ABSTRAKKejahatan selalu berkembang seiring dengan peradaban manusia, seperti
saat ini dimana manusia sudah beranjak pada penggunaan teknologi untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan. Kejahatanpun semakin berkembang, mulai dari kejahatan
tradisional hingga kejahatan yang menggunakan teknologi canggih dan modern.
Kejahatan dapat mengganggu stabilitas nasional, dimana stabilitas nasional dan
keamanan dalam negeri menjadi tanggung jawab Polri sebagaimana tercantum
dalam UU No 2 tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia. Hal
ini disebabkan kejahatan dapat membuat ketakutan (Fear of crime) pada
masyarakat sehingga masyarakat merasa tidak nyaman dalam melaksanakan
kegiatan. Polresta Tangerang yang membawahi wilayah penyangga DKI Jakarta
yaitu meliputi wilayah Tangerang Kabupaten, dimana wilayah ini terdiri dari
wilayah pemukiman dan wilayah perindustrian. Wilayah Polresta Tangerang
memiliki tingkat crime total yang cukup tinggi diantara Polres yang lain dijajaran
Polda Metro Jaya. Terutama kejahatan pencurian dengan kekerasan, pencurian
dengan pemberatan dan pencurian kendaraan bermotor. Polri memiliki salah satu
strategi dalam mencegah kejahatan curas, curat dan curanmor Kejahatan sebagai
salah satu fokus dari teori kriminologi menghendaki upaya pencegahan yang
bersifat komprehensif serta bukan hanya berorientasi pada penindakan pelaku
kejahatan saja.
Pencegahan Kejahatan bukan hanya merupakan tanggung jawab dari
Kepolisian semata, namun juga merupakan tanggung jawab seluruh lapisan
masyarakat dan pemerintah. Upaya pencegahan dirasa lebih baik daripada upaya
represif. Upaya Represif belum tentu memberikan efek jera bagi para pelaku,
selain itu juga sudah menimbulkan korban baik materiil maupun imateriil. Oleh
karena kejahatan curas, curat dan curanmor menyebabkan ketakutan pada
masyarakat, maka perlu adanya strategi guna menanggulangi kejahatan.
ABSTRACTCrime is always evolving along with human civilization, like today where
people have moved to the use of technology to meet the needs. Crime to be
growing, ranging from traditional crimes to crimes using sophisticated and
modern technology. Crime can disturb national stability, where the national
stability and security in the country is the responsibility of the police as stated in
Law No. 2 years 2002 about the Indonesian National Police. This is due to a crime
can create fear (Fear of crime) in the community so that people feel uncomfortable
in carrying out the activities. Police in charge of the Buffer Zone covers an area of
DKI Jakarta, Tangerang is comprised of residential areas and industrial areas.
Tangerang Police region has a total crime levels are high enough among others in
Metro Jaya Police. Especially theft with violence, theft by weighting and motor
vehicle theft. Police have one strategy in preventing street crime.
Police Operational Management needs to be implemented properly so that
every stage in the management of performing well. Crime as one of the focuses of
criminological theory requires that prevention efforts are comprehensive and
action-oriented not only offenders only. Crime prevention is not only the
responsibility of the police alone, but also the responsibility of all levels of society
and government. Prevention is considered better than the repressive efforts.
Repressive efforts do not necessarily provide a deterrent for the perpetrators, but it
also has caused loss of material and immaterial. Therefore, street crime cause fear
in society, hence the need for a strategy for tackling crime., Crime is always evolving along with human civilization, like today where
people have moved to the use of technology to meet the needs. Crime to be
growing, ranging from traditional crimes to crimes using sophisticated and
modern technology. Crime can disturb national stability, where the national
stability and security in the country is the responsibility of the police as stated in
Law No. 2 years 2002 about the Indonesian National Police. This is due to a crime
can create fear (Fear of crime) in the community so that people feel uncomfortable
in carrying out the activities. Police in charge of the Buffer Zone covers an area of
DKI Jakarta, Tangerang is comprised of residential areas and industrial areas.
Tangerang Police region has a total crime levels are high enough among others in
Metro Jaya Police. Especially theft with violence, theft by weighting and motor
vehicle theft. Police have one strategy in preventing street crime.
Police Operational Management needs to be implemented properly so that
every stage in the management of performing well. Crime as one of the focuses of
criminological theory requires that prevention efforts are comprehensive and
action-oriented not only offenders only. Crime prevention is not only the
responsibility of the police alone, but also the responsibility of all levels of society
and government. Prevention is considered better than the repressive efforts.
Repressive efforts do not necessarily provide a deterrent for the perpetrators, but it
also has caused loss of material and immaterial. Therefore, street crime cause fear
in society, hence the need for a strategy for tackling crime.]"