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Wahyu Widi Astuti
Sebagian wilayah karst memiliki wilayah yang kering dan tidak produktif serta sering mengalami fenomena kekeringan dan kritis air seperti di Kawasan Karst Pegunungan Sewu yang ada di Wonogiri dan Gunung Kidul. Namun ada sebagian wilayah karst lain yang justru berlebihan air seperti Karst yang ada di Pangkep Maros, Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variasi tingkat kekritisan air bulanan di Kawasan Karst Gombong Selatan dan Sekitarnya secara spasial dan temporal.Variabel penelitian yang digunakan adalah curah hujan dan faktor geologi untuk menghitung ketersediaan air, serta jumlah penduduk, jumlah murid sekolah, jumlah industri, jumlah fasilitas kesehatan, jumlah fasilitas ibadah, dan luas area pasar untuk kebutuhan air. Data curah hujan yang digunakan adalah data curah hujan bulanan yang digunakan selama tahun 1988-2017 dari 2 stasiun penakar curah hujan. Metode yang digunakan adalah menghitung serta membandingkan jumlah kebutuhan air dan ketersediaan air bulanan secara kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara temporal kekritisan air baru terjadi pada bulan-bulan seperti Bulan Juni, Juli Agustus dan September. Secara spasial, wilayah dengan tingkat kekritisan mendekati kritis-sangat kritis terjadi pada Bulan Juni-September dan sebagian besar mengelompok di sebelah Timur Laut serta Utara menuju ke Tengah wilayah penelitian.

Some karst areas have dry and unproductive areas and often experience of drought phenomena and critical water such as in the Karst Area of Pegunungan Sewu in Wonogiri and Gunung Kidul. But there are some other karst areas that just excessive water like Karst in Pangkep Maros, South Sulawesi. This study aims to analyze the variation of monthly water criticality level in Karst Gombong Selatan and surrounding areas spatially and temporally. The research variables used rainfall and geological factors to calculate water availability, and the number of residents, the number of school students, the number of industries, the number of facilities health, number of worship facilities, and wide market area to calculate water needs. Rainfall data used is the monthly rainfall data used during the years 1988 2017 from 2 rainfall precipitation stations. The method used to calculate and compare the quantity of water needs and monthly water availability quantitatively. The results show that temporal water criticality occurs only in months such as June, July August and September. Spatially, the region with criticality is close to critical very critical in June September and mostly clustered to the Northeast and North to the Middle of the study area. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Abdul Rozaq
"Permasalahan stunting di Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan isu yang saat ini menjadi program prioritas bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen. Tingginya prevalensi stunting di Kabupaten Kebumen menjadikan Kabupaten Kebumen sebagai salah satu dari 100 Kabupaten/Kota Prioritas Penanganan Stunting di Indonesia. Terdapat empat permasalahan yang menjadi penyebab tingginya stunting di Kabupaten Kebumen, yaitu: terdapat beberapa desa lokus dengan prevalensi stunting yang cukup tinggi, tingkat kemiskinan Kabupaten Kebumen yang tinggi, cakupan pelayanan air minum layak belum optimal, dan rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat akan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) dan kecukupan gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi Pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen dalam menangani masalah stunting tahun 2020. Teori utama yang digunakan adalah teori strategi dan manajemen strategis. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen sudah menerapkan strategi dalam menangani masalah stunting tahun 2020 walaupun dalam pelaksanaan program di lapangan terdapat hambatan yaitu dengan adanya COVID-19. Strategi penanganan stunting di Kabupaten Kebumen didasarkan pada 4 tipe strategi yaitu corporate strategy, program strategy, resource support strategy, dan institutional strategy
