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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jan Tumatar Ngantung
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Wulandari
"Latar belakang: Sitoglobin (Cygb) adalah protein pengangkut O2 yang diekspresikan oleh fibroblas dan fibroblast like cells aktif. Keperluan O2 dan energi meningkat pada fibrosis akibat proliferasi fibroblas dan sintesis kolagen. Pada fibrosis terjadi hipoksia yang ditandai oleh stabilisasi hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), yang kemudian membentuk HIF-1 yang merupakan faktor transkripsi untuk ekspresi protein adaptasi (termasuk Cygb). Diduga Cygb berperan dalam suplai O2 pada fibrosis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai peran Cygb pada hipoksia jaringan fibrosis dengan keloid sebagai model.
Metode: Penelitian bersifat observasional deskriptif. Sampel keloid diperoleh melalui biopsi, sedangkan kontrol preputium diperoleh melalui sirkumsisi, masing-masing 10 sampel jaringan. Pengukuran ekspresi mRNA Cygb, HIF-1α, kolagen I dan III dilakukan dengan real time RT-PCR; kadar protein Cygb dan HIF-1α dengan ELISA; dan ekspresi protein Cygb, HIF-1α, FGF, kolagen I dan III di lapisan dermis dengan imunohistokimia (IHK). Pengukuran kadar MDA dan GSH (tingkat stres oksidatif) serta kadar hidroksiprolin (untuk pematangan kolagen) dengan spektrofotometri, sedangkan pengukuran kepadatan kolagen dengan pewarnaan Van Gieson. Data dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji-t.
Hasil: Pada keloid dibandingkan preputium, ekspresi mRNA Cygb meningkat 8,7 kali, protein Cygb meningkat bermakna (1,196 Vs 0,779 ng/mg protein dan 95% Vs 63% ; p <0,05). Ekspresi mRNA HIF-1α meningkat 5,1 kali, protein HIF-1α meningkat bermakna (0,201 Vs 0,122 ng/mg protein dan 80% Vs 38%; p <0,05). Terdapat korelasi kuat antara ekspresi protein HIF-1α dan mRNA Cygb (Pearson; R = 0,649; p <0,01). Ekspresi protein FGF keloid meningkat bermakna (78% Vs 41%; p <0,05). Demikian pula ekspresi mRNA prokolagen I dan III keloid meningkat bermakna (35 kali dan 27,1 kali), serta ekspresi protein kolagen I dan III (61% Vs 37% dan 39% Vs. 16%; p <0,05). Juga terdapat korelasi kuat antara protein HIF-1α dengan FGF, prokolagen I dan III (Pearson; R= 0,878; R=0,960; dan R=0884; p<0,01). Kadar hiroksiprolin lebih tinggi pada keloid (0,297 Vs 276 ng/mg protein; p >0,05) dan pematangan kolagen lebih tinggi bermakna (1,2 kali; p <0,05). Cygb berkorelasi kuat dengan pematangan kolagen (kadar hidroksiprolin) (Pearson; R = 0,790; p <0,001).
Kesimpulan: Cygb berperan pada hipoksia jaringan fibrosis yang ditandai dengan peningkatan ekspresinya. Peran Cygb terkait dengan ekspresi HIF-1α yang berkorelasi dengan peningkatan FGF, pro/kolagen I dan III yang merupakan faktor penting pada fibrosis. Cygb juga berperan pada pematangan kolagen.

Background: Cytoglobin (Cygb) is an O2 carrier protein expressed by fibroblasts and active fibroblast like cells. O2 and energy demand increased in fibrosis due to proliferation of fibroblasts and synthesis of collagen. In fibrosis hypoxia occurred which is characterized by stabilization of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), which later forming the HIF-1, a transcription factor for the expression of adaptation protein (including Cygb). Cygb alleged role in the supply of O2 in fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about Cygb role in fibrosis hypoxia with keloid tissue as a model.
