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Cityta Putri Kwarta
Abstrak :
Asma alergi merupakan penyakit atopi degeneratif yang disebabkan alergi atau hipersensitifitas tipe-1. Lebih dari 50% penderita asma alergi disebabkan adanya reaksi hipersensitif terhadap alergen Tungau Debu Rumah (TDR). Skrining subjek penelitian berdasarkan manifestasi asma dan Skin Prick Test (SPT) didapatkan 25 subjek atopi asma yang disebabkan alergi terhadap alergen TDR dan 21 subjek nonatopi. Respon imunitas seluler dievaluasi melalui teknik kultur Kultur sel mononuklear darah tepi (SMDT) yang diisolasi dari darah menggunakan teknik ficoll gradient. Kultur SMDT dari masing-masing subjek distimulasi dengan Alergen TDR, PHA (kontrol positif), dan RPMI (kontrol negatif) selanjutnya diinkubasi dalam inkubator CO2 5%, 37⁰C selama 72 jam. Dengan metode multiplex assay, supernatan hasil kultur dilakukan pengukuran IFNγ untuk menilai mediator proinflamasi tipe-1, Interleukin 13 (IL-13) untuk menilai mediator proinflamasi tipe-2, dan IL-10 sebagai anti inflamasi serta kadar Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) diukur dengan metode ELISA Sandwich. Terdapat peningkatan rasio sitokin proinflamasi tipe-2 (IL13) terhadap anti inflamasi (IL10) dan penurunan rasio sitokin proinflamasi tipe-1 (IFN) terhadap proinflamasi tipe-2 (IL-13) yang dihasilkan dari kultur SMDT pada kelompok atopi asma dibandingkan dengan kelompok nonatopi. Perubahan pola keseimbangan mediator pro inlamasi tipe-1, tipe-2 dan anti inflamasi pada subjek asma alergi diduga mempengarui produksi IDO yang ditemukan secara signifikan lebih rendah dibanding subjek non atopi.
Allergic asthma is degenerative atopy caused by type 1 allergic or hypersensitivity. More than 50% of people with allergic asthma are caused by hypersensitivity reactions to house dust mite allergens (HDM). Screening of research subjects based on asthma manifestations and Skin Prick Test (SPT) found 25 subjects with atopic asthma caused by allergies to TDR allergens and 21 nonatopic subjects. The cellular immune response was evaluated through a culture of peripheral blood mononuclear cell culture (PBMC) technique isolated from blood using the ficoll gradient technique. PBMC cultures from each subject were stimulated with HDM allergens, PHA (positive control), and RPMI (negative controls) then incubated in a 5% CO2 incubator, 37⁰C for 72 hours. With the multiplex assay method, IFNγ measurements were carried out by the culture supernatant to assess type 1 proinflammatory mediator, Interleukin 13 (IL-13) to assess type 2 proinflammatory mediators, and IL-10 as anti-inflammatory and Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase levels (IDO) is measured by the ELISA Sandwich method. There was an increase in the ratio of type-2 (IL13) proinflammatory cytokines to anti-inflammatory (IL10) and a decrease in type-1 (IFN) proinflammatory cytokine to proinflammatory type-2 (IL-13) resulting from PBMC culture in the asthma atopy group compared to the nonatopic group. Changes in the balance pattern of type 1, type-2 and anti-inflammatory pro-inflammatory mediators in allergic asthma subjects suspected to affect IDO production were found to be significantly lower than non-atopy subjects.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinesia Dwiputri
Abstrak :
Neuropati diabetika merupakan salah satu komplikasi dari diabetes melitus yang dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek terapi kombinasi laserpunktur dan medikamentosa dibandingkan dengan laserpunktur sham dan medikamentosa pada penderita neuropati diabetika. Uji klinis acar tersamar ganda dengan kontrol dilakukan terhadap 36 pasien. Tindakan laserpunktur dilakukan pada titik telinga MA-IC3 endokrin, ST36 Zusanli, ST40 Fenglong, dan SP6 sanyinjiao bilateral dua kali seminggu selama dua belas kali, sedangkan kelompok kontrol dilakukan terapi laserpunktur dengan laser dimatikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna rerata sebelum dan sesudah antara kelompok laserpunktur dan medikamentosa dengan kelompok laserpunktur sham dan medikamentosa terhadap peningkatan kadar Interleukin 10 0,05 -0,08-0,66 dan -0,075 -1,40-0,56 , p=0,032 dan peningkatan kecepatan hantaran saraf motorik tibialis kiri 0,00 -3,20-13,0 dan -2,35 -14,5-8,30 , p=0,007. Kesimpulan : terapi kombinasi lasepunktur dan medikamentosa efektif meningkatkan kadar Interleukin 10 dan memperbaiki kecepatan hantaran saraf motorik tibialis kiri pada penderita neuropati diabetika.
