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Abstrak :
The tourism industry on Langkawi and Redang islands has played an important role in improving the wellbeing of the islands’ community. This study aims to investigate the contribution of the tourism sector towards the well-being of the islanders through multiple indicators of well-being; employment, expenditure and ownership. Qualitative methods were employed to look at the changes of the islanders well-being over 10 years, after the year 2001. Both islands had been declared tourism destinations in the 1980’s. Several techniques were used to get data; Focus Group Discussion (FGD); Interviews; and observation. The results showed there was a clear improvement in the well-being of people on both islands, especially in terms of employment, income and expenses. All respondents acknowledged that their well-being has changed after getting a lot of job opportunities on the islands. Of the 30 respondents in Langkawi, most of them admitted that they have better income. From the aspect of spending, all respondents spent enough for their families and themselves. Ownership of the respondents on Langkawi island has also changed due to the increased income and expenses. Analysis from the FGD session on Redang island showed that most of the informants admitted an increase in jobs in the tourism sector enhanced the level of community’s well-being. As on Langkawi Island, employment, expenditure and ownership for the islanders on Redang Island also increased. The increasing jobs in the tourism industry on Langkawi and Redang Island enhance the level of spending and ownership, thus enhance the wellbeing of the community on both tourism islands.
[AENSI Publishers, ], 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daejon: National Heritage Division, 2009
KOR 910.9 KYU n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vickers, Adrian, 1958-
Depok : Komunitas Bambu , 2012
959.86 VIC b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Covarrubias, Miguel
London : Oxford University Press, 1972
919.27 COV i
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Numberi, Freddy
Jakarta: Gibon Books, 2009
598 NUM k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catur Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Kawasan Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu terletak 45 km sebelah utara Kota Jakarta. Jumlah keseluruhan pulau sebanyak 76 pulau yang terbagi dalam empat zona yaitu zona inti, zona perlindungan, zona pemanfaatan (intensif dan tradisional) dan zona penyangga. Zonasi diberlakukan dengan pertimbangan perairan disekitar pulau memiliki kekayaan sumberdaya alam seperti terumbu karang dan biota laut lainnya. Zona pemanfaatan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan wisata dan permukinian dengan mempertimbangkan konservasi lingkungan. Dalam realitanya, terjadi penyimpangan pemanfaatan pulau, bangunan-bangunan yang berada di zona pemanfaatan dan aktivitas wisata yang dijalankan di Pulau Putri dan Pulau Matahari tidak sesuai dengan strategi konservasi sesuai amanat UU No 5 Tahun 1990 dan PP No 18 Tahun 1994. Hal ini terjadi karena pemanfaatan pulau jauh lebih berkembang dibandingkan peraturan yang muncul belakangan. Tumpang tindihnya kewenangan dalam hal pengembangan pulau antara Pemda DKI dan Departemen Kehutanan, membuat rendahnya penegakan peraturan (law enforment). Pihak swasta selama ini hanya mengacu kepada peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh DKI Jakarta yaitu SK Gubenur 1814 Tahun 1989 dan Perda No 11 Tahun 1992. Dengan kondisi tersebut, pengembangan pulau wisata di zona pemanfaatan intensif, berdasarkan SWOT analisis harus dilakukan reorentasi pengembangan. Pola pengembangan yang dijalankan selama ini cenderung memberikan ancaman terutama dalam kerusakan alam. Namun, pulau-pulau wisata memiliki kekuatan (strength) untuk bisa dikembangkan, terutama dalam hal potensi yang dimiliki. Langkah yang bisa dilakukana adalah melakukan diversifikasi jenis pariwisata yang telah dijalankan selama ini. Jika diversifikasi dijalankan, maka arah pemanfaatan pulau akan lebih memberikan manfaat bagi pulau itu sendiri maupun stakeholder lain yaitu masyarakat dan pemerintah baik untuk masa sekarang maupun masa mendatang. Diversifikasi yang bisa dilakukan terhadap pemanfaatan pulau adalah reorientasi jenis pariwisata yaitu, diantaranya adalah ekowisata, suatu perjalanan wisata ke area alami yang dilakukan dengan tujuan mengkonservasi Iingkungan dan melestarikan kehidupan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat. Konsep ekowisata sepenuhnya bisa dijalankan sepenuhnya, bagi pulau-pulau yang belum (operasional) berjalan. Sementara untuk pulau-pulau yang sudah dimanfaatkan, secara bertahap di alihkan konsepnya sebagai ekowisata. Dengan konsep ekowisata, maka ancaman berupa kerusakan lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh aktifitas pengembangan dan wisata dapat diminimalisir. Karena pada hakekatnya ekowisata merupakan bentuk wisata yang dikelola dengan pendekatan konservasi. Ekowisata lebih mempergunakan pendekatan pelestarian dibandingkan pemanfaatan.
Thousand Islands National Park region is situated 45 km Northern Jakarta. The number of Islands consist of 76 islands which are divided into 4 zones. They are core zone, protection zone utilization zone (intensive and traditional) and support zone. Zonation is implemented considering the oceans along the islands contain natural resources; such as coral and other creature of sea. The utilization zone can be called upon the tourism interests and dwelling with consideration of environment conservation. In reality, there are deviations of the Island utilization; buildings placed in the utilization zone and tourism activities carried out in Putri Island and Matahari Island are compatible with the conservation strategy that is act no 5 ! 1990 and government law no 8 ! 1994. These happen because the making use of the islands develop faster than the regulations that come later. The over laping authority in developing the islands between Pemda DKI and Forestry Department causes the weakness of law enforcement. So far, private sectors have just referred to the regulations issued by Jakarta Local District, Governor's decree 1814 1989 and Perda no 11/1992. Under such circumstances and based on SWOT analysis, the development of tourism islands in the intensive utilisation zone extremely needs a development reorientation. The pattern of the development which has been carried on so far prone to give threats specifically in the nature destruction . But tourism islands own strength to be exploited especially in their potentials. Diversifying types of tourism which have been performed so far can be a good step to be implemented. if it works, the make use of the islands will give more benefit to either the islands themselves or other stakeholders, they are the community and the government for either today or future. Diversification that is possible to be applied is reorienting types of tourism among others; ecotourism; a tourism trip to natural areas intended to the environment conservation, life preservation and local community welfare. Ecotourism consept is fully accessible to be implemented to the operationally not in progress island. In the meantime, by steps, the concept of the in progress islands can be shit 0d to be ecotourism one. Throught this concept all kinds of threats such as environment destruction caused by the activities of developing and tours can be minimized. Basically, otourism is a form of tourism which is managed through the conservation approach. Ecotourism put to use more preservation than utilization.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 11070
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harris, Larry D.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press , 1984
333.7 HAR f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Aris Munandar
Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2005
915.598 AGU i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Zealand: New Zealand Embassy, 1990
341.246 TOW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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