Methods: This was an observational descriptive study. Keloid samples were obtained from biopsy, while the preputium as control were obtained from circumcision, 10 tissue samples each. Measurement of Cygb, HIF-1α, collagen I and III mRNA expression were carried out by real time RT?PCR. Cygb and HIF-1α protein level were measured by ELISA; while Cygb, HIF-1α, FGF, and collagen I and III protein expressions in the dermis layer by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Measurement of MDA and GSH levels (oxidative stress) and hydroxyprolin concentration (marker of mature collagen) by spectrophotometry, while the collagen density measurement with van Gieson staining. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test.
Results: In keloid compared preputium, Cygb mRNA expression increased 8.7 times compared to preputium, Cygb protein increased significantly (1.196 Vs 0.779 ng/mg protein and 95% Vs 63%, p <0.05). HIF-1α mRNA expression increased by 5.1 times in keloid tissue, and protein HIF-1α increased significantly (0.201 Vs 0.122 ng/mg protein and 80% Vs 38%, p <0.05). There is a strong correlation between the expression of HIF-1α protein and Cygb mRNA (Pearson; R = 0.649, p <0.01). Keloid FGF protein expression increased significantly (78% Vs 41%; p <0.05). Similarly, mRNA expression of procollagen I and III keloid increased significantly (35 times and 27.1 times), and protein expression of collagen I and III (61% Vs 37% and 39% Vs 16%, p <0.05). There is also a strong correlation between HIF-1α protein with FGF, procollagen I and III (Pearson, R = 0.878, R = 0.960; and R = 0.884, p <0.01). Hydroxyprolin concentration were higher in keloid (0.297 Vs 0.276 ng/mg protein; p >0.05) and collagen maturation was significantly higher (1.2 times, p <0.05). Cygb is correlated with maturation of collagen (hydroxyproline levels) (Pearson, R = 0.790, p <0.001).
Conclusion: Cygb play role in fibrosis hypoxia which is characterized by its increased expression. Cygb role is associated with the expression of HIF-1α which are correlated with increased FGF, pro/collagen I and III, which are important factor in fibrosis. Cygb also play a role in the maturation of collagen."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isma Nur Azzizah
"ABSTRAK Keloid muncul akibat proses fibrogenesis berlebih pada proses penyembuhan luka yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya proliferasi sel fibroblas. Sitoglobin (CYGB) merupakan salah satu anggota keluarga protein globin yang berperan penting dalam transpor oksigen di dalam sel. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ATPnya untuk proliferasi, fibroblas keloid memerlukan oksigen dalam jumlah yang cukup, sehingga diperlukan CYGB untuk mensuplai oksigen. Untuk membuktikan bahwa CYGB diperlukan oleh fibroblas keloid dilakukan penghambatan ekspresi CYGB menggunakan molekul siRNA. Sampel berasal dari kultur fibroblas keloid dari penelitian sebelumnya yang disimpan beku pada suhu -80ºC. Untuk penelitian ini setelah proses thawing, dilakukan kultur fibroblas dengan menggunakan medium DMEM low glucose. Sampel dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan, kontrol; transfeksi dengan siRNA (+) CYGB; trasfeksi dengan siRNA (-) CYGB. Analisis hambatan ekspresi mRNA CYGB dilakukan dengan qRT-PCR dan analisis hambatan protein CYGB dilakukan dengan ELISA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat penurunan ekspresi mRNA CYGB pada fibroblas yang ditransfeksi siRNA (+) CYGB dibandingkan dengan kontrol dan siRNA (-) CYGB. Kadar protein CYGB pada trasfeksi siRNA (+) CYGB juga menunjukan penurunan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dan siRNA (-) CYGB. Disimpulkan bahwa hambatan ekspresi CYGB menggunakan siRNA terbukti menurunkan ekspresi CYGB pada kultur fibroblas keloid.