......The problem of stunting in Kebumen Regency is an issue that is currently a priority program for the Kebumen Regency Government. The high prevalence of stunting in Kebumen Regency makes Kebumen Regency one of the 100 Priority Regencies/Cities for Handling Stunting in Indonesia. There are four problems that cause high stunting in Kebumen Regency, namely: there are several loci villages with a fairly high prevalence of stunting, high poverty rates in Kebumen Regency, inadequate drinking water service coverage, and low public awareness of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS) and nutritional adequacy. This study aims to analyze the strategy of the Kebumen Regency Government in dealing with the stunting problem in 2020. The main theories used are strategy theory and strategic management. This thesis uses a qualitative method, with the type of descriptive research. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews and literature study. The results of the study show that the Kebumen Regency Government has implemented a strategy in dealing with the stunting problem in 2020 even though in the implementation of the program in the field there are obstacles, namely the presence of COVID-19. The stunting management strategy in Kebumen Regency is based on 4 types of strategies, namely corporate strategy, program strategy, resource support strategy, and institutional strategy."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahma Wijayanti
"Limestone cave is an unique ecosystem with having characteristics on enclosed space, dark, stable temperature, moist, air sirculation and being inhabited by specific flora and fauna. A limestone cave ecosystem is fragile and unrenewable for the process of its formation needs millions of years (Bullock,1965:60; Whitten et al. 1996: 542). Petruk and Jatijajar limestone caves are located at the vicinity of South Gombong Crust ,Central Java. Being potential as tourist attractions, the two caves are made used by local government tourist agency of Kebumen Regency. To create a proper managament system which saveguard the ecological function of the cave as well as the related ecological process, studies on the biodiversity and ecology are needed.
The objectives of this study are primarily to understand : (1). The level of abundance of bats (2). The different of the physical environment which influence the bats populations (3). The diversity of fauna (4). The preference roosting place the bats at Petruk and Jatijajar cave. This study is conducted at Petruk cave and Jatijajar cave which are located at Ayah subdistric , Kebumen regency , Central Java in July - September 1999.
The estimation of bat populations is made by counting the total number of induvidual bats when they left the cave in the evening and roosting the roof of cave during the days. For physical environment studies of the cave, the temperature, humidity and the light intensity at every zone of the cave were measured. Avertebrata and water fauna diversity were calculated by square method (murray 1991: 48), and the vertebrate diversity by line transek method (Wardoyo: 1986:11). The habitat preference of bat's roosting was identified using several criteria including the distance of the roosting place from the cave enterance, temperature, humidity and light intensity of the roosting place of each bats colony.
To compare the physical data of the similar zone the ANOVA test was used at the level of 95 % signiticant (Walpole 1987: 383).The fauna diversity index was calculated by the Shanon - Whiner index (Cox, 1997:195). The similarity of those population were measured by Sorensen formula (Cox, 1997:197 ).The map for roosting habitat preference is made based on available map has been provided by Finspac' (1997), while for Jatijajar cave has been prepared by tourism agency of the Kebumen local goverment 1997.
Conclusions drawn from this study were : 1) The bat population of Petruk cave during the research was approximately 144.00 at 661,34 and of Jatijajar cave around 2.874 + 179,2. 2) The physical environment of Petruk cave was warmer, with a high humidity level , and darker than the Jatijajar cave. 3) The land fauna diversity of Petruk cave was higher than that of Jatijajar cave. However those caves have similarities concerning the water fauna diversity. 4) At petruk cave 8 roosting places in habited by 6 species of bat' s namely : Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Hipposideros bicolor,Hipposideros diadema, Myotis horsfieldii, Tadarida plicata and Rhinolopus luctus. At Jatijajar cave there are 6 roosting places inhabited by 3 species of bat , namely: Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Hipposideros bicolor and Rhinoilopus luctus. At both of cave the R. amplexicaudatus prefer red to have a roosting place somewhere around the entrance due to sufficient light.
