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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"This article aims at explaining the forture of Islamism. Several scholars content that Islamism has failed in spite of the statement of several other scholars to the contrary...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The north west frontier province NWFP , being a strategic region of the Indo-Park Subcontiment, played a very important role in the political upheavals in British Indonesia...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindi Riyanika Hidayah
"Arab Spring yang bermula di Tunisia merupakan awal baru bagi Tunisia melepaskan diri dari pemerintahan diktaktor di bawah rezim Ben Ali. Revolusi ini melambungkan nama seorang sosok Rachid Ghannouchi yang dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai perannya dalam masa transisi demokrasi di Tunisia pasca Arab Spring. Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sosok Rachid Ghannouchi dan perannya dalam transisi demokrasi di Tunisia pasca Arab Spring. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dua jenis. Pertama, pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara tidak langsung, selain wawancara data primer didapat dari buku-buku karya Rachid Ghannouchi. Kedua, pengumpulan data sekunder diperoleh melalui beberapa kajian pustaka salah satunya buku, penelitian terdahulu, artikel, jurnal dan informasi dari media elektronik. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori kepemimpinan dan teori peran yang digunakan untuk menganalisa siapa sosok Rachid Ghannouchi dan perannya pasca Arab Spring. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan didapat hasil berupa Rachid Ghannouchi memiliki peran dalam menjembatani pihak sekularis dan islamis di Tunisia pada masa transisi demokrasi pasca Arab Spring. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini bisa menjawab permasalahan dan hasilnya bisa dijadikan acuan atau literasi dalam aktivitas akademik.

The Arab Spring which began in Tunisia is a new movement for Tunisia to break away from the dictatorial government under Ben Ali's regime. This revolution catapulted the name of a figure of Rachid Ghannouchi, who in this study will discuss his role in the transition period of democracy in Tunisia after the Arab Spring. The purpose of this study was to find out the figure of Rachid Ghannouchi and his role in the transition to democracy in Tunisia after the Arab Spring. Ellipsis data collection is done in two types. First, primary data collection was obtained through indirect interviews and several books by Rachid Ghannouchi. Second, secondary data collection was obtained through several literature studies, such as books, previous research, articles, journals and information from electronic media. The researcher used the theory of the leadership and the role theory used to analyze who the figure of Rachid Ghannouchi and his role after the Arab Spring. Based on the research conducted, the results obtained in the form of Rachid Ghannouchi have a role in bridging secularists and Islamists in Tunisia during the democratic transition period after the Arab Spring. So the purpose of this study can answer the problem and the results can be used as a reference or literacy in academic activities.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salwa Ismail
London: I.B. Tauris, 2006
297.272 ISM r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Irfan Hidayatullah
"Disertasi ini membahas kehadiran post-Islamisme sebagai strategi dialog dalam novel
populer Indonesia pascareformasi. Melalui teori dan pendekatan Dialogisme Mikhail Bakhtin dan berlandaskan gagasan Post-Islamisme Asef Bayat penelitian ini berfokus pada pembuktian adanya strategi dialogis dakwah Islam melalui novel populer dalam ruang publik demokrasi. Objek penelitian yang dipilih adalah tiga novel populer yang terbit setelah reformasi, yaitu Ayat-Ayat Cinta karya Habiburrahman el Shirazy, Jilbab Travelers: Love Spark in Korea karya Asma Nadia, dan 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa karya Hanum Salsabiela
Rais- Rangga Almahendra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam ketiga novel tersebut
terdapat narasi-narasi dialogis sebagai upaya perwujudan ideologi post-Islamisme. Hal
tersebut membuktikan bahwa keterbukaan identitas bagi masyarakat Islam terjadi pada masa pascareformasi.

This dissertation discusses the presence of post-Islamism as a dialogue strategy in Indonesia's popular post-reform novels. Embracing Mikhail Bakhtin's Dialogism theory and approach as well as Asef Bayat’s idea of Post-Islamism, this research focuses on evidencing the existence of a dialogical strategy of Islamic dawah through popular novels in a democratic public space.
