"Persaingan e-commerce di Indonesia mengharuskan perusahaan e-commerce untuk membuat strategi baru untuk dapat mempertahankan loyalitas konsumen. Gamification diyakini memiliki pengaruh yang kuat untuk dapat menarik dan melibatkan konsumen sehingga konsumen loyal terhadap sebuah e-commerce. Tesis ini membahas pengaruh gamification terhadap brand loyalty pada e-commerce di Indonesia melalui customer engagement sebagai variabel intervening dan customer satisfaction sebagai variabel moderating. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif kepada 200 responden pengguna kuis Shopee.
Metode analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis jalur. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga model penelitian, yaitu pertama pengaruh gamification terhadap brand loyalty secara langsung, kedua pengaruh gamification terhadap brand loyalty melalui customer engagement sebagai variabel intervening dan ketiga pengaruh gamification terhadap brand loyalty melalui customer engagement sebagai variabel intervening dan customer satisfaction sebagai variabel moderating.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan gamification berpengaruh terhadap brand loyalty secara langsung; gamification berpengaruh terhadap brand loyalty melalui customer engagement sebagai variabel intervening; dan customer satisfaction tidak dapat memoderasi pengaruh antara customer engagement dengan brand loyalty. Pada praktiknya e-commerce dapat menerapkan gamification dengan menggunakan elemental tetrad model untuk meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen sehingga perusahaan dapat bersaing dan mengembangan bisnis. Selain itu, segmentasi responden dapat dipertimbangkan untuk mengukur karakteristik dari pengguna sebuah gamification sehingga dapat dijadikan acuan bagi perusahaan dalam penerapan tipe gamification yang tepat.
......The competition of e-commerce in Indonesia requires e-commerce companies to create new strategies to be able to maintain consumer loyalty. Gamification is believed to have a strong influence to attract and engage consumers so that consumers are loyal to the e-commerce. This thesis discusses the effect of gamification on brand loyalty in e-commerce in Indonesia through customer engagement as an intervening variable and customer satisfaction as a moderating variable. The approach used in this study uses quantitative approach with 200 respondents Kuis Shopee users.
Data analysis method is done by using descriptive analysis and path analysis. In this study there are three research models, firstly the effect of gamification on brand loyalty directly, secondly the effect of gamification on brand loyalty through customer engagement as an intervening variable and thirdly the effect of gamification on brand loyalty through customer engagement as an intervening variable and customer satisfaction as a moderating variable.
The results of the study prove that gamification directly affects brand loyalty; gamification has an effect on brand loyalty through customer engagement as an intervening variable; and customer satisfaction cannot moderate the influence between customer engagement and brand loyalty. In practice e-commerce can apply gamification by using elemental tetrad model to increase consumer loyalty so that companies can compete and develop the business. In addition, segmentation of the respondent can be considered to measure the characteristics of gamification users so that it can be used as a reference for companies in applying the right type of gamification."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019