ABSTRACT Keloid arises from excessive fibrogenesis in wound healing process which is characterized by increased fibroblast cell proliferation. Cytoglobin (CYGB) is a member of the globin family proteins that play an important role in oxygen transport in cells. To meet its ATP requirements for proliferation, keloid fibroblasts require adequate amounts of oxygen, hence CYGB is needed for oxygen supply. To prove that CYGB is needed by keloid fibroblasts, Cygb expression is inhibited using siRNA molecules. The samples were keloid fibroblasts from previous studies which were stored frozen at -80ºC. After thawing process, fibroblasts were cultured using DMEM low glucose medium. The sample was divided into 3 treatment groups, control group; transfection with CYGB siRNA (+); tranfection with CYGB siRNA (-). Inhibition of mRNA CYGB expression was carried out with qRT-PCR and CYGB protein analysis was carried out by ELISA. The results showed a decrease in CYGB mRNA expression in CYGB siRNA (+) keloid fibroblasts compared to CYGB control and siRNA (-). CYGB protein levels in CYGB siRNA (+) transfection also showed a decrease compared to CYGB control and siRNA (-) group. It was concluded that inhibition of CYGB expression using siRNA was proven to reduce CYGB expression in cultures of keloid fibroblasts.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leroy David Vincent
"Luka pada kulit dapat disebabkan oleh trauma, hasil tindik pada badan, dan bahkan prosedur operasi. Luka akan diperbaiki melalui beberapa tahapan dan proses untuk mengembalikan struktur kulit kembali normal. Namun, proses tersebut tidak selalu berjalan dengan normal dan dapat berkembang menjadi jaringan parut atau jaringan keloid sebagai akibat dari meningkatnya aktivitas fibroblas. Peningkatan aktivitas fibroblas ini akan menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan energi dan oksigen sehingga keadaan hipoksia dapat terjadi dan menyebabkan pembentukan ROS yang dapat berujung pada keadaan stres oksidatif. Antioksidan bekerja untuk mengatasi masalah ini dan salah satu antioksidan adalah katalase. Riset ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek kondisi tersebut terhadap aktivitas katalase di jaringan keloid dan dibandingkan dengan jaringan normal sebagai kontrol yaitu prepusium. Sampel eksperimen adalah jaringan keloid yang didapatkan melalui insisi pada operasi dan jaringan prepusium melalui sirkumsisi masing-masing sejumlah 9 sample. Aktivitas spesifik katalase diukur melalui penurunan kadar H2O2 yang diuraikan oleh katalase dan dibaca serapannya dengan spectrophotometer pada panjang gelombang 280nm. Setelah mendapatkan data, data tersebut dianalisis secara statistik dengan software SPSS. Uji normalitas menunjukan distribusi data yang tidak normal sehingga dilanjutkan dengan uji non parametric yaitu tes MannWhitney. Hasil analisis dengan tes Mann-Whitney menunjukan hasil yang tidak signifikan (p value = 0.021) walaupun terdapat penurunan aktivitas spesifik katalase pada jaringan keloid jika dibandingkan dengan prepusium yaitu 0.528 dan 0.386 (U/mg protein) pada prepusium dan keloid. Hal ini dapat dikarenakan perbedaan reaksi catalase dalam kondisi akut dan kronik dimana stres oksidatif yang sudah terjadi di jaringan keloid dapat menyebabkan katalase tidak mampu mengkompensasi ROS pada jaringan dan keadaan stres oksidatif tersebut. Selain itu. terdapat juga kemungkinan peran dan intervensi dari antioksidan enzimatik yang lain. Kesimpulan penelitian terdapat penurunan aktivitas katalase namun secara statistik penurunan tersebut tidaklah signifikan.

