Nama : Diah Widyastuti
Program Studi : Profesi Ilmu Keperawatan
Judul : Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Sirosis Hepatis dan
Penerapan Manajemen Cairan
Pembimbing : Ns. Dikha Ayu Kurnia, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB
Sirosis hepatis merupakan penyakit kronik pada hati yang menyebabkan fungsi hati terganggu. Komplikasi dari penyakit ini salah satunya yaitu asites. Asites pada sirosis hepatis disebabkan oleh adanya kondisi hipoalbuminemia, hipertensi porta, dan retensi air dan garam. Kondisi ini menyebabkan klien mengalami ketidakseimbangan volume caira. Perawat memiliki peran penting dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar, salah satunya adalah cairan. Manajemen cairan pada pasien sirosis bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan cairan, mengurangi asites, dan meningkatkan albumin. Intervensi yang dilakukan perawat yaitu monitoring status hidrasi, monitoring berat badan dan lingkar perut, mengukur balance cairan, mengatur intake cairan oral klien, dan memantau nilai elektrolit serta hematokrit. Sedangkan intervensi kolaboratif yaitu dengan terapi cairan yang mengandung asam amino rantai cabang, penggunaan obat diuretik, dan pemberian transfusi darah. Manajemen cairan yang optimal dapat menyelesaikan gangguan cairan pada pasien.
Kata kunci:
Sirosis hepatis, asites, manajemen cairan
Name : Diah Widyastuti
Study Program : Nursing
Title : Analysis of Nursing Care in Patients with Hepatic Cirrhosis and
Application of Fluid Management
Cousellor : Ns. Dikha Ayu Kurnia, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB
Hepatic cirrhosis is a chronic disease of liver which causes distrubed liver function. One of the complications of the disease is ascites. Ascites in hepatic cirrhosis is caused by hypoalbuminemia, portal hypertension, and water and salt retention. This condition causes clients to experience fluid volume imbalances. Nurses have an important role in fulfilling basic needs, which include fluid needs. Fluid management in cirrhotic patients aims to meet fluid needs, reduce ascites, and improve albumin. Interventions conducted by nurses are monitoring hydration status, monitoring body weight and abdominal circumference, measuring fluid balance, regulating the client's oral fluid intake, and monitoring electrolyte and hematocrit values. While collaborative intervention is by treating fluids containing branched chain amino acids, using diuretic drugs, and administer blood transfusion. Optimal fluid management can resolve fluid disorders in patients.
Key words:
Hepatic cirrhosis, asicites, fluid management
Intrarenal damage in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with complicated Kidney Injury (AKI) causes metabolic waste substances to not be wasted through urine and excess fluid occurs. Pharmacological therapies such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressants also contribute to fluid overload. This study aims to analyze fluid management in SLE patients with complications of AKI to overcome fluid overload. Fluid management performed on patients includes fluid restriction; monitoring fluid intake and output; blood pressure, edema and ascites, laboratory values: urea, creatinine and albumin; fluid management education and collaboration in the administration of diuretics and albumin. The results of the intervention showed that the fluid balance reached the target (-) 1000 cc, ascites decreased with a decrease in the abdominal circumference of 105 to 84 cm, an improvement in kidney function with a decrease in creatinine ureum, the patient's knowledge regarding the importance of fluid restriction increased and the patient showed acceptance of treatment. These results indicate that corticosteroid therapy and immunosuppressants in SLE patients must be accompanied by fluid management interventions. Therefore, the authors recommend fluid management interventions to be performed in SLE patients with complications of acute kidney injury.