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Abstrak :
A Study on Completing Compensation System with Job Value Based in Perum Since the company was established in November 25, 1946, founding system Human Resources (HR) still refers to civil servant. Even through status of corporate body has already changed, from division company, then state company and the last, public company with consequences that cost of HR no longer covered by government, the effort to complete system of HR building have never done. In addition, the ability of company finance is limited so that not every policy launched by government related to better remuneration for civil servant could automatically be applied in this company. The efforts for better welfare so far done by giving various allowances and these lack of proportional toward employee contribution. This condition causes HR cost to be fixed cost factor with is not directly connected to employee and company performance. Theoretically this condition is incorrect, because according to Milkovich (1999:10) compensation owns efficiency target especially in frame of performance improvement, quality, customer satisfaction and control of HR cost. Besides, Armstrong and Murlis.2(2003:16) mentioned that commitment on market economy will quickly be exposed that money is the best motivator. That's why there must be strong relation between compensation and performance. If not, that will indicate the existing compensation system has not reached target. Therefore, it is required to improve. Armstrong and Muriis 1(2003:3) mentioned that strategy of compensation is corning from HR strategy and business strategy. While Walker (1992:10-11) described that HR strategy is how a company arranges its employees to be able to support business target through determined business strategy. Therefore, in this Thesis, is used logical frame as follows: To achieve target, the company should be backed up with good business strategy. To be able to arrange, plan and carry out business strategy, it is required HR support with high commitment through good business strategy in which compensation strategy is included. The research output by Gomez-Mejia (1992:61-67) indicates that compensation strategy goes to two patterns, namely Algorithmic and Experiential. The algorithmic pattern focused on job or duty, while experiential one exposed on skill. If we connect to the existing business strategy, the application of compensation pattern using organization typology according to Miles and Snow, that is defenders type, prospectors and analyzers. Type of defenders has stable character and low demand of changes, so this is appropriate for highly dedicated HR, loyal and diligent, with algorithmic pattern for the remuneration. Type of prospectors is temporal, quick changes, so that appropriate for HR with high turn over using experiential system for salary. While analyzers type is correct and very careful and fix for HR with full consideration and the remuneration using between algorithmic and experiential. The research conducted in Perum DAMRI through questioner and relevant data back up as well as data from benchmark with other relevant company. Research output analyzer for 364 samples of almost 7000 employees indicates that employees are not satisfied with financial compensation, because neglect internal and external equity; Contribution of compensation system toward employee performance are very low, so it is not yet optimal as tool / motivator for employees performance; Employees expect changes on financial compensation system, especially system of giving allowances based on achievement and heavy - light employees task. For component of basic salary, based on position, grade and long period of working. Completing financial compensation system is carried out by mixing some allowances which is not proportional, into for on of variable salary based on job value, taken from job evaluation done before. Variable salary is arranged for separate salary structure, so that in the implementation there will be two salary structure that is basic salary structure and variable salary structure. Application of variable salary refers to research output by Gomez-Mejia and theory of Armstrong and Murlis, that is employees in operation with prospectors characteristics using variable salary with performance based; employees in mechanic / technician with analyzers characteristic using variable salary with skills based, while management and administration staff with defenders characteristic using variable salary with competency based. One to existing compensation has been very long time implemented, the completion should be applied gradually and supported with strong commitment from management. Application of variable salary with performance based, skills based, and competency based constitutes first step to complete compensation system toward more ideal in company environment. [Rincian Isi Tesis : xiii, 140 halaman + 21 tabel + 7 gambar + 10 lampiran, Bibliografi : 43 buku, 7 artikel, (1982 - 2003)]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Nur Apriyani
Abstrak :