Skin sores can be caused by trauma, body piercing results, and even surgical procedures. The wound will be repaired through several stages and processes to restore the structure of the skin back to normal. However, the process does not always run normally and can develop into scar tissue or keloid tissue as a result of increased fibroblast activity. This increase in fibroblast activity will cause an increase in energy and oxygen requirements so that hypoxia can occur and cause the formation of ROS which can lead to a state of oxidative stress. Antioxidants work to overcome this problem and one of the antioxidants is catalase. This research aims to see the effect of these conditions on the activity of catalase in keloid tissue and compared with normal tissue as a control, namely the prepusium. Experimental samples are keloid tissue obtained through incisions in surgery and prepusium tissue through circumcision of 9 samples each. The specific activity of catalase is measured by decreasing the H2O2 levels described by catalase and its absorption is read with a spectrophotometer at 280nm wavelength. After getting the data, the data is analyzed statistically with SPSS software. The normality test shows that the data distribution is not normal so it continues with the non parametric test, the Mann Whitney test. The results of the analysis with the Mann-Whitney test showed insignificant results (p value = 0.021) although there was a decrease in the specific activity of catalase in keloid tissue when compared with the prepusium which was 0.528 and 0.386 (U / mg protein) in the prepusium and keloid. This can be due differences in catalase reactions in acute and chronic conditions where oxidative stress that has already occurred in the keloid tissue can cause the catalase to be unable to compensate for ROS in the tissue and the oxidative stress state. Other than that. there are also possible roles and interventions of other enzymatic antioxidants. The conclusion of the research is that there is a decrease in catalase activity but statistically the reduction is not significant."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Suciati Ningsih
Keloid adalah kondisi abnormal dalam proses penyembuhan luka yang tumbuh menyebar melebihi batas luka normal. Keloid berada dalam kondisi hipoksia relatif yang melibatkan proses adaptasi berupa perubahan lingkungan mikro dari normoksia menjadi hipoksia, termasuk dalam hal ini adalah metabolisme laktat. Monocarboxylate transporters MCTs yang berperan dalam metabolisme laktat pada patogenesis keloid belum jelas dipahami. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis metabolisme laktat pada jaringan keloid dengan mengukur ekspresi MCT1 dan MCT4 yang berperan penting dalam transpor laktat melalui membran plasma. Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi observasional deskriptif analitik dengan desain studi potong lintang cross sectional study . Sampel jaringan dan stroma keloid diperoleh dari 3 jaringan keloid dengan metode eksplan dan dibandingkan dengan stroma dari kultur primer dermis preputium sebagai kontrol. Ekspresi mRNA MCT1 dan MCT4 diukur dengan menggunakan quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction qRT-PCR . Ekspresi protein MCT1 dan MCT4 dideteksi dengan teknik enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA . Kadar laktat ekstraseluler diukur dengan EnzyChromTM L-Lactate Assay Kit. Ekspresi mRNA MCT1 dan MCT4 jaringan dan stroma keloid lebih tinggi bermakna dibandingkan stroma preputium.

