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Ovi Norfiana
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan pengelolaan program P2TB pada dua Puskesmas kecamatan dengan pencapaian CDR TB tinggi dan rendah di Wilayah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif didukung dengan data kuantitatif faktor individu dan sosial dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan manajemen dimana Puskesmas dengan pencapaian CDR TB tinggi mempunyai kepala puskesmas dengan kemampuan manajerial program P2TB yang lebih baik, mekanisme transfer of knowledge yang lebih baik (Komponen Input); mempunyai perencanaan target berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada dan bertujuan meningkatkan CDR TB, melakukan penjaringan kasus secara aktif dengan melibatkan kader dan lintas sektor, adanya antisipasi hasil mutu laboratorium serta monitoring dan evaluasi yang lebih baik (Komponen Proses); telah memenuhi seluruh target indikator penemuan penderita TB (Komponen Output). Perbedaan pada sisi manajemen diperkuat dengan hasil penelitian dimana faktor individu (pengetahuan, sikap suspek terhadap bahaya dan cara pencegahan TB, persepsi suspek terhadap pelayanan kesehatan) dan faktor sosial (dukungan kader, KIE oleh petugas) lebih baik pada Puskesmas dengan pencapaian CDR TB tinggi. Disarankan agar melaksanakan pelatihan TB kepada top manajemen, melakukan penjaringan kasus secara aktif dengan melibatkan kader dan sektor non kesehatan, serta meningkatkan jejaring dan kerjasama lintas sektor.
This study examined the comparison of TB program management between two Community Health Centers (CHC) with high and low CDR of TB achievement in East Jakarta. This is a qualitative study supported by quantitative study on individual and social factors with cross sectional study design. From the management point of view, CHC with high CDR of TB achievement was proven has the CHC’s head which is better capability in TB management, better mechanism on transfer of knowledge (Input Component); the planning based on fields problem analysis, active case finding involving cadres and related stakeholders, there is anticipation on laboratory results’s quality, better monitoring and evaluation (Process Component); achieved all target indicators of TB case detection (Output Component). The differences on TB management strengthened by different result between the value of individual factors (knowledge, attitudes, and TB suspect perseption of CHC service) and the value of social factors (support by cadres, Communication Information and Education by CHC officers) which was better in CHC with high CDR of TB achievement. This study suggested to carry out trainings on TB management for top management, to conduct active case finding by involving cadres and non-health sectors, and promoting networking and cross-sector cooperation., This study examined the comparison of TB program management between two Community Health Centers (CHC) with high and low CDR of TB achievement in East Jakarta. This is a qualitative study supported by quantitative study on individual and social factors with cross sectional study design. From the management point of view, CHC with high CDR of TB achievement was proven has the CHC’s head which is better capability in TB management, better mechanism on transfer of knowledge (Input Component); the planning based on fields problem analysis, active case finding involving cadres and related stakeholders, there is anticipation on laboratory results’s quality, better monitoring and evaluation (Process Component); achieved all target indicators of TB case detection (Output Component). The differences on TB management strengthened by different result between the value of individual factors (knowledge, attitudes, and TB suspect perseption of CHC service) and the value of social factors (support by cadres, Communication Information and Education by CHC officers) which was better in CHC with high CDR of TB achievement. This study suggested to carry out trainings on TB management for top management, to conduct active case finding by involving cadres and non-health sectors, and promoting networking and cross-sector cooperation]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Sukarti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh manajemen program akselerasi dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa yang mengikuti program akselerasi yang berjumlah 90 orang dari 2 sekolah yaitu SMAN 2 dan SMAN 3 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang didukung oleh observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh variabel manajemen program akselerasi terhadap variabel prestasi belajar siswa sebesar 42,4%. Selanjutnya pengaruh variabel motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa mencapai 48.4%. Hasil perhitungan