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Ditemukan 38 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Parkin, Robert
Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1997
306.83 PAR k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fox, Robin, 1934-
Australia: Harmondsworth Penguin Books, 1973
301.442 FOX k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chabot, H. Th.
Leiden: KITLV Press, 1996
306.598 4 CHA k (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
M Saidi Rifki
Abstrak :
This research departs from the victory of President Joko Widodo's son and son-in-law in the 2020 Regional Head Election. Approximately 44% or 55 candidates of the 124 regional head candidates who have a kinship with the authorities are confirmed to win the 2020 simultaneous Regional Head Election and stroll as regional heads. For this reason, this study will explore the phenomenon of winning candidates exposed to kinship politics, especially with the president in the 2020 Regional Head Election. This research also analyzes some of the causes of nepotism in the democratic system that are still visible in the 2020 simultaneous Regional Head Election. To achieve this goal, the research uses descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. The method was chosen because the 2020 simultaneous Regional Head Election were multidimensional. The results of the study found several factors that led to kinship politics still coloring the 2020 Regional Head Election, including the advancement of candidates who were exposed to kinship with the president. These factors, such as the popularity of family names, are deliberately carried out by politicians as a way of inheriting power and the weak democratization of political parties, such as recruiting candidates for the regional head. This also led to candidates exposed to kinship with the president in striding to win the Regional Head Election. This research concludes that kinship should be able to lead to moral behavior, not just a pursuit of power. Concerning kinship politics, it can be controlled through internal reforms of political parties as institutions that carry out the role of candidate recruitment.
Jakarta: Bestuurskunde, 2021
324 BES 1:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djaka Soehendera
Abstrak :
Karya tulis ini menguraikan pengaruh program pembangunan terhadap aspek kehidupan penduduk desa Tabbeyan, khususnya akses mereka terhadap sumber daya, terutama sagu. Sebagai responnya, media 'sistem' kekerabatan yang ada kemudian diaktifkan oleh banyak penduduk dalam rangka mempermudah perolehan sumber daya (ekonomi). Perolehan sumber daya itu dianggap bertambah sulit (atau bertambah dibutuhkan), antara lain, karena adanya proses pembangunan yang dilaksanakan di desa Tabbeyan. Tesis ini seolah-olah berfokus pada kaitan antara tiga aspek yang nampaknya otomatis berhubungan sebab-akibat; yaitu aspek program pembangunan, aspek 'sistem' kekerabatan dan aspek perolehan sumber daya (ekonomi, terutama sagu). Padahal bila diamati dengan seksama, uraian tesis ini berusaha menghindari anggapan terjadinya hubungan sebab akibat secara otomatis di antara ketiga aspek tersebut. Fokus perhatian untuk analisa dan uraian tesis ini berlingkup pada aspek kekerabatan. Gejala proses kekerabatan itu sendiri pada sisi tertentu berkaitan dengan beberapa hal yang patut diberi perhatian, antara lain, apakah 'sistem' penggunaan nama fam (suku bosena) di belakang nama seseorang memang baru digunakan atau sudah dari sejak dulu. Hal lain misalnya, terjadi pula berbagai 'aturan' kekerabatan yang bila dilihat dari sudut disiplin hukum adat harusnya ditaati dan dilaksanakan, namun seringkali dilanggar. Namun demikian, metode kajian terhadap 'sistem' kekerabatan ini bukan semata-mata dilaksanakan demi 'sistem' itu sendiri, tetapi akan disusuri kaitannya-langsung maupun tidak-dengan proses sosial lainnya. Jadi, kajian pada aspek kekerabatan itu dikaitkan dengan kegiatan ekonomi, upaya pelaksanaan pengamanan di desa, maupun dengan hak dan kewajiban yang berkaitan dengan pemilik lang bina (hak milik atas tanah) serta hubungan-hubungan lainnya. Contohnya, ketika penduduk Tabbeyan mulai merasakan kelangkaan sagu (akhir 1988), maka sebagian dari mereka kemudian sengaja 'mengaktifkan' ikatan kekerabatan yang sudah ada, dan sebagian lagi mulai mengikutinya. Dengan memiliki hubungan kerabat pada pemilik lang bina (hak milik atas