ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan yang diterapkan oleh
perusahaan terhadap pembentukan tingkat job embededdness karyawan. Pengukuran
kepemimpinan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Multifactor Leadership Questionnaires
(MLQ form 5x) yang dikembangkan oleh Bass & Avolio (1990), sementara variabel job
embeddedness diukur dengan menggunakan Job Embedded Scale yang dikembangkan oleh
Mitchell (2001). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan memiliki
pengaruh terhadap pembentukan job embeddedness karyawan jika pihak perusahaan
menerapkan kepemimpinan yang bersifat transformasional. Maka dari itu agar tercipta job
embeddednes yang tinggi dari para karyawan sebaiknya manajemen madya menerapkan gaya
kepemimpinan yang bertanggung jawab, berkharisma dan bisa menjadi teladan yang baik
serta memperhatikan, menghargai dan mampu memotivasi dan mendorong karyawan untuk
bekerja lebih baik lagi.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the influence of leadership on job embeddedness of the employees
in PT. X. This study used a measuring tool Multifactor Leadership Questionnnaires (MLQ
form 5x) by Bass & Avolio (1990), and and Job Embedded Scale developed by Mitchell
(2004). The results of this study suggest that transformational leadership has significant
effects toward job embeddedness. Therefore, in order to grow job embeddedness within
employees, middle management should applied a leadership style that has responsibility,
charisma, and capable of becoming role model and motivating their subordinates to work
better.;This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership on job embeddedness of the employees
in PT. X. This study used a measuring tool Multifactor Leadership Questionnnaires (MLQ
form 5x) by Bass & Avolio (1990), and and Job Embedded Scale developed by Mitchell
(2004). The results of this study suggest that transformational leadership has significant
effects toward job embeddedness. Therefore, in order to grow job embeddedness within
employees, middle management should applied a leadership style that has responsibility,
charisma, and capable of becoming role model and motivating their subordinates to work
better., This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership on job embeddedness of the employees
in PT. X. This study used a measuring tool Multifactor Leadership Questionnnaires (MLQ
form 5x) by Bass & Avolio (1990), and and Job Embedded Scale developed by Mitchell
(2004). The results of this study suggest that transformational leadership has significant
effects toward job embeddedness. Therefore, in order to grow job embeddedness within
employees, middle management should applied a leadership style that has responsibility,
charisma, and capable of becoming role model and motivating their subordinates to work
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014