ini menunjukkan pengaruh motivasi belajar lebih besar dibandingkan dengan manajemen program akselerasi. Hasil ini mengindikasikan perubahan pada prestasi belajar siswa lebih dominan dipengaruhi oleh motivasi belajar dibandingkan manajemen program akselerasi. Pengaruh positif dari kedua variabel terhadap prestasi belajar siswa program akselerasi menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan pada manajemen program akselerasi dan motivasi belajar akan memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa program akselerasi. Total pengaruh dari kedua variabel manajemen program akselerasi dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa mencapai 90,8%, sedangkan sebesar 9,2% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. ......This research aim to know the influence of Acceleration Program Management and Learning Motivation for Student Achievement. This study uses a quantitative approach. Population and sample in this research were students in the accelerated program, amounting to 90 people from two schools, namely SMAN 2 and 3 South Tangerang City. Instrument used in this study is a questionnaire which is supported by observations and interviews. Analysis of data using Rank Spearman Correlation analysis. The analysis showed that the influence of the accelerated program management variable on student achievement variables by 42,4%. Meanwhile, motivation to study variable influence the student achievement reached 48,4%. The results of these calculations show the influence of motivation to learn is greater than the acceleration program management. These results indicate a change in student achievement is more dominant than the motivation to learn is affected by the accelerated program management. Positive influence of both variables on student achievement suggests that the accelerated program management improvement in acceleration and motivation program will provide a significant impact on student achievement in accelerated program. The total effect of these two variables (acceleration program management and motivation of student achievement) reached 90,8%, while for 9,2% influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Kiranti
Abstrak :
Tuberkulosis merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang berakibat fatal jika tidak segera disembuhkan. Pada tahun 2022 tingkat keberhasilan pengobatan tuberkulosis Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebesar 81% sedangkan target nasional sebesar 90%. Untuk meningkatkan cakupan keberhasilan pengobatan diperlukan upaya penanggulangan tuberkulosis. Agar upaya penanggulangan tuberkulosis berjalan efektif dan efisien, maka perlu manajemen program yang tepat. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran manajemen program penanggulangan tuberkulosis di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Penentuan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yaitu menentukan informan yang dapat memberikan informasi atau data dengan mempertimbangkan aspek kesesuaian dan kecukupan mengenai masalah yang diteliti. Validasi data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dengan wawancara bersama berbagai macam informan dan triangulasi metode dengan telaah dokumen serta observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam manajemen program penanggulangan tuberkulosis, terdapat permasalahan diantaranya yaitu keterbatasan kader untuk melakukan investigasi kontak, terbatasnya tenaga pencatatan dan pelaporan pada fasyankes, masih terdapat fasyankes melaksanakan diagnosis TB tidak sesuai standar, belum terintegrasinya SITB dengan SITK, dan masih terbatasnya layanan untuk TB-RO. Untuk sarana dan prasarana telah tersedia dengan baik dan cukup. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu mengoptimalkan peran kader untuk melakukan investigasi kontak, menyediakan tenaga pencatatan dan pelaporan selain perawat dan tenaga yang bertugas dalam layanan TB di fasyankes, menyebarkan informasi terbaru kepada fasyankes melalui sosialiasi, segera mengintegrasikan SITB dengan SITK dan melakukan koordinasi dengan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan swasta untuk membuka layanan TB-RO. ......Tuberculosis is one of the infectious diseases that is fatal if not cured immediately. In 2022, the success rate of tuberculosis treatment in DKI Jakarta Province is 81%, while the national target is 90%. To increase the scope of successful treatment, efforts to overcome tuberculosis are needed. In order for tuberculosis control efforts to run effectively and efficiently, proper program management is needed. Therefore, this study aims to determine the management picture of tuberculosis control programs at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office. The type of research used in this research is qualitative with in-depth