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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhammad Chandra
Abstrak :
Manajer pelayanan pasien (MPP) merupakan salah satu jabatan baru yang diterapkan di rumah sakit, sehingga masih banyak kekurangan selama penerapannya.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman MPP baru dalam menjalankan tugasnya di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian fenomenologi, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kepada 10 partisipan, analisa data menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasi sebanyak enam tema tersebut yaitu 1) Penetapan MPP sesuai area pelayanan dilakukan secara berjenjang dan berdasarkan kualifikasi untuk mendukung akreditasi  rumah sakit, 2) Perawat yang baru menjalankan peran dan fungsi MPP membutuhkan adaptasi, 3) Keahlian dan wawasan yang luas sangat diperlukan oleh MPP untuk menjalankan peran dan fungsinya, 4) Prosedur kerja MPP dilakukan secara terstruktur sistematis, 5) MPP melakukan koordinasi pelayanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasien/ keluarga secara holistik, 6) MPP mendapat apresiasi dan dukungan dari pasien/keluarga, profesional pemberi asuhan (PPA), dan rumah sakit. Rumah sakit yang baru atau akan menetapkan MPP perlu meningkatkan dukungan berupa pembekalan terkait kolaborasi interprofesional, koordinasi pelayanan, pelayanan pasien secara holistik (holistic care) dengan pendekatan sosial budaya, penyusunan dokumen terkait pelayanan rumah sakit, kegiatan preceptorship untuk calon MPP baru, serta dukungan fasilitas yang lebih memadai untuk menunjang kinerja MPP. MPP diharapkan untuk meningkatkan keahlian dan wawasannya melalui pembelajaran lapangan (pre/post conference dan presentasi kasus) serta pelatihan  tambahan terkait dengan pelayanan pasien. 
Case manager is one of the new positions applied in the hospital, so there are still many shortcomings during the implementation. This study aim to explore the experience of the new case manager in carrying out their duties at the hospital. This study uses phenomenological research methods, data collection was done by in-depth interviews with 10 participants, data analysis using the Colaizzi method. The results of this study identified six themes, namely 1) Determination of case manager according to the service area carried out in stages and based on qualifications to support hospital accreditation, 2) Nurses who have just carried out case manager roles and functions need adaptation, 3) Extensive expertise and insight are needed by case manager to carry out their role and function, 4) Case manager work procedures are carried out in a systematic manner, 5) Case manager coordinates services to meet patient/family needs holistically, 6) Case manager receives appreciation and support from patients/families, professional care giver, and hospitals. The hospital that has just established or will establish case manager  need to increase support in the form of debriefing related to interprofessional collaboration, service coordination, holistic patient service (holistic care) approach to social culture, preparation of documents related to hospital services, preceptorship activities for new case manager candidates, and facility support which is more adequate to support case managers performance. Case manager is expected to improve their expertise and insights through through field learning (pre/post conference and case presentation) and additional training related to patient care.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Safar N.
Abstrak :
Pandemi Covid-19 menjadi tantangan bagi RS UI dalam mengedepankan pelayanan kepada pasien yang bersifat holistik, demi kepentingan dan keselamatan pasien. Case manager merupakan jabatan baru di RS UI, sehingga dianggap masih memiliki banyak celah dalam penerapannya. Peran case manager dirasakan belum optimal di lapangan, terutama oleh klinisi dan manajemen. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk merumuskan tugas pokok fungsi case manager dalam pelayanan pasien Covid-19, dan mengidentifikasi peran yang telah dilaksanakan oleh case manager. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimental kualitatif, menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan desain potong lintang. Peneliti menemukan bahwa case manager RS UI belum menjalankan peran sesuai rumusan tugas pokok fungsi case manager yang ada dalam standar akreditasi RS; rumusan tugas pokok fungsi case manager belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelayanan pasien Covid-19 di RS UI, sehingga case manager RS UI belum menjalankan peran sesuai rumusan tugas pokok fungsi case manager untuk kebutuhan pelayanan pasien Covid-19 di RS UI. Secara garis besar, terdapat tiga hambatan peran case manager, yaitu hambatan pengorganisasian, hambatan aktivitas, dan hambatan evaluasi. Peneliti merekomendasikan agar tupoksi case manager tetap memenuhi standar akreditasi, dan disesuaikan dengan karakteristik RS. Selain itu, perlu dilakukan penguatan case manager secara kualitas dan kuantitas, agar dapat berperan lebih optimal. ......The Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for