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Alfredo Dwi Andrianto
Abstrak :
Dengan permintaan inkubator untuk bayi permatur berada pada tingkat yang tinggi, khususnya di Indonesia dengan 675,500 bayi premature setiap tahunnya, konsep dari inkubator grashof telah dibuat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini di Indonesia. Namun, muncullah sebuah masalah baru yaitu bayi prematur kembar. Proses desain inkubator bayi kembar mengikuti konsep dari inkubator grashof dengan volume yang lebih besar untuk menampung dua bayi. Dengan menggunakan 3D modelling software, desain produk ini berfokus pada mengadaptasi fungsionalitas dari inkubator grashof seperti menjaga temperature kabin di 33 C-35 C dengan konsep konveksi alamiah. Selain fungsionalitas, desain juga berfokus pada aspek ergonomis dan konsiderasi penggunaan material agar tetap menjaga sifat murah dan dapat diproduksi UKM. Penelitian pun dilakukan untuk memastikan suhu 33 C-35 C dapat terjaga. Sensor DS18B20 digunakan untuk mengukur temperatur yang diletakkan di sepuluh titik yang berbeda, dan sensor DHT22 digunakan untuk mengukur kelembaban. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah inkubator bayi kembar dapat mencapai suhu yang dibutuhkan dengan menggunakan lampu pijar 4 x 15W.
As the demand for premature infant incubators are constantly high, especially in Indonesia as the fifth ranked country of the worlds most premature baby 675,700 babies per year, the concept of grashof incubator has been developed to fulfill the needs of Indonesian citizens. As the demand grows, the need to solve twin premature babies rsquo problem has been emerging ever since. The designation of Twin Baby Incubator follows the basic concept of existing grashof incubator with bigger volume as a mean to include two babies at the same time. Using 3D modelling software, the product design development mainly focuses on adapting the current functionalities of grashof incubator into the twin grashof baby incubator, such as keeping the babies rsquo cabin temperature at 33 C 35 C by allowing natural convention and natural circulation to occur. Beside the main functionalities, the design also focuses on ergonomic aspects as well as material consideration as a mean to improve usability and efficiency. Furthermore, a research was conducted to make sure that the temperature of 33 C 35 C can be achieved regardless bigger volume of babies rsquo cabin. As the design follows the concept of grashof incubator, the main components are light bulbs as the main heater and digital thermostat as a temperature controller. DS18B20 sensors are used to measure temperature where they are being placed at ten different points of measurements, and DHT22 sensor is placed to measure the level of humidity. The expected results of the research are the capability of developed twin incubator to achieve mandatory temperature, as mentioned above, inside the cabin using 4 x 15 W light bulbs.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisis performa inkubator bisnis di Indonesia dengan fokus untuk menilai kelemahannya. Kuesioner penelitian dikumpulkan dari 8 inkubator bisnis, 39 tenant dan 5 pakar. Paired-t-sample test digunakan untuk mengetahui gap kebutuhan tenant berdasarkan perbedaan harapan layanan dengan layanan yang diterima dari inkubator. Penelitian ini menunjukkan kelemahan inkubator bisnis terdiri dari: tempat, personel pengelola, pendanaan operasional dan jejaring. Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing SAST juga digunakan untuk menentukan kebijakan strategis dalam mengatasi kelemahan inkubator bisnis di Indonesia diantaranya: pengajuan perluasan tempat kepada pimpinan lembaga, menempatkan manajer penuh waktu, komitmen dukungan pendaaan oleh pimpinan lembaga dan promosi inkubator bisnis.