The selected research objects were three popular novels published after the reform, namely Ayat-Ayat Cinta by Habiburrahman el Shirazy, Jilbab Travelers: Love Sparks in Korea by Asma Nadia, and 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa by Hanum Salsabiela Rais-Rangga
Almahendra. The results revealed that the three novels employed dialogical narratives as a manifestation effort of post-Islamism ideology. This finding proves that the identity openness for Muslim society occurred in the post-reform era.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saiful Mujani
"The behavioural approach to Muslim politics in academic literature is a recent development. The approach emerged only in the early twenty-first century, largely as most Muslim-majority nations have been autocracies constraining the freedom of speech required to study political attitudes and behaviour. Many behaviourally driven studies have examined dimensions of Islam as predictors of political attitudes and behaviorr. These include religious affiliation, religiosity, and religious political orientation. While democracy is rare in Muslim majority nations, at the individual level, Muslim religious affiliation and religiosity only partially predict political attitudes and behaviour. Taking an expansive measure of Islamism or Islamic ideology helps us understand this, as it potentially predicts the absence of liberal democracy in Muslim countries. To do this successfully, however, more realistic external validity is required. Scholars still often define and measure Islamism differently, therefore a more standardised measure is required for comparative study."
Jakarta: UIII Press, 2022
297 MUS 1:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Airlangga Pribadi Kusman
"Tema kontestasi diskursus Islam Indonesia dalam konteks demokrasi pasta Orde Baru menjadi tema yang dipilih dalam tesis ini, karena baik diskursus Islam Iiberal maupun Islamisme sebagai arus besar diskursus Islam masing-masing berusaha memperebutkan kontrol terhadap masa depan masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia dalam konteks proses demokratisasi. Sementara sampai saat ini tidak ada karya tentang politik Islam yang menganalisis secara detail bagaimana kontestasi wacana Islam tersebut secara simultan bergulir dalam praktik sosial maupun tampil dalam praktik diskursus yang menempatkan bahasa sebagai medan bagi pertarungan kuasa antara diskursus-diskursus Islam di Indonesia.
Fokus utama dari tesis ini adalah menganalisis secara detail bagaimana kontestasi antara diskursus wacana Islam liberal yang ditampilkan oleh teks karya Ulil Abshar Abdalla yang berjudul "Mengapa Kita Perlu Meniru Barat?" dan diskursus Islamisme yang ditampilkan oleh teks karya Bramastyo Pontas P. yang berjudul "Transformasi Kaum Muda Indonesia" bergulir dalam dua level yaitu: pertama, dalam konteks praktek sosio-kultural yaitu melalui penyebaran pengetahuan melalui institusi politik dan memanfaatkan peluang struktur politik. Kedua, secara mikro berhubungan dengan bagaimana bahasa menjadi medium bagi kontestasi antara dua diskursus Islam Indonesia tersebut.
Tesis ini menggunakan tiga teori tentang analisis diskursus yang dibangun oleh Michel Foucault tentang relasi kuasa dalam setiap praktik sosial, teori hibridasi dan intertekstualitas dari Mikail Bakhtin dan analisis diskursus kritis tiga dimensi dari Norman Fairclough.
Metode analisis daiam riset ini menggunakan model analisis wacana kritis tiga dimensi yang dibangun oleh Norman Fairclough (yaitu analisis pada tingkat praktik sosio-kultural, praktik diskursif, dan-praktik analisis-tekstual)-untuk menyambungkan antara analisis-ditingkat makro yang terhubung dengan analisis ditingkat mikro.
Temuan penelitian dalam tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa bahasa dalam teks menjadi medium bagi bergulirnya kontestasi kuasa dan konflik yang berlangsung antara diskursu Islam liberal dan Islamisme yang bergulir baik di tingkatan makro (praktik sosio-kultural) dan tingkatan mikro (praktik diskursif dan analisis tekstual). Konflik diantara kedua wacana tersebut merepresentasikan sikap yang kontras antara wacana muslim demokrat liberal yang menempatkan Barat sebagai model modernitas bagi arah arah masa depan masyarakat Islam bagi wacana Islam liberal, dan muslim demokrat Islamis yang disatu sisi berusaha melakukan resistensi terhadap Barat dan terobsesi untuk melakukan IsIamisasi terhadap demokrasi dan modernitas.
