ABSTRAKAwal tahun 2019 terjadi peningkatan insiden DBD di hampir seluruh wilayah
Indonesia. Data 2014-2015 menunjukkan DKI Jakarta selalu memiliki IR DBD di atas
angka Nasional. Pola peningkatan IR DBD di DKI Jakarta sangat bervariasi antar
Kelurahan, beberapa Kelurahan mengalami peningkatan kasus sangat tinggi sementara
Kelurahan lain justru turun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang
berhubungan dengan peningkatan IR DBD per Kelurahan periode Januari-Mei 2019.
Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan disain cross sectional. Hasil penelitian
mendapatkan model fit multivariat memuat 3 variabel yang mempengaruhi peningkatan
IR DBD per Kelurahan, yakni Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ) dengan nilai Prevalens Rasio
(PR) 1,66 (95% CI= 1,14-2,41), IR DBD sebelumnya, PR 0,60 (95% CI = 0,42-0,86)
dan proporsi umur 6-17 tahun PR sebesar 1,52 (95% CI= 1,06-2,16). Untuk mencegah
peningkatan IR DBD tingkat Kelurahan maka ABJ perlu ditingkatkan minimal 90-95%
dan dipertahankan bagi yang telah mencapai ≥ 95% melalui upaya pokok pengendalian
vektor DBD yakni dengan melaksanakan kegiatan PSN 3 M Plus dan Gerakan 1 Rumah
1 Jumantik (G1R1J), pihak Sekolah perlu dilibatkan dalam gerakan PSN ini sebab
proporsi usia Sekolah SD sd SMA yang tinggi berperan dalam peningkatan IR DBD,
Dinas Kesehatan beserta jajarannya perlu memberikan feed back pelaporan DBD kepada
masyarakat dan lintas sektor di tingkat Kelurahan secara rutin agar masyarakat dan aparat
Kelurahan senantiasa waspada terhadap potensi peningkatan kasus DBD di wilayahnya,
untuk menjaga kualitas PE DBD hendaknya senantiasa mendapat pembinaan dari Dinkes
dan Sudinkes.
ABSTRACTBeginning 2019 year the incidence of dengue was increase in almost all of regions in
Indonesia. Data from 2014 to 2015 shows that DKI Jakarta always has a DHF incidence
rate above the national rate. The pattern of increasing DHF IR in DKI Jakarta varies
greatly among urban villages, some urban villages have experienced very high increase
in cases while other urban villages have actually declined. This study aims to determine
the factors associated with an increase in DHF Incidence Rate by urban village in the
period January to May 2019. This research is an analytic observational type with cross
sectional design. The results get a multivariate fit model containing 3 variables that affect
the increase in DHF per village, namely larvae free rate (ABJ) with a Prevalence Ratio
(PR) 1.66 (95% CI = 1.14-2.41), DHF Incidence Rate previously, PR was 0.60 (95% CI
= 0.42-0.86) and the proportion of ages 6-17 years of PR was 1.52 (95% CI = 1.06-
2.16). To prevent an increase in DHF at the Village level, the ABJ needs to be increased
by at least 90-95% and maintained for those who have reached ≥ 95% through the main
efforts to control the DHF vector, namely by carrying out the activities of the PSN 3M
Plus and Movement 1 House 1 Larva Monitor (G1R1J), parties Schools need to be
involved in this PSN movement because a high proportion of elementary school age to
senior high school plays a role in increasing DHF Incidence Rate, the Health Office and
its staff need to provide DBD reporting back to the community and cross-sectoral at the
urban village level regularly so that the community and village's officials are always on
the lookout for the potential increase in dengue cases in their region, to maintain the
quality of DHF Epidemiological Investigation should always receive guidance from the
Public Health Office of DKI Jakarta Provincial."