This paper attempt to assess the performance of business incubator in Indonesia, focusing on the weaknesses of business incubator. Questionnaire data were gathered from 8 business incubators,39 incubatees and 5 experts. Paired t sample test was conducted and revealed that there is gap needs between expected services and perceived services. This study exposes weaknesses of business incubator regarding space, personnel, operational funding and networks. Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing SAST were used to develop strategic policies to overcome weaknesses of business incubator in Indonesia, those are propose the space expansion place a full time manager, institutional head rsquo s commitment in funding and promotion of business incubator.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Infant Incubator merupakan peralatan yang digunakan untuk menjaga suatu kondisi temperatur yang stabil dan dibutuhkan oleh bayi yang lahir secara prematur atau mempunyai cacat bawaan yang tidak memungkinkan bayi tersebut untuk jangka waktu yang singkat mampu beradaptasi dengan Iingkugan sekitarnya. Infan icubantor pada umumnya digunakan dirumah sakit atau Puskesmas bagian anak. Penulis membuat alat infant incubator dengan memanfaatkan teknologi mikrokontroler 8031 yang diaplikasikan sebagai pengendali suhu pada infan incubator. Dan juga IC RC 4151 sebagai pengubah tegangan frekwensi dimana basil tampilan suhu ruangan dan suhu pemilihan ditunjukkan pada Seven segmen. Dari alat yang dibuat penulis menguji kehandalannya dengan melihat basil tampilan yang ada dan dibandingkan dengan thermometer, juga menggunakan osciloskope untuk mengetahui frekwensi yang dihasilkan. Dari basil uji tersebut apakah alat dapat berfungsi atau tidak kemudian mengadakan penganalisaan. Dari analisa tersebut penulis membuat kesimpulan bahwa untuk membuat alat infant incubator perlu dipilih komponen-komponen yang mempunyai karakteristik mendekati harga idiel karena perubahan suhu sekecil mungkin akan mempengaruhi rauangan yang telah diatur.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Universities play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneurs. The objectives of this research are to investigate the success factors for business incubators and to develop and propose a framework of successful business incubators for public universities in Indonesia. Indonesian public universities that have business incubators were considered for this research. A preliminary study was conducted with a panel of experts who have the necessary insights and experiences in managing both the incubators and the relationships within the incubators with the tenant firms. This research examines some significant measures with reference to the unique features of university business incubators in order to better understand the manner in which incubators can be assessed in a developing country. The result of this research includes a framework of successful business incubators in Indonesian public universities. This framework is developed on the basis of previous studies and the preliminary study conducted with ten business incubator experts.
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abu Amar
Abstrak :
The quality of yoghurt produced in District of Cipari, Cigugur Kuningan Regency failed to meet the required standard despite the fact that socialization of yoghurt GMP program, facilitation and delivery of inkubator for yoghurt production had been implemented. Therefore, this study reported the performance of the incubators which had been produced and granted to two cooperatives in the District of Cipari, Kuningan, namely Laras Ati and Lembah Kamoning. The method used was to directly test the incubators for the production of yoghurt in a laboratory Institut Teknologi Indonesia and in Kuningan. Five litres of cow's milk that had been heated to a temperature of 90° C for 15 minutes and cooled down to a temperature of 40° C were directly inoculated with a 10% volume of fresh commercial yoghurt starter, culture consisting of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium. The measured parameters were incubator temperature stability, product's pH value, total acid and organoleptic of product. The results showed that the performance of the two incubators were in good condition. It was proved by stable temperature in the range of 44.1±0.6°C during evaluation within 7 hours of incubation. During fermentation, pH of the product has decreased and reached a pH value of 4.6 ± 0:02 within 7 hours of incubation, total acid reached 0.84±0.052%. The organoleptic product of yoghurt showed the percentage of product acceptance reached 85%, 83%, 86% and 82% in colour/appearance, texture, odour/flavour and taste respectively. The two delivered incubators met the required standard, thereby making the household-scale production process of yoghurt safe for public consumption. Yoghurt ready for sale and kept at the room temperature remains fresh and does not suffer damage because the packaging is not inflated as before.Yoghurt that is ready to be sold and even kept at room temperature remains fresh and does not suffer damage ie. the packaging is not inflated as before.
Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, 2018
300 JPM 2:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftah Farid Hanggawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tipologi jaringan sosial para pendiri perusahaan rintisan dan kerangka institusional yang membentuk tindakan perusahaan rintisan di inkubator Bandung Digital Valley, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori Institusionalisme Baru yang dirumuskan oleh Victor Nee. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan Extended Case Method. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan dan wawancara mendalam terhadap informan kunci, yaitu manajemen inkubator Bandung Digital Valley dan para pendiri perusahaan-perusahaan rintisan yang diinkubasi di sana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa institusi formal yang membentuk tindakan perusahaan rintisan di Bandung Digital Valley berupa kebijakan pemerintah, birokrasi, hak kekayaan intelektual, dan kontrak. Institusi informal tidak secara jelas mengemuka dalam studi ini, sehingga yang terjadi adalah keselarasan (close-coupling) antara institusi formal dalam bentuk norma organisasi inkubator dan institusi informal yang dihasilkan dari mekanisme sosial antar pendiri perusahaan rintisan. Yang mengemuka justru tipologi jaringan sosial, baik internal maupun eksternal, sebagai strategi dari pendiri perusahaan rintisan dalam merespons target-target dan norma organisasi di Bandung Digital Valley.
This study explores the typology of social networks and the institutional frameworks that shape the action of the startup companies in Bandung Digital Valley, a digital business incubator located at Bandung, West Java. The New Institutionalism in Sociology, as formulated by Victor Nee, is employed as the theoretical lens for this study. This is a qualitatitive study that uses the Extended Case Method approach. The collection of data was conducted by observation and in-depth interview with the management of Bandung Digital Valley and the founders of startup companies. The results of this study show that the formal institutions shape the actions of startup companies through government policies, bureaucracy, intellectual property rights, and contracts. The informal institutions are not explicitly emerge in this study, so the result is a close-coupling between formal institution in the form of organizational norms and the informal institution that implicitly emerge from the social mechanisms between the founders. Instead of resulting an informal institution, the actions of founders lead to various types of social networks that are created in responding the goals and the organizational norms in Bandung Digital Valley, This study explores the typology of social networks and the institutional frameworks that shape the action of the startup companies in Bandung Digital Valley, a digital business incubator located at Bandung, West Java. The New Institutionalism in Sociology, as formulated by Victor Nee, is employed as the theoretical lens for this study. This is a qualitatitive study that uses the Extended Case Method approach. The collection of data was conducted by observation and in-depth interview with the management of Bandung Digital Valley and the founders of startup companies. The results of this study show that the formal institutions shape the actions of startup companies through government policies, bureaucracy, intellectual property rights, and contracts. The informal institutions are not explicitly emerge in this study, so the result is a close-coupling between formal institution in the form of organizational norms and the informal institution that implicitly emerge from the social mechanisms between the founders. Instead of resulting an informal institution, the actions of founders lead to various types of social networks that are created in responding the goals and the organizational norms in Bandung Digital Valley]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hica Dian Floren Nightingale
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara ditentukan oleh pertumbuhan jumlah pengusaha. Bagi para pengusaha, persaingan usaha secara khusus bagi usaha pemula, merupakan ancaman besar bagi keberlangusngan usahanya. Oleh karena itu, bagi para pengusaha pemula perlu dibimbing dalam wadah inkubasi supaya dapat bertumbuh secara berkelanjutan. Peran inkubator menjadi wadah yang diharapkan mampu mengembangkan kemampuan pengusaha pemula melalui program inkubasi bisnis yang inovatif. Inkubator bisnis universitas merupakan salah satu jembatan antara hasil penelitian akademik dan kebijakan pemerintah dengan pengusah dan proses kommersialisasi. Penelitian ini berhasil megevaluasi tingkat kepentingan dan efektivitas layanan inkubator binsis universitas. Hasil dari penelitian memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan bagi layanan inkubator bisnis universitas.