Keloid is an abnormality of wound healing process that growing spread beyond the limits of normal injury. Keloid is in relative hypoxia condition that involves the adaptation of microenvironmental change from normoxia into hypoxia including lactate metabolism. The role of monocarboxylate transporters MCTs in lactate metabolism of keloid patogenensis still not clearly understood. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze lactate metabolism in keloid tissue by measuring the expression of MCT1 and MCT4 as the key player of lactate transport through the plasma membrane as in tumor microenvironment. The type of this research is descriptive analytic observational study with cross sectional study design. Keloid samples derived from 3 keloid tissue culture using explants method and compared with primary cultures of dermis foreskin as a control. MCT1 and MCT4 mRNA expression were measured using real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction qRT PCR. MCT1 and MCT4 protein expression was detected by using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA . Extracellular lactate levels measured by EnzyChromTM L Lactate Assay Kit. MCT1 and MCT4 mRNA expression of keloid tissues and stromal cells significantly higher compared with foreskin fibroblasts p"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prisca Gisella Wibowo
Keloid scars commonly occur due to abnormal wound healing of injured cutaneous dermis. As one of the characteristics of keloid, hyperproliferation of fibroblasts may lead to the state of hypoxia due to increased needs of oxygen. Moreover, the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can lead to oxidative stress, is evident in the fibroblasts and may be exacerbated by prolonged hypoxia in keloid tissue. The knowledge regarding to keloid formation is still limited, therefore, this experiment aims to explore more about keloid tissue, specifically regarding to the effect of oxidative stress inside the tissue to the endogenous antioxidant system by measuring the glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity. The samples consist of keloid and preputium tissue, which act as control. Both tissues were weighed until it reached approximately 100 mg, after which it would be homogenized and centrifuged. The supernatant, then, was used to examine total protein concentration and GPX activity (Ransel method) that were measured in order to determine the specific GPX activity. The parametric data showed higher specific GPX activity in preputium tissue (0.088 U/ mg) than in keloid tissue (0.056 U/ mg), with significant difference between the two groups of samples (p<0.05), as determined in the independent T-test. In conclusion, decrease of specific GPX activity against oxidative stress induced by hypoxic state was evident in keloid tissue in comparison to the control. center" Keywords: antioxidant; hypoxia; glutathione peroxidase;

Keloid merupakan bekas luka yang umum terjadi jika terdapat penyembuhan luka yang abnormal. Sebagai salah satu karakteristik dari keloid, proliferasi jaringan fibroblas yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan  kondisi hipoksia karena kebutuhan oksigen yang meningkat. Produksi berlebihan spesies oksigen reaktif (ROS), yang dapat menyebabkan stress oksidatif, terdapat pada jaringan fibroblas dan produksi dapat diperparah oleh kondisi hipoksia pada jaringan keloid. Pengetahuan mengenai pertumbuhan keloid masih belum terlalu jelas, oleh karena itu, penelitian ini diadakan untuk memperluas informasi mengenai jaringan keloid, terutama perihal efek stress oksidatif yang dapat disebabkan oleh hipoksia dalam jaringan keloid terhadap sistem antioksidan jaringan dengan mengukur aktivitas Sampel yang digunakan merupakan jaringan keloid dan prepusium, yang bertindak sebagai kontrol. Kedua jaringan tersebut ditimbang sekitar 100 mg dan setelah itu dijadikan homogenat. Supernatan yang didapat akan dianalisis untuk pemeriksaan konsentrasi protein total, aktivitas GPX (metode Ransel), serta aktivitas spesifik GPX. Data parametrik yang diperoleh menunjukkan aktivitas spesifik GPX yang lebih tinggi pada jaringan prepusium (0.088 U/ mg) dibanding jaringan keloid (0.056 U/ mg) dengan perbedaan yang signifikan pada kedua kelompok sampel (p<0.05) menurut independent T-test. Dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat penurunan aktivitas spesifik GPX jaringan keloid terhadap stress oksidatif yang disebabkan oleh keadaan hipoksia dibandingkan dengan kontrol.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Hambar Sari