Diabetic neuropathy is one of the complications of diabetes mellitus is characterized that can degrade the quality of life of patients. This study aims to determine the effect of combination therapy Laserpuncture and medication compared with sham Laserpuncture and medication in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Double blind randomized clinical trials with the controls carried out on 36 patients. Laserpuncture action performed at the ear point MA IC3 endocrine, ST36 Zusanli, ST40 Fenglong, and SP6 Sanyinjiao bilateral twice a week for twelve times, while the control group therapy with the laser turned off. The results of the study assessed the levels of Interleukin 10 and nerve conduction study before treatment and after treatment twelve times. The results showed a significant difference before and after between the Laserpuncture and medication groups compared with sham Laserpuncture and medication to increased levels of Interleukin 10 0,05 0,08 0,66 and 0,075 1,40 0,56 , p 0,032 and an increase in velocity of the left tibial motor nerve conduction 0,00 3,20 13,0 and 2,35 14,5 8,30 , p 0,007. Conclusion the combination therapy of lasepuncture and medication effectively increasing the levels of Interleukin 10 and improve velocity of the left tibial motor nerve conduction in patients with diabetic neuropathy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Freggy Spicano Joprang
Abstrak :
Beberapa penelitian menyatakan bahwa infeksi cacing usus dapat menekan atopi tetapi hal ini masih menjadi kontroversi. Pada infeksi cacing respon imun mengarah ke Th2 (IL-4, IL-5 dan IL-13) serta aktivasi Treg (IL-10 dan TGF-B) yang merupakan mediator anti-inilamasi. Respon imun Th2 juga texjadi terhadap atopi. Adanya infeksi cacing kronis akan meningkatkan kadar IL-10 yang akan menekan aktivasi Th2 sehingga menekan atopi. Penelitian ini merupakan analytical cross-sectional study yang bertujuan mengetahui respon IL-10 terhadap kejadian atopi pada anak-anak dengan kecacingan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 308 anak sekolah dasar yang berasal dari daerah Ende, Nangapanda dan Anaranda, Kabupaten Ende, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sebanyak 207 subyek diperiksa tinja secara mikroskopis untuk rnengetahui status infeksi cacing, 308 subyek dilakukan uji tusuk kulit (SPT) untuk rnengctahui status atopi, 197 subyek diambil darahnya dan dikultur (PHA, Ascaris, kontrol) lalu diperiksa dcngan Luminex untuk mcngetahui kadar IL-IO. Diperoleh hasil bahwa subyek pada daerah rural (Nangapanda, Anaranda) memiliki infeksi cacing usus lebih Linggi (Chi_squa.re test=l7,31; p=0,000) dibanding daerah urban (Ende). Subyek pada daerah urban memiliki prevalcnsi atopi lebih tinggi (OR=2,3 (95% CI=l,]2-4,78),p=0,02) dibanding subyek di rural. Kadar IL-10 terhadap PHA pada subyek dengan atopi kacang lebih tinggi (OR=0,27 (95% CI=0,09-0,82);p=0,02)) dibanding subyck tanpa atopi.
Several studies reported that intestinal helminth infection suppressed the atopy, but there were still many controversial. Immune responses from intestinal helminth infection have been known skewing towards Th2 (IL-4, IL-5 dan IL-13) and Treg activation (IL-10 dan TGF-B). Immune response to atopy is also induced Th2 response imune. The elevation of IL-10 due to chronic intestinal helminth infection will suppress Th2 activation and reduced atopy. This study is an anabutical cross-sectional study. The aim of the study is to determine IL-I0 response in atopy manifestation dom helminth infected children. A total of 310 children from elementary school at Ende (urban area), Nangapanda dan Anaranda (nual areas), Ende district, Nusa Tenggara Timur, participated in this study. Of this, 207 children were eligible for stool examination, 308 children were for skin-prick test (SPT) to determine their atopy status, 197 children were eligible for blood cultur examination (PHA, Ascaris, control) with Luminex to detennine their IL-10 titer status. The results show that children who live in the rural area (Nangapanda, Anaranda) have higher prevalence of intestinal helminth infections (Chi-square test=l7,3l; p=0,000) than children living in the urban area ( Ende). The prevalence of atopy is also higher in children living in urban (OR=2,3 (95% CI=l,l2ยป4,78; p=0,02) than children in rural area. IL-10 response to PHA from children who are peanut SPT positive is higher (0R=G,27 (95% CI=0,09-0,82; p=0,02) than children without peanut atopy.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library