tanah), maka orang yang bersangkutan merasa ikut berwewenang untuk memperoleh sagu dari para kerabatnya. Dan, pada beberapa kesempatan upaya 'pengaktifan' ikatan kekerabatan ini juga dilakukan berkenaan dengan perolehan sumber daya (ekonomi) lain, seperti pinang, sirih, bahkan juga rokok, supermie dan sardines. Namun demikian, pengaktifan ikatan kekerabatan yang ada pun, pada kenyataannya, tidak selalu menjadi media yang ampuh dalam mendapatkan berbagai sumber daya tersebut. Kadangkala, ikatan kekerabatan nampak tidak diperdulikan oleh beberapa orang pemilik lang bina (hak milik atas tanah). Pengertian sistem dalam konteks 'sistem kekerabatan' pada tesis ini, lebih dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang dinamis, kadangkala (mungkin) 'bulat' namun seringkali bisa pula 'lonjong' maupun tidak selalu membentuk keteraturan. Karena pada kenyataannya, paling tidak seperti yang terurai pada karya tulis ini, terdapat berbagai variasi pada 'sistem' kekerabatan yang ada. Analisa yang diterapkan pada karya tulis ini adalah lebih berlandaskan pada hasil-hasil kerja lapangan (field work) yang kemudian dapat disebut sebagai analisa terhadap data primer, dan tidak terlalu bertumpu pada analisa terhadap data tersier (yakni berupa teori general tertentu). Namun demikian, pada bagian-bagian tertentu, kajian ini dilengkapi pula dengan analisa terhadap data sekunder, misalnya mengenai asumsi-asumsi tertentu yang dimunculkan dari suatu kajian etnografis.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Katerina Bataha
Abstrak :
Kinship politics may be a way to preserve the power of the elites through elections. With the strong support of kinship politics from the local political elite, the candidate for the South Minahasa district head, Michaela Paruntu, had a very high chance of winning the 2020 regional election in the South Minahasa District. But the reality was different. The popularity gained from the influence of the previous district head, a close relative of the candidate, and the support of the ruling party in the South Minahasa District were ineffective in generating public support for the candidate. This study analyzed the factors that caused the ineffectiveness of the kinship politics in the South Minahasa District. This phenomenon was interesting to study since previous studies on kinship politics presented empirical evidence that candidates who have a kinship with the authorities or elites have a better opportunity to win an election. This study used a qualitative method with a case study approach. The result of the study showed that the community's perception of kinship politics in the South Minahasa District influenced people's political choices in the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).
Jakarta: Bestuurskunde, 2021
324 BES 1:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendy Setiawan
Abstrak :
The issue of kinship politics networks and modalities Pilar Saga is built on the Ratu Atut Chosiyah's dynastic politics. Interestingly, the dynastic political network in Banten contributed to Pilar Saga's victory. Even the various corruption cases that ensnared Ratu Atut's family could not undermine her political network. For example, the corruption case of Ratu Atut for alleged bribery of the Constitutional Court and the trading of positions, T Chaeri Wardana for the corruption case of medical equipment, and Ratu Lilis Karyawati for the Cibenuangen River bypass case in Lebak, Banten. The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent to which Pilar Saga's kinship politics network and modalities influenced his victory in the 2020 South Tangerang Regional Head Election. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method in South Tangerang. The research data was taken through observation and library research to strengthen the conclusion. The results show that the Pilar Saga political network and modalities, apart from being built from the Atut dynasty, were also boosted by the performance achievements of the incumbent Pilar Saga pair. The incumbent in the previous period with Airin Rachmi Diany (Atut's sister-in-law) was able to bring South Tangerang City to be the best Regency/City area in Banten in HDI (Human Development Index) numbers. On this basis, the rational behavior of voters in South Tangerang was not fooled by the various cases that ensnared their relatives in the corruption of the Ratu Atut Chosiyah dynasty.
