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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Asri Megaratri Pralebda
Latar Belakang: Kejahatan seksual terhadap anak terjadi di seluruh dunia. Komnas
Perlindungan Anak Indonesia mencatat, telah terjadi 21.869.797 kasus pelanggaran hak
anak di Indonesia, dengan 42-58% merupakan kejahatan seksual terhadap anak dari tahun
2010 hingga 2014. Hal-hal yang terdapat pada diri anak, karakteristik keluarga serta
faktor lingkungan dapat menjadi faktor resiko bagi anak untuk menjadi korban kejahatan
Tujuan: Mencari hubungan antara karakteristik keluarga sebagai faktor resiko dengan
kejadian kejahatan seksual anak.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus-kontrol dengan kasus berasal dari
rekam medik pasien anak korban kejahatan seksual periode Januari 2012-Desember 2014
sedangkan kontrol adalah anak bukan korban kejahatan seksual yang berobat di Poliklinik
Kiara RSCM selama bulan Oktober 2015. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik
purposive sampling dan menggunakan kuesioner kekerasan seksual anak yang diadopsi
dari Guidelines WHO 2003. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square dan dinyatakan
bermakna apabila p<0,05 lalu dilakukan perhitungan RO serta IK95%.
Hasil: Diperoleh 230 subyek pada setiap kelompok kasus dan kontrol, dengan rentang
usia 2-18 tahun. Kejadian kejahatan seksual meningkat sesuai dengan bertambahnya usia,
terbanyak (65,2%) pada remaja (12-17 tahun). Terdapat hubungan antara keberadaan
orangtua dengan kejahatan seksual anak (p=0,009; RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91), namun tidak
terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga (p=0,499; RO 0,88 IK=0,60-1,28) dan
anggota keluarga yang padat (p=0,641; RO 0,92; IK=0,64-1,32) dengan kejadian kejahatan
seksual anak.
Kesimpulan: Anak dengan orangtua tidak lengkap terbukti memiliki resiko untuk
terjadinya kejahatan seksual anak (RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91). Tingkat pendapatan keluarga
dan jumlah anggota keluarga tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak.

Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National
Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured
between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child
becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the
family and the environment.
Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of
child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor.
Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The
case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during
Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual
victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the
same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when
p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate.
Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years.
Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault
increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study
showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the
incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but
showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88;
CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32).
The result showed that children who have complete parents have a
proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income
and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National
Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured
between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child
becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the
family and the environment.
Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of
child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor.
Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The
case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during
Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual
victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the
same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when
p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate.
Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years.
Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault
increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study
showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the
incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but
showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88;
CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32).
The result showed that children who have complete parents have a
proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income
and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National
Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured
between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child
becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the
family and the environment.
Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of
child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor.
Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The
case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during
Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual
victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the
same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when
p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate.
Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years.
Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault
increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study
showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the
incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but
showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88;
CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32).
The result showed that children who have complete parents have a
proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income
and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rook, Judge Peter
London : Peter Rook and Robert Ward, 2010
345.42 ROO r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adami Chazawi
Surabaya: ITS Press, 2009
345.598 027 4 ADA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maidina Rahmawati
Dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir Indonesia dikejutkan oleh maraknya kasus kejahatan seksual terhadap anak, beberapa kasus menimbulkan puluhan korban dari satu pelaku. Menyikapi hal ini, pihak perumus kebijakan memfokuskan perhatiannya kepada upaya pemberatan hukuman semata, pemerintah menganggap bahwa sanksi yang ringan merupakan penyebab kasus terus bertambah. Padahal jika kita mencermati secara lebih luas, terdapat beberapa tipe pelaku kejahatan seksual, salah satunya pengidap pedofilia. Pedofilia dalam ilmu psikologi dikenal sebagai suatu gangguan seksual yang membutuhkan treatment bukan penghukuman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu apakah kebijakan pidana tertentu perlu diterapkan bagi pelaku kejahatan seksual yang mengidap pedofilia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, perbandingan dan pendekatan kasus. Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratoris dengan menelusuri landasan teori pidana dan pemidanaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemidanaan pada sistem peradilan pidana modern tidak hanya memandang perbuatan namun juga pelaku. Perkembangan pemidanaan ini melahirkan ide rehabilitasi dan individualisasi pidana. Konsep rehabiltasi dan individualisasi pidana ini pun sejalan dengan Pasal 10(4) Konvensi Hak Sipil dan Politik dan UU No 12 tahun 1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan yang menjelaskan bahwa pemidanaa bertujuan merehabilitasi dan mengembalikan pelaku kepada masyarakat, sehingga kebijakan khusus bagi pelaku yang mengidap pedofilia diperlukan untuk merehabilitasi dan mengembalikan pelaku kepada masyarakat.

