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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lessy Sutiyono Aji
Abstrak :
Tren global bencana alam mengalami peningkatan, baik yang disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim, pemanasan global, gempa bumi maupun oleh perbuatan manusia. Jika dilihat dari statistik peningkatan terjadinya bencana, kejadian bencana alam diseluruh dunia mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang terletak pada tiga lempeng besar dunia dan jalur ring of fire sehingga berpotensi besar terhadap bencana tsunami [1]. Telekomunikasi memiliki peranan penting sebagai alat komunikasi pada saat terjadinya bencana. Dalam penelitian ini akan diusulkan dua skenario alternatif metoda pengembangan jaringan PPDR Broadband, yaitu Skenario Alternatif I : Pemerintah membangun dan mengoperasikan sendiri dan Skenario Alternatif II : Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Operator Telekomunikasi. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan sudut pandang Pemerintah. Cakupan area penelitian adalah DKI, Jabar dan Banten. Pada Skenario alternatif I, didapatkan nilai cost benefit analysis sebesar 903 dan untuk skenario alternatif II didapatkan nilai cost benefit analysis sebesar 1837. Kedua skenario tersebut dapat dikatakan layak secara ekonomi, tapi jika pemerintah menggunakan alternatif II dapat menghemat biaya sebesar 1,4 Trilyun Rupiah. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan kepada pemerintah perihal pemilihan metoda pembangunan infrastruktur komunikasi radio antar instansi pemerintah untuk PPDR.
Global trend of natural disasters has increased, whether caused by climate change, global warming, earthquakes or by human actions. When viewed from the statistical increase in the occurrence of disasters, natural disasters around the world has increased from year to year. Indonesia is a maritime country that lies in the world's three major plates and lane ring of fire that has great potential for tsunami disaster [1]. Telecommunications has an important role as a means of communication in the event of a disaster. In this study will be proposed two alternative scenarios development method of PPDR Network, namely the Alternative Scenario I: build and operate by Government and Alternative Scenario II: Public Private Partnership. The analysis is based on Government view. The coverage area of research is Jakarta, West Java and Banten. In the alternative scenario I, we found that value of cost benefit analysis are 908. and In the alternative scenario II, we found that value of cost benefit analysis are 1837. Both of these scenarios can be said to be economically viable, but if the government uses the second alternative can save costs by 1.4 trillion rupiah. Results of this study will be proposed to the government in determining the method of network construction PPDR;Global trend of natural disasters has increased, whether caused by climate change, global warming, earthquakes or by human actions. When viewed from the statistical increase in the occurrence of disasters, natural disasters around the world has increased from year to year. Indonesia is a maritime country that lies in the world's three major plates and lane ring of fire that has great potential for tsunami disaster [1]. Telecommunications has an important role as a means of communication in the event of a disaster. In this study will be proposed two alternative scenarios development method of PPDR Network, namely the Alternative Scenario I: build and operate by Government and Alternative Scenario II: Public Private Partnership. The analysis is based on Government view. The coverage area of research is Jakarta, West Java and Banten. In the alternative scenario I, we found that value of cost benefit analysis are 908. and In the alternative scenario II, we found that value of cost benefit analysis are 1837. Both of these scenarios can be said to be economically viable, but if the government uses the second alternative can save costs by 1.4 trillion rupiah. Results of this study will be proposed to the government in determining the method of network construction PPDR, Global trend of natural disasters has increased, whether caused by climate change, global warming, earthquakes or by human actions. When viewed from the statistical increase in the occurrence of disasters, natural disasters around the world has increased from year to year. Indonesia is a maritime country that lies in the world's three major plates and lane ring of fire