Sri Rahayu K
Abstrak :
Rumah Sakit Ortopedi Prof Dr. R Soeharso merupakan Rumah sakit rujukan Nasional di bidang Ortopedi yang mempunyai misi memberikan Pelayanan paripurna di bidang ortopedi yang bermutu, terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyarakat, tempat pendidikan dan pelatihan serta penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang ortopedi dalam rangka meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat.
Unit analisis ialah pasien paraplegi, masalah yang diteliti ialah bahwa pasien paraplegi jumlahnya relatif sedikit (132 pasien) dibanding dengan jumlah seluruh pasien pada tahun 1995/1996 sebanyak 1539. Jumlah tersebut ternyata menurun dibanding dengan jumlah pasien paraplegi pada tahun 1994/1995 sejumlah 145 pasien. Penelitian dilakukan secara evaluatif dengan disain Cross Sectional Study.
Tujuan penelitian secara umum ialah untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi pasien paraplegi terhadap pelayanan rawat inap di RSO Prof, Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta.
Banyak sampel 50 orang, penelitian dilakukan selama 3 bulan mulai 1 April 1997 sampai dengan 30 Juni 1997 dengan metode kuantitatif dan dianalisa univariat kemudian bivariat.
Hasil penelitian bahwa faktor Input, faktor Proses, faktor Masyarakat berhubungan erat dengan kepuasan pasien terhadap fasilitas pelayanan RSO Prof Dr. R. Soeharso, sebanyak 66 % merasa puas terhadap fasilitas pelayanan yang ada dan sebanyak 24 % merasa sangat puas.
Saran yang ditujukan kepada RSO Prof: Dr. R. Soeharso, agar mempertahankan kepuasan pasien dan menjaga mutu, serta mengaktifkan Komite Kendali Mutu yang ada agar penanganan pasien paraplegi dapat dilaksanakan secara baik dan terpadu. Sebelum memberikan tindakan medis pada pasien supaya diberikan penjelasan agar pasien mengerti manfaat dan akibat dari tindakan medis tersebut. Rumah sakit supaya menyediakan kotak saran dan leaflet. Untuk peneliti lain agar dilakukan penelitian lanjutan pada pasien yang sama sesudah pulang dari rumah sakit.
Perception Study of Paraplegic Patients on Medical Care Facilities at The Orthopaedic Hospital of Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso SurakartaThe orthopedic Hospital of Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso is National referal for orthopedic. Which service complete care in orthopedic for all people.
It is also as centers for education, training high quality research and development in orthopedic, has aim in increasing public health status.
The unit analysis is Paraplegic patients and the problem is that the number of paraplegic is very few (132 patients) compared by the number of total patient in 1995/1996 ( 1539 patients ).
The number of paraplegic in 1995/1995 is decrease compared by the number of paraplegic in 1994/1995 (145 patients).
The design of the research is evaluative description using cross sectional study. The purpose of the research is to identify the hospitalizing paraplegic perception on Hospital service's facilities in the Orthopedic Hospital of Prof.Dr R Soeharso Surakarta.
The number of the sample are 50 patients done for 3 month from April 1'1997 to June 30'1997 using quantitative method, univariat and bivariat analysis.
The patients mostly come from middle economy class to low economy class. 40% of patients is farmer, 30% of patients is laborer, 18% of patients is entrepreneur and 12% of patients is civil servant.
The percentage of the referral patients sent by their family or by themselves is 52%. The satisfaction of all Hospital services is found that satisfaction of service's facilities is 72%, satisfaction of service's process is 64%, and satisfaction of service's result is 60%. Unsatisfaction of service's process I s 20% and unsatisfaction of service's result is 20%. The contribution of all variable to satisfaction variable is 98%.
The suggestion can be given to the hospital to keep the satisfaction patient and and to keep the quality of the services is that the hospital should make guidance book of the rights and the obligation of the patient, doctors and hospital based on The Direktorat Jendral Pelayanan Medik paper. Besides that the hospital can activate the TQM activities so the paraplegic patients can be handled well and integrated.
Before giving medical treatment to the patients, it is better if the patients know the information transparently so they understand the use and the side effect of the treatment. In the other hand the hospital can provide the suggestion box and leaflets for the patients.
For other researcher, it is better if it is made further examination on post hospitalized patients of the same patients.
For the patient it is hoped to adapt the hospital environment and obey the hospital regulation.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library