Over the past five years, people around Indonesia watched in fear and heartbreak as the number of sexual offences against children has risen. The several cases cause more than one victims from each perpetrator. Legislators and executives zealously react this problem by tightening laws to regulate the heavier sentence. They contend that the insufficient punishment has significant role in the increasing number of sexual offense. In fact, if we see in a wider perspective, sexual offence against children is not merely about criminal act. Sex offenders are classificated into four types, one of them is pedophilic offender. In psychology, Pedophile is known as an abnormal attraction which requires treatment, not punishment. This research aims to investigate whether the distinctive criminal law policy should be regulated for pedophilic offender. This research is a normative juridical, with an approach in legislation, comparison and approaches in cases (case approach), also explores several number of theories of sentencing. Based on this research, it can be concluded that under the modern criminal justice system, both offense conduct and offender characteristic have significant role in sentencing decisionmaking. This concept formulated individualized tailoring of sentences and rehabilitative model which confirming to the concept of correctional board under Law No 12/1995 and rehabilitative model Article 10(4) ICCPR. Therefore, the distinctive criminal law policy for pedophilic offender should be regulated in order to rehabilitate and to resocialize the offenders.;"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Kristiningsih
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi dari UU No. 10 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengesahan Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography dalam penyelesaian kasus eksploitasi seksual anak online melalui sistem hukum Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hambatan yang dialami oleh para aparat penegak hukum dalam melakukan upaya perlindungan terhadap anak korban eksploitasi seksual online, khususnya dalam kasus penjualan anak online, pornografi anak online, dan prostitusi anak online. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan melalui pendekatan feminist legal theory yang akan mengungkapkan persoalan perlindungan anak terkait dengan kasus yang dianalisis. Data akan diambil dari studi literatur, studi lapangan melalui pengamatan cyber, dan mewawancarai dua narasumber yaitu pihak dari kepolisian unit Cybercrime dan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak. Masalah yang ditemukan melalui penelitian ini muncul akibat kecacatan kerangka hukum, kurangnya kesadaran dan pengetahuan hukum terhadap masalah ini, hambatan dalam mendapatkan data terbaru, kurang sensitif terhadap kepentingan anak, dan sebagainya. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography yang disahkan melalui UU No. 10 Tahun 2012 tidak diintegrasikan dengan baik dalam kerangka hukum nasional. Akibatnya, para aparat penegak hukum tidak dapat bertindak secara efektif untuk melindungi anak korban eksploitasi seksual online.

This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Law No. 10 Year 2012 regarding the Legalisation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography within the Indonesian legal system on resolving the case of child online sexual exploitation. Focus on this research is to analyze the difficulties faced by Indonesian law enforcements on protecting the child victims of online sexual exploitation, specifically on the case of online sale of children, online child pornography and online child prostitution. This is a qualitative research through feminist legal theory approach that would reveal the child protection problems in accordance with the analyzed case. Data would be gathered from studying literatures, field study through cyber observation, and interviewing some key resource persons such as the police cyber crime unit and the Commission of the Women Empowerment and Child Protection. This research finds the problems related to these difficulties are borne out of a faulty legal framework, a lack of legal knowledge and awareness of the issue, obstacles in obtaining an updated data, insensitivity towards the child rsquo s best interest, and other issues. The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography legalised under the Indonesian Law No. 10 Year 2012 is not being properly integrated within the national legal framework. Hence, the law enforcers are unable to effectively protect the child victims of online sexual exploitation.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cintia Berliana
