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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mochamad Chalid
"Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengamati karakteristik kerosin secara eksitu setelah magnetisasi sistim dua kutub yang saling berlawanan (dipole) dan berhadapan satu dengan yang lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik magnetisasi memberikan perubahan pada karakteristik kerosin. Kepolaran dan viskositas secara berturut-turut diamati dengan pengukuran indeks refraksi dan viskositas. Pemberian medan magnet sebesar 4330 Gauss dengan lama magnetisasi 60 menit memberikan peningkatan indeks refraksi dari 1,447 menjadi -1,449 serta menurunkan nilai viskositas dari 1,278 menjadi 1,256. Hal ini memperkuat kemungkinan terjadinya declustering serta peningkatan kepolaran pada molekul penyusun kerosin. Perubahan yang terjadi tidak sampai mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan komposisi dan struktur. Hal ini diindikasikan dengan hasil pengujian kromatografi gas dan spektroskopi infra merah.

Dipole Magnetization Effect to Kerosene Characteristics. Investigation of kerosene characteristics has been done by ex-situ dipole magnetization. The results show that magnetization technique can be able to influence kerosene characteristics. Polarity and viscosity of the kerosene are observed by measuring refractive index and viscosity. An hour of 4330 Gauss flux magnetic will increase refractive index from 1.447 to 1.449 and decrease the viscosity from 1.278 to 1.256. Those changing support de-clustering occurrence and polarity increment of kerosene molecule. Gas chromatography and infrared result show that those changing do not alter kerosene structure and composition."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Hermanto
Pada laporan akhir tesis ini telah dikembangkan suatu sistem untuk magnetisasi
bahan magnet menjadi magnet permanen dan demagnetisasi dengan
mengurangi kuat medan magnet suatu magnet permanen. Sistem ini digunakan
untuk magnetisasi bahan magnet seperti Ferit, PrFeB, NdFeB dan jenis
bahan magnet yang lain. Bahan magnet dapat dimagnetisasi menjadi magnet
permanen dengan menerapkan medan magnet sampai diatas titik saturasi
magnet dari bahan magnet pada waktu singkat atau dikenal dengan impulse
magnetizer. Penerapan medan magnet menghasilkan momen magnetik dan
memaksa domain-domain magnetik secara bertahap mengikuti arah medan
magnet yang diterapkan. Jika medan magnet eksternal lebih kuat dari medan
magnet saturasi magnetik dari bahan magnet maka domain-domain magnetik
akan diorientasikan dengan arah yang baru. Sistem ini menggunakan kapasitor
untuk menyimpan muatan listrik dan kemudian diterapkan pada lilitan
kawat berbentuk solenoid multi lapis. Pada tesis ini telah berhasil melakukan
magnetisasi dan demagnetisasi bahan magnet Ferit, PrFeB dan NdFeB dengan
ukuran bahan maksimal 26mm.

