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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Alex J. Ulaen
" This article is concerned with social change and cultural transformation in Minahasa in the 19th century. These changes happened because of the introduction of new cultural traits from outside Minahasa by the Dutch, Moslem traders, Christian evangelist, etc. the author claims that agricultural transformation is the main modality of the changes. The domestication of plants, i.e. rice and coffee, introduces by the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC)became important commodities that were made in order to ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rompas, J.
" The author explains how social change occurred in Minahasa due to education. Traditional education in Minahasa was strongly influenced by traditional belief (malesung) in which the teachers were adat leaders called walian. The impacts of Western education were felt with the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese in the 16th century. In the middle of the 17th century both of them were expelled by the Dutch. VOC and NZG intensively disseminated Protestantism with the founding ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moningka, B.H.
" This paper a preliminary observation of drug materials, treatments, rites, and traditional concepts on diseases which are usually used at Tonsea-Minahasa...[...] According to the traditional concept given by traditional healer, all diseases can be classified in four groups related to the cause and the origin of diseases, as follow: (i) diseases due to bad vapor or bad wind of the earth, (ii) diseases due to improper care, (iii) diseases due to black magic, (iv) diseases ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo
" The article is a preliminary study on the social impact of development in Minahasa. The authors try to identify, development problems as exhaustable as possible. The factors that have influenced the development in Minahasa are originated from the Minahasa community themselves and from government policies. The central government has exercised a strong influence on local condition. Local government which functions on behalf of the central government exhibit such characteristics a bureaucratic, hierarchic, and paternalistic. On ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Burdam
" "Konflik Otonomi Gereja di Minahasa (1915-1979)", yang dikaji dalam penulisan ini, difokuskan pada masalah; "Gereja dan politik". Gereja sebagai organisasi mempunyai pemimpin, dan dalam mekanisme kerjanya (walaupun hierarkis), seharusnya berorientasi pada keadilan bagi umatnya, termasuk kaum intelektual dalam konflik ini. Tetapi, kenyataannya gereja tidak mampu berlaku adil bagi umatnya, sehingga kaum intelektual menuntut otonomi gereja Protestan di Minahasa kepada Indische Kerk atau Gereja Protestan Indonesia. Politik dalam konflik ini adalah wawasan kebangsaan dalam konteks pergerakan Indonesia ... "
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library