Program magang merupakan salah satu strategi perusahaan untuk merekrut talent, dalam kasus ini adalah mahasiswa. Namun, terkadang mahasiswa enggan melanjutkan karir di perusahaan tersebut setelah magang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi intern intention to convert.
Variabel-variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain kepribadian proaktif, intern-supervisor exchange (melalui teori kepemimpinan LMX), kesempatan belajar, kepuasan magang dan intern intention to convert. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode PLS-SEM.
Responden dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa S1 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia sebanyak 116 orang yang pernah menjalani program magang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepribadian proaktif memberikan dampak positif terhadap intern supervisor exchange yang memediasi kepribadian proaktif dengan kesempatan belajar dan kepuasan magang. Intern-supervisor exchange juga diketahui memberikan dampak positif terhadap kesempatan belajar dan kepuasan magang tetapi tidak memberikan dampak positif terhadap intern intention to convert. Kesempatan belajar juga tidak memberikan dampak positif terhadap intern intention to convert. Namun, kepuasan magang diketahui memberikan dampak positif terhadap intern intention to convert.
Internship is part of the strategy of the company to recruit talent, particularly from undergraduate students. However, sometimes the intern is not willing to continue their career in the company after the internship. This research aims to understand factors predicting intern intention to convert to become the employees of the company.
Variables that will be involved in this research are proactive personality of the intern, intern-supervisor exchange (through LMX theory of leadership), learning opportunities, internship satisfaction, and intern intention to convert.
Participant in this research are 116 undergraduate students at Faculty of Economics in University of Indonesia who have already taken part in internship program. The data is analyzed using PLS-SEM method. The results of research shows that proactive personality is positively related to intern-supervisor exchange, which mediates proactive personality with learning opportunities and internship satisfaction. The intern-supervisor exchange was positively related to the learning opportunities and the internship satisfaction but did not relate to the intern intention to convert. The learning opportunities were also not positively related to the intern intention to convert. However, the internship satisfaction was positively related to the intern intention to convert.