interview methods, observation and document review. Determination of informants using purposive sampling techniques, namely determining informants who can provide information or data by considering aspects of suitability and adequacy regarding the problem under study. Data validation using source triangulation by interviewing various informants and method triangulation with document review and observation. The results showed that in the management of the tuberculosis control program, there are problems including limited cadres to conduct contact investigations, limited recording and reporting personnel at health facilities, there are still health facilities carrying out TB diagnosis not according to standards, not yet integrated SITB with SITK, and still limited services for MDR-TB (multidrug-resistant tuberculosis). For facilities and infrastructure aspects are well and adequately available. Suggestions that can be given are optimizing the role of cadres to conduct contact investigations, providing recording and reporting personnel in addition to nurses and personnel on duty in TB services at health facilities, disseminating the latest information to health facilities through socialization, immediately integrating SITB with SITK and also coordinating with private health service facilities to open MDR-TB services.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulyani Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Pada tahun fiskal 2019, Panasonic Automotive and Industrial System mengalami penurunan pada operating profit sebesar 1,4% yakni mengalami kerugian sebesar 37 milyar yen atau sekitar 4,8 triliun rupiah yang dikarenakan pengembangan bisnis otomotif terkait. Sehingga permintaan kapasitor meningkat dan target Business Plan meningkat. Namun, variasi yang terjadi pada proses produksi di PICID menyebabkan sulitnya tercapai Business Plan selama 4 tahun terakhir. Selaras dengan perumusan strategi Lifestyle Updates oleh Panasonic pusat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini yakni melalui rancangan program Smart Factory. Analisis kesenjangan tertera pada dokumen project meeting di PICID yang terdiri dari tiga kategori permasalahan, yaitu masalah Integrated Supply Planning (ISP), masalah yield drop atau variasi, dan masalah proyek-proyek yang tidak tercapai benefit nya. Dari data tersebut memperlihatkan masalah dominan terletak pada proyek-proyek yang tidak tercapai benefit nya. Banyak proyek-proyek pada program Smart Factory secara dadakan dan tidak masuk didalam portofolio yang dirancang selama satu tahun, hal ini terjadi karena tidak adanya manajemen program. Permasalahan tersebut diselesaikan dengan perancangan model manajemen program yang berdasarkan best practice internasional utama dari Axelos dan PMI. Dalam menganalisis manajemen program, desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui pelaksanaan wawancara, studi dokumen, dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap tujuh pakar. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis konten untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi. Hasil analisis kemudian didiskusikan dengan perusahaan untuk mencapai bagaimana manajemen program yang sesuai best practice dan acuan standar Managing Successful Programme (MSP) dari Axelos (2020) dan Standard for Program Management (SPgM) dari PMI (2017c). Sehingga program yang berjalan dapat selaras dengan strategi perusahaan dan mencapai target BP. Hasil dari peneltian ini berupa rancangan model manajemen program untuk proyek-proyek Smart Factory untuk keselarasan strategi Lifestyle Updates. Keluaran model juga berupa rekomendasi serta hubungan-hubungannya yang meliputi keselarasan strategi, manajemen benefit, tata kelola, keterlibatan stakehoilder, program lifecycle, struktur organisasi dan peran PMO, serta hubungan kapabilitas dengan pola dasar sistem. Adapun domain lensa dikaji pula melalui model 3 lensa, yaitu: prinsip-prinsip, tema-tema, dan proses dari program lifecycle. Dengan diimplementasikannya model manajemen program yang sesuai dengan rekomendasi penelitian ini, maka harapannya PT PICID dapat mencapai target business plan sesuai yang telah ditentukan. ......In fiscal year 2019, operating profit at Panasonic Automotive and Industrial System was decreased by 1.4%, which was a loss of 37 billion yen or around 4.8 trillion rupiah due to the development of automotive business. So that the demand for capacitors increases and the Business Plan target increases. However, variations in the production process at PICID have made it difficult to achieve the Business Plan for the last 4 years. In line with the Lifestyle Updates strategy formulation by the central Panasonic to solve this problem, namely through the design of the Smart Factory program. The gap analysis is listed in the project meeting