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Diana Andriyani Pratamawati
Abstrak :
Program pencegahan dan pemberantasan demam berdarah dengue (DBD) telah berlangsung sekitar 43 tahun dan berhasil menurunkan angka kema- tian dari 41,3% pada tahun 1968 menjadi 0,87% pada tahun 2010, tetapi belum berhasil menurunkan angka kesakitan. Bahkan, Indonesia men- duduki urutan tertinggi kasus DBD di Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) pada tahun 2010. Salah satu faktor belum efektifnya pencegahan DBD di Indonesia adalah masih lemahnya sistem kewas- padaan dini. Peran juru pantau jentik (jumantik) sangat penting dalam sis- tem kewaspadaan dini mewabahnya DBD karena berfungsi untuk meman- tau keberadaan dan menghambat perkembangan awal dari vektor penular DBD. Seiring masih tingginya angka kasus DBD di Indonesia, muncul per- tanyaan bagaimana peran jumantik dalam sistem kewaspadaan dini DBD selama ini di Indonesia. Artikel ini mencoba menelaah masalah tersebut berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka. Secara umum, peran jumantik dinilai cukup berhasil dalam pencegahan DBD, namun terdapat beberapa hal yang per- lu menjadi bahan evaluasi.

Programs of prevention and eradication of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) has been around 43 years and managed to reduce mortality from 41,3% in 1968 to 0,87% in 2010, but has not managed to reduce morbidity. Indonesia even ranked the highest of dengue cases in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) by the year 2010. One factor that made has not been effective dengue prevention in Indonesia is the early warning system is still weak. Jumantik role is very important in the early warning system outbreaks of dengue hemorrhagic fever because it serves to moni- tor the presence and inhibit the early development of vector-borne dengue fever. During the high number of dengue cases in Indonesia, question rous- es how jumantik role in the dengue hemorrhagic fever early warning sys- tem so far in Indonesia. This article takes a closer look based on a litera- ture review. In general, the role of jumantik considered quite successful in preventing dengue hemorrhagic fever early warning system but neverthe- less there are things that need to be evaluated.
Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farida D. Andayani
Abstrak :
Gizi adalah masukan vital dalam pengembangan sumberdaya manusia. Prevolensi gizi kurang di Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2005 masih tinggi, yaitu 15,3 persen. Di UPID Puskesmas Kecamatan Cileungsi tahun 2005 ditemukan 1170 balita gizi kurang (9,1 %) dan 269 (1,3 %) balita gizi buruk. Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2004, jumlah kasus balita gizi buruk mengalami kenaikan yaitu dari 0,8% menjadi 1,3% . Adanya peningkatan status gizi buruk tersebut antara lain disebabkan penanganan gizi buruk belum cukup dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh dengan keterlibatan penuh dari link sektor. sehingga dapat, dikatakan setiap hari terjadi KLB Gizi di wilayah tersebut. Hal ini perlu sekali mendapat perhatian dari semua pihak terkait dan menempatkan Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini KLB Gizi sebagai kegiatan· yang penting dilaksanakan secara berkesinambungan. Dalam pelaksanaannya,. surveilance gizi didukung sistem infonnasi yaitu Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini KLB Gizi yang telah dimiliki oleh setiap puskesmas tingkat kecamatan di Kabupaten Bogor, tetapi belum dioperasikan secara maksimal karena masih ditemui kendala dalam pelaksanaannya. Kendala tersebut diantaranya adalah sulitnya melengkapi input data karena memerlukan koordinasi lintas sektor, tidak terscdianya basis data' untuk penelusuran kasus, pemanfaatan komputer belum optimal, ketepatan waktu pengiriman dan kelengkapan laporan rendah. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkannya sistem informasi SKD KLB Gizi dcngan basis pelayanan kesehatan dasar, yaitu puskesmas, yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas basis data di Kecamatan Cileungsi. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah operasional research melalui pengamatan sistem yang sudah berjalan selama ini dengan berdasarkan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem yang terdiri dan tahap perencanaan, analisis, perancangan dan ujicoba sistem. Pengujian sistem hanya dilakukan di laboratorium dengan menggunakan data sampel. Pengumpulan data dan informasi melalui wawancara, telaah dokumen dan observasi. Unit kerja. yang menjadi obyek penelitian adalah UPTD Puskesmas Kecamatan CHeungsi. beserta dua UPF puskesmas dan 3 posyandu. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya prototipe Sistem informasi SKD KLB Gizi yang dihampkan dapet effektif dan effisien dalam penyediaan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Informasi yang diperoleh akan dirancang agar benar -benar relevan; cepat dan tepat serta dapat lebih bermanfaat, terutama untuk kepentingan program gizi pada umumnya, dan surveilance gizi pada khususnya, sehingga dapat tercapai optimalisasi pemantauan kewaspadaan gizi di wilayah tersebut. Agar pelaksanaan sistem informasi ini dapat berjalan dcngan baik dan berkelanjutan. dibutuhkan komitmen dan kebijakan pendukung, termasuk mekanisme umpan balik dan pengawasan. ......Nutrient is the most important intake for the growth of human being. The nutrient deficiency in Bogor Municipal in 2005 is still high. that is 15.3 percent. It was found that there was 1770 infant suffering nutrient deficiency ( 9,1%) and 269 infant in poor nutrient intake ( 1,3 % ) at UPTD Public Health Medical Center Cileungsi sub district in 2005. Compared to 2004 the case of infant with nutrient deficiency had been increased from 0.8% to 1,3%. It seem that the increasing infant in nutrient deficiency was caused by lack of capacity and coordination among the government offices within the department of health. As a result of this condition is that almost everyday could be found KLB Nutrition as the main program and to be maintain continually. In fact, the computerized nutrient surveilance which is early warning system KLB nutrition is applied by every Public Health Medical Center in Bogor Municipal. However, the system was not conducted properly due to some difficulties, such as unavailable of data, unsuffience of base data for case tracking, unoptimize computer usage, incomplete report? and delay in reporting. Therefore, it is important to develop the information system on Early Warning system KLB Nutrition at Public Health Medical Center level supported by database facility at Cileungsi sub district. The method for this research was operational research by investigating the current system which was separated into three stages naming planning, analysis. and trial system. In the trial system the sample data was tested in the laboratorium. The data collection was done through interview, document study and observation. The research with conducted at UPTD Public Health Medical Center Cileungsi Sub distric. including two UPF Public Health Medical Centre and three Posyandu. The study results in the creation of prototype fur the information system on early warning system KLB nutrient. It is expected that the system could provide the data required effectively and efficiencively. The data needed could he more relevant, accurate and useful, particularly those related to the nutrient improvement program. In order the result to be useful it is important that the related government offices to be commit and to provide further supporting policy on feedback and control.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Widiyaningrum
Abstrak :
Kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di dunia. IARC WHO menyebutkan 8,2 juta kematian terjadi akibat kanker dan 14,1 juta kasus kanker baru terjadi di dunia pada tahun 2012. Dari angka tersebut, Asia berkontribusi terhadap 54,9% kematian akibat kanker, dan 48,0% kasus kanker baru. Di Indonesia, prevalensi kanker sebesar 1.40/00 dan menempati penyebab kematian kedua setelah penyakit kardiovaskular di kelompok penyakit tidak menular sebesar 13%. Salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya kanker adalah adanya paparan zat yang bersifat karsinogen yang diperoleh di lingkungan kerja, sehingga skrining terhadap adanya kanker menjadi hal penting untuk dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan prototipe sistem kewaspadaan dini untuk pegawai yang berisiko terhadap paparan zat karsinogen yang merupakan salah satu faktor risiko munculnya penyakit kanker paru dan kanker payudara. Tingkat risiko kanker paru dan payudara diperoleh dengan mengolah variabel pada data hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin pegawai. Prototipe menampilkan informasi tingkatan risiko kanker paru dan payudara serta dashboard gambaran risiko penyakit seluruh pegawai. Pengembangan sistem dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode prototipe model incremental dan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara kepada pengguna sistem serta observasi dokumen. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terbangunnya prototipe sistem yang dapat memberikan informasi tingkatan risiko setiap pegawai terhadap penyakit kanker paru dan payudara sebagai early warning untuk pengobatan yang lebih dini.