The country economic growth can be determined by the growth number of entrepreneurs. Based on entrepreneurs view, business competition especially from start up is a major threat to their business sustainability. Therefore, for start up company need be guided by incubation process in order to grow sustainably. The role of incubator is expected to develop the capabilities of entrepreneurs through innovative business incubation programs. University Business Incubator is one of the bridges between the academic research results and the government's policies towards entrepreneurs and the process of product commercialization. This research has been successfully evaluated the importance and effectiveness of university binsis incubator services. The results of this study provides recommendation improvements to the university's business incubator services.
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Salah satu peralatan medis yang banyak digunakan dalam pelayanan kesehatan adalah inkubator bayi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi bayi selama tahap awal kehidupan. Pengaturan suhu dalam pemakaian inkubator bayi dilakukan pada setting suhu 33°C atau 35°C atau 37°C, disesuaikan dengan kondisi bayi yang akan di lakukan perawatan. Kejadian yang menimbulkan kematian dan cedera pada bayi telah dikaitkan dengan kegagalan sistem kontrol pada inkubator, kerusakan atau cacat desain yang menyebabkan terjadinya kebakaran dan bahaya sengatan listrik, serta tingkat kebisingan yang berlebihan dapat berpengaruh buruk terhadap pendengaran bayi. Untuk mengetahui kinerja dan keselamatan listrik inkubator bayi telah dilakukan analisis pengaruh setting suhu terhadap kinerja dan keselamatan listrik terhadap 6 (enam) unit sampel inkubator bayi dari berbagai merk, dengan rentang produksi tahun 1997 sampai tahun 2013. Metode pengujian kinerja dan keselamatan listrik dengan standar: (AS 2853; 1986), (ANSI/AAMI II36; 2004), (IEC 60601-2-19; 2009), serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh setting suhu terhadap kinerja dan keselamatan listrik inkubator bayi tersebut dilakukan uji statistik multivatiriat. Hasil pengujian kinerja suhu kompartemen, kelembaban udara, aliran udara dan nilai kebisingan serta keselamatan listrik inkubator bayi seluruhnya memenuhi syarat, namun untuk perhitungan nilai ketidak pastian sesuai ISO-GUM (1995) hanya ada tiga inkubator yang memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan hasil pengujian dengan statistik multivatiriat, diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh setting suhu terhadap kinerja inkubator bayi namun tidak ada pengaruh terhadap keselamatan listriknya. ......One of the medical equipment that is widely used in health care is a baby incubator that serves to protect the baby during the early stages of life. Temperature regulation in the use of infant incubator conducted at a temperature setting of 33°C or 35°C or 37°C, adjusted to the baby who will be treated. Events that cause death and injury in infants has been associated with failure of the control system in the incubator, damage or design flaw that caused a fire and electrical shock hazards, as well as excessive noise levels can adversely affect the baby's hearing. To determine the performance and safety of baby incubators we analyzed the effect of setting the temperature on the performance and electrical safety for six (6) units of samples of various brands of baby incubator, with a production range of 1997 to 2013. Test methods and performance for electrical safety by using standard: (USA 2853; 1986), (ANSI / AAMI II36; 2004), (IEC 60601-2-19; 2009), as well as to determine the effect of temperature on the performance and setting the electrical safety of the baby incubator done by multivariate statistical test. The results of the performance testing of infant incubator compartment temperature air humidity, air flow and noise as well as the value of the electrical safety all the baby incubator qualify. but with the calculation on the value of uncertainty according to ISO-GUM (1995) there are only three qualified incubator. While the results of statistical testing with multivariate, that there is the influence of the temperature setting on the performance of the baby incubator but no effect on the electrical safety.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Averyadi Setiawan
Abstrak :
