). Pada akhirnya transformator daya sudah dalam kondisi fair yang perlu evaluasi lebih lanjut untuk dilakukan perbaikan atau investasi. ......Operation interuption in the power transformer can cause distruption to the availability of electricity in the electic power network system and financial losses for the company. The physical condition of the power transformer cannot be stated as an evaluation material based on visual inspection. Operating parameters and electrical measurements of each component of the equipment can show different results so that must be done several tests to see the overall condition of the transformer. The power plant transformer unit 5 at Muara Karang Generation Unit has exceeded the recommended useful life. The increase in operating temperature of the power transformer when operating will have an impact on the degradation of the equipment components themselves. For this reason, it is necessary to take a systematic approach by analyzing the parameters of transformer equipment as a basis recommendations for repairing equipment and in planning equipment assets by power generation companies. The condition and priority parameters of transformer equipment are identified and analyzed to obtain the weighting factor using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. With the AHP method with expert respondents, the weighting factor value of each main equipment element will be obtained in order of priority. The weighting factor value is the criterion for evaluating the condition of the transformer which refers to the HAP (Hydropower Advancement Project) to obtain the Condition Indicator (CI). Eventually, the power transformer is already in a fair condition which needs further evaluation for repairs or investment.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Mahfudh
Abstrak :
This study aims to design and simulate Electronic Load Controller (ELC) which applicable for controlling the change of generator speed due to the change of consumer demands for micro-hydropower system in isolated area. Since it is intended to be used in isolated area, 3-phase self-excited induction generator (SEIG) and single phase distribution lines are suitable to meet the necessity of this system. Capacitor banks are used as the source for the generator excitation. The system is designed with the maximum power rating 4 kW, with the line voltage of 230 V, and the frequency of the system is 60 Hz. The ELC works as the load controller based on voltage control. It has been designed and adapted from pulse width modulation (PWM) or mark-space ratio method. This study shows that this method is simple and cost effective while only a dc chopper and a dump load are necessary. A quick response, fast switching time, and the capability of IGBT to carry a low frequency of the system with a high frequency carrier has been presented in this study as well.
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mensimulasikan Electronic Load Controller (ELC) yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan perubahan kecepatan generator yang dikarenakan oleh perubahan penggunaan daya listrik oleh konsumen untuk sistem mikro-hidro di daerah terpencil. Generator induksi berpenguat sendiri tiga fasa dan jalur distribusi satu fasa sesuai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sistem ini dimana hal ini dirancang untuk digunakan di daerah terpencil. Kapasitor bank digunakan sebagai sumber untuk eksitasi generator. Sistem ini dirancang dengan daya maksimum 4 kW, dengan tegangan 230 V, dan frekuensi sistem adalah 60 Hz. ELC ini bekerja sebagai pengatur beban berdasarkan pengendalian tegangan. Desainnya diadaptasi dari metode pulse width modulation (PWM) atau mark-space ratio. Studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa metode tersebut sederhana dan hemat biaya dimana hanya dibutuhkan satu pemutus arus dan satu beban. Respon yang cepat, waktu perlahian yang cepat, dan kemampuan IGBT untuk membawa frekuensi rendah dari sistem dengan pembawa frekuensi tinggi juga telah diperlihatkan dalam penelitian ini.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fattah Mirza
Abstrak :
PLTMH adalah peninggalan jaman dahulu dengan menggunakan air sebagai sumber utama penghasil energi. Saat ini PLTMH adalah salah satu pembangkit listrik yang menjanjikan, dengan teknologi dan metode yang simpel dan dibarengi dengan pengendalian dan pemeliharaan yang mudah. Untuk pembangkit listrik skala mikro, digunakan pendekatan yang berbeda. Menggunakan bendungan untuk menyimpan air dan turbin dan generator sebagai penghasil tenaga.Skripsi ini meliputi spesifikasi dasar pembangunan PLTMH. Dimulai dari pengumpulan data, analisa lapangan hingga evaluasi proyek. Tujuan dari penyusunan skripsi ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang baik mengenai PLTMH dan menggunakan potensi yang sudah ada dalam suatu daerah.Buku dan jurnal berperan penting dalam penyusunan skripsi ini dengan dibarengi metode penelitian dan analisis. ......Hydropower is part of the history of ancient life with water as the main source to produce power. It becomes one of the promising power generations in years. It used to be expensive to build but now it is getting simpler method and technology wrapped with easy operation and maintenance. The smaller scale of hydropower needs different approach and perspective than the large one. The study confirmed the using of dam to store water, while turbine and generator act as power producer.This thesis project covers the basic specification of building hydropower plant in smaller scale. It started from data collection, site analysis and evaluation of its project. The outcome of this project clearly has well understanding of constructing a power plant in simple, effective and reliable way. As well as maximise the potential of which already in an area.In this case, I am using research and analysis method to determine all matters relating to feasible a small hydropower plant. Literatures, books and journals involve in this project.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvi Arya Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Hasil pertemuan COP 26 (Conference of the Parties 26th) Konvensi Kerangka Kerja Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa berkomitmen untuk menekan laju percepatan perubahan iklim akibat emisi karbon dengan menggantikan energi berbahan baku fosil menjadi energi baru terbarukan (EBT). Indonesia menargetkan pada tahun 2060 phase out batu-bara diganti EBT pada tahun 2056. Sebagai negara tropis yang dialiri banyak sungai dan terdapat banyak danau, Indonesia memiliki potensi energi air sebesar 75.000 MW. Dibeberapa daerah terpencil keperluan daya listrik yang digunakan skala piko (< 5kW). Turbin vortek dipilih karena cocok untuk aliran sungai dengan tinggi jatuh air rendah, biaya pemeliharaan dan konstruksi murah, serta ramah untuk ekosistem dalam air. Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan kinerja vortek terhadap perbedaan bentuk sudu skala piko. Studi ini dilakukan dengan variasi bentuk sudu lurus, miring, dan melengkung. Berdasarkan seluruh hasil studi turbin vortek dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk sudu terbaik yang diperoleh secara analitik, numerikal dan eksperimenal adalah sudu miring dengan effisiensi hidrolik sebesar 68% untuk analitikal, 36%, untuk numerical, dan 29% untuk eksperimenal. Perbedaan efisiensi antara perhitungan analitikal, numerikal dan eksperimenal terjadi karena adanya beberapa kerugian-kerugian yang tidak dapat dihitung dalam perhitungan metode eksperimenal. ...... The results of the COP 26 (Conference of the Parties 26th) meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention are committed to reducing the rate of acceleration of climate change due to carbon emissions by replacing energy made from fossil fuels into new and renewable energy (EBT). Indonesia targets that in 2060 the coal phase out will be replaced by renewable energy in 2056. As a tropical country with many rivers and many lakes, Indonesia has a water energy potential of 75,000 MW. In some remote areas, the need for electrical power is pico scale (< 5kW). The vortex turbine was chosen because it is suitable for river flow with low water fall, relatively low maintenance and construction costs, and friendly to the aquatic ecosystem. This study aims to compare the performance of the vortex to the differences in the shape of the pico scale blade. This study was carried out with variations in the shape of the straight, tilted, and curved blades. Based on all the results of the vortex turbine study, it can be concluded that the best blade shape obtained analytically, numerically and experimentally is an inclined blade with a hydraulic efficiency of 68% for analytical, 36%, for numerical, and 29% for experimental. The difference in efficiency between analytical, numerical and experimental calculations occurs because of some losses that cannot be calculated in the calculation of the experimental method.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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