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Abstrak :
Tujuan: Membandingkan angka keberhasilan dan kemudahan pemasangan sungkup faring proseal (LMP) yang difasilitasi rokuroniun dosis 0,2 mg/kg bb dengan rokuronium dosis 0.1 mg/kg bb. Metode: Dilakukan uji klinik tersamar ganda pada 48 pasien yang menjalani operasi berencana dengan anesthesia umum. Pasien dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu 24 pasien mendapat rokuronium dosis 0,2 mg/kg bb dan 24 pasien lainnya mendapat rokuronium dosis 0,1 mg/kg bb untuk memudahkan pemasangan LMP. Selama penelitian, dilakukan pengamatan frekuensi dan kemudahan upaya pemasangan serta perubahan hemodinamik. Data numerik akan dianalisis dengan uji t serta data nominal dengan uji x-kuadrat dan uji Fisher. Hasil: Tidak ditemukan perbedaan berrnakna pada angka keberhasilan dan kemudahan pemasangan LMP antara kelompok yang mendapatkan rokuronium dosis 0,2 mg/kg bb dengan rokuronium 0,1 mg/kg bb. lnsiden gerakan, batuk dan relaksasi mandibula tidak berbeda bermakna. Satu kasus dari kelompok yang mendapatkan rokuronium dosis 0,1 mg/kg bb gagal dipasang dan mengalami laringospasme. Kesimpulan: Pemberian rokuronium dosis 0,2 mg/kg bb mempunyai angka keberhasilan dan tingkat kemudahan yang sama dalam pemasangan LMP dengan rokuronium dosis 0,1 mg/kg bb.
Purpose: To compare success rate and ease grade on LMP insertion facilitated with rocuronium 0.2 mg/kgBW with rocuronium 0.1 mg/kgBW. Methods: We performed a randomized, double-blind study in 48 patients under general anesthesia. Patients were randomized into two groups; 24 patients had rocuronium 0.1 mg/kgBW and others had rocuronium 0.2 mg/kgBW to facilitated LMP insertion. During the research, we observed the success rate and ease grade and also haemodynamic changes. For statistical analysis we used t-test, chi-square test and Fisher's test. Results: There were no differences in patients who had rocuronium 0.1 mglkgBW and rocuronium 0.2 mg/kgBW to facilitated LMP insertion for success and ease grade. There were no significance in movement incidences; cough and mandibula relaxation. There is one patient from rocuronium 0.1 mg/kgBW group that failed because of laryngospasm. Conclusion: LMP insertion with rocuronium 0.1 mg/kgBW and rocuronium 0.2 mg/kgBW have the same success rate and ease grade.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lita Hasnah Purwati
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pasien anak ras Melayu dengan rencana pembiusan umum menggunakan sungkup laring, baik untuk tujuan diagnostik maupun terapeutik. Ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM yang tepat sangat penting agar proses induksi dan insersi sungkup laring terhindar dari komplikasi. Rekomendasi ukuran yang digunakan untuk saat ini adalah berdasarkan berat badan sesuai kategori yang diberikan oleh manufaktur, namun berdasarkan penelitian Inamoto dkk pada tahun 2015, dengan menggunakan 3D images computed tomography, didapatkan volume laring dan hipofaring ditentukan oleh tinggi badan dan usia, dan panjang faring berhubungan dengan jenis kelamin dan usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan ketepatan prediksi ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM pasien anak ras Melayu usia 1-10 tahun berdasarkan berat badan yang direkomendasikan oleh manufaktur. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah uji observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang. Sampel didapatkan secara konsekutif sebanyak 66 anak ras Melayu usia 1-10 tahun. Usia, berat badan, panjang badan, ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM dan ukuran yang tepat dicatat. Data berat badan dilakukan uji bivariat korelasi spearman untuk mengetahui hubungannya dengan ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM yang tepat. Kemudian dilakukan regresi logistik antara berat badan dengan ukuran sungkup laring yang tepat untuk mendapatkan model prediksi ukuran sungkup laring. Hasil : Ketepatan ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM berdasarkan berat badan sesuai rekomendasi manufaktur adalah 66,67%. Berat badan tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan ketepatan ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM namun memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM yang tepat. Untuk menentukan ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM yang tepat dapat menggunakan formula = 1,795 + ( 0,021 x berat badan (kg)). Simpulan: Berat badan tidak berhubungan dengan ketepatan ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM pada anak. Apabila dibandingkan dengan usia dan tinggi badan, berat badan memiliki korelasi yang paling kuat dengan ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM yang tepat. Rekomendasi ukuran sungkup laring UniqueTM untuk anak berdasarkan berat badan yang tepat adalah nomor 2 untuk anak dengan berat badan 7-20 kg, nomoR 2,5 untuk anak dengan berat badan 21-44 kg dan nomor 3 untuk anak dengan berat badan di atas 45 kg. ...... Background: Pediatric patients with often required anesthesia using laryngeal mask as an airway management, either for diagnosis or therapy. Proper laryngeal mask size is essential to avoid any complications. The manufactur recommends Laryngeal Mask size based on body weight. Laryngeal mask is placed in hypopharynx. In 2005, Inamoto et all conduct a study of oropharyngeal and laryngeal structure using 3D images computed tomography. The results are volume of the larynx and hypopharynx was significantly affected by height and age, while length of the pharynx was associated with gender and age. This study is aimed to obtain the UniqueTM laryngeal mask size selection accuracy based on body weight which is recommended by the manufacture for Malay race children. Methods: This study was an observational-analytic non interventional study, with 66 subjects enrolled. All subjects were Malay patients aged 1-10 year underwent general anesthesia in RSCM. Body weight, height, age and the precise LMA size are collected. Correlation of body weight and the precise size of LMA will be analyzed by Spearman test and then will be analyzed by linear regression to obtain the formula to predict the precise size of LMA based on body weight. Results: Body weight,age and height are irrelevant with the accuracy of laryngeal mask size prediction (p>0.05). Manufacturs size recommendation accuracy in predicting laryngeal mask is 66,67 %. Body weight has the most powerful correlation in laryngeal mask size in compared to Age and height with R 0.797. Laryngeal mask size prediction formula Y = 1,795 + (0,021 x BW (kg)). Conclusions: Body weight is not related with accuracy of LMA size prediction. Compared to Height and age, Body weight has the highest correlation with accuracy of laryngeal mask size prediction for pediatric patients. LMA UniqueTM size recommendation for Malay race children with body weight 7-20 kg is number 2, for children with 21-44 kg body weight is number 2.5 and number 3 for children with body weight more than 45 kg.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Setiawan
Abstrak :
Teknik induksi yang optimal tanpa pelumpuh otot untuk pemasangan sungkup laring (LMA) diharapkan dapat menjamin kondisi insersi yang baik dengan tetap menjaga stabilitas kardiovaskular. Penelitian ini membandingkan kemudahan pemasangan LMA dan kestabilan hemodinamik kombinasi fentanil 2 u/kgbb IV dengan etomidat dosis 0.2, 0.3, dan 0.4 mg/kgbb IV. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan acak tersamar ganda terhadap 98 pasien ASA 1-2, usia 18-65 tahun. Setiap pasien mendapat premedikasi fentanil 2u/kgbb IV 3 menit sebelum induksi. Pasien dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok : kelompok pertarna (n=33) mendapat induksi etomidat 0.2 mg/kgbb IV, kelompok kedua (n=32) mendapat induksi etomidat 03 mg/kgbb IV, dan kelompok terakhir (n=33) mendapat induksi etomidat 0.4 mg/kgbb IV. Setelah itu dilakukan pemasangan LMA. Parameter hemodinamik pasien (tekanan darah sistolik, diastolik. MAP. dan laju nadi) dicatat 3 menit setelah premedikasi, segera setelah induksi, 1 menit dan 3 menit setelah pemasangan LMA. Kondisi insersi LMA digradasikan sebagai baik, sedang, dan buruk. Kondisi insersi terbaik didapat pada kelompok yang mendapat etomidat 0.4 mg/kgbb IV. Kondisi insersi terbaik didapat pada kelompok yang mendapat etomidat 0.2 mg/kgbb IV. Profil hemodinamik ketiga kelompok tidak berbeda bermakna. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi premedikasi fentanil u/kgbb IV dengan induksi etomidat 0.4 mg/kgbb IV paling optimal untuk insersi LMA, dari segi kondisi insersi serta kestabilan hemodinamik.
