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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nurul Jannati Rochmah
Salah satu faktor pembentuk reputasi organisasi adalah komunikasi yang menitikberatkan
khalayak eksternal organisasi. Keberhasilan suatu kegiatan komunikasi ditentukan oleh
bagaimana strategi komunikasi itu dijalankan. Maraknya industri media massa komersial yang
selalu mengedepankan profit membuat Lembaga Penyiaran Publik berjuang untuk menjadi
media massa rujukan masyarakat yang mengedepankan independensi, netral, dan balance.
Namun popularitas Lembaga Penyiaran Publik masih terkalahkan oleh media massa komersial.
Hasil riset pendengar LPP RRI Tahap I 2011 merekomendasikan perlunya mempertajam
kegiatan komunikasi RRI untuk lebih menguatkan reputasi mereka. Atas dasar itulah RRI
sebagai Lembaga Penyiaran Publik melakukan serangkaian kegiatan komunikasi untuk
memperbaiki reputasinya di mata masyarakat.
Berdasarkan kerangka pikir tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui
strategi komunikasi eksternal yang dilakukan oleh RRI sebagai Lembaga Penyiaran Publik
dalam menguatkan reputasi di mata masyarakat; Mengetahui reputasi RRI sebagai Lembaga
Penyiaran Publik; Dan hubungan RRI dengan publik eksternalnya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif kualitatif dan menghasilkan beberapa
temuan penting. Pertama, strategi komunikasi eksternal yang dilakukan oleh RRI bertipologi
proactive dengan publisitas melalui kegiatan advertising, namun kurang menekankan pada
aktivitas newsworthy information. Strategi komunikasi tersebut belum bisa memenuhi kriteria
yang baik ditinjau dari: Perumusan tujuan yang kurang jelas; Penentuan khalayak sasaran yang
tidak fokus; Serta tidak adanya evaluasi terhadap efektivitas kegiatan komunikasi yang telah
mereka lakukan. Kedua, masih banyak masyarakat yang pesimis dengan kehadiran RRI karena
terstigma dengan pandangan RRI jaman dahulu yang masih merupakan corong pemerintah.
Secara persuasif, komunikasi yang dilakukan RRI tidak membawa dampak yang besar terhadap
keinginan masyarakat untuk mulai menggunakan Lembaga Penyiaran Publik, terlihat dari masih
lemahnya market presence RRI. Penelitian ini memberikan saran kepada LPP RRI untuk
meningkatkan kreativitas dan kapabilitasnya dalam merancang strategi komunikasi agar terlihat
menarik, gampang diingat, dan tidak membosankan.

One of the factors which establishes the organization reputation is communications,
which focuses on the external audiences of the organization. The success of a communication
activity is determined by how the communication strategy is executed. The rise of the mass media
industry, which is always profit-oriented, forces Public Broadcasting Institutions striving to be
mass media references for the society in which they emphasize on the independence, neutrality,
and balanced value. However, the popularity of the Public Broadcasting Institutions is still
defeated by commercial mass media. The 2011 first phase research on the LPP RRI audiences,
which was conducted by RRI, shows that RRI needs to sharpen its communication activity in
order to strengthen its reputation. As such, RRI, as a Public Broadcasting Institution, is doing a
series of communication activities to improve its reputation on the society.
Based on such framework of notion, this research has several objectives, i.e. to
understand the external communication strategy undertaken by RRI as a Public Broadcasting
Institution in order to strengthen its reputation on the society, know the reputation of RRI as a
Public Broadcasting Institution and the relationship of RRI and the external public.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method and yields on several important
findings. First, the external communication strategy undertaken by RRI has a proactive typology
by publicity via advertising, but it lacks of emphasis on the activity of newsworthy information.
The communication strategy is not yet able to meet the criteria of a good communication
strategy, which is reviewed from: unclear formulation of its goal, grouping of the target
audiences which is not focused, and no evaluation activity to measure the effectiveness of its
communication program. Second, many people are still pessimistic on the presence of RRI
because of its track record. In the persuasive communication, this communication strategy
cannot bring an impact on the society to start listening to RRI and use RRI as their publicity
mass media. It is proven by RRI's weak market presence. This research suggests RRI, as a
Public Broadcasting Institution, to enhance its creativity and versatility in designing a
communication strategy."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brahma Putra Pratama
Media relation merupakan salah satu praktik yang terdapat dalam sistem dari Departemen Public Relations (PR) dan bertujuan supaya informasi dari suatu organisasi dapat disebarluaskan kepada publik melalui saluran suatu industri media. Ternyata terdapat departemen PR dari suatu industri media melakukan praktik media relations dengan industri media lain meskipun telah memiliki saluran media untuk menyebarkan informasi. Dalam praktik media relations yang terdapat dalam sistem Departemen PR, para anggota departemen PR sebagai para agen berhubungan dengan para agen lain dari redaksi industri media lain berdasarkan struktur yang terus-menerus diproduksi dan direproduksi. Struktur diproduksi dan direproduksi melalui interaksi dan tindakan para agen, baik dalam lingkungan internal dan lingkungan eksternal departemen. Ketika para agen berinteraksi, mereka juga melakukan tindakan komunikasi. Struktur dan sistem dalam praktik media relations yang terus diproduksi dan direproduksi dapat berlangsung secara dinamis (transformasi) dan stabil (rutinitas). Untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses produksi dan reproduksi tersebut dalam interaksi para agen, maka diperlukan analisis menggunakan teori strukturasi yang dikembangkan oleh McPhee dan Poole.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan memberikan pemahaman mengenai strukturasi komunikasi internal dan komunikasi eksternal dalam praktik media relations yang terjadi di dalam departemen PR. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus instrumental tunggal dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa di dalam sistem departemen PR, staf berhubungan dengan atasannya di lingkungan internal dan berhubungan dengan jurnalis dan atasan jurnalis di lingkungan eksternal. Dalam melakukan praktik media relations, para agen menggunakan struktur aturan berupa prosedur, kebijakan, job description, dan kode etik sebagai pedoman dan sumber daya berupa pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan/skill dalam bertindak dan berinteraksi sehingga sistem dan praktik dapat berlangsung terus-menerus baik secara dinamis maupun statis.