Jakarta: Bestuurskunde, 2021
324 BES 1:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The 2020 Regional Head Election continued to show the presence of Kinship Politics at the regional level, including in Jambi. The incumbents encouraged their family members to run as candidates in the election for Governor and Deputy Governor of Jambi, Regent of Batang Hari, and Mayor of Sungai Penuh. Surprisingly, Kinship politics failed to win in all three locations. This study aimed to analyze the failure of Kinship politics in the 2020 Regional Head Election in Jambi (namely Yuninta Asmara-Muhammad Mahdan in Batang Hari Regency, Cek Endra-Ratu Munawaroh in the election for the Governor of Jambi, and Fikar Azami-Yos Andrino in the election for Mayor of Sungai Penuh) through an independent observation from November 2020 to January 2021, as well as documentation of data and news related to the 2020 Regional Head Election in Jambi. The failure of the three candidate pairs was due to: first, the lack of public trust in the incumbent's family; second, the lack of campaign fund contributions; third, lack of promotions for the candidate pairs on social media; fourth, the lack of political communication between candidates, political parties, and constituents, while the alternative candidates optimally, effectively and efficiently managed the campaign team, campaign logistics, and their constituents; five, the alternative candidates' track records showed better credibility and capability; and six, better electability and acceptability of the alternative candidates. This study concluded that Jambi could be an example of minimizing the dominance of Kinship politics by using an alternative candidate who has a solid team, good online campaign management, and effective logistics management. Jambi can be a barometer of the rise of real democracy.
Jakarta: Bestuurskunde, 2021
324 BES 1:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hardiyanti Munsi
Abstrak :
Studi/penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan keunikan struktur dan gaya pengelolaan berciri primordial, yakni kekeluargaan/kekerabatan, keagamaan, dan nilai budaya Bugis setempat yang membentuk sistem kebudayaan dalam perusahaan keluarga PT. Hadji Kalla. Secara teoritis, penelitian ini berangkat dari perspektif Weber mengenai tipe ideal birokrasi yang meihat organisasi (dalam hal ini perusahaan keluarga) sebagai salah ssatu gejala sosio-kultural yang netral dan bebas nilai sehingga mengesampingkan unsur-unsur subjektivitas di dalamnya. Penelitian dilakukan di dua lokasi, yakni kantor pusat dan kantor cabang dengan menggunkan pendekatan kualitatif yang mengandalkan pengamatan terlibat, wawancara mendalam, dan studi literature. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan keluarga PT. Hadji Kalla yang telah bertaraf nasional tetap mengedepankan hubungan/ikatan kekerabatan, etnis, dan agama dalam kegiatan sehari-hari perusahaan, bahkan nilai-nilai tersebut ikut memberi corak perusahaan pada masyarakat perkotaan diberbagai daerah usaha perusahaan. Ini berarti bahwa meskipun masyarakat telah mengalami perubahan, bukan berarti nilai-nilai primordial dan hal-hal yang berada diluar perusahaan (kekerabatan, big men, agama, nilai budaya, kepentingan) tidak ikut mempengaruhi aktifitas perusahaan formal. Oleh karena itu, intervensi unsur subyektivitas akan selalu mencul diikuti dengan penerapan sistem manajemen modern yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan PT. Hadji Kalla.
This study/research intends to identify and to describe the unique structure and the managing style that owns primordial characteristics, that is giving significance to kinship, religion, and local Bugis cultural values, which made up the cultural system of PT. Hadji Kalla family business. Theoritically, this research was inspired from Weberian perspective on the ideal types of bureaucracy, that observes organizations (in this case is the family business) as one of the socio-cultural phenomena which is neutral and value-free, that is place aside its subjective aspects. The research was conducted in two locations, the head office and one of the branch offices using qualitative approach that relies on participant observation, in-depth interviews, and literature studies. The results of the research shows that the family business of PT. Hadji Kalla that has advanced into national level still prioritizes kinship, ethnicity, and religious aspects in the daily activities of the company. The value even take parts in providing the company‟s colour to the urban societies in various districts where the company stands. This means that although the society has undergone transformations, it doesn‟t mean that the primordial value, and the elements that exist outside of businesses (such as kinship, big men, religion, cultural values, and interest) do not influence the activities that are held in formal organizations. Therefore, the interventions of subjective aspects will always appear, followed with the application of the modern management system that is implemented by PT. Hadji Kalla company.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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