However R. luctus preferred to have a roosting place at the far end of the cave where the level of humidity is high and there is no light at all. The other species : H. bicofon H. diadema ,M, horsfieldii, and T. plicata preferred to have a roosting place at the medle of the cave which little light is available and the temperature and humidity are fluctuative."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan kabupaten yang curah hujan tinggi dan berpotensi seringnya mengalami kejadian hujan ekstrem. Frekuensi kejadian hujan ekstrem dihitung di 31 stasiun penakar curah hujan selama periode 1981-2015. Untuk melihat pola spasial frekuensi hujan ekstrem di Kabupaten Kebumen digunakan metode fix threshold (MFT) dan site specific threshold (MSST). Perbandingan dua metode hujan ekstrem bertujuan untuk memprediksi dan meminimalisir dampak kejadian longsor yang dipicu oleh hujan ekstrem. Pola spasial dianalisis berdasarkan wilayah ketinggian dan jarak dari garis pantai, kemudian divalidasi dengan wilayah kejadian longsor. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa MFT merupakan metode terbaik dalam menggambarkan kejadian hujan ekstrem di Kabupaten Kebumen. Kejadian hujan ekstrem sebesar 50 mm sudah cukup untuk memicu terjadinya longsor di Kabupaten Kebumen.
Kebumen Regency is attributed with high rainfall rate that cause high potential to extreme rainfall events. The frequency of extreme rainfall events calculated in 31 rain stations during the 1981-2015 period. The Fix Threshold Method (FTM) and Site Specific Threshold Method (SSTM) are used to see the spatial pattern of frequency of extreme rainfall in Kebumen Regency. Comparison between the two methods aims to predict and minimize the impact of the landslide event which triggered by extreme rainfall events. Spatial pattern has been analyzed based on region altitude and distance from the coastline, and validated by landslide occurances. The result showed that FTM is the best method to describe extreme rainfall event in Kebumen Regency. Extreme rainfall event around 50 mm is enough to trigger landslide in Kebumen Regency."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aude Ilman Rasjiddin
Kekeringan merupakan suatu fenomena yang diakibatkan penyimpangan iklim atau secara umum sebagai kurangnya hujan pada suatu wilayah. Kekeringan juga berdampak pada lapisan permukaan tanah dimana kandungan air dibutuhkan untuk keseimbangan bahan organik, biota tanah, serta kelangsungan hidup vegetasi. Kondisi tersegut dikateogrikan oleh NOAA sebagai kekeringan pertanian/tanah. Penelitian ini mencari wilayah berpotensi kekeringan tanah di Kabupaten Kebumen dengan algoritma indeks kebasahan dan indeks kecerahan yang dibuat oleh Jensen dalam Chen 2014 untuk melihat kondisi bahan organik dan juga kelembaban tanah sebagai indikator kekeringan tanah pada tahun 2015, serta hubunganya dengan kekeringan meteorologis dengan metode standartdized precipitation index SPI data curah hujan 30 tahun secara statistik. Kedua indeks tersebut kebasahan dan kecerahan dihitung pada data citra satelit. Kekeringan tanah dilihat secara spasial dengan penggunaan tanah sebagai unit analisisnya melalui metode overlay. Hasil mengatakan bahwa kekeringan tanah cenderung tinggi pada penggunaan tanah sawah tanah hujan, padang rumput dan tegalan. Hubungan kekeringan tanah dengan meteorologis secara statistik tidak signifikan.

Drought is a phenomenon resulting irrelevancy or climate in General as a lack of rain in the area. Droughts also impact on the surface layer of the soil where the moisture content required to balance organic matter, soil biota, as well as the survival of vegetation. Tersegut condition dikateogrikan by NOAA as drought farms land. This research finding potentially soil drought region in the District of Kebumen index algorithm with kebasahan and brightness index made by Jensen in Chen 2014 to see the condition of the organic matter and soil moisture as well as indicators of soil drought by 2015, as well as linked with meteorological drought by the method of standartdized precipitation index SPI 30 years of rainfall data statistically. Both the index wetness and brightness are calculated on the data of satellite imagery. Drought seen in spatial soil with land use as the unit of analysis through the overlay method. The results say that the dryness of soils tend to high ground on the use of rice land, pasture and moorland. Relationship of soil drought by meteorologists are statistically insignificant."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library