Pendahuluan: Keloid adalah tumor jinak pada kulit yang ditandai denganpeningkatan deposisi kolagen yang disebabkan oleh tingginya aktivitas danproliferasi fibroblas. Karakteristik utama dari keloid adalah berada pada kondisihipoksia. Hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha HIF-1? dan HIF-2? merupakansubunit faktor transkripsi HIF-1 dan HIF-2 yang berperan penting pada adaptasiterhadap kondisi hipoksia. Kondisi hipoksia juga memicu sel memproduksireactive oxygen species ROS yang dapat ditangkal oleh sitoglobin Cygb . Padakeloid, Cygb juga berperan pada sintesis kolagen. Penelitian lain membuktikanbahwa terdapat situs pengikatan promoter HIF-1 pada hypoxia response element HRE Cygb, sedangkan situs pengikatan HIF-2 pada Cygb belum diketahui. HIF-1? dan HIF-2? juga diketahui berperan menginduksi ekspresi gen yang berperanpada proliferasi. Keduanya diketahui mengatur proliferasi sel pada beberapa jeniskanker. Namun, peran HIF-1? dan HIF-2? terhadap ekspresi Cygb dan proliferasifibroblas pada keloid belum diketahui. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuanmengetahui peran HIF-1? dan HIF-2? terhadap ekspresi sitoglobin dan proliferasifibroblas pada keloid, dengan melakukan penghambatan HIF-1? dan HIF-2? padafibroblas keloid menggunakan inhibitor HIF berupa ibuprofen. Metode:Pemeriksaan dilakukan terhadap ekspresi mRNA dan kadar protein HIF-1?, HIF-2?, dan sitoglobin, menggunakan metode qRT-PCR dan ELISA, serta proliferasisel menggunakan metode trypan blue exclussion assay setelah diberi ibuprofendan dibandingkan dengan kontrol yang tidak diinduksi dengan ibuprofen. Hasil:Penghambatan HIF-1? menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan ekspresi mRNA Cygbdan proliferasi fibroblas pada keloid. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa HIF-1?berperan sebagai faktor transkripsi Cygb, dan juga berperan menginduksi ekspresigen yang berperan pada proliferasi fibroblas keloid. Akan tetapi, peran HIF-2?dalam meregulasi sitoglobin dan mempertahankan proliferasi fibroblas keloidbelum berhasil dibuktikan. Kesimpulan: HIF-1? berperan meregulasi eksrepsiCygb dan berperan pada proliferasi fibroblas keloid. Akan tetapi, HIF-2? belumterbukti meregulasi eksrepsi Cygb dan berperan pada proliferasi fibroblas keloid.

Background Keloid is a benign tumor which is characterized by overabbundance of collagen deposition caused by high activity and proliferation offibroblast. The main characteristics of keloid is hypoxia. HIF 1 and HIF 2 aretwo subunits of transcrption factors HIF 1 and HIF 2 which mediate adaptationto hypoxic condition. Hypoxic condition also induces cells to produce reactiveoxygen species ROS which can be scavenged by cytoglobin Cygb . In keloid,Cygb also plays important role in collagen synthesis. Other studies prove thatthere is a binding site of HIF 1 promoter on hypoxia response element HRE ofCygb. Whereas, HIF 2 binding site on HRE of Cygb is not cleraly understood.HIF 1 and HIF 2 also play important role to induce expression of many geneswhich involved in cells proliferation. Both HIF 1 and HIF 2 are known toregulate cells proliferation in many cancer types. However, the role of HIF 1 andHIF 2 to Cygb expression and fibroblast proliferation in keloid is not fullyunderstood. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the role of HIF 1 andHIF 2 on Cygb expression and fibroblast proliferation in keloid, by doing aninhibition of HIF 1 and HIF 2 in keloid fibroblast primary culture usingibuprofen as HIF inhibitor. Methods Analysis was conducted by analizing HIF 1 , HIF 2 , and Cygb mRNA expression and protein level using qRT PCR andELISA, and fibroblast proliferation analysis was conducted using trypan blueexclusion assay after given with ibuprofen and compared with control which isnot given with ibuprofen. Results Inhibition of HIF 1 caused a decrease onCygb mRNA expression and fibroblast proliferation on keloid. These findingsprove that HIF 1 acts as transcription factor of Cygb, and also inducesexpression of gene which plays a role on fibroblast proliferation in keloid.However, the role of HIF 2 in regulating and maintaining Cygb expression andfibroblast proliferation in keloid was not succesfully proven. Conclusion HIF 1 regulate Cygb expression and fibroblast proliferation in keloid. However, HIF 2 role on Cygb expression and fibroblast proliferation has not be proven yet."