"Di zaman ini, salah satu jenis aplikasi smartphone yang banyak digandrungi oleh kalangan dewasa muda adalah jenis aplikasi kencan daring (online dating apps). Pada penelitian sebelumnya di luar negeri ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara menggunakan aplikasi kencan dan perilaku seksual berisiko. Namun, di Indonesia sendiri sejauh ini belum ditemukan penelitian serupa yang mendalam. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu tentang gambaran penggunaan aplikasi kencan daring di smartphone pada dewasa muda di kota besar di Indonesia dan apakah penggunanya melakukan perilaku seksual yang berisiko dengan sesama pengguna. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed-methods antara penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif (populasi: masyarakat Indonesia di kota besar) dengan jumlah 633 responden pengguna aplikasi kencan dalam kuesioner survei dan penelitian kualitatif melalui wawancara terfokus terhadap 6 partisipan. Partisipan wawancara merupakan dewasa muda pengguna aplikasi kencan dan telah melakukan hubungan seksual dengan pasangan dari aplikasi kencan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagi dewasa muda, penggunaan aplikasi kencan selain sebagai sarana mencari teman atau pasangan, juga dianggap sebagai sarana menyalurkan hasrat seksual. Semua partisipan cenderung sadar akan konsekuensi penggunaan aplikasi kencan dan konsekuensi perilaku seksual berisiko yang dihadapi secara umum. Akan tetapi, dapat dikatakan bahwa partisipan masih lebih memilih untuk melakukan hubungan seksual yang cukup berisiko dengan pasangan dari aplikasi kencan. Temuan lain dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya kemungkinan besar bagi perempuan pengguna aplikasi kencan untuk menjadi korban kejahatan seksual. Namun, pengguna aplikasi kencan baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, tetap merasakan dampak yang positif dalam penggunaan aplikasi kencan secara umum dan mereka cenderung menyikapi konsekuensi yang dihadapi dengan tenang dan santai.

In this day and age, one type of smartphone application that is loved by young adults, is online dating apps. In previous studies abroad, it was found that there is a strong relationship between using dating applications and risky sexual behavior. However, in Indonesia alone, so far no in-depth similar studies has been found. Therefore, this study aims to find out about depiction of the use of online dating applications on smartphones between young adults in large cities in Indonesia and whether the users are engaging in risky sexual behavior with fellow users. This research uses mixed-methods between quantitative descriptive research (population: Indonesians in large cities) with a total of 633 survey respondents consists of dating applications users and qualitative research through focused interviews with 6 participants. Interview participants are young adult users of dating applications and have had sexual encounters with partners from dating applications.
The results showed that for young adults, the use of dating applications other than as a mean of finding friends or partners, was also considered as a mean of channeling their sexual desires. All participants tend to be aware of the consequences of using dating applications and the consequences of risky sexual behavior that are generally faced. However, it can be said that dating apps users still prefer to have quite risky sexual encounters with partner from a dating application. Another finding in this study is that there is a high possibility for women using dating applications to become victims of sexual crimes. However, users of dating applications, both men and women, still feel a positive impact in the use of dating applications in general and they tend to address the consequences faced calmly and relaxed.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Astuti
"Kaum perempuan merupakan golongan yang dipandang rentan mengalami kekerasan seksual. Roy Morgan Research Centre menemukan bahwa 79% dari perempuan yang disurvei merasa tidak aman di tempat umum pada malam hari. Beberapa peneliti lain juga seperti Cozijn dan Van Dijk (1976) menekankan pentingnya karakteristik umum dari perempuan, seperti tingkat kerentanan yang lebih tinggi karena secara fisik merasa kurang terhadap ancaman kejahatan, atau karena mereka dalam situasi dan kondisi yang rentan terhadap ancaman kejahatan, terutama mengalami kejahatan seksual. Kesadaran atas kerentanan diri harus diantisipasi untuk mempertahankan diri dari ancaman kejahatan. Killias dan Clerici (2000) menemukan bahwa kemampuan untuk mempertahankan diri seseorang telah dihubungkan dengan dari keselamatan personal dalam berbagai situasi yang setiap saat dapat menimpa dirinya. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat apakah bagaimana kerentanan diridan rasa takut (fear of crime) mengalami kekerasan seksual terhadap mekanisme coping pada perempuan pekerja malam di tempat hiburan karaoke di wilayah Jakarta Barat dengan menguji kekuatan hubungan masing-masing variabel baik secara bivariat maupun multivariat. Sebagai variabel intervening, penulis menghadirkan variabel fear of crime kekerasan seksual. Variabel antara dihadirkan dengan maksud untuk melihat apakah kekuatan hubungan antara variabel kerentanan diri dengan variabel mekanisme coping pada perempuan pekerja malam akan melemah setelah dimasukkan variabel antara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi dengan menarik sampel pada perempuan pekerja malam di seluruh tempat hiburan karaoeke di wilayah Jakarta Barat sebanyak 75 orang