Optimum induction technique without muscle relaxant for LMA insertion is expected to guarantee good insertion condition, while maintaining stable haemodynamics. This study was to compare Li1L1 insertion condition and haemodynamics stability under combination of fentanyl 2u/kgbw IV and etonidate 0.4 mg/kgbw IV. Included in this study were 98 patients ASA 1-2, ages 18-65 years old, pretreated in randomized double blind fashion. Each patient was premedicated with fentanyl 2u/kgbw IV 3 minutes before induction. These patients were allocated into 3 groups. Patients hr the first group (n=33), second (n=32), and third (n=33) were induced with etomidate 0.2, 0.3, and 0,4 mg/kgbw IV respectively. Then the LMA was inserted by standard technique. The patient's systolic and diastolic blood pressures, MAP and heart rate were noted 3 minutes after premedication, immediately after induction, 1 and 3 minutes after LAM insertion. Insertion condition was graded as good fair, and poor. The best insertion condition was found in patients receiving etomidate 0.4 mg/kgbw The worst insertion condition was found in patients receiving etomidate 0.2 mg/kgbw IV Haemodynamics profile in the 3 groups didn't differ significantly. Based on this study, we concluded that combination fentanyl 2u/kgwi IV premedication with etomidate 0.4 mg/kgbw IV for induction is the optimum combination for LMA insertion, in terms of insertion condition and Haemodynamics stability.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nency Martaria
Abstrak :
[Tujuan. Tujuan pertama yaitu mengetahui kemudahan pemasangan Laryngeal Mask Airway(LMA) dengan teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah. Tujuan kedua yaitu mengetahui perbandingan kemudahan pemasangan LMA antara teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku. Latar Belakang. Laryngeal Mask Airway merupakan alat bantu jalan nafas untuk mengatasi kesulitan jalan nafas. Teknik terbaru pemasangan Laryngeal Mask Airway berdasarkan penelitian Roodneshin dkk yang dipublikasikan pada Tanaffos 2011 yaitu teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah memberikan angka keberhasilan pemasangan 100%(tingkat keberhasilan paling tinggi pada penelitian LMA). Pemasangan LMA diharapkan mulus dan berhasil dalam pemasangan pertama tanpa menimbulkan trauma tetapi dalam prakteknya, pemasangan LMA bisa lebih dari satu kali. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUPN-Cipto Mangunkusumo sebagai penelitian perbandingan pertama dari penelitian Roodneshin dkk dengan beberapa penyesuaian. Metode. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 80 pasien dewasa yang menjalani operasi elektif dengan anestesia umum menggunakan Laryngeal Mask Airway. Secara random, 40 pasien mengalami pemasangan LMA dengan teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan 40 pasien mengalami pemasangan LMA dengan teknik baku. Upaya pemasangan dan kemudahan pemasangan LMA dicatat dan dinilai. Pemasangan mudah bila kurang atau sama dengan 2 kali pemasangan LMA. Komplikasi pemasangan LMA berupa noda darah, nyeri menelan dan nyeri tenggorokan dicatat dan dinilai. Analisa statistik dilakukan dengan uji Chi-square dan Fisher Exact. Batas kemaknaan yang digunakan untuk semua uji adalah p<0,05. Hasil. Perbandingan proporsi keberhasilan upaya pemasangan pertama kali antara kelompok teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku adalah 87,5% dibandingkan 65%. Perbandingan proporsi keberhasilan upaya pemasangan maksimal dua kali antara kelompok teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku adalah 100% dibandingkan 97,5%. Secara statistik, perbandingan upaya pemasangan, kemudahan, komplikasi nyeri menelan, komplikasi nyeri tenggorokan antara teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku, tidak berbeda bermakna.Kesimpulan. Pemasangan Laryngeal Mask Airway dengan teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah tidak lebih mudah dibandingkan teknik baku(100% dibandingkan 97,5%). Kekerapan komplikasi yang berbeda bermakna berupa noda darah (0% pada teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dibandingkan 6,2% pada teknik baku). ......Purpose, The objective of this study is to know easiness of inserting Laryngeal Mask Airway(LMA) with the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique. Secondly, the study is to compare the success rate between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique. Background, Laryngeal Mask Airway is a device to overcome the difficulty of the airway management. Novel technique of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion based on Roodneshin et aI research, publicised in Tanaffos 2011 was the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique resulted in 100% succes rate of insertion(highest success rate based on LMA research or study). LMA insertion is expected to be smooth and successful in the first attempt without inflicting trauma but in daily practice, insertion LMA can be more than once. This research is done at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hosptal, as the first comparison of research Roodneshin et al with some adjustments. Methods, The study was done at 80 adult patients who underwent elective surgery with general anesthesia. A total of 80 adult patients was scheduled for elective operation with general anesthesia using Laryngeal Mask Airway. In random, 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached technique. The effort and success rate of LMA insertion was noted and evaluated. The easiness is if the insertion is attempted maximally twice. Complications of LMA insertion such as blood stains, sore