On this nal thesis report has been developed a system for the magnetization
of the magnetic material become permanent magnets and demagnetization
by reducing the magnetic eld strength of a permanent magnet. This system
is used for magnetize the magnetic material such as Ferrite, PrFeB, NdFeB
magnets and other types of magnetic materials. Magnetic material can be
magnetized into a permanent magnet by applying a magnetic eld above the
saturation point of the magnetic material in a short time, known as impulse
magnetizer. Application of a magnetic eld generates a magnetic moment and
domain-domain magnetic force gradually follow the direction of the applied
magnetic eld. If the external magnetic eld is stronger than the magnetic
eld of a magnetic saturation of the magnetic material, the magnetic domains
will be oriented to the new direction. This system uses a capacitor to store
electrical charge and then applied to the multi-layer solenoid or coil by discharging
process. On this thesis has been successfully doing magnetization
and demagnetization magnetic materials such as Ferrite, NdFeB, PrFeB with
a maximum material size of 26mm.;On this nal thesis report has been developed a system for the magnetization
of the magnetic material become permanent magnets and demagnetization
by reducing the magnetic eld strength of a permanent magnet. This system
is used for magnetize the magnetic material such as Ferrite, PrFeB, NdFeB
magnets and other types of magnetic materials. Magnetic material can be
magnetized into a permanent magnet by applying a magnetic eld above the
saturation point of the magnetic material in a short time, known as impulse
magnetizer. Application of a magnetic eld generates a magnetic moment and
domain-domain magnetic force gradually follow the direction of the applied
magnetic eld. If the external magnetic eld is stronger than the magnetic
eld of a magnetic saturation of the magnetic material, the magnetic domains
will be oriented to the new direction. This system uses a capacitor to store
electrical charge and then applied to the multi-layer solenoid or coil by discharging
process. On this thesis has been successfully doing magnetization
and demagnetization magnetic materials such as Ferrite, NdFeB, PrFeB with
a maximum material size of 26mm., On this nal thesis report has been developed a system for the magnetization
of the magnetic material become permanent magnets and demagnetization
by reducing the magnetic eld strength of a permanent magnet. This system
is used for magnetize the magnetic material such as Ferrite, PrFeB, NdFeB
magnets and other types of magnetic materials. Magnetic material can be
magnetized into a permanent magnet by applying a magnetic eld above the
saturation point of the magnetic material in a short time, known as impulse
magnetizer. Application of a magnetic eld generates a magnetic moment and
domain-domain magnetic force gradually follow the direction of the applied
magnetic eld. If the external magnetic eld is stronger than the magnetic
eld of a magnetic saturation of the magnetic material, the magnetic domains
will be oriented to the new direction. This system uses a capacitor to store
electrical charge and then applied to the multi-layer solenoid or coil by discharging
process. On this thesis has been successfully doing magnetization
and demagnetization magnetic materials such as Ferrite, NdFeB, PrFeB with
a maximum material size of 26mm.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bismo Bandutomo
"Thin film yang memiliki sifat PMA (Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy) memiliki arah momen magnet yang tegak lurus dengan permukaan film. Sifat ini memungkinkan thin film diaplikasikan dalam perpendicular magnetic recording yang digunakan sebagai penyimpanan data komputer. Maka dari itu, penting untuk mempelajari sifat magnetik dari thin film terutama mekanisme magnetization reversal. Pada penelitian ini akan dilihat hubungan antara mekanisme magnetization reversal pada thin film Co/Pt dan CoFeB/Pd dengan parameter  pada model Fatuzzo-Labrune. Jika magnetisasi kedua thin film dibalik dari kondisi tersaturasi sempurna, maka nilai  yang berarti mekanisme magnetization reversal akan didominasi oleh domain wall motion. Ketika magnetisasi kedua thin film dibalik dari kondisi tidak tersaturasi sempurna, maka nilai  akan berubah bergantung pada kondisi awal magnetisasi thin film. Kita akan melihat bahwa dari kedua kondisi yang berbeda, mekanisme magnetization reversal dapat dijelaskan dengan baik oleh model Fatuzzo-Labrune.

Thin film with PMA (Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy) has magnetic moment perpendicular with its surface. This property allows thin film to be applied to perpendicular magnetic recording used in computer data storage. Therefore, it is important to study magnetic properties, especially magnetization reversal mechanism. In this study, we will see the correlation between magnetization reversal mechanism of Co/Pt and CoFeB/Pd thin films and  parameter on the Fatuzzo-Labrune model. If the magnetization reversal process of both films started from a fully saturated state, the value of  which means magnetization reversal mechanism will be dominated by domain wall motion. If the magnetization reversal process of both films is not started from a fully saturated state, the parameter  will change depends on the initial magnetization state. We will see that from two different conditions, magnetization reversal mechanism is well described by Fatuzzo-Labrune model."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fandy Fitriadi
"Pengujian efek medan magnet terhadap presipitasi CaCO3 merupakan salah satu topik yang banyak diteliti untuk dapat menjelaskan efektifitas proses Anti-scale Magnetic Treatment (AMT). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukan pengaruh magnetisasi yang berbeda - beda, baik dari segi efektivitas maupun morfologi kristal yang terbentuk sehingga menimbulkan kontroversi. Beberapa peneliti mendapatkan efek magnetisasi menekan presipitasi CaCO3 dan peneliti lainnya mendapatkan efek magnetisasi mempercepat presipitasi CaCO3. Perbedaan hipotesis ini terjadi karena perbedaan kondisi operasi dan efektivitas magnetisasi. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan studi yang lebih mendalam tentang efek medan magnet terhadap presipitasi CaCO3. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh dari medan magnet terhadap pembentukan partikel dan jenis kristal CaCO3 pada air sadah sintetik (campuran Na2CO3 dan CaCl2 serta NaHCO3 dan CaCl2) baik saat maupun sesudah magnetisasi. Efek magnetisasi dilakukan baik dalam sistem fluida statis (campuran Na2CO3 dan CaCl2) maupun pada fluida dinamis (campuran NaHCO3 dan CaCl2). Pengukuran kandungan CaCO3 dilakukan dengan metode titrasi kompleksometri EDTA. Uji SEM dilakukan untuk mengetahui morfologi kristal yang terbentuk pada dinding permukaan kaca.
Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa baik pada kondisi fluida statis maupun fluida dinamis, induksi magnet yang diberikan pada saat maupun sesudah magnetisasi berlangsung akan menyebabkan peningkatan persen presipitasi total CaCO3. Setelah sampel magnet pada fluida dinamis mengalami presipitasi selama 2 jam dan proses filtrasi, efek memori magnet akan menyebabkan penekanan laju presipitasi CaCO3. Diduga terjadi mekanisme ion akibat dominasi ion bebas di dalam larutan setelah dilakukan filtrasi. Uji foto SEM pada sistem fluida statis pada sampel magnet dan non magnet menunjukkan bahwa kristal CaCO3 yang terbentuk didominasi oleh jenis kalsit. Beberapa kristal vaterit dan sedikit aragonit juga terlihat pada SEM. Efek magnetisasi akan meningkatkan jumlah kristal CaCO3 dengan ukuran kristal yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan sampel non magnetisasi.