ImpIikasi teoritik dari tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa sesuai dengan teori Norman Fairclough tentang bahasa sebagai medium bagi kontestasi relasi kuasa, bahwa bahasa dalam teks Ulil Abshar Abdalla dan Bramastyo Pontas P. kedua-duanya menjadi medium bagi bergulirnya relasi kekuasaan antara diskursus Islam liberal dan Islamisme.

Islamic Indonesian discourse contestation under the democratization context of the post New Order is chosen for this thesis because both Islamic liberal and Islamism discourses are representing the two mainstreams of Islamic discourse, struggling to gain control over Indonesian Moslem. In the research of Political Islam, there is hardly any comprehensive research on the contestation of Islamic discourses especially on the post New Order era in the level of socio-cultural context and the level of micro text related to how Language became the medium for power relation and conflict ideology within Islamic discourses in Indonesia.
The focus of this thesis is to analyze comprehensively the differences between Islamic discourses, the Liberal Islam discourse and the Islamism discourse, are being contested in public sphere. In line with this objective, the thesis would therefore scrutinize two articles representing those two conflicting paradigms, that is, ?Mengapa Kita Perlu Meniru Barat?? (Why do We have to Follow the West?) Written by Ulil Abshar Abdalla representing the Liberal Islam discourse, and ?Transformasi Kaum Muda Indonesia? (the Transformation of Indonesia's Young Generation), written by Bramastyo Pontas P projecting Islamism discourse. This thesis is trying to analyze in two IeveIs. First, the thesis is trying to explain the confrontation between those distinct paradigms occurred in a particular socio-political context. Second, this research analyze how the language became a realm of power contestation, involving those two opposite Islamic discourses.
The theoretical framework of this research used Foucault theory of power in every social practice, theory of intertextuality from Mikail Bakhtin and three dimensional critical discourse analyses from Norman Fairclough.
The methodology of this research applied three dimensions of critical discourse analysis developed by Norman Fairclough (analysis in the level of-socio-cultural practices, discursive practices, and textual analysis practices) to establish linkage between macro-politics and micro-politics analysis of the text.
The result of this research shown that the language used within the text became a medium for power contestation and conflict between Liberal Islam and Islamism both at the macro level (socio-cultural level) and micro level (discursive and textual analysis). This ideological conflict and power contestation represented the contrasting position between the democrat liberal Moslem discourses which placed the West as a model of Islamic society future and standard for modernity, and on the other side the democrat Islamism Moslem discourses obsession to resist western modernity hegemonic project and try to turn democracy and modernity through Islamization.
The theoretical implication of this thesis shown the accordance of the findings with Norman Fairclough's theory where the language in Abdalla's and Pontas' texts express the role of language as the medium of power relation contestation, between liberal Islam and Islamism discourse.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabi Isa merupakan tokoh yang sangat penting bagi penganut agama-agama Ibrahim, khususnya Islam dan Kristen/Nasrani. Walaupun banyak persamaan hal pada tokoh fenomenal ini,namun tidak sedikit pula perbedaannya. Dari namanya, masing-masing agama Ibrahim mempunyai perbedaan sebutan, Isa, Yesus, dan Yeshua. Konsep masing-masing umat beeragama tentang Nabi Isa, putra Maryam, ini juga banyak perbedaannya, misalnya apakah Isa benar-benar mati disalib atau tidak, "
Yogyakarta: State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, {s.a}
297 JAMI
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Radical Islamism is becoming a challenging new phenomenon in the modern world. In the Indonesian context, Solo is interesting because some radical Islamism groups have emetrged in the region - Pondok Ngruki, front Pemuda Islam Surakarta (FPIS) and others...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martinez, Luis
"For decades, Algeria has been depicted as an inaccessible, opaque, rentier state and under the control of secret intelligence agencies and inaccessible cartels and clans. While that analysis is partly true, this book contends that the analytical emphasis on opacity risks missing how much the country has changed since the 1990s: the new transparency of the interest groups that govern the country; the competing notions of economic development within key financial institutions; the impact of non-revolutionary contentious politics; the micro-politics of the changing attitudes of the countrys urban youth; the growth of moderate Islamist party politics; the changing notions of security held by the armed forces; and the dislocation of rebellion towards the South. Across ten chapters, the book demonstrates that Algeria under Abdelaziz Bouteflika remains complex and challenging to understand, but that it is no longer opaque and inaccessible.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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