throat, dysphagia was noted and evaluated. Statistical analysis conducted by test Chi-square and Fischer Exact. P<0,05 was considered significant. Result, Comparison proportion first attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 87,5% compared with 65%. The proportion maximally twice attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 100% compared with 97,5%. Statistically, comparison attempt, success rate, dysphagia, sore throat between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique, not significantly different Conclusion, Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique no more easy compared with classic approached technique(100% compared with 97,5%). Complication which statistically significant different was blood stains(0% with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique compared with 6,2% classic approached technique). ......Purpose, The objective of this study is to know easiness of inserting Laryngeal Mask Airway(LMA) with the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique. Secondly, the study is to compare the success rate between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique. Background, Laryngeal Mask Airway is a device to overcome the difficulty of the airway management. Novel technique of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion based on Roodneshin et aI research, publicised in Tanaffos 2011 was the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique resulted in 100% succes rate of insertion(highest success rate based on LMA research or study). LMA insertion is expected to be smooth and successful in the first attempt without inflicting trauma but in daily practice, insertion LMA can be more than once. This research is done at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hosptal, as the first comparison of research Roodneshin et al with some adjustments. Methods, The study was done at 80 adult patients who underwent elective surgery with general anesthesia. A total of 80 adult patients was scheduled for elective operation with general anesthesia using Laryngeal Mask Airway. In random, 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached technique. The effort and success rate of LMA insertion was noted and evaluated. The easiness is if the insertion is attempted maximally twice. Complications of LMA insertion such as blood stains, sore throat, dysphagia was noted and evaluated. Statistical analysis conducted by test Chi-square and Fischer Exact. P<0,05 was considered significant. Result, Comparison proportion first attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 87,5% compared with 65%. The proportion maximally twice attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 100% compared with 97,5%. Statistically, comparison attempt, success rate, dysphagia, sore throat between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique, not significantly different Conclusion, Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique no more easy compared with classic approached technique(100% compared with 97,5%). Complication which statistically significant different was blood stains(0% with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique compared with 6,2% classic approached technique)., Purpose, The objective of this study is to know easiness of inserting Laryngeal Mask Airway(LMA) with the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique. Secondly, the study is to compare the success rate between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique. Background, Laryngeal Mask Airway is a device to overcome the difficulty of the airway management. Novel technique of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion based on Roodneshin et aI research, publicised in Tanaffos 2011 was the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique resulted in 100% succes rate of insertion(highest success rate based on LMA research or study). LMA insertion is expected to be smooth and successful in the first attempt without inflicting trauma but in daily practice, insertion LMA can be more than once. This research is done at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hosptal, as the first comparison of research Roodneshin et al with some adjustments. Methods, The study was done at 80 adult patients who underwent elective surgery with general anesthesia. A total of 80 adult patients was scheduled for elective operation with general anesthesia using Laryngeal Mask Airway. In random, 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached technique. The effort and success rate of LMA insertion was noted and evaluated. The easiness is if the insertion is attempted maximally twice. Complications of LMA insertion such as blood stains, sore throat, dysphagia was noted and evaluated. Statistical analysis conducted by test Chi-square and Fischer Exact. P<0,05 was considered significant. Result, Comparison proportion first attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 87,5% compared with 65%. The proportion maximally twice attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 100% compared with 97,5%. Statistically, comparison attempt, success rate, dysphagia, sore throat between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique, not significantly different Conclusion, Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique no more easy compared with classic approached technique(100% compared with 97,5%). Complication which statistically significant different was blood stains(0% with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique compared with 6,2% classic approached technique).]
