ABSTRACTPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh persepsi atlet terhadap
kohesivitas timnya terhadap ketangguhan mental pada atlet mahasiswa. Beberapa
penelitian sudah meneliti tentang hubungan antara persepsi kohesivitas tim dan
ketangguhan mental, namun belum ada penelitian mengenai pengaruh dari salah
satu konstruk pada atlet mahasiswa di Indonesia. Partisipan berjumlah 234 (140
laki-laki dan 94 perempuan) atlet mahasiswa yang telah bergabung dalam tim
olahraga universitas lebih dari 6 bulan dan memiliki pengalaman bertanding
tingkat nasional di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur Mental Toughness Inventory yang
dikembangkan oleh Middleton, Marsh, Martin, Richards, dan Perry, C. (2005)
untuk mengukur ketangguhan mental dan Group Environment Questionnaire
yang dikembangkan Carron, Widmeyer, dan Brawley (1985), untuk mengukur
persepsi kohesivitas tim. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah statistik
deskriptif dan simple regression. Hasil analisis simple regression menunjukan
adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari persepsi atlet terhadap kohesivitas tim
terhadap ketangguhan mental.
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to investigae the effect of perception of team
cohesion towards mental toughness among scholar atheletes. Some researches
had studied about the relationship between perception of team cohesion and
mental toughness, however there is no research that has studied about the effect
between one of the constructs amongst scholar athletes in Indonesia. There were
234 participants (140 male and 94 female) who are scholar athletes, have joined
the university?s sport team more than 6 months, and have an experience in
national tournaments in Indonesia.
This research used Mental Toughness Inventory, which was developed by
Middleton, Marsh, Martin, Richards, and Perry, C. (2005) to measure mental
toughness and Group Environment Questionnaire which was developed by
Carron, Widmeyer, and Brawley (1985) to measure perception of team cohesion.
The analysis technique used in this research were descriptive statistic and simple
regression. The result of simple regression anaylsis showed that there is an effect
of perception of team cohesion towards mental toughness."