[, ]: 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beni Herlambang
Latar Belakang: Kasus trauma wajah di unit gawat darurat dan operasi elektif dalam penyembuhan lukanya dapat menjdi morbiditas karena parut yang berlebihan. Supaya mendapatkan hasil parut yang baik aplikasi mikropore diperlukan mencegah parut hipertrofik ataupun keloid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan perbedaan kualitas parut antara kelompok yang diaplikasi mikropore dengan kontrol.Metode: Penelitian kohort eksperimental dengan subjek pasien di unit gawat darurat dan operasi elektif di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eklusi. Studi ini membandingkan perbedaan kualitas parut pada kelompok perlakuan dengan aplikasi mikropore dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Jumlah sampel minimal 19 sampel tiap kelompok, akan di evaluasi kualitas parut menggunakan VAS setelah enam bulan, oleh salah satu evaluator.Hasil: Dari mei ndash;juni 2016, terdapat 33 pasien dengan 55 parut,dengan grup perlakuan 24 parut, dan pada grup kontrol 29 parut. Parut tersebut dievaluasi nilai VAS score setelah parut terbentuk mnimal 6 bulan. Nilai VAS pada kelompok intervensi didapatkannilai median antara 8 ndash; 9 lebih tinggi dibanding median kelompok control antara 6-8. Nilai rerata pada intervention group 8,50 0,51, lebih besar dibandingkan rerata kelompok control yaitu 7,00 0,38. Dan uji hypothesis nilai VAS dengan nilai p-value < 0,005.Kesimpulan: Nilai VAS pada kelompok perlakuan bermakna lebih baik dibandingkan kontrol,dengan faktor umur ,jenis kelamin dan riwayat keloid atau parut hipertrofik,tidak mempengaruhi perbedaan nilai VAS. Maka disimpulkan aplikasi mikropore pada kualitas parut menjadi pilihan terapi yang lebih baik.

Abstract Background There are more traumatic wound cases in emergency department and elective surgery,the result of injuries will healed with excessive scar and morbidity. The microporous paper tappe that can be applied for better scar and to prevent hypertrophic scar and kelloid. The result of this study to compare quality of scar in two groups.Materials and Methods Experimental cohort prospective study, with patient in emergency room and elective operation at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, which meet the inclusion and exclusion criterias. This study to compare the differences scar quality between the intervention group and control group. There are minimal 19 sample each groups, will be evaluated with one evaluator after 6 month,using VAS scoring system.Results From mei to jun 2016,there are 33 patients with 55 sample of scars, the intervention group were 24 scars, and in control group were 29 scars. The scars will be evaluated of VAS score after scar mnimal 6 months. VAS score in the intervention group obtained median value between 8 9 that higher than the median of the control group between 6 8. The mean value in the intervention group is 8.50 0.51, higher than the average of the control group is 7.00 0.38. the result of VAS values with hypothesis test is p "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Fajri Marindra
"Latar belakang: Pada penelitian sebelumnya, kami menemukan ekspresi sitoglobin Cygb pada keloid meningkat dibandingkan kulit normal, yang disertai dengan tingkat proliferasi sel fibroblas yang tinggi. Sitoglobin dilaporkan memiliki peran sebagai penangkal ROS yang dibutuhkan pada proses proliferasi sel. Di sisi lain, beberapa penelitian telah melaporkan ambiguitas dari peran Cygb, baik sebagai tumor supresor maupun onkogen. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek hambatan ekspresi gen Cygb terhadap proliferasi dan kadar ROS sel fibroblas keloid menggunakan small interfering RNA siRNA .Metode: Kami mengukur ekspresi mRNA dan tingkat protein Cygb menggunakan qRT-PCR dan ELISA, proliferasi sel menggunakan metode MTS, dan tingkat ROS menggunakan uji DCFHDA pada 3 kelompok yaitu kontrol, siRNA Cygb dan siRNA negatif. Hasil dari ketiga kelompok tersebut dibandingkan secara statistik. Kami juga menganalisis korelasi antara masing-masing variabel.Hasil: Tingkat ekspresi Cygb pada kelompok siRNA Cygb menurun dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dan siRNA negatif. Sedangkan proliferasi sel dan tingkat ROS intraseluler meningkat sedikit namun signifikan pada kelompok siRNA Cygb dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dan siRNA negatif. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara ekspresi Cygb dengan proliferasi sel, namun terdapat korelasi antara ekspresi Cygb dengan tingkat ROS, dan tingkat ROS dengan proliferasi sel.Kesimpulan: Pada sel fibroblas keloid, hambatan ekpresi gen Cygb menyebabkan peningkatan proliferasi sel dan kadar ROS intraseluler.