document at PICID which consists of three problem categories, there are Integrated Supply Planning (ISP) problems, problems with yield drop or variation, and problems with projects for which benefits are not achieved. From these data, it shows that the dominant problem lies in the projects that have not achieved the benefits. Many projects in the Smart Factory program are impromptu and are not included in the portfolio designed for one year, this happens because there is no program management. These problems are resolved by designing a program management model based on the main international best practices from Axelos and PMI. In analyzing program management, the research design used a qualitative approach, data was collected through conducting interviews, document study, and observation. Interviews were conducted with seven experts. The data obtained were then analyzed using content analysis to obtain recommendations. The results of the analysis are then discussed with the company to achieve how program management is in accordance with best practices and the standard reference for the Managing Successful Program (MSP) from Axelos (2020) and the Standard for Program Management (SPgM) from PMI (2017c). So that the running program can be in line with the company's strategy and achieve BP's targets. The results of this research are program management model design for Smart Factory projects to align the Lifestyle Updates strategy. The model output also takes the form of recommendations and relationships which include strategic alignment, benefit management, governance, stakeholder involvement, lifecycle programs, organizational structure and the role of PMO, as well as the relationship between capabilities and the system's archetype. The lens domain is also studied through a 3-lens model, namely: the principles, themes, and processes of the program lifecycle. With the implementation of a program management model in accordance with the recommendations of this study, it is hoped that PT PICID can achieve the business plan targets as determined.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ami Kesumaningtyas
Abstrak :
Di Indonesia masih banyak terdapat usaha informal yang belum memilliki akses mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan kerja. Permasalahan program kesehatan kerja seringkali terjadi dikarenakan pergantian dokter puskesmas, kurangnya pengetahuan dari petugas dan kader kesehatan kerja. Di Kabupaten Pesawaran Propinsi Lampung terdapat empat puskesmas yang menjadi percontohan program upaya kesehatan kerja dimana sudah diberikan pelatihan kepada dokter dan pemegang program tentang kesehatan kerja serta sudah pernah dilakukan bimbingan teknis serta monitoring. Akan tetapi, program upaya kesehatan kerja di puskesmas belum berjalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kendala apa saja yang ada dalam implementasi program upaya kesehatan kerja pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan juga evaluasi. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan fungsi manajemen menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Pesawaran, Kepala Seksi Kesehatan Khusus dan Matra, Kepala Puskesmas, Pemegang program dan perwakilan dari sasaran. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu program upaya kesehatan kerja belum menjadi prioritas dikarenakan bukan merupakan program pokok di puskesmas namun ada juga yang mengemukakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara program prioritas dan program pengembangan. Masih kurangnya pengetahuan, jumlah sumber daya manusia yang terlibat dalam program upaya kesehatan kerja. Dari segi anggaran, program upaya kesehatnan kerja memiliki alokasi anggaran baik sehingga program upaya kesehatan kerja masih terintegrasi dengan program kesehatan lain. Selain itu, program upaya kesehatan kerja juga tidak didukung oleh peralatan yang memadai serta tidak ada rencana kerja. Dan juga keterlibatan sasaran yang kurang aktif serta kondisi lingkungan yang tidak mendukung dari sisi keamanan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa program upaya kesehatan kerja di Kabupaten Pesawaran belum menjadi prioritas dikarenakan masuk kedalam program pengembangan dan belum diukung adanya sumber daya manusia yang memadai, tidak ada alokasi anggaran, tidak ada peralatan serta rencana kerja, keterlibatan masyarakat masih kurang aktif serta lingkungan yang kurang mendukung. Oleh karena itu, program upaya kesehatan kerja perlu dimasukkan dalam rencana kerja baik itu di dinas kesehatan dan puskesmas. serta adanya alokasi anggaran untuk program serta peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan juga peralatan yang menunjang program serta di butuhkan kerjasama lintas sektor untuk lebih memaksimalkan implementasi program upaya kesehatan kerja di puskesmas.