Sumber daya manusia memiliki peranan yang sangat peting dalam mengembangkan dan mencapai sasaran perusahaan. Keberadaan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dapat menjadi bumerang bagi perusahaan jika tidak disertai dengan perencanaan dan pengendalian sumber daya manusia itu sendiri. Untuk mempertahankan karyawan yang berkualitas, perusahaan harus mampu menciptakan kondisi keseimbangan antara pencapaian tujuan perusahaan dan pencapaian tujuan individu karyawan-karyawannya dimana salah satu tujuan karyawan bekerja adalah tercapainya kepuasan dalam bekerja. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk mencapai memotivasi karyawan untuk rneningkatkan kinerjanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi existing dari persespsi pegawai PT. Multi Jaya Perkasa mengenai kebijakan penggajian yang dirasakan oleh pegawai, serta mengukur hubungannya dengan tingkat kepuasan mereka dengan kebijakan penggajian yang mereka rasakan. Dalam penelitian ini juga akan dilihat secara eksplorati formulasi kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh pihak Manajemen PT. Multi Jaya Perkasa dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Point-System. Penelitian ini mengatakan bahwa strategi kompensasi perusahaan harus mencakup empat komponen utama yaitu: internal alignment, external alignment, external competitiveness, employee contribution and administration. Sistem kompensasi yang baik adalah yang dapat memenuhi keadilan internal dan eksternal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan point system lebih banyak digunakan daripada metode lainnya. Hipotesis yang diajukan dafam penelitian ini adalah apakah terdapat hubungan yang signifikans antara Sistem Penggajian dengan Kepuasan Kerja karyawan di PT. Multi Jaya Perkasa. Responden yang diikut sertakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 72 orang. Dengan menggunakan kuesioner, dilakukan pengumpulan data untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan metode statistika Analisis Korelasi Rank Spearman. Sebelum analisis ini dibuat, dilakukan terlebih dahulu analisis Validitas dan Analisis Reliabilitas menggunakan Korelasi Item Total Rank Spearman dan Koefisien Reliabilitas Alpha Cronbach. Hasil anatisis meriunjukkan bahwa seluruh item yang digunakan dalam kuesioner penelitian memiliki tingkat Validitas dan Reliabilitas yang baik, dan dapat dilanjutkan untuk analisis. Hasil analisis korelasi Rank-Spearman yang dilakukan terhadap variabei Sistem Penggajian dan Kepuasan Kerja, diperoleh nilai korelasi yang cukup kuat yaitu sebesar 0,684 atau 68,4%. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan terhadap sistem penggajian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum karyawan cukup puas dengan sistem panggajian yang berlaku di penisahaan saat ini, meskipun terdapat kecenderungan para karyawan yang kurang puas dengan gaji yang diterima saat ini. Untuk mencapai tujuan kompensasi yang efektif, pertu dilakukan evaluasi pekedaan yaitu dengan menggunakan informasi. melalui analisis pekerjaan berdasarkan bobot relatif dari masing-masing pekerjaan, untuk menjamin keadilan internal. Dengan evaluasi jabatan ini akan menentukan pekerjaan mana yang memiliki nilai lebih tinggi daripada lainnya. Analisis ini merupakan dasar untuk menentukan hirarki pekerjaan dan rentang gaji karyawan, sehingga diharapkan dapat diperoleh sistem penggajian yang wajar dan adil.
Human resources have the most important role in developing ang realizing company target. The existente of qualified human resources can be boomerang for a company if it is not accompanied with planning and control of Duch human resources. For maintaining the qualified employee, company should be able to create balance condition between the realization of company objective and the realization of employee objectives where one of the objectives of employee to work is the realization of work satisfaction. The purpose of this research is aimed to reveal the views of PT. Multi Jaya Perkasa's employees as well as their satisfaction level of the salary system applied in the company. One of the ways can be done by company for realizing the motivation of employee in for increasing their performance according to this research that company compensation strategy shall cover four main components, namely: internal alignment, external alignment, external competitiveness, employee contribution and administration. Good compensation system is those which can able to fulfill both internal and external justice. The result of research shows that point system is used more than other methods.lt also seek to explore the policy blueprint in the management of PT Multi Jaya Perkasa, which was analyzed using Point-System methods. The key hypothesis in this research is (to analyze) whether there is a significant correlation between the salary system and the working satisfaction in PT Multi Jaya Perkasa. Seventy-two respondents involved in this research. The data was collected through questionnaires, which was then analyzed using statistic method of Rank Spearrnan Correlation Analysis. The validity and reliability analysis of the total Rank Spearrnan Correlation and Alpha Cronbach Reliability-Coefficients were performed before the analysis was made. The findings show that-all-the-items used in -the research questionnaires have a good level of validity and reliability. it can be carried out for further