that has great potential for tsunami disaster [1]. Telecommunications has an important role as a means of communication in the event of a disaster. In this study will be proposed two alternative scenarios development method of PPDR Network, namely the Alternative Scenario I: build and operate by Government and Alternative Scenario II: Public Private Partnership. The analysis is based on Government view. The coverage area of research is Jakarta, West Java and Banten. In the alternative scenario I, we found that value of cost benefit analysis are 908. and In the alternative scenario II, we found that value of cost benefit analysis are 1837. Both of these scenarios can be said to be economically viable, but if the government uses the second alternative can save costs by 1.4 trillion rupiah. Results of this study will be proposed to the government in determining the method of network construction PPDR]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayyan Sabil Asy`Tama
Abstrak :
Sesar Sumatera merupakan salah satu sesar aktif di Pulau Sumatera yang terbagi menjadi beberapa segmen salah satunya segmen Sianok. Segmen Sianok memiliki nilai sliprate 14mm/tahun dan gempa terbesar pada segmen ini yaitu pada 4 Agustus 1926 dengan M 7. Metode gravitasi digunakan karena dapat memetakan kondisi bawah permukaan bumi secara lateral sehingga dapat mengidentifikasi struktur geologi di bawah permukaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi sesar Sumatera Segmen Sianok dan sekitarnya, dan mengestimasi potensi kebencanaan sesmik berbasis data gravitasi satelit ggmplus yang disediakan oleh Curtin University. Dengan menggunakan FHD dan SVD data gravitasi maka dapat diidentifikasi keberadaan, posisi dan jenis sesarnya. Metode MS-SVD merupakan metode dimana terdapat data SVD pada beberapa ketinggian berbeda. Hal ini didapatkan melalui kontinuasi keatas kemudian ketinggian kontinuasi dikonversi menjadi kedalaman sehingga dapat diketahui nilai sudut dip dan arah dip sesar. Dilakukan juga 2D forward modelling untuk melihat model lapisan bawah permukaan dengan menggunakan anomaly residual dan data geologi. Hasilnya terdapat sesar mendatar menganan dengan strike berarah Barat Laut-Tenggara yang memiliki dip-slip dengan nilai sudut dip > 70° ke arah Timur Laut dan di sekitar Segmen Sianok terdapat 3 sesar naik dan 4 sesar normal dengan dip > 51° dan semua sesar tersebut memiliki strike Barat Laut-Tenggara. Dari hasil forward model 2D Bukittinggi terdapat keberadaan sedimen tebal < 1000 m dan kontras densitas sebesar 0,44 gr/cc dan forward model 2D Padang Panjang terdapat sedimen dengan tebal < 100 m dan kontras densitas sebesar 0,3 gr/cc. Sedimen tebal dan kontras densitas merupakan salah Dua parameter potensi kebencanaan sesimik. ......The Sumatran fault is one of the active faults on the island of Sumatra which is divided into several segments, one of which is the Sianok segment. The Sianok segment has a sliprate of 14mm/year and the largest earthquake in this segment was on August 4, 1926 with M 7. The gravity method is used because it can determine the subsurface conditions of the earth laterally so that it can find geological structures below the surface. This study aims to characterize the Sumatran fault in the Sianok segment and its surroundings, and to estimate the potential for a seismic disaster based on gravity data from the ggmplus satellite provided by Curtin University. By using FHD and SVD gravity data, it is possible to identify the presence, position and type of fault. The MS-SVD method is a method where there are SVD data at several different heights. This is obtained through continuity and then the height of the continuity is converted into depth so that the value of the slope angle and the direction of the fault can be known. Also perform 2D forward modeling to see the subsurface model using residual anomalies and geological data. The result is a right horizontal fault with a strike trending Northwest-Southeast which has a dip-slip with a slope angle of > 70 to the Northeast and its surroundings. The Sianok segment has 3 upward faults and 4 normal faults with a dip > 51° and all of these faults have a strike Northwest-Southeast. From the results of the forward 2D Bukittinggi model, there is a sediment thickness of <1000 m and a density contrast of 0.44 gr/cc and the forward 2D model of Padang Panjang has sediment with a thickness of <100 m and a density contrast of 0.3 gr/cc. Sediment thickness and density contrast are two parameters for seismic disaster. 