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransisca Dewi Kumala
Abstrak :
Latar BeJakang: Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) telah diterima secara umum sebagai alat jalan napas. Pada praktik klinis, insersi LMA pada percobaan pertama dengan waktu sesingkat mungkin merupakan kondisi yang diharapkan sehingga efek samping agen anestesi minimal tanpa menimbulkan komplikasi demi keselamatan pasien. Dosis kecil atrakurium sebelum induksi dipilih untuk operasi dengan durasi singkat, agar tidak menunda pemulihan akibat pelumpuh otot namun perlu diperhatikan efek samping gejala kelemahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian atrakurium sebelum induksi dosis 75 dan 150 rncglkgBB terhadap keberhasilan percobaan pertama dan waktu insersi sehingga dapat menjadi standar dosis atrakurium untuk insersi LMA. Metode: Penelitian uji klinis acak tersamar ganda ini mengelompokkan 150 pasien dewasa yang mendapat layanan anestesia di ruang operasi RSCM rnenjadi 2 kelompok. Setelah koinduksi midazolam dan fentanyl, pasien kelompok eksperimen diberikan atrakurium dosis 75 mcglkgBB, sedangkan kontrol 150 mcglkgBB. Setelah 1 menit, diamati gejala keJernahan, yaitu ptosis, diplopia, dan sesak napas sebelurn induksi propofol. Insersi LMA dilakukan setelah pasien tidak respon terhadap jaw thrust setelah 90 detik pemberian propofol. Diambil data keberhasilan percobaan pertama dan waktu insersi, selain itu dicatat nilai rasio TOF sebelurn insersi, respon hernodinamik, dan komplikasi pascainsersi. Hasil: Keberhasilan insersi pertama kedua kelornpok tidak berbeda signifikan, yaitu 90,7% pada kelompok eksperimen dibandingkan 93,3% kontrol (p=0,547). Begitu pula waktu insersi 36,05±16,98 detik dan 33,75±13,55 detik untuk dosis 75 dan 150 mcglkgBB berurutan (p=0,359). Kornplikasi insersi pada kelompok ekspersimen 90,7% dan 93,3% kelompok kontrol. Gejala kelemahan ditemukan harnpir 2 kali lipat di kelompok kontrol dengan nilai rasio TOF yang juga lebih rendah. Respon hemodinamik setelah insersi LMA mirip di kedua kelompok. Simpulan: Penggunaan atrakurium dosis 75 mcglkgBB sama baiknya dibandingkan 150 mcglkgBB dalam memudahkan insersi LMA. ......Background: In clinical practice, success on first attempt of LMA insertion with the shortest times is aimed to achieve minimal adverse eventfrom. Small dose of atracurium given beJore induction is chosen Jor brieJ duration procedure therefore has minimal or no effect to recovery from neuromuscular blocking agent, but the consequences of partial paralysis before induction should be a concern. This study aims to compare the success onfirst attempt and insertion time oJLMA between 75 and 150 mcglkgBWatracurium, given beJore propofol induction in search for standard dose of atracurium to ease LMA insertion. Methotl: This double-blind randomized clinical trial divided 150 adult patients who received anesthesia procedllre in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital operating theatres into two groups. After coinduction with midazolam and Jentanyl, patients in the study group received 75 mcglkgBWalracurium, meanwhilefor the control group was 150 mcglkgB W After 1 minute all the samples were evaluated for paralysis symptoms of ptosis, diplopia and shortness oj breath before propofol induction. LMA insertion then attempted after no response to jaw thrust manuever evaluated after 90 seconds from propoJol injection. Success on first attempt and time of insertion were the main outcomes evaluated, beside TOF ratio, hemodynamic responses and complications. Result: Success on first attempt rate was not significally worse, which was 90.7% for experiment group compare to 93.3% in .control (p=0,547). Insertion time was 36.05±I6,98 and 33,75±i3,55 second Jor respective group (p=0.359). Postinsertion complication in experiment group were higher but the paralysis symptoms were lower. Conclusion: Low dose oJ 75 mcglkgBW atracurium is equal compared to 150 mcglkgBW 10 ease LMA insertion.