Career indecision merupakan masalah yang cukup penting bagi kehidupan remaja saat ini. Jika hal ini terus berlanjut, maka remaja cenderung gagal dalam menentukan kariernya di masa depan. CDSE sebagai kapabilitas individu dalam pengambilan keputusan karier di masa depan, sangat dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu
parenting styles (eksternal) dan
thinking styles (internal). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh persepsi siswa SMA mengenai
parenting styles orang tua yang dimediasi oleh
thinking styles terhadap tingkat CDSE ketika membuat keputusan karier. Selain itu juga, penelitian ini akan menganalisis perbedaan
gender yang terjadi pada remaja laki-laki dan perempuan, sehingga didapatkan data yang faktual terkait isu
gender terhadap CDSE siswa SMA.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah kuantitatif non-eksperimental dengan jenis
cross-sectional. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 617 orang siswa yang berasal dari tiga sekolah di Jakarta yang duduk di kelas 11 dan 12.
Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale - Short Form (CDSE-SF)
, Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ)
, Thinking Styles Inventory-Revised II (TSI-R2) menjadi alat ukur dalam penelitian ini
. Teknik analisis data menggunakan
Simple Mediation Model with Hayes's Model 4 dengan bantuan program SPSS
(Statistical Package for Social Science) 23 - PROCESS Macro.
Ditemukan bahwa CDSE pada siswa laki-laki secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh
parenting styles ayah otoriter dan ibu otoritatif, sedangkan pada siswa perempuan dipengaruhi oleh
parenting styles ayah otoritatif dan ibu otoriter, serta secara signifikan juga dipengaruhi oleh
thingking styles Tipe I dan Tipe II. Pengujian mediasi menemukan bahwa variabel
thinking styles secara signifikan menengahi beberapa hubungan antara
parenting styles ayah dan ibu terhadap CDSE. Namun, ada beberapa keterbatasan, di mana implikasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut diberikan.
Career indecision has become a considerable issue among adolescents recently. Students would likely fail in determining their future career if this issue continued to occur. Career Decision Self-Efficacy (CDSE) as individual's capability in decision making related to future career was strongly influenced by parenting styles (external factor) and thinking styles (internal factor). This study aims to examine the effects of high school students' perceptions about their parents' parenting styles mediated by the thinking style on CDSE level in making various decisions related to their future career. In this study, the effects of gender between male and female adolescents was also analyzed in order to obtain factual data regarding gender-related issues toward high school students' CDSE level. This study employed a non-experimental quantitative research using a cross-sectional design. The research subjects covered 617 students from three schools in Jakarta who were currently in their 11th and 12th grades. The data of this study were collected using Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale - Short Form (CDSE-SF), Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), Thinking Styles Inventory-Revised II (TSI-R2) as the research instruments. The obtained data were then analyzed using a Simple Mediation Model with Hayes' Model 4 using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) 23 - PROCESS Macro. The results of the data analysis indicated that male students' CDSE had been significantly influenced by the parenting style applied by authoritarian paternal and authoritative maternal. Meanwhile, the CDSE level of female students was influenced by the parenting styles applied by authoritative paternal and authoritarian maternal, besides it was also significantly influenced by thinking styles Type I and Type II. Based on the results of the mediation testing, thinking styles were found to significantly mediated the relationship between parenting styles applied by paternal and maternal towards CDSE level. However, this study suffered from several limitations that could be improved by future researchers. "