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dion Zein Nuridzin
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Indonesia termasuk negara dengan jumlah kejadian bencana yang banyak dan jumlahnya cenderung mengalami peningkatan. Namun sistem yang ada saat ini belum merespon kebutuhan korban bencana terutama pada kondisi pascabencana dimana jaringan seringkali tidak berfungsi. Tujuan: Mengembangkan prototipe sistem informasi kebencanaan yang dapat digunakan dalam peningkatan respon yang cepat dan tepat saat terjadi bencana, mulai dari prediksi korban, pendataan, pemetaan masalah, dan penentuan wilayah prioritas sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lokasi terdampak bencana. Metode: Analisis kebutuhan sistem melalui literature review dan wawancara mendalam kepada sembilan informan, dilanjutkan dengan perancangan prototipe sistem informasi kebencanaan, pengumpulan data fasilitas berbasis online, dan perancangan dashboard sistem informasi kebencanaan. Hasil: Prototipe sistem informasi kebencanaan telah dibuat meliputi pengumpulan data yang sesuai untuk kejadian bencana (dapat digunakan secara offline), terintegrasi dengan surveilans demografi dan kesehatan (SDK) dan data prabencana, beserta dashboard Sistem Informasi Kebencanaan yang user friendly dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Kesimpulan: Peluang pengembangan sistem informasi kebencanaan sangat memungkinkan untuk dilakukan (feasible) dengan integrasi data SDK dan data prabencana (meliputi kontak dan koordinat untuk fasilitas kesehatan, ambulans umum, perkiraan tempat untuk pengungsian, fasilitas air bersih, MCK). Prototipe ini sesuai dengan kondisi bencana, membuat proses pencatatan dapat lebih cepat, efektif dan dapat menampilkan dashboard interaktif berbasis SIG untuk prediksi korban berdasarkan kelompok rentan, kebutuhan bantuan logistik, perencanaan tempat pengungsian dan fasilitas yang tersedia, serta untuk koordinasi dengan fasilitas kesehatan, dan pembagian sumber daya maupun relawan sesuai hasil pemetaan prioritas wilayah. ......Background: Indonesia is a country with a large number of disaster events and the number tends to increase. However, the current system has not responded to the needs of disaster victims, especially in post-disaster conditions where the network often does not function. Objective: Develop a prototype of a disaster information system that can be used to improve a fast and accurate response when a disaster occurs, starting from disaster victims prediction, data collection, problem mapping, and determining priority areas according to needs in disaster-affected locations. Method: Analysis of system requirements through literature review and in-depth interviews with nine informants, followed by the design of a disaster information system prototype, online-based facility data collection and the design of a disaster information system dashboard. Results: A prototype of a disaster information system has been created which includes data collection suitable for disaster events (can be used offline), integrated with demographic and health surveillance (DHS) and pre-disaster data, along with a user-friendly disaster information system dashboard by utilizing the geographic information system (GIS). Conclusion: Opportunities to develop a disaster information system are very possible with the integration of DHS data and pre-disaster data (including contacts and coordinates for health facilities, public ambulances, estimated places for evacuation, clean water facilities, toilets). This prototype is in accordance with disaster conditions, making the recording process faster, more effective and able to display a GIS-based interactive dashboard for prediction of victims based on vulnerable groups, logistical assistance needs, planning for evacuation places and available facilities, and for coordination with health facilities, and distribution resources and volunteers according to the results of regional priority mapping.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ichwan Hanif
Abstrak :
Bencana merupakan sebuah peristiwa atau rangkaian peristiwa yang mengancam dan menggangu kehidupan dan penghidupan masyarakat yang disebabkan, baik oleh faktor alam dan/atau faktor non alam maupun faktor manusia sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya korban jiwa manusia, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda dan dampak psikologis. Penelitian ini merupakan peneltian geografi yang memiliki ciri khas dalam hal melihat fenomena keruangan yang terjadi di permukaan bumi Pada hal ini fenomena yang terjadi merupakan sebuah bencana alam yang berdampak terhadap alam secara fisik itu sendiri maupun terhadap komponen manusia yang mengalaminya. Bencana yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini merupakan bencana alam gempa bumi dan tsunami di Kota Padang. Kota Padang juga merupakan wilayah yang termasuk kedalam wilayah rawan bencaana, terkhusus untuk bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami. Maka dari itu perilaku kebencanaan masyarakat berupa pemilihan lokasi evakuasi dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan masyarakat terhdap bencana. Pengetahuan yang dilihat merupakan pengetahuan berdasarkan pengalaman, pengetahuan terkait lokasi, dan pengetahuan terkait informasi sosialisasi bencana. Sehingga menghasilkan sebuah pola variasi spasial pengetahuan berdasarkan tingkat wilayah bahaya bencana. Hal ini menghasilkan tingkat pengetahuan yang akan mempengaruhi perilaku kebencanaan masyarakat dalam kesiapsiagaan mengahadapi bencana. ......Disaster is an event or series of events that threaten and disrupt people's lives and livelihoods caused by both natural and/or non-natural factors as well as human factors, resulting in human casualties, environmental damage, property losses and psychological impacts. This research is a geographical research that has a characteristic in terms of seeing spatial phenomena that occur on the earth's surface. The disaster referred to in this study is an earthquake and tsunami natural disaster in the city of Padang. The city of Padang is also an area that is included in a disaster-prone area, especially for the earthquake and tsunami disaster. Therefore, community disaster behavior in the form of choosing an evacuation location is influenced by community knowledge about disasters. The knowledge seen is knowledge based on experience, knowledge related to location, and knowledge related to disaster socialization information. So as to produce a pattern of spatial variation of knowledge based on the level of the disaster hazard area. This results in a level of knowledge that will influence community disaster behavior in disaster preparedness.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library