Wahyu Wikandari
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan usaha, peningkatan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan, serta kenaikan
biaya produksi merupakan tantangan sekaligus kesempatan bagi PT XYZ, yang
memproduksi sabun, kosmetik, dan bahan pembersih rumah tangga. Perusahaan
ini sudah menerapkan konsep eko-efisiensi melalui perbaikan IPAL, namun
kualitas air limbahnya belum memenuhi standar baku mutu, sehingga dilanjutkan
dengan program cleaner production di area produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan
menganalisis hubungan antara penerapan program cleaner production di area
produksi dengan kinerja IPAL, menghitung keuntungan ekonomi, dan rasio ekoefisiensi,
dengan mengikutsertakan karyawan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan
pendekatan kuantitatif serta mix method. Hasil analisis menunjukkan korelasi
positif dan signifikan antara keberhasilan program cleaner production di area
produksi dengan penurunan COD outlet IPAL, dari 458,70 mg/l menjadi 153,22
mg/l. Tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku pekerja sangat baik; biaya
pengolahan air limbah di PT XYZ menurun 21%; dan rasio eko-efisiensi
penggunaan air naik dari 0,55 menjadi 0,56. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa
program cleaner production memberikan manfaat ekonomi dan lingkungan
Growth in the business, increase of the environmental awareness, as well as
increase in the production costs are become a challenge and an opportunity for
PT XYZ, that produces soap, cosmetics, and household products. The company
has already implemented the eco-efficiency concept through improvement of
WWTP, however quality of the waste water effluent did not meet the quality
standards applied yet, so that proceeded with implementing the cleaner
production program in production area. A proper application of the ecoefficiency
concept should get an appropriate quality of the waste water and also
decrease in the production costs. This study was conducted to analyze correlation
between implementation of the cleaner production program on production area
and performance of the WWTP and also to calculate the economic benefits and
ratio of the eco-efficiency, with involvement of the employee definitely. The study
was using a quantitative approach and the mix methods. Result of the analysis
shows positive and significant correlation between successfully of the cleaner
production program by decreasing COD of IPAL outlet from 458.70 mg/l to
153.22 mg/l. The level of knowledge, attitude, and behavior of workers related to
the program was very good; cost of waste water treatment in PT XYZ decreased
by 21%; and increased eco-efficiency ratio of water from 0.55 to 0.56. Thus,
implementing the cleaner production program will provide economic and
environmental benefits to the company
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library