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. International Agency for Research on Cancer WHO mentions 8.2 million deaths from cancer and 14.1 million new cases of cancer in 2012. Asia contributes to 54.9% of deaths from cancer, and 48.0% of new cancer cases. In Indonesia the prevalence of cancer is 1.40/00 and occupies the second cause of death after cardiovascular diseases due to Non Communicable Diseases. One of the risk factors of cancer is the exposed of carcinogenic substances obtained in the work environment. According to these, health screening activity become a priority. The purpose of this study is to develop an early warning prototype system of lung and breast cancer for employees at risk of exposure to carcinogenic substances. Prototype displays information on risk level against lung and breast cancer and also a dashboard of employee's risk to the disease. System development was done by using prototyping method and incremental model. Data collection was done through interview to the system user and document observation. Result of this research is a prototype system which can give information of lung and breast cancer risk level for early treatment and higher survival rate.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Sistem kewaspadaan dini dan respon bertujuan untuk mendeteksi secara dini adanya indikasi KLB, mendorong program melakukan respon terhadap alert yang muncul, mengetahui kecenderungan penyakit potensial KLB setiap minggu, mengevaluasi dampak intervensi program terhadap alert yang muncul serta mengetahui pemetaan setiap penyakit potensial KLB setiap minggu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menilai kelengkapan, ketepatan, akurasi Puskesmas di Kab/Kota di provinsi terpilih dan hal-hal yang mempengaruhi kualitas data SKDR di provinsi Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Kalimantan Tengah, Papua, Sulawesi Barat dan Sumatera Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Kelengkapan laporan SKDR pada minggu 1-20 tahun 2015 di tujuh provinsi sebesar 47 %. Ketepatan waktu melapor sebesar 29 %. Akurasi kasus penyakit di populasi sampel berdasarkan uji chi square , ditemukan data tidak akurat (nilai X ² hitung > X ² tabel) , Hal-hal yang mempengaruhi: tidak semua puskesmas mendapatkan pelatihan SKDR, double job, sarana kurang memadai, tidak ada dana khusus, server sering mengalami gangguan, adanya gangguan sinyal. ABSTRACT
Early warning and response system aims to detect early indications of outbreaks, pushing the program to respond to the alert that appears, knowing the tendency of potential disease outbreaks every week, evaluate the impact of the program interventions that appear alert and aware mapping any potential disease outbreak every week. The purpose of this study was to assess the completeness, precision, accuracy of Puskesmas in regency/city in selected provinces and the things that affect the quality of the data SKDR in Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Central Kalimantan, Papua, West Sulawesi and North Sumatra. The method used is quantitative and qualitative. Completeness report SKDR at 1-20 weeks of 2015 in seven provinces by 47%. Timeliness of reporting by 29%. Accuracy of cases of disease in a population-based sample chi square test, found inaccurate data (value X ² count > X ² table), things that affect: not all health centers receive training SKDR, double job, means less than adequate, there are no special funds , servers are often impaired, any signal interference.;Early warning and response system aims to detect early indications of outbreaks, pushing the program to respond to the alert that appears, knowing the tendency of potential disease outbreaks every week, evaluate the impact of the program interventions that appear alert and aware mapping any potential disease outbreak every week. The purpose of this study was to assess the completeness, precision, accuracy of Puskesmas in regency/city in selected provinces and the things that affect the quality of the data SKDR in Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Central Kalimantan, Papua, West Sulawesi and North Sumatra. The method used is quantitative and qualitative. Completeness report SKDR at 1-20 weeks of 2015 in seven provinces by 47%. Timeliness of reporting by 29%. Accuracy of cases of disease in a population-based sample chi square test, found inaccurate data (value X ² count > X ² table), things that affect: not all health centers receive training SKDR, double job, means less than adequate, there are no special funds , servers are often impaired, any signal interference.;Early warning and response system aims to detect early indications of outbreaks, pushing the program to respond to the alert that appears, knowing the tendency of potential disease outbreaks every week, evaluate the impact of the program interventions that appear alert and aware mapping any potential disease outbreak every week. The purpose of this study was to assess the completeness, precision, accuracy of Puskesmas in regency/city in selected provinces and the things that affect the quality of the data SKDR in Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Central