In indonesia there are still many informal businesses who have not have access occupational health services. Occupational health problems program often occurred due to the doctor puskesmas, the lack of knowledge of officers and kader occupational health. In Pesawaran District, there are the four be pilot programs health effort work where already provided training to medical doctors and holder programme about occupational health and is has been done technical training and monitoring.But, program health effort work at puskesmas not run. This study aims to identify the constraints all that is for the implementation of program health effort work in the planning stages, the implementation and also evaluating. This research qualitative by using function management uses the method in-depth interviews and review of documentation. Informants in this research was head of district health pesawaran, head of specific health and matra, the head of puskesmas, holders the program and representatives of the target. The result of this research namely the program health effort work had not been priority because not is a program basic puskesmas but some are suggested that there is no difference between priority programs and development program. There is a lack of knowledge, the number of human resources involved in the program health effort work. On the budgeting side, program efforts kesehatnan work are budget allocation good and the health effort work still integrated with other health program. In addition, health effort program work also are not supported by proper equipment and had no work plan. And also the involvement of a target that is less active as well as environmental conditions that not in favor of security side. This research concluded that the program working health effort in kabupaten pesawaran had not been a priority because entered into a program to develop and has not diukung the presence of human resources sufficient, there was no budget allocation, there is no equipment and the work plan, the involvement of the community is still less active as well as the environment less supportive. In addition, health effort program work also are not supported by proper equipment and had no work plan. And also the involvement of a target that is less active as well as environmental conditions that not in favor of security side. This research concluded that the program working health effort in kabupaten pesawaran had not been a priority because entered into a program to develop and has not diukung the presence of human resources sufficient, there was no budget allocation, there is no equipment and the work plan, the involvement of the community is still less active as well as the environment less supportive. Hence, health effort program work will need to be included in the work plan whether it is in health department and public health center. And the existence of the budget allocation for the program as well as improving the quality of human resources and also that support equipment of the program and need cooperation cross-sectors to be more maximize the implementation of health effort program work in public health.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simorangkir, Linchon Hasiholan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komitmen manajemen danprogram pelatihan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja K3 dalam menerapkan SMK3.Studi yang dilakukan terkait penerapan SMK3 menyebutkan komitmen manajemen danprogram pelatihan K3 merupakan komponen yang menonjol dalam mempengaruhiperforma penerapan SMK3.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif ndash; semi kuantitatif dengan melakukanpeninjauan pada komitmen manajemen dan program pelatihan K3 dalam menerapkanSMK3. Dan penerapan SMK3 di PT XZY terkait komitmen manajemen dan pelatihan K3dibandingkan dengan standar ISO 45001:2018, OHSMS Australia/ New Zealand AS/NZS4801:2001, PP No. 50 Tahun 2012 dan ISRS Willem, 2009. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan antara komitmen manajemen danprogram pelatihan K3 dengan penerapan SMK3, diman hasil analisis multivariate regresilogistic diperoleh p-value model adalah 0.000 omnimbus test of model coefficients , hal iniberarti secara bersama-sama komitmen manajemen dan program pelatihan K3 signifikandapat memprediksi SMK3 di PT XYZ Tahun 2018.Faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi SMK3 di PT XYZ Tahun 2018 adalahkomitmen manajemen. Hal ini disebabkan faktor program pelatihan K3 diperlukan adanyaperbaikan seperti melakukan analisis kebutuhan pelatihan terkait K3 TNA , menentukansasaran dan target pelatihan K3, pelatihan K3 sebaiknya juga melihat dari identifikasibahaya penilaian risiko HIRADC dan melakukan evaluasi pelatihan K3. ......This study aims to determine the effect of management commitment and trainingprogram Occupational Health and Safety OHS in implementing OHSMS. The studyconducted related to the implementation of OHSMS mentions the managementcommitment and training program K3 is a prominent component in influencing theperformance of OHSMS implementation.This study uses descriptive semi quantitative research by reviewing the managementcommitment and OHS training programs in applying OHSMS. And the implementation ofOHSMS in PT XZY related to management commitment and OHS training compared withISO 45001 2018 standard, OHSMS Australia New Zealand AS NZS 4801 2001, PP.50 Year 2012 and ISRS Willem, 2009. The results showed that there is a significantrelationship between management commitment and OHS training programs with theapplication of OHSMS, whereas multivariate logistic regression analysis obtained p valuemodel is 0.000 omnimbus test of model coefficients, it means jointly commitment ofmanagement and OHS training programs can significantly predict OHSMS in PT XYZYear 2018.The most dominant factor affecting OHSMS in PT XYZ Year 2018 is managementcommitment. This is due to the OHS training programs needs to be improved, such asconduct needs analysis related to OHS training TNA , determining the target and objectiveof OHS training, OHS training should also look at the hazard identification risk assessment HIRADC and conduct evaluation of OHS training.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Lestari