Background In our previous work, we found the expression of Cytoglobin Cygb in keloid were significantly higher than those in normal skin, which accompanied by a high rate of fibroblasts cells proliferation. Cytoglobin is reported to have a role as ROS scavenger, which is required in cell proliferation. On the other hand, some studies have reported ambiguity role of Cygb, either as a tumor suppressor or oncogene. Therefore, we plan to elucidate the role of Cygb in the regulation of ROS and the proliferation of keloid fibroblast using small interfering RNA siRNA .Methods We measured mRNA expression and Cygb protein level using qRT PCR and ELISA, cell proliferation using MTS method, and ROS level using DCFHDA assay on 3 groups control group, siRNA Cygb group and siRNA negative group. The results of the three groups were compared statistically. We also analyzed the correlation between each variable.Results The expression level of Cygb on siRNA Cygb group were decreased compared to the control and siRNA negative group. Whereas the cells proliferation and intracellular ROS levels were increased slightly but significant in siRNA Cygb compared to control and siRNA negative group. There is no correlation between Cygb expression with cell proliferation, but there is a correlation between Cygb expression with ROS level, and ROS level with cell proliferation.Conclusion In keloid fibroblast cells, inhibition of Cygb gene expression leads to increased cell proliferation and intracellular ROS levels."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunira Safitri
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Keloid merupakan pertumbuhan berlebih dari kolagen dermis yang dapat menimbulkan masalah fisis dan psikis bagi penderitanya. Berbagai pilihan terapi telah digunakan untuk pengobatan keloid. Penelitian ini membandingkan efikasi dan efek samping antara kombinasi triamsinolon asetonid (TA) dan 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) dengan TA intralesi pada terapi keloid.
Metode: Studi eksperimen dengan desain single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) terhadap pasien keloid. Penelitian ini melibatkan 2 kelompok, yaitu: kelompok intervensi yang mendapat kombinasi 5-fluorourasil dan triamsinolon asetonid intralesi, dan kelompok kontrol yang mendapat terapi tunggal triamsinolon asetonid intralesi. Kedua kelompok diberi pengobatan 1 kali perminggu selama 8 minggu dan lesi keloid diukur tinggi dan volume.
Hasil: Penurunan tinggi dan volume terjadi pada kedua kelompok. Pada penurunan tinggi, respons baik terjadi pada 75% kelompok intervensi dan 63,6% kelompok kontrol (p = 0,403). Sedangkan pada penurunan volume, respons baik terjadi pada 58,3% kelompok intervensi dan 63,6% kelompok kontrol (p = 0,713). Sebanyak 5 dari 24 SP pada kelompok intervensi mengalami efek samping berupa gatal, nyeri ringan, ulkus dangkal, dan telangiektasi. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terdapat 7 dari 22 SP yang mengeluh gatal, nyeri ringan, dan telangiektasi.
Kesimpulan: Secara umum, efikasi dan efek samping kombinasi TA dan 5-FU intralesi sebanding dengan TA saja.

Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid.
Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume.
Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis.
Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone;Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid.
Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume.
Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis.
Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone;Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid.
Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume.
Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis.
Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone, Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid.
Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume.
Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis.
Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library