ABSTRAKTesis ini bertujuan mengungkap dampak kapitalisme baru terhadap jurnalisme
online. Kapitalisme baru dibangun dengan logika jangka pendek, yaitu proses
harus berlangsung dengan cepat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Penelitian ini
menggunakan paradigma kritis dan studi kasus sebagai strategi penelitiannya.
Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan analisis berita. Metode
analisis data, yaitu logika jangka pendek milik Richard Sennett. Determinasi
teknologi mendorong perusahaan terus berubah sehingga memunculkan
ketidakgunaan dan politik konsumsi yang menempatkan berita sebagai komoditas.
Jurnalisme jangka pendek ditandai dengan berita ringkas, stripping, sensasional,
berbagi konten, topik terhangat, dan viewers. Logika jangka pendek
mengembalikan jurnalisme kuning ke media baru dan mengeksploitasi wartawan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis aims to reveal the impact of new capitalism on online journalism. The
new capitalism emphasis on short-term thinking. The process must be fast and
quick to gain profit for the company. This research uses a critical paradigm and
case studies as a research strategy. Data are collected through interviews,
observation, and content analysis. The method of data analysis is Richard
Sennett’s short-term thinking. Technological determination pushes media
company to keep change. This process led to the uselessness and political
consumption that put news become commodity. Short-term thinking on
journalism characterized by concise news, stripping, sensational, sharing content,
hot topic, and viewers. Short-term thinking brought yellow journalism to new
media and exploit journalists, This thesis aims to reveal the impact of new capitalism on online journalism. The
new capitalism emphasis on short-term thinking. The process must be fast and
quick to gain profit for the company. This research uses a critical paradigm and
case studies as a research strategy. Data are collected through interviews,
observation, and content analysis. The method of data analysis is Richard
Sennett’s short-term thinking. Technological determination pushes media
company to keep change. This process led to the uselessness and political
consumption that put news become commodity. Short-term thinking on
journalism characterized by concise news, stripping, sensational, sharing content,
hot topic, and viewers. Short-term thinking brought yellow journalism to new
media and exploit journalists]"