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Perawat memiliki peran penting dalam mencegah meningkatnya angka kejadian stunting salah satunya yaitu memberikan asuhan keperawatan. Upaya Meningkatkan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien risiko stunting yang berkualitas dibutuhkan peran dan fungsi manajemen kepala ruangan. Tujuan: Untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan peran dan fungsi manajemen kepala ruang dengan implementasi program stunting dan wasting. Metode: Menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling dengan sampel 110 perawat yang bekerja di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Bekasi dengan kriteria inklusi perawat pelaksana yang bekerja pada ruangan yang menangani kasus risiko stunting dan wasting dengan masa kerja minimal 1 tahun tidak dalam tugas belajar, tidak dalam masa cuti dan bersedia menjadi responden. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari peran kepala ruang, fungsi manajemen kepala ruang dan implementasi program stunting dan wasting yang disebarkan pada responden melalui tautan google form. Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrument nilai r = 0.313 – 0.818 dan cronbach’s alpha = 0.922- 0.945. Hasil: Ada hubungan antara peran kepala ruang dengan implementasi program stunting dan wasting dengan kekuatan sedang dan arah positif (p = 0,0001, r = 0,484), demikian juga ada hubungan fungsi manajemen kepala ruang dengan implementasi program stunting dan wasting dengan kekuatan kuat dan arah positif (p = 0,0001, r = 0,510). Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi implementasi program stunting dan wasting yaitu fungsi pengorganisasian (niali koefisien Beta = 1,351), fungsi pengendalian (nilai koefisien Beta = 1,120) dan peran interpersonal (nilai koefisien Beta = -1,137). Kesimpulan: Peran dan fungsi manajemen kepala ruang berhubungan dengan implementasi program stunting dan wasting. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi implementasi program stunting dan wasting adalah fungsi pengorganisasian. Rekomendasi yang diberikan yaitu meningkatkan peran dan fungsi kepala ruang dalam implementasi program stunting dan wasting untuk mengoptimalkan implementasi program stunting dan wasting dan peningkatan implementasi program stunting dan wasting pada tahap implementasi keperawatan. ......Introduction: Nurses have an important role in preventing the increase in the incidence of stunting, one of which is providing nursing care. Efforts to improve quality nursing care for patients at risk of stunting require the role and management function of the head nurses. Objective: To identify the relationship between the role and function of head nurses management and the implementation of the stunting and wasting program. Method: Using a cross sectional design. Sampling used purposive sampling technique with a sample of 110 nurses who worked at the Bekasi Regency Regional General Hospital with the inclusion criteria being executive nurses who worked in rooms that handle stunting and wasting risk cases with a minimum work period of 1 year, not on study assignments, not on leave. and willing to be a respondent. The research instrument consisted of the role of the head nurses, the management function of the head nurses and the implementation of the stunting and wasting program which was distributed to respondents via a Google form link. The results of the validity and reliability test of the instrument value r = 0.313 - 0.818 and Cronbach's alpha = 0.922- 0.945. Results: There is a relationship between the role of the headnurses and the implementation of the stunting and wasting program with moderate strength and a positive direction (p = 0.0001, r = 0.484), likewise there is a relationship between the management function of the head nurses and the implementation of the stunting and wasting program with strong strength and positive direction (p = 0.0001, r = 0.510). The factors that most influence the implementation of stunting and wasting programs are the organizing function (Beta coefficient value = 1.351), the control function (Beta coefficient value = 1.120) and interpersonal roles (Beta coefficient value = - 1.137). Conclusion: The role and management function of the head nurses is related to the implementation of the stunting and wasting program. The factor that most influences the implementation of the stunting and wasting program is the organizing function. The recommendations given are increasing the role and function of the head nurses in implementing the stunting and wasting program to optimize the implementation of the stunting and wasting program and increasing the implementation of the stunting and wasting program at the nursing implementation stage
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library