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Amarullah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Seorang dokter umum diharapkan mampu melakukan tindakan medis pada kedaruratan. Pada kondisi seperti resusitasi jantung paru, manajemen jalan nafas merupakan salah satu prioritas. Intubasi memiliki angka kegagalan tinggi bila dilakukan oleh bukan dokter anestesiologi. Sungkup laring (SL) sebagai alternatif manajemen jalan nafas memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi. Di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI), mahasiswa diharapkan mampu melakukan pemasangan SL pada pasien. Untuk mencapainya, Departemen Anestesiologi dan Intensive Care FKUI melakukan pengajaran rutin. Metode pengajaran yang direkomendasikan untuk pengajaran prosedur medis seperti pemasangan SL adalah metode empat langkah pengajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan hasil pengajaran pemasangan SL oleh mahasiswa kedokteran yang mendapat metode empat langkah pengajaran dengan pengajaran rutin pada pasien dewasa yang menjalani anestesia umum di RSCM. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah uji klinik Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), dilakukan secara terbuka (tidak tersamar). Subyek dilakukan randomisasi untuk menentukan metode pengajaran pemasangan SL pada manikin yang akan diterima. Setelah menerima pengajaran, subyek melakukan pemasangan SL pada pasien dewasa yang menjalani anestesia umum. Keberhasilan pengajaran dinilai dari pengembangan dada pasien ketika dilakukan ventilasi, jumlah upaya pemasangan, serta nilai seal pressure. Hasil: Sebanyak 46 subyek di awal penelitian, 3 orang masuk kepada kriteria pengeluaran. 43 subyek penelitian yang melakukan pemasangan SL pada pasien kemudian dianalisis. Pengembangan dada pasien ketika diventilasi didapatkan pada semua pasien di kedua kelompok. Kelompok metode empat langkah pengajaran membutuhkan jumlah upaya yang lebih sedikit, dan menghasilkan seal pressure yang lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok yang mendapatkan pengajaran rutin. Kesimpulan: Hasil pengajaran pemasangan SL oleh mahasiswa kedokteran yang mendapat metode empat langkah pengajaran lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pengajaran rutin. ...... Background: A general physician is expected to perform medical procedures in emergency situations. in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, airway management is one of the priorities. Intubation has high failure rate when performed by non-anesthesiologist. Laryngeal mask (LM) as an alternative airway management has high success rate. In Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (FMUI), students are expected to perform the insertion of LM to patients. To achieve it, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care FMUI perform regular teaching method. Teaching method that is recommended for teaching medical procedures such as the insertion of LM is a four stage teaching method. This study aims to compare the results of teaching LM insertion by medical students who get a four stage teaching method with regular teaching in adult patients undergoing general anesthesia in RSCM. Study design: 46 subjects were included in the inclusion criteria for randomization to determine the insertion of LM teaching methods that will be accepted on a mannequin. After this course, every subject inserts LM in adult patients undergoing general anesthesia. The success of the teaching is assessed by the rising of patient's chest when ventilated, a number of attempts, and seal pressure. Results: By 46 subjects in the initial study, 3 subjects have to exclude from this study. Then, the rest subjects inserting LM on patients are analyzed. The results of the study in both groups obtain 100% the rising of patient's chest when ventilated. Four stage teaching method's group requires less number of attempts than another and the shows higher in seal pressure than receiving regular teaching's group. Conclusion: The result of the teaching LM insertion by medical students who get the four stage teaching method is better than the regular teaching method.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library