Media relation is one of the practices that are found in the system of Public Relations (PR) department and it aims to spread information from an organization to its public through channel of a media industry. Apparently, a PR department of a media industry implements the media relations practice with other media industries, although it has already had its own channel to spread the information. In the practice of media relations in the PR department system, members of the PR department as agents are in contact with the other agents from the newsrooms of other media industries and it is done based on the structure that is continuously produced and reproduced. The structure is produced and reproduced through interactions and actions of the agents, both in the internal environment and external environment of the department. When the agents interact, they also do the actions of the communication. The structure and the system in the practice of media relations that are continuously produced and reproduction can happen dynamically (transformation) and stable (routines). To know how the process of production and reproduction in the interaction of the agents, then required an analysis using structuration theory developed by McPhee and Poole.
This research aims to describe and provide understanding of structuration of internal communication and external communication in the practice of media relations that occur in the department of PR. The method used in this research is instrumental case studies with single descriptive qualitative approach. From this study, it is found that in the PR department system, the staff is connected with his superiors in the internal environment and connected with the journalist and superiors journalists in the external environment. In conducting the practice of media relations, the agents utilize the structure of rules, such as procedure, policy, job description and code of ethics as the guidelines and of resources, such as experience, knowledge and skill to act and interact so that the system and practice can take place continuously, either dynamically or statically.
, Media relation is one of the practices that are found in the system of Public Relations (PR) department and it aims to spread information from an organization to its public through channel of a media industry. Apparently, a PR department of a media industry implements the media relations practice with other media industries, although it has already had its own channel to spread the information. In the practice of media relations in the PR department system, members of the PR department as agents are in contact with the other agents from the newsrooms of other media industries and it is done based on the structure that is continuously produced and reproduced. The structure is produced and reproduced through interactions and actions of the agents, both in the internal environment and external environment of the department. When the agents interact, they also do the actions of the communication. The structure and the system in the practice of media relations that are continuously produced and reproduction can happen dynamically (transformation) and stable (routines). To know how the process of production and reproduction in the interaction of the agents, then required an analysis using structuration theory developed by McPhee and Poole.
This research aims to describe and provide understanding of structuration of internal communication and external communication in the practice of media relations that occur in the department of PR. The method used in this research is instrumental case studies with single descriptive qualitative approach. From this study, it is found that in the PR department system, the staff is connected with his superiors in the internal environment and connected with the journalist and superiors journalists in the external environment. In conducting the practice of media relations, the agents utilize the structure of rules, such as procedure, policy, job description and code of ethics as the guidelines and of resources, such as experience, knowledge and skill to act and interact so that the system and practice can take place continuously, either dynamically or statically.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Dwi Heryudha Iryawan
Penelitian ini membahas strategi dan implementasi komunikasi eksternal organisasi pada program Peningkatan Kualitas Pengetahuan Pasangan Usia Subur dan Wanita Usia Subur tentang Informasi Kependudukan dan KB. Program tersebut diharapkan berdampak pada perubahan perilaku pasangan tersebut untuk menggunakan kontrasepsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi strategi dan implementasi program yang dilakukan untuk tercapainya tujuan. Evaluasi ini meliputi evaluasi perencanaan, pelaksanaan dengan model sembilan langkah perencanaan strategis untuk PR. Tahap evaluasi implementasi, dilengkapi analisis faktor penyebab perubahan perilaku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada evaluasi perencanaan, analisis formatif yang dilakukan tidak maksimal. Strategi yang digunakan adalah kinerja organisasi. Hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan menunjukkan implementasi rencana strategis sesuai dengan dengan hasil analisis faktor penyebab perubahan perilaku pada masyarakat, meskipun dalam implementasi ditemukan hambatan.

This study discusses the strategy and implementation of the organization's external communications in the program of Quality Improvement of Knowledge on Eligible Couples and Women of childbearing age in the Information of Population and FP. The program is expected to have an impact on behavior change such couples to use contraception. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of strategies and programs undertaken in support of the achievement of goal. This evaluation includes evaluation of the planning, implementation with a nine-step model of strategic planning for PR. Evaluation phase of implementation, include a factor analysis of behavioral change. The evaluation planning showed, formative analysis performed was not optimal. The strategy used is the performance of the organization. The evaluation of the implementation indicate that the strategic plan implementation is in accordance with the results of the analysis of the causes of behavior change in the community, despite the implementation of the constraints found."
Jakarta: [Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia], 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library