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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Indriati Yulistiani
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Roro Chairunnisa Windiatama Putri
Abstrak :
Peran Oku Mumeo dalam gerakan sosial membawa perempuan Jepang mendapatkan kesejahteraan melalui dibentuknya New Women’s Association tahun 1919. Organisasi ini berhasil mensahkan revisi UU ketertiban Umum dan Polisi, pemilu untuk perempuan, melarang laki-laki dengan penyakit kelamin untuk menikah, serta menginisiasi Hataraku Fujin no Ie (Rumah untuk Perempuan yang Bekerja) yang menyediakan tempat bagi perempuan yang bekerja pada tahun 1930. Pasca Perang Dunia II, tahun 1948 Oku Mumeo juga membentuk Shufurengo-kai (Asosiasi Ibu Rumah Tangga) sebagai organisasi yang menyejahterakan perempuan melalui 'menghubungkan politik dengan dapur'. Penelitian sejarah ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran Oku Mumeo dan organisasi-organisasi yang didirikannya dalam gerakan sosial. Organisasi yang didirikan Mumeo kerap berkembang seiring kebutuhan zaman. Dalam penulisan ini dapat kita lihat juga pada Pasca Perang Dunia II, Oku Mumeo lebih fokus kepada ibu rumah tangga, karena perempuan pada umumnya sudah mulai mendapatkan kebebasan dalam ruang publik. Gerakan sosial yang dilakukan Oku Mumeo bersama organisasinya tidak berhenti dan terus berkembang dengan tujuan menyejahterakan masyarakat Jepang.
The role of Oku Mumeo in social movements that brought Japanese women to prosperity through the establishment of the New Women's Association which seeks to revise The Public Order and Police Law of 1900, forbid men with venereal diseases to get married, as well as women suffrage established in 1919 and Hataraku Fujin no Ie (House for Working Women) which provided a place for women to work in 1930. In 1948, during the post World War II era, Shufurengo-kai (Housewife federation) as an organization formed by Oku Mumeo after the war also made women prosperous through 'connecting politics with the kitchen'. This historical research used qualitative method. The purpose of this paper is to find out the role of Oku Mumeo and the organizations she founded. The organization founded by Mumeo often grows together with the needs of times. In this writing we can also see in the Post World War II, Oku Mumeo is more focused on housewives, because women in general have started to get freedom in public space. The social movements undertaken by Oku Mumeo and his organization did not stop and continue to develop with the aim of prospering the Japanese people.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Luh Bayu Purwa Eka Payani
Abstrak :
[Perang Dingin yang berakhir pada tahun 1990 telah mengubah konstelasi politik dan keamanan dunia. Kemunculan banyak negara baru yang dulu tidak terlalu dominan dalam politik dunia, kini menjadi pemain yang cukup diperhitungkan seperti Jepang. Setelah mengalami kekalahan pada Perang Dunia Ke-II, Jepang menjadi negara yang tidak normal karena tidak memiliki kekuatan militer.Sejak saat itu pula, Jepang menggantungkan keamanan nasionalnya di bawah perlindungan payung keamanan Amerika Serikat. Seiring berjalannya waktu, struktur keamanan global maupun regional telah berubah. Kemunculan China sebagai kekuatan regional baru, pengembangan senjata nuklir Korea Utara, modernisasi militer Korea Selatan, serta banyaknya masalah baik teritorial maupun sejarah di Asia Timur telah mempengaruhi Jepang untuk mengubah kebijakan Pertahanannya. Perubahan kebijakan ini diwujudkan dalam dua usaha yaitu usaha internal melalui peningkatan kekuatan pertahanan Jepang dan usaha eksternal melalui peningkatan diplomasi pertahanan Jepang dengan negara-negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik. ......The end of Cold War in 1990 changed global political constellation and security. The emergence of new global power that were not determined in the past, now have a very significant role in global politics such as Japan. After losing to U.S allies in the World War II, Japan became abnormal state because she did not have military power. Since then, Japan has been depended her national security on U.S security umbrella. After Cold War, the situation surroundings Japan has changed. China rose as a new global power, nuclear weapon possession by North Korea, South Korea's military modernization, and territorial disputes among them give impacts on Japan?s Defense Policy. The change of Japan's Defense Policy is indicated by two attempts, which are internal efforts and external efforts. Internal efforts are executed by increasing military power and external efforts are executed by developing defense diplomacy through security arrangements with the Asia Pacific countries. The end of Cold War in 1990 changed global political constellation and security. The emergence of new global power that were not determined in the past, now have a very significant role in global politics such as Japan. After losing to U.S allies in the World War II, Japan became abnormal state because she did not have military power. Since then, Japan has been depended her national security on U.S security umbrella. After Cold War, the situation surroundings Japan has changed. China rose as a new global power, nuclear weapon possession by North Korea, South Korea’s military modernization, and territorial disputes among them give impacts on Japan’s Defense Policy. The change of Japan’s Defense Policy is indicated by two attempts, which are internal efforts and external efforts. Internal efforts are executed by increasing military power and external efforts are executed by developing defense diplomacy through security arrangements with the Asia Pacific countries., The end of Cold War in 1990 changed global political constellation and security. The emergence of new global power that were not determined in the past, now have a very significant role in global politics such as Japan. After losing to U.S allies in the World War II, Japan became abnormal state because she did not have military power. Since then, Japan has been depended her national security on U.S security umbrella. After Cold War, the situation surroundings Japan has changed. China rose as a new global power, nuclear weapon possession by North Korea, South Korea’s military modernization, and territorial disputes among them give impacts on Japan’s Defense Policy. The change of Japan’s Defense Policy is indicated by two attempts, which are internal efforts and external efforts. Internal efforts are executed by increasing military power; and external efforts are executed by developing defense diplomacy through security arrangements with the Asia Pacific countries.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imas Yuliani
Abstrak :
15 Agustus 2017 lalu, Jepang memperingati Hari Berakhirnya Perang Dunia II yang ke-72. Selama 72 tahun terlepas dari perang, Jepang masih memiliki isu-isu terkait perang yang belum terselesaikan. Isu perang di Jepang merupakan isu yang hangat namun tabu untuk dibahas. Untuk memperingati hari yang bersejarah, tiga surat kabar nasional Jepang, yaitu Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun dan Sankei Shimbun menerbitkan editorial dengan suasana yang sama, yaitu mengenai perang dan sejarah perang Jepang di laman website masing-masing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana ketiga surat kabar nasional Jepang membingkai masing-masing editorialnya. Melalui analisis framing milik Robert M. Entman, penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pemahaman mengenai bagaimana ketiga surat kabar ini mengkonstruksi agenda pribadi masing-masing melalui pembingkaian yang dilakukan pada isu terkait perang pada hari yang sangat bersejarah bagi Jepang.
August 15th this year, Japan commemorate their 72nd Anniversary of World War II. Even though it has been 72th since war ended, Japan still has unresolved issues related to the war. The issue of war in Japan is a quite a hot topic yet taboo to discuss. To commemorate the historic day, three of Japaneses national newspaper, which is Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun and Sankei Shimbun published an editorial on the same line, which is about the war and history of Japanese war on their own respective website pages. This research aims to see how the three Japaneses national newspapers frame their own editorial. Through Robert M. Entman 39s framing analysis, this research is expected to provide an understanding of how these three newspapers construct their own individual agendas through framing methods on war related issues and history of Japanese war.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library