Semakin banyak perusahaan startup digital memiliki dampak signifikan pada industri dan ekonomi secara global, menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana perusahaan-perusahaan ini memulai bisnis mereka dari ide-ide yang menarik. Peran inkubator bisnis dalam membina dan mengasuh startup digital dipandang perlu ketika pemilik bisnis mulai mengembangkan ide-idenya. Peran inkubator bisnis dalam mengembangkan perusahaan startup digital menjadi pertanyaan, bagaimana program bimbingan dapat mendukung perusahaan startup digital dalam mengembangkan dan menjalankan ide? Studi ini berupaya untuk menguraikan peran inkubator bisnis dalam mengembangkan perusahaan startup digital menggunakan tinjauan literatur sistematis dan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil studi menunjukkan tentang hubungan antara inkubator bisnis dan perusahaan startup digital dan program bimbingan yang disediakan oleh inkubator bisnis untuk mengembangkan perusahaan startup digital. ......The growing number of digital start-up companies have a significant impact on the industry and economy globally, rising a question of how these companies commend their businesses out of intriguing ideas. The role of a business incubator in fostering and nurturing digital start-ups is argued to be necessary as business owners start developing the ideas. The roles of business incubators in developing digital start- ups become a question, how may the guidance program support the digital start-ups in developing and executing ideas? This study endeavors to elaborate on the role of business incubators in developing digital start-up companies using a systematic literature review and qualitative data analysis. The study result shows about relationship between business incubator and digital startup company and the guidance program provided by business incubator to develop digital startup company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ary Virgiawan Zaelani
Abstrak :
Indonesia menempati peringkat kelima negara dengan angka kelahiran bayi prematur terbanyak di dunia 675.700 bayi. Inkubator grashof menjadi salah satu alat kesehatan yang sangat berguna untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup bayi prematur tersebut, dengan cara mempertahankan suhu pada kabin bayi dengan kisaran 33°C-35°C. Inkubator grashof ini memanfaatkan prinsip konveksi alamiah dan sirkulasi alamiah, dimana bekerja hanya menggunakan perbedaan densitas saat terjadinya pemanasan, jika nilai suhu udara meningkat densitas akan turun yang berarti udara akan lebih ringan sehingga akan naik. Komponen utama dari inkubator grashof adalah lampu pijar sebagai pemanas utama dan termostat digital sebagai kontrol suhu yang di set pada suhu tertentu. Pada penelitian ini, metode pengukuran suhu yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan sensor DS 18B20 untuk mengukur suhu dan sensor DHT22 untuk mengukur kelembaban, kedua sensor ini akan terintegrasi dengan hardware dan software arduino untuk pembacaan data. Sensor DS diletakan pada 10 titik pengukuran, sedangkan sensor DHT22 diletakkan pada 2 titik pengukuran di inkubator. Prosedur pengukuran suhu dilakukan berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia SNI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui titik kestabilan suhu pada kabin bayi serta mengetahui karakteristik perubahan suhu inkubator. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada variasi suhu lingkungan 25°C dan 30°C.
Indonesia is ranked fifth country with the world 39 s most preterm baby 675,700 babies. The grashof incubator is one of the most important biomedical tools to maintain the survival of the premature baby by keeping the temperature in the baby 39 s cabin at temperature 33 C 35 C. This grashof incubator utilizes the principle of natural convection, where it works only using the difference in density when heating occurs, if the temperature increases, density will decrease which means the air will be lighter so it will rise. The main components are the lamps as the main heater and the digital thermostat as a temperature control that set at a certain temperature. In this research, the temperature measurement method is using DS 18B20 sensor to measure temperature and DHT22 sensor to measure humidity, both of these sensors will be integrated with arduino software for data reading. The DS sensor is placed at 10 point of measurement, while the DHT22 sensor is placed at 2 points of measurement in the incubator. The temperature measurement procedure is based on Indonesian National Standard SNI . The purpose of this research is to know the temperature stability point in baby cabin and to know the characteristic of temperature change in incubator. The data were collected at environmental temperature variations 25°C - 30°C.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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