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Elis Fauziyah
Abstrak :
The pressure from non marketing to the company getting bigger as public society and world awareness about big part of the company to human life getting higher. This pressure in later on push the development of application of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) concept as one of company's strategy to guarantee its business. The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) has been assumed to existed along time ago but the definition of its concept start in 1950 (Carol], 1999). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) create Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) definition that has its meaning from carivative activities to the one that integrated to business. But there are some similarities which is balance between looking for the profit and concerning social activities and environment (SWA 2005; 46). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) in Indonesia has been in discussion since 1995. The purpose of this research are to know: (I) company's understanding of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) ; (2) how far CSR application has been implemented, (3) factors that influenced CSR implementation. This research is expected to catch diversity of pattern of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) that can contribute to the knowledge in mapping of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) practice in Indonesia. Type of research in Qualitative research method is explorative with study case research strategy. Companies that being researched are four companies with different industry background but all of them been operated in Indonesia as also the main player in each industry. Four companies that been selected are PT. NEWMONT INDONESIA in mining field, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk in agriculture business, PT PLN Jakarta and Tangerang (Persero) and KOMPAS-GRAMEDIA Group in services. Data that been collected is analized by using comparative study to see comparative to see the similarities and differencies in CSR implementation between companies. The result of this research shown that the four companies have different pattern in understanding and maintain CSR implementation. Newmont understood CSR as a form of responsibility for having privilege to operate and develop (threatened demand). PT PLN and AAL understood as a care form to the society around the company in order to be part of the society as in the end they can support its operation (profit). Different that the three companies earlier, KKGN not really take CSR to company's profit. KKG understood CSR as a form of care that comes from moral obligation and to answer society expectation (moral). The similarities from the four companies are they realize the importance of CSR implementation in their operation process. Generally, the companies understood the CSR concept as an effort of the company to have society support by giving them positive contribution to external stakeholder company. There is a similarity in Respondent definition in four companies, confidence in existence of take and give law. CSR definitions in four companies in general have three propositions where CSR are: 1. Company's obligation, which can be seen from company's commitments in its policy, programs, resources allocation (funding, human resources, time and energy), organizational structure, evaluation and reporting process as a responsible manner to its operation to society. 2. To improve the welfare of society, for example through improvement in economic, education, health, infrastructure, etc. 3. To support company's operation, such as resources supply, asset protection, consumer creation, etc. From CSR implementation side, this research concluded that (I) CSR policy still in general form of company's Code of Conduct; (2) trend to choose CSR issues that appropriate with company's competency and resources. (3) trend to use CSR in charity form; (4) put CSR in external relation function; (5) except Kompas, company use internal funding for CSR initiatives; (6) CSR evaluation and reporting tend to be internally conducted. Based on Malkasian (2004) Newmont has the higher level of commitment then the other three companies. Factor that seem to be influencing CSR understanding and implementation are context, operational impact, and internal condition of company. Suggestions for managerial in implementing CSR are (I) give attention on internal CSR; (2) give attention also in minimalize negative impact on operation; (3) integrating CSR with business process; (4) increasing transparency in evaluating and reporting CSR to external stakeholders. Suggestions for next research are (1) conduct explanative study in proofing factors that influence CSR understanding and implementation; (2) deep research in the real process of CSR in the field; (3) historical study to find CSR motives; (4) deeper examination about CSR and business process and value chain management.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sirait, Alfonsus
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Rahma Putri