analysis. The outcome of Rank-Spearman correlation analysis towards the variable of salary systems and working-satisfaction shows a strong correlation level, which are 0,684 or 68,4 percent. The result of research already conducted on salary system shows that generally employees were enough satisfied with the applicable salary system at company in this current time, although it was found a tend that the employees were less satisfied with the salary accepted in this time. For realizing the compensation objective effectively, it needs to be conducted work evaluation with way of using information through job analysis based on relative quantity from respective job, for assuring the internal justice. With evaluation this position it can be determined which job has the higher value than others. This analysis represents basic for determining job hierarchy and employee salary range, so that it is expected can be obtained adequate and fair salary system.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurhayati Pratiwi Irmasika
Abstrak :
Rancangan Sistem Remunerasi Staf Medis di RSIA Buah Hati CiputatPada Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Tahun 2017Perubahan kebijakan pemberian jasa medis RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat di era Jaminan KesehatanNasional menyebabkan keresahan di kalangan staf medis, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuanmenyusun rancangan sistem remunerasi staf medis dengan menggunakan pedekatan kuantitatifdilanjutkan dengan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian jasa medis di RSIABuah Hati Ciputat sudah memenuhi prinsip remunerasi seperti yang diungkapkan oleh 79 stafmedis dan telah meningkatkan kenyamanan kerja bagi staf medis. Besaran gaji pokok staf medismasih lebih rendah daripada ketentuan pemerintah. Tunjangan jabatan belum diberikan kepadasemua jabatan struktural yang melibatkan staf medis. Pay for performance diberikan kepadasemua staf medis dengan menggunakan sistem persentase, menyebabkan peningkatan jumlahkunjungan laboratorium. Pay for people diberikan hanya pada saat tertentu misal saat barumemulai pelayanan JKN dan cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan pasien JKNrata-rata sebesar 50 . Nilai pekerjaan staf medis spesialis ditentukan berdasarkan standar yanglazim berlaku di rumah sakit yang memiliki level yang sama. Kesimpulannya adalah penerapansistem remunerasi di RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat sudah memenuhi prinsip-prinsip remunerasi namunpemberian komponen remunerasi belum sesuai dengan ketentuan pemerintah. Penelitimenyarankan agar RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat dapat melakukan perbaikan sistem remunerasi stafmedis yang sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah, memperbaharui formula penghitungan insentif,menyusun formula baku penghitungan bonus, melakukan survey gaji secara rutin dan melakukanpenentuan nilai pekerjaan dengan mengkombinasikan hasil analisis dan evaluasi pekerjaan dengansurvey gaji.Kata kunci : prinsip remunerasi, komponen remunerasi, analisis dan evaluasi pekerjaan, surveygaji, penentuan nilai pekerjaan. ...... The Design of Remuneration System of Medical Staff at RSIA Buah HatiCiputat In The Age Of National Health Assurance At 2017Changes in the policy of providing medical services RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat in the era ofNational Health Insurance caused anxiety among the medical staff, therefore this research aims todesign the system of remuneration of medical staff by using quantitative approaches followed byqualitative. The results showed that the provision of medical services at RSIA Buah Hati Ciputathas fulfilled the principle of remuneration as revealed by 79 of medical staff and has improvedthe working comfort for medical staff. The amount of basic medical staff salaries is still lowerthan the government requirement. Job allowances have not been granted to all structural positionsinvolving medical staff. Pay for performance is given to all medical staff using a percentagesystem, leading to an increase in the number of laboratory visits. Pay for people is given only atcertain times for example when just starting JKN services and effective enough to increase thenumber of visits JKN patients on average by 50 . The value of the work of a specialist medicalstaff is determined by standards that are common in hospitals of the same level. The conclusion isthat the application of remuneration system at RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat has fulfilled the principlesof remuneration but the remuneration component has not been in accordance with governmentregulation. The researcher suggested that RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat can repair the remunerationsystem of medical staff in accordance with the government regulation, update incentivecalculation formula, prepare the formula of bonus calculation, conduct salary survey routinely anddo the job value determination by combining the result of analysis and job evaluation with surveysalary.Keywords remuneration principle, remuneration component, job analysis and evaluation, salarysurvey, job value determination
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library