yang dikategorikan bekerja sebagai waitress dan pemandu lagu. Melalui metode kuantitatif, penulis menyebarkan kuesioner serta mengolahnya dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Hubungan bivariat antara tiap varibel, yakni kerentanan diri dengan mekanisme coping, kerentanan diri dengan fear of crime kekerasan seksual dan fear of crime kekerasan seksual dengan mekanisme coping dilakukan dengan perhitungan statistik Pearson?s correlations coefficients. Secara keseluruhan menghasilkan hubungan positif yang berarti semakin tinggi tingkat perubahan pada satu variabel, maka akan semakin meningkatkan variabel lainnya. Sedangkan untuk menguji kekuatan kedua variabel tersebut setelah dihadirkan variabel intervening ternyata melemahkan kekuatan hubungan antara kerentanan diri dengan variabel mekanisme coping, karena hubungan variabel independen dengan variabel dependen tersebut menjadi menurun setelah dihadirkan variabel fear of crime kekerasan seksual.

Women are looked upon as vulnerable against sexual abuse. Roy Morgan Research Centre identified that 79% of the women being surveyed felt not secure at public places during the night. Other researchers such as Cozijn and Van Dijk (1976) stressed the importance of women characteristics, including the higher level of vulnerability since physically women are less conditioned to encounter the threat of crime, in particular sexual abuse. Awareness of their self-susceptibility should be anticipated in defending themselves against the threat of crime. Killias and Clerici (2000) identified that the ability to defend oneself is related to personal safety encountered by a person in the various situations at any time. This study attempts to identify a person?s self-susceptibility and fear of crime against sexual abuse with the coping mechanism of women night workers at the karaoke recreation centers in the region of West Jakarta, by testing the power of each variable based on bi-variants as well as multi-variants connections. As the intervening variable the writer presents the fear of crime variable against sexual abuse. This variable is presented with the purpose to know whether the power of connection between the vulnerability variable and the coping mechanism variable among women night workers shall weaken after the intermediate variable is added. The survey conducted is a population study by drawing samples among women night workers consisting of 75 waitresses and disc jockeysfrom all karaoke recreation centers in the West Jakarta.Region.Through the quantitative method the writer processed the results by utilizing SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The bi-variant connection between the respective variables, i.e. self- susceptibility and coping mechanism variables, between self-susceptibility and fear of crime against sexual abuse, and between the fear of crime against sexual abuse and coping mechanism is conducted by calculating statistics of the Pearson?s correlations coefficients. The overall results show a positive connection, implying the higher the rate of change at one variable, the higher the increase occurs at other variables. In testing the power of the two above variables, the presentation of the intervening variable weakens the power of connection between the variable of self-susceptibility and coping mechanism variable, since the connection between the independent variable and dependent variable weakens after presentation of thevariable related to fear of crime against sexual abuse."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natasya Fila Rais
"Salah satu bentuk kejahatan seksual yang diatur Hukum Internasional adalah kejahatan penghamilan paksa. Kejahatan penghamilan paksa merupakan kejahatan dimana seorang perempuan dikurung dengan cara melanggar hukum dalam suatu tempat tertentu sehingga dirinya dapat dibuat hamil dengan tujuan bahwa tindakan tersebut dilakukan agar komposisi suatu etnis tertentu dapat terpengaruh atau dilakukan untuk melakukan pelanggaran berat yang diantaranya merupakan hak asasi manusia yang fundamental. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana pengaturan dalam perjanjian internasional dilakukan untuk mengatur mengenai kejahatan penghamilan paksa dalam konflik bersenjata, diantaranya dalam konvensi internasional dan Resolusi Dewan Keamanan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga membahas penerapan peradilan internasional terhadap bagaimana kejahatan penghamilan paksa diadili melalui kasus-kasus peradilan internasional yang telah terjadi sebelumnya. Penelitian dilakukan melalui metode yuridis normatif yang menitikberatkan penelitian pada studi Pustaka terkait kejahatan penghamilan paksa dalam hukum internasional. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengaturan perjanjian internasional mengenai kejahatan penghamilan paksa baru diatur dalam Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, sehingga kasus-kasus kejahatan penghamilan paksa yang terjadi sebelum pengaturan ini ada menggunakan ketentuan-ketentuan kejahatan lainnya pada saat diadili, diantaranya dalam konflik yang terjadi di Bekas Yugoslavia dan Rwanda.