Abstrak :
Diskusi mengenai migrasi merupakan bahasan yang relatif baru dalam Ilmu Hubungan Internasional dibandingkan dengan kebanyakan topik-topik lainnya. Seiring meningkatnya bahasan mengenai perubahan iklim pada forum-forum internasional, pembahasan mengenai perpindahan masyarakat akibat perubahan iklim juga turut meningkat. Namun, pada faktanya pembahasan mengenai perpindahan masyarakat akibat perubahan iklim, atau kemudian disebut sebagai migrasi lingkungan, masih belum banyak dibahas secara akademis. Faktanya hingga saat ini masih banyak perdebatan pada percabangan pembahasan dari topik migrasi lingkungan dalam hubungan internasional pada lingkup akademisnya. Oleh sebab itu, tulisan ini berusaha untuk melakukan pemetaan terhadap perkembangan literatur-literatur terkait. Dengan melakukan tinjauan pustaka terhadap 29 literatur akademis menggunakan metode taksonomi, kelompok literatur dibagi ke dalam tiga tema utama: 1) konseptualisasi migrasi lingkungan, 2) tata kelola global migrasi lingkungan, dan 3) respons negara-negara mengenai migrasi lingkungan. Pada akhirnya, penulis melihat adanya kebutuhan untuk pembuatan konseptualisasi migrasi lingkungan dalam hubungan internasional yang tunggal. Selain itu, penulis juga menyimpulkan bahwa formulasi kebijakan terkait migrasi lingkungan dalam hubungan internasional penting untuk mempertimbangkan dari berbagai cabang ilmu yang terlibat mengingat sifat dari fenomena ini yang multicausal. ......Discussions regarding migration is still considered a relatively new subject within the International Relations realm. Following the rise of discourse regarding climate change in international forums, deliberations regarding displaced communities due to climate change, later referred as environmental migrants, is also coming to a rise. However, these discussions have not been formally compiled, meaning that there are still very little academic literature in the IR field that puts environmental migrants as their focal point. Factually speaking, there are still many debates and discrepancies regarding environmental migrants within the academic realm of IR. Hence why this writing aims to map out the literature development of the aforementioned topic. By reviewing 29 academic pieces of literature using taxonomic methods, the literature is divided into three main themes: 1) conceptualization of environmental migration, 2) global governance of environmental migration, and 3) countries' responses to environmental migration. Finally, this paper expresses the need for a universal conceptualization of environmental migration in international relations. In addition, this paper also concludes that it is essential to consider the various studies involved during the process of policy formulation related to environmental migration in international relations given the multicausal nature of this phenomenon.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kepemimpinan dalam bidang studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional kerap dimaknai sebagai penggunaan kekuasaan, bahkan tidak jarang hal tersebut dianalogikan sebagai hegemoni. Minimnya pendefinisian yang secara eksplisit menjelaskan karakteristik kepemimpinan mulai meleburkan konseptualisasi tersebut. Melalui peninjauan kembali konseptualisasi dan karakteristik kepemimpinan, literatur ini menawarkan pembahasan mengenai bagaimana perkembangan kajian kepemimpinan dipahami dan dimaknai dalam bidang studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Tinjauan literatur ini memetakan dan menggambarkan beragam pandangan serta pemikiran mengenai kepemimpinan pada 75 literatur yang berbeda. Tinjauan literatur ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode taksonomi dengan mengidentifikasi tiga kategori bahasan utama yang ada, diantaranya 1) konseptualisasi kepemimpinan, 2) analisis kepemimpinan dalam sistem internasional, dan 3) pengimplementasiannya dalam politik global. Penulis mendapati bahwa kajian kepemimpinan dalam ilmu hubungan internasional tidak secara eksklusif membahas terkait kepemimpinan politik dalam panggung global saja, malah hanya menghadirkan asumsi dasar perdebatan makna konseptualisasi yang tumpang tindih antara satu terminologi dengan lainnya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya pengembangan lebih lanjut batas-batas konseptualisasi yang mampu mengidentifikasi dan memberikan karakteristik ‘kepemimpinan’ pada panggung global. ......Leadership in International Relations generally interpreted as the use of power, it is also regularly viewed as hegemony. The lack of definition that explains the characteristics of leadership begins to merge this conceptualization. This paper reviews the characteristics and to some extent how the conceptualizations are being interpreted and developed from time to time in International Relations. This paper reviews through different lenses and articles, using 75 different literature and taxonomic methods, it identifies three main discussion categories, which is 1) the conceptualization of leadership, 2) the analysis of leadership in the international system, and 3) how it is implemented in global politics. This paper finds that the study of leadership in International Relations does not exclusively discuss political leadership on the global stage, instead it only presents the basic assumptions of the debate over the meaning of conceptualization which often overlaps between one and another. Therefore, further research needs to develop the conceptualization boundaries which are able to identify and characterize 'leadership' on the global stage.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmanda Primayuda
