"Penataan struktur disertai pembenahan alur kerja dan proses bisnis pada organisasi
sektor publik dilakukan agar terwujud pemerintahan yang efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini
menggunakan teori pertukaran sosial untuk mengamati pengaruh internal communication
satisfaction dan perceived organizational support terhadap readiness to change yang
dimediasi employee engagement untuk mendukung pembaruan pada pegawai Lembaga Fiskal
Pusat (LFP). Hasil analisis data dari 387 responden pegawai LFP menunjukkan bahwa 7
hipotesis memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan, sementara 3 hipotesis ditemukan tidak
signifikan. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui metode survei dengan mengirim kuesioner
daring kepada responden. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
dengan aplikasi Lisrel 8.8.
The structuring of the organizational framework, coupled with the improvement ofworkflow and business processes in the public sector, is undertaken to achieve effective andefficient governance. This research utilizes social exchange theory to examine the influenceof internal communication satisfaction and perceived organizational support on readiness tochange, mediated by employee engagement, to support reforms among employees of theCentral Fiscal Agency. The results of data analysis from 387 respondents of Central FiscalAgency employees indicate that seven hypotheses have a positive and significant influence,while three hypotheses are found to be not significant. Primary data were collected through asurvey method by sending online questionnaires to respondents. Hypotheses were tested usingStructural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Lisrel 8.8 application."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024