"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran "hubungan iklim kerja dengan kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana di RS Pemerintah dan RS Non Pemerintah". Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian descriptive correlational yang pengumpulan datanya secara cross sectional. Hipotesis yang dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini adalah "Adanya Hubungan Antara Lkhm Kelja Dengan Kepuasan Kcrja Pcrawata Pclaksana di RS Pemerinlah dan RS Non Pemerintah di Mojokerto Jawa Timur, 2002".
Sampel penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana di RS Pemerintah dan RS Non Pemerintah di Mojokerto Jawa Timur, dengan jumlah 86 perawat RS Pemerintah dan 70 perawat RS Non Pemerintah. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrurnen iklim kerja dan kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana yang telah dimodifikasi dan telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Instrumen iklim kerja terdiri dari 35 pertanyaan dan instrumen kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana terdiri dari 33 pertanyaan. Hasil uji coba validitas dan reliabilitas instrumcn menggunakan Alpha Cronbach dengan hasil baik.
Hasil penelitian adalah kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana dengan katagori kurang baik di RS Pemerintah sebesar 55,8 % dan RS non Pemerintah sebesar 94,3 %. Iklim kerja dengan katagori baik dirasakan oleh perawat pelaksana di RS pemerintah sebesar 57 % dan RS Non Pemerintah sebcsar 50 %. Variabel iklim kerja dengan kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana yang berhubungan di RS Pemerintah adalah variabel cara mengatasi resiko, penghargaan dan cara mengatasi konflik, serta variabel yang dominan berhubungan adalah variabel konflik. Sedangkan pada RS Non Pemerintah tidak ada variabel iklim kerja yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana.
This research is aimed to gain the description on "Comparative Study About Relationship Between Work Climate And Nurses? Job Satisfaction At The Govemrnent Hospital And The Non Govemment Hospital In Mojokerto East Java 2002". The design of this research was descriptive cot-relational with cross sectional methode. The proven in this research was the relationship between work climate aand nurses' job satisfaction at the government hospital and the non government hospital in Mojokerto East Java.
The sample of researh were 86 nurses in patient care unit of the government hospital and 70 nurses? in patient care unit of the non government hospital. In this researh used two instruments they were work climate and measurement and job satisfaction measurement. Both instrument were aadjusted with the needs and had been modified as needed. The work ssclimate instrument consist of 35 statement and nurses' job satisfaction consist of 33 statement. Test of validity and reliability of these instrumens utilized Alpha Cronbach and got good results.
The results inddicateed that nurses? job satisfaction was at poor category 55,8% at the government hospitaal and the non government hospital 94,3%. The work climate with good category was 57% at the government Hospital and the non govemrnent hospital 50%. The analysis variabel implied that the entire work climate satistically had significant connection with nurses? job satisfactin the govemment hospital, risk, reward and conflict were that variabel indicated had significant connection with nurses? job satisfaction aand conflict was the most significant statistically. The analysis variabel implied that there is no connection between work climate with nurses? job satisfaction at the non government hospital."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2002