Abstrak :
DPR RI sebagai kekuasaan legislatif mengemban fungsi untuk menjamin kesejahteraan rakyat. Kondisi ini disusun dengan sistematis oleh anggaran yang memadai dan organ yang mendukungnya. Badan Urusan Rumah Tangga merupakan alat kelengkapan dewan yang bertanggung jawab menjamin fungsifungsi dewan tersebut berjalan dengan merencanakan dan mengontrol anggaran yang ditetapkan. Keduanya, diatur dalam arah kebijakan umum pengelolaan anggaran (AKUPA). BURT mengatur tentang pembentukan keputusan arah kebijakan umum pengelolaan anggaran dan memastikan pelaksanaannya berjalan sesuai dengan keputusan tersebut, sehingga apabila terjadi ketidaksesuaian perencanaan dan pelaksanaan perlu adanya instrumen yang menyelesaikan perbedaan tersebut guna tercapainya kemanfaatan dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Dengan perbedaan perencanaan dan implementasi tersebut, timbul permasalahan, 1. Bagaimanakah kedudukan dan fungsi Badan Urusan Rumah Tangga Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia di Indonesia, 2. Bagainakah implementasi pelaksanaan fungsi Badan Urusan Rumah Tangga Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia. Penulis dalam melakukan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu dengan mengidentifikasi beberapa teori yakni teori organ dan fungsi, teori dikotomi, green light theory dan teori kemanfaatan hukum. BURT sebagai organ penting untuk melancarkan dan mendukung pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi dewan melalui keputusan AKUPA untuk diimplementasikan oleh alat kelengkapan dewan, koordinasi diantara alat kelengkapan dewan menjadi tolak ukur untuk mewujudkan fungsi DPR RI. Adanya inkonsistensi pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi BURT menyebabkan tidak tercapainya tujuan utama DPR RI untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat, penyimpangan terhadap implementasi arah kebijakan umum pengelolaan anggaran menjadi masalah karena fungsi DPR RI tidak berjalan maksimal, sehingga BURT perlu membuat pengaturan yang baku terhadap pembentukan arah kebijakan umum pengelolaan anggaran yang pada hakikatnya dibutuhkan oleh dewan dalam menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya tersebut. Dengan demikian, tidak terjadi inkonsistensi antara perencanaan dan implementasi AKUPA.
The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) as legislative power has a function to guarantee the welfare of the people. This condition is systematically arranged by adequate budget and the organ that supports it. The Household Affairs Council is a board tool that is responsible for ensuring that the council functions are running by planning and controlling the established budget. Both are regulated in the general budget management policy direction (AKUPA). BURT regulates the formation of decisions on the general policy direction financial arragement and ensures that its implementation proceeds accordingly, so that if there is a mismatch in planning and implementation there is a need for instruments to resolve the differences in order to achieve the benefits and welfare of the people. With the difference of planning and implementation, problems arise, 1. What is the position and function of the Committe for Internal Affairs of the Indonesia House of Representatives in Indonesia, 2. What is the implementation of the function of the Committe for Internal Affairs of the Indonesia House of Representatives. The author in conducting this research using normative juridical research methods, namely by identifying several theories namely organ theory and function, dichotomy theory, green light theory and theory of legal benefit. BURT as an important organ to smooth and support the implementation of the duties and functions of the council through the decision of AKUPA to be implemented by the board's equipments, the coordination between the board's fittings becomes the benchmark to realize the function of DPR RI. The existence of inconsistencies in the execution of duties and functions of BURT caused the absence of the main objectives of the House of Representatives to realize the welfare of the people, the deviation from the implementation of the general policy direction of budget management becomes a problem because the function of DPR RI is not running maximally, therefore BURT needs to make standard arrangements towards the establishment of general management policy a budget that is essentially required by the board in carrying out its functions. Thus, there is no inconsistency between the planning and implementation of AKUPA.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library