A lot of researchers have been researching about the effect of magnetization to precipitation of CaCO3. The explanation of the real mechanism is still controversial. Some of the researchers reported that the induction of magnetic field could suppress the precipitation of CaCO3 and the others reported the increasing of precipitation in the presence of magnetic treatment. The objectives of this experimental are to know about the effectiveness of magnetic field on calcium carbonate precipitate using the synthetic hard water (both a mixing of natrium carbonate and calcium chloride or natrium bicarbonate and calcium chloride). Base on the mobility of the fluids, the effect of magnetic field are tested in two conditions. A static fluid system (using Na2CO3 + CaCl2) and dynamic fluid system (using NaHCO3 + CaCl2). To give a quantitative analysis on precipitation in solution, a complexometry titration method using EDTA solution is used. The crystals morphology of deposit that adhere in a surface glass is obtain from SEM photography.
The result that the effect of magnetic fields either in static or dynamic fluid system could increase the number of precipitation. An exception for the dynamic fluid system, after the solution has through in the magnetic field and already passed two hours precipitation, the memory effect of magnet cause depressing on precipitation. Ion mechanisms is suspicious happen in which a free Ca2+ ion is still remain dominant in the solution after the filtration carry out. In static fluid system, a SEM photographic shows that either in magnetic exposure sample or nonmagnetic sample, a calcite form are dominant in all over crystals. Some vaterite and few aragonite are exposure in SEM photograph. The conclusions are the induction of magnetic field will accelerate the number of crystal since magnetic field could cause the increasing of nucleation. Under this condition a small crystal size will be form in associated with fast nucleation and precipitation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ikhwan Nur Rahman
"Penelitian mengenai polikristalin perovskite manganit telah dilakukan, dimulai dengan mensintesis material La0,7(Ba0.97Ca0.03)0.3Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0; 0,03; 0,05; 0.07 dan 0,10) dengan menggunakan metode sol-gel, karakterisasi menggunakan X-ray diffractometer, menunjukkan sampel memiliki struktur kristal rhombohedral dengan space group R-3c, substitusi Cu yang dilakukan tidak mengubah struktur kristal sampel akan tetapi hanya merubah parameter latis, volume unit sel, ukuran kristalit rata-rata, Panjang ikatan dan sudut ikatan antara Mn/Cu terhadap oksigen. Karakterisasi SEM menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perubahan ukuran grain yang membesar saat konsentrasi Cu ≤ 5% dan ukuran grain akan mengecil kembali saat kosentrasi melebihi 5%. Karakterisasi menggunakan VSM menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan magnetisasi seiring penambahan konsentrasi Cu. Hasil uji kelistrikan menunjukkan bahwa resistivitas menurun drastis ketika konsentrasi Cu ≤ 5% dan meningkat kembali ketika konsentrasi Cu melebih 5 %. Hasil permodelan menggunakan persamaan perkolasi menunjukkan penurunan Tcmod seiring dengan penambahan konsentrasi Cu.

Research on polycrystalline perovskite manganite has been carried out, starting with materials synthesizing La0.7(Ba0.97Ca0.03)0.3Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0; 0.03; 0.05; 0.07 and 0.10) using the sol-gel method, characterization using X-ray diffractometer, shows the sample has a rhombohedral structure with R-3c space group, Cu substitution that is not changing the crystal structure of the sample, but only change lattice parameters, unit cell volume, average crystallite size, bond length and the bond angle between Mn / Cu and oxygen. Characterization of SEM showed changes in grain size which increase when concentration of Cu ≤ 5% and grain size will decrease when Cu concentration increases by 5%. Characterization using VSM showed a decrease the magnetization. Electrical characterization results showed that the resistivity decrease dramatically while Cu concentrations ≤ 5% and increased while Cu concentrations increased by 5%. The modeling results using the percolation equation showed the Tcmod decrease according to the ratio of Cu concentration."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pakpahan, Jaya Sari
"Material perovskite manganites (x = 0; 0,05; 0,1; 0,15) dari bahan dasar Lanthanum (III) Oxide , Calsium Carbonate , Stronsium Carbonate , Manganese (II) Carbonate , Iron (III) Oxide telah disintesis dengan menggunakan metode solid state. Bahan dasar dicampur dan digerus dengan menggunakan mortar dan pestel, dikompaksi, kalsinasi pada suhu 800°C selama 8 jam , sampel serbuk disintering pada suhu 900°C selama 24 jam dan sampel pellet disintering pada suhu 1000°C selama 12 jam dan 1200°C selama 12 jam dengan kenaikan 8 jam. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) menunjukkan struktur kristal Rhombohedral dengan space group R-3c, subsitusi Fe terhadap sampel tidak mengubah struktrur kristal tetapi mengubah nilai parameter kisi kristal. Karaktersasi SEM-EDS menampilkan ukuran grain dan mengkonfirmasi unsur penyusun material dengan doping Fe berhasil tersubsitusi. karakterisasi SEM-EDS dengan menggunakan metode elemental mapping mengkonfirmasi homogenitas sampel. Hasil pengukuran nilai magnetisasi menggunakan permagraph menunjukkan penurunan nilai magnetisasi seiring bertambahnya konsentrasi doping Fe. Penurunan nilai magnetisasi secara signifikan terlihat pada doping Fe di atas 5%. Penurunan nilai magnetisasi disebabkan karena adanya interaksi Double Exchange & Superexchange yang terjadi pada sampel.