Kalimantan, Papua, West Sulawesi and North Sumatra. The method used is quantitative and qualitative. Completeness report SKDR at 1-20 weeks of 2015 in seven provinces by 47%. Timeliness of reporting by 29%. Accuracy of cases of disease in a population-based sample chi square test, found inaccurate data (value X ² count > X ² table), things that affect: not all health centers receive training SKDR, double job, means less than adequate, there are no special funds , servers are often impaired, any signal interference., Early warning and response system aims to detect early indications of outbreaks, pushing the program to respond to the alert that appears, knowing the tendency of potential disease outbreaks every week, evaluate the impact of the program interventions that appear alert and aware mapping any potential disease outbreak every week. The purpose of this study was to assess the completeness, precision, accuracy of Puskesmas in regency/city in selected provinces and the things that affect the quality of the data SKDR in Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Central Kalimantan, Papua, West Sulawesi and North Sumatra. The method used is quantitative and qualitative. Completeness report SKDR at 1-20 weeks of 2015 in seven provinces by 47%. Timeliness of reporting by 29%. Accuracy of cases of disease in a population-based sample chi square test, found inaccurate data (value X ² count > X ² table), things that affect: not all health centers receive training SKDR, double job, means less than adequate, there are no special funds , servers are often impaired, any signal interference.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghotama Airlangga
Abstrak :
Tahun 1998 dikembangkan Early Warning Outbreak Recognition System (EWORS) guna memantau penyakit menular berpotensi KLB/wabah secara dini, khususnya penyakit menular baru. Informasi yang disajikan oleh EWORS berupa kombinasi beberapa gejala penyakit yang harus dianalisis secara manual, serta belum dapat membandingkan kondisi dengan standar untuk menentukan terjadinya KLB, khususnya untuk penyakit-penyakit menular lama, seperti demam berdarah dengue (DBD) dan diarc, sehingga sistem belum dapat memberikan peringatan dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model sistem informasi kewaspadaan dini KLB penyakit DBD) dan diare dengan (uji coba pada pendekatan diagnosis sebagai supplement EWORS). Desain penelitian ini adalah riset aksi dan dibatasi hanya sampai pada tahap uji coba prototype. Penelitian berhasil mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Kewaspadaan Dini KLB Pcnyakit DBD dan Diare (Uji Coba dengan Pendekatan Diagnosis sebagai Supplement EWORS), dengan keluaran berupa diagnosa dan jumlah kasus berdasarkan jenis penyakit, trn perjenis penyakit, prediksi kewaspadaan dini KLB, rekomendasi sebagai tindak lanjut dari prediksi, serta prediksi dapat dihasilkan sesuai kebutuhan (real time). Hasil studi kelayakan menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi ini berpeluang untuk dikembangkan, baik dari segi operasional, teknis, dan ekonomi. Agar sistem inforrmasi ini dapat dioperasikan secara optimal dan berkelanjutan, aplikasi dapat digunakan bersamaan dengan penggunaan EWORS dan perlu dukungan aspek legal berupa Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan, sehingga kerja sama lintas program maupun lintas sektor dapat terlaksana. ......In 1998 Early Warning Outbreak Recognition Sysrem (EWORS) started to develop in order to look over the outbreak potential diseases earlier, specially newly communicable diseases. Initially, EWORS only provided the information through the combination of several diseases that must be analyzed manually and did not compare standardized conditions to determine whether the disease was classified into outbreak, specially the old type communicable such as dengue hemorrhagic fever (Dl-IF) and diarrhea as well. Therefor the sysem could not send early warning. The research objective is to develop early warning information system for DHF and diarrhea outbreak by diagnosis approaching trial as EWORS supplement. Research design is action research and limited on prototype trial level only. The research has successfully developed by providing the diagnosis and number of cases based on diseases type, trend of each disease, the outbreak early warning prediction and recommendation following from the prediction as the result. The tit of study shows that the information system has an opportunity to develop both in operational, technique and economy side as well. For optimal operation, the application of the system could be applied together with EWORS and requires legal aspect such as The Letter of Ministry of Health, therefore both program and sector coordination could be carried out.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library