UI Hospital in prioritizing its services to patients that are holistic in nature, for the benefit and safety of patients. Case manager is a new position at UI Hospital, so it is considered that there are still many gaps in its implementation. The role of the case manager is felt to be not optimal in the field, especially by clinicians and management. The purpose of the study was to formulate the main duties and functions of the case manager in the service of Covid-19 patients, as well as to identify the roles that have been carried out by the case manager. This research was a non-experimental qualitative using a phenomenological approach with a cross-sectional design. The researcher found that the case manager of the UI Hospital had not carried out the role according to the formulation of the main duties and functions of the case manager in the hospital accreditation standard; The formulation of the main duties and functions of the case manager was not in accordance with the service needs of Covid-19 patients at the UI Hospital. Therefore, the case manager was considered not to have carried out the roles accordingly for the service needs of Covid-19 patients at the UI Hospital. Thus, in general terms, there are three barriers to the role of the case manager, namely organizational barriers, activity barriers, and evaluation barriers. The researcher recommends that the main duties of the case manager still meet accreditation standards, and are adjusted to the characteristics of the hospital. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen case managers in terms of quality and quantity, so that they can play a more optimal role.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Avia
Abstrak :
Kepuasan pasien merupakan indikator dari mutu pelayanan keperawatan. Kepuasan di RS M dan RS P belum mencapai standar indikator kepuasan. Hal ini disebabkan karena rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi perawat MPP yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien. Kepuasan pasien pun belum mengukur kepuasan pasien terhadap manajemen pelayanan pasien. Tujuan: menganalisis hubungan kemampuan komunikasi perawat manajer pelayanan pasien dengan kepuasan pasien terhadap manajemen pelayanan pasien. Metode: crossectional dan purposive sampling, pada 110 pasien dan 20 perawat. Hasil: ada perbedaan karakteristik pada kedua rumah sakit pada variabel diagnosa penyakit, lama rawat, pendidikan perawat, dan lama kerja perawat. Pasien menilai kemampuan komunikasi perawat baik dan puas terhadap pelayanan (skor 70 < 85). Hasil bivariat dengan chi square yaitu ada hubungan signifikan antara kemampuan komunikasi dengan pelayanan (p 0,001 < 0,05). Faktor konfonding tidak signifikan berhubungan dengan kepuasan pasien (p > 0,05). Hasil regresi logistik berganda yaitu komunikasi perawat (OR: 15,45), bahasa sehari-hari perawat (OR: 4,43), dan pendidikan pasien (OR: 2,43). Kesimpulan: pasien menilai bahwa kemampuan komunikasi perawat baik dan merasa puas terhadap manajemen pelayanan pasien. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien yaitu kemampuan komunikasi perawat. Saran: bidang pelayanan keperawatan bersama dengan bidang pelayanan medik serta keperawatan meningkatkan kepuasan pasien hingga mencapai standar skor 85. Penelitian serupa pada rumah sakit yang lebih banyak dan penelitian intervensi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi sangat diperlukan.
Patient satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of nursing service. Patient satisfaction in hospitals M and P has not reached the standard of satisfaction indicators. This is due to the low communication skill of the case manager. Patient satisfaction has not measured patient satisfaction of case management. Purpose: to analyze the correlation between communication skill`s case manager with patient satisfaction of case management. Method: crossectional and purposive sampling, with 110 patient and 20 nurse case manager. Result: There were differences in the characteristics of the two hospitals on the variables of disease diagnosis, length of stay, nurse education, and length of time for nurses. Patients assess good for nurse`s communication skill and are satisfied with services (score 70 < 85). Chi square results, there is a significant relationship between communication skills and patient satisfaction (p 0,001 < 0,05). Confonding factors were not  significantly related to patient satisfaction (p > 0,05). The results of multiple logistic regression are nurse  communication skill  (OR: 15,45), nurse`s daily language (OR: 4,43), and patient education (OR: 2,43). Conclssion: patients assess good for nurse`s communication skills and feel satisfied with patient service management. The factor that most influence patient satisfaction are nurse`s communication skill. Suggestion: The division of hospital services, along with the division of medical services, and the division of nursing increases patient satisfaction to achieve satisfaction standards score 85. More similar research in hospitals and intervention studies to tie nurse`s communication skills are needed.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library