Material perovskite manganese (x = 0; 0,05; 0,1; 0,15) from base material Lanthanum (III) Oxide, Calsium Carbonate, Stronsium Carbonate, Manganese (II) Carbonate, Iron (III) Oxide have been synthesized using solid state reaction method. The basic ingredients were mixed and ground using a mortar and pestle , compacted, calcined at 800°C for 8 hours, sintered the powder sample at 900°C for 24 hours, sintered the pellet sample at 1200°C for 12 hours in 8 hour increments and re- sintered the pellet sample at 1000°C for 12 hours. The result of characterization using an X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) shows a rhombohedral crystal structure with space group R-3c. The substitution of Fe in the sample does not change the crystal structure but changes the value of the crystal lattice parameter. SEM-EDS characterization shows grain size and confirms that the constituent elements of the material with Fe doping have been succesfully substituted. SEM-EDS characterization using elemental mapping method confirmed the homogeneity of the sample. The result of measuring the magnetization value using a permagraph showed a decrease in the magnetization value as the concentration of Fe doping increased. A significant decrease in magnetization value was seen in Fe doping above 5%. The decrease in magnetization value is due to the Double Exchange (DE) and superexchange interactions that occur in the sample."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicky Rezky Munazat
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur,sifat listrik, dan sifat magnet material perovskite manganites La0,7Sr0,2Ba0,1Mn1-xNixO3 x = 0; 0,02; 0,05; 0,1 yang disintesis dengan metode sol gel. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan bahwa sampel memiliki fase tunggal dengan struktur rhombohedral dan space group R-3c. Pemberian sedikit doping nickel tidak mengubah struktur kristal, tetapi merubah nilai parameter kisi kristal. Karakterisasi SEM-EDS menunjukkan perubahan ukuran grain dan mengkonfirmasi unsur nickel berhasil tersubstitusi. Ukuran grain size semakin kecil seiring dengan penambahan konsentrasi nickel. Kurva histerisis yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa pemberian doping nickel menurunkan sifat kemagnetan bahan yang ditunjukkan oleh penurunan nilai saturasi magnetisasi. Kurva resistivitas sebagai fungsi temperatur menunjukkan bahwa doping nickel meningkatkan besar resistivitas material. Hasil fitting dengan menggunakan model percolation menunjukkan penambahan konsentrasi nickel menurunkan nilai temperatur curie Tc dan temperatur transisi metal-isolator TM-I ke temperatur yang lebih rendah.

The structure, electrical properties, and magnetic properties of perovskite manganite La0.7Sr0.2Ba0.1Mn1 xNixO3 x 0 0.02 0.05 0.1 material were synthesized by the sol gel method have been studied. The result of XRD characterization showed that sample has a single phase with rhombohedral structure and R 3c space group. Nickel doped on site Mn does not change the crystal structure but changes the lattice parameter. The SEM EDS characterization shows changes in grain size and confirms that site Mn succeeds substituted with nickel ion. Grain size decreased with the addition of nickel concentration. The hysteresis curve showed that nickel doped decreased magnetic properties of the material as indicated by the decrease in magnetization saturation value. Characterization of SEM EDX shows changes in grain size and confirms the nickel element successfully substituted. Resistivity curve as a function of temperature indicates that nickel doped increased resistivity. The result of fitting by using percolation model showed that the addition of nickel concentration decreased temperature curie Tc and metal isolator transition temperature TM I to lower temperature."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The numerical solution of the-dependen ginzbur-landau equatation,was done to seek the dynamics of an of an external magnetic field applied into the type II superconductor"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library