One of the crimes of sexual violence enacted in international law is the crime of forced pregnancy. Crime of forced pregnancy is an act of unlawful confinement of women who are forcibly made pregnant, with the intention of affecting the composition of an ethnic group or to carry out grave violations of the international law. This research is conducted to identify how treaties, such as international conventions and United Nations Security Council Resolutions, stipulate laws regarding crime of forced pregnancy. Moreover, this research also discusses the implementation of international tribunals on resolving cases regarding crime of forced pregnancy, which have been concluded before. This research uses normative method, which focuses on literature study. This research concludes that Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court becomes the first treaty which stipulates crime of forced pregnancy. However, prior to the treaty, crimes of forced pregnancy which occurred during several armed conflicts, such as the ones in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, were sentenced using other crimes enacted on the existing treaties."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hikmatu Shalihah
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaruh dari Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes 2014 terhadap penuntutan kejahatan seksual yang diadili di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional. Dalam penelitian ini juga akan dibahas secara kronologis terkait pengaturan dan penuntutan kejahatan seksual di pengadilan- pengadilan sebelum Mahkamah Pidana Internasional untuk melihat signifikansi dari setiap pengadilan dalam penuntutan kejahatan seksual. Kejahatan seksual pada International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg and Tokyo (IMT dan IMTFE) pada masa Perang Dunia II belum dianggap sebagai kejahatan yang terpisah dan hanya sebagai bagian dari “mass atrocities”. Perkembangan dan pengaturan juga kejahatan seksual dapat dilihat pada pengadilan pidana internasional yang dibentuk oleh Dewan Keamanan PBB yaitu ICTY, ICTR dan SCSL. Dengan berkembangnya pengaturan kejahatan seksual dalam pengadilan-pengadilan ini maka keberhasilan Penuntut Umum dalam membuktikan kejahatan seksual telah menghasilkan landmark cases seperti putusan Prosecutor v. Tadic yang merupakan keberhasilan pertama oleh Penuntut Umum dalam membuktikan kejahatan seksual. Namun, tidak ada kejahatan seksual yang berhasil dituntut di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional sebelum diterbitkannya Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes 2014. Kasus pertama yang berhasil membuktikan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan berupa kejahatan seksual adalah kasus Prosecutor v. Bemba setelah diterbitkan Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes 2014. Maka dari itu, penulis bertujuan untuk menjelaskan faktor- faktor dari ketidakberhasilan penuntutan kejahatan seksual di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional melalui kasus-kasus dan pengaruh Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes 2014 sebagai pedoman Penuntut Umum terhadap penuntutan kejahatan seksual di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional.

This thesis discusses the implementation of the Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes 2014 on the prosecution of sexual crimes tried at the International Criminal Court. This study will also discuss chronologically regarding the regulation and prosecution of sexual crimes in courts before the International Criminal Court to see the significance of each court in prosecuting sexual crimes. Sexual crimes at the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg and Tokyo (IMT and IMTFE) during World War II were not considered separate crimes and only as part of "mass atrocities". The development and regulation of sexual crimes can be seen in the international criminal courts established by the UN Security Council, namely ICTY, ICTR and SCSL. With the development of the regulation of sexual crimes in these courts, the success of the Public Prosecutor in proving sexual crimes has resulted in landmark cases such as the decision of Prosecutor v. Tadic which is the first success by the Public Prosecutor in proving a sexual crime. However, no sexual crimes were successfully prosecuted in the International Criminal Court prior to the publication of the 2014 Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes. The first case that succeeded in proving crimes against humanity in the form of sexual crimes was the case of Prosecutor v. Bemba after the publication of the Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes 2014. Therefore, the author aims to explain the factors of the unsuccessful prosecution of sexual crimes at the International Criminal Court through cases and the influence of the 2014 Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes as the Public Prosecutor guide for the prosecution of sexual crimes at the International Criminal Court."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library