"Penelitian ini mempelajari perkembangan dan kesinambungan pelayanan posyandu berkaitan dengan pelayanan proyek kelangsungan hidup anak. Proyek kelangsungan hidup anak dimulai pada bulan September 1992 dan berakhir bulan September 1995 di Kecamatan Balai dan Tayan Hilir Kabupaten Sanggau. Rancangan penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan unit analisis adalah posyandu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dimana seluruh populasi sebanyak 46 posyandu sekaligus adalah sampel. Analisis univariat dilakukan ; untuk mengetahui perkembangan dan kesinambungan pelayanan posyandu selama dan setelah SCSP berakhir. Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal dengan kesinambungan pelayanan posyandu. Sedangkan analisis multivariat dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor faktor yang paling berpengaruh dan memperoleh model hubungan yang paling baik (fit model) dan paling sederhana menggambarkan hubungan antara faktor-faktor pemberdayaan posyandu secara bersama-sama dengan kesinambungan pelayanan posyandu.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelayanan SCSP mempunyai andil besar dalam upaya memfungsikan posyandu yang sudah ada, meningkatkan frekwensi kegiatan posyandu, partisipasi masyarakat dan rerata jumlah kader aktif didua kecamatan tsb.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesinambungan pelayanan posyandu di wilayah pelayanan SCSP adalah partisipasi masyarakat, rerata jumlah kader aktif dan kunjungan petugas puskesmas. Ketiga faktor tersebut erat kaitannya dengan upaya peningkatan knalitas sumber daya manusia yang dilakukan oleh SCSP baik terhadap pengguna, pelaksana dan provider pelayanan kesehatan yang sudah ada. Ketiga faktor tersebut merupakan faktor kunci yang menjamin kesinambungan pelayanan posyandu pada masa-masa yang akan datang.
Dalam proses permodelan, terpilih model terbaik dengan persamaan regresi :
Kesinambungan = f (kunj petugas + kader aktif +part Masy + dana)
The Progress and Sustainability of Posyandu Activities in Relation with a Child Survival Project in Balai and Tayan Hilir Subdistrict - Sanggau DistrictThe progress and sustainability of Posyandu ( Integrated Services Post) in relation with a Sanggau Child Survival Project ( SCSP ) was explored in this study. The SCSP covers two subdistrict are : Balai and Tayan Hilir in Sanggau District which was started in September 1992 and closed in September 1995. The study design was cross sectional and using posyandu as a unit of analyses. Using purposive sampling methods, all (46) existing posyandu in the two impact areas have selected as a total samples of the study. Univariate analyses have conducted to know the progress and sustainability of the posyandu during and after SCSP. Bivariate analyses have conducted to explore the correlation between internal as well as external factors and the sustainability of the posyandu while the multivariate analyses also conducted to identify the most significant factor influenced sustainability and to find the fit and simple model relationship of both internal and external factor interaction to predict the value of sustainability of the posyandu activities.
The study result shows that the ministry of SCSP has a great role in functioning the existing posyandu , increasing the level of community participation and the number of active cadres. The community participation, number of active cadres and frequency of health staff visit are the factors influence the sustainability of the posyandu activities. Those factors are closed related with the effort of SCSP in enhancing the quality of human resources of the users (community), implementors ( cadres) and health providers (puskesmas and BKKBN staff ). Those factors should be consider as key factors to assure the sustainability of posyandu in the future.
In modelling process, the fit and simple model has been selected as a regression equation : Sustainability = f (health staff visit + community participation + active cadres + funds)"