"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah religious fundamentalism dapat memprediksi penurunan performa memori rekognisi mengenai kata moral-emosional bervalensi negatif pada Muslim di Indonesia dan sejauh mana right-wing authoritarian memoderasi hubungan negatif antara religious fundamentalism dan memori rekognisi jenis kata moral-emosional negatif. Total 121 warga negara Indonesia Muslim yang berusia 18-25 tahun (M = 20 tahun 9 bulan) berpartisipasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Islamic Fundamentalism (Putra & Sukabdi, 2014), untuk mengukur religious fundamentalism, dan right-wing authoritarianism scale untuk mengukur right-wing authoritarianism (Passini, 2017), sementara pengukuran akurasi memori menggunakan corrected recognition dari signal detection theory (Baddeley dkk., 2015). Analisis repeated measures menunjukkan bahwa jenis kata moral-emosional negatif memiliki akurasi yang lebih tinggi daripada jenis kata lainnya. Analisis moderasi dengan PROCESS menunjukkan bahwa efek negatif dari religious fundamentalism pada memori rekognisi jenis kata moral-emosional negatif dimoderasi oleh right-wing authoritarianism. Semua temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa pandangan politik yang ekstrem dapat menurunkan performa memori mengenai kata moral-emosional sehingga perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memahami mekanisme psikologis dari politik identitas agama serta pengaruhnya pada diseminasi pesan moral-emosional lewat kampanye maupun pidato-pidato politik yang disebarkan melalui media sosial.
......The purpose of this study to investigate the role of religious fundamentalism in predicting the decline of memory recognition for negative moral-emotional words in Indonesian Muslims and to investigate the role right-wing authoritarians as a moderator on the negative relationship between religious fundamentalism and the memory recognition for negative moral-emotional words. We recruited 121 Indonesian Muslim citizens aged 18-25 years to participate in the study. This study employed Islamic Fundamentalism (Putra & Sukabdi, 2014), to measure the level of religious fundamentalists, Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (Passini, 2017) to measure the level of right-wing authoritarianism, and corrected recognition as a measure for memory accuracy based on the signal detection theory (Baddeley et al., 2015) The repeated measures ANOVA analysis showed that participants remembered negative moral-emotional words with a higher level of accuracy than the accuracy levels of other types wordstype. The moderation analysis with PROCESS showed that the negative effect of religious fundamentalism on the memory recognition for negative moral-emotional words is significantly moderated by right-wing authoritarianism. These findings provide evidence on how extreme political views can impair memory for moral-emotional words, and thus, they should be considered to better understand the psychological mechanisms underlying religion-based politics and its effects on the dissemination of moral-emotional messages through campaigns and political speeches in social media."