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Yvonne Ivon
"Gangguan Mental Emosional (GME) adalah suatu kondisi yang mengidikasikan seseorang mengalami perubahan psikologis yang mungkin merupakan sebuah kondisi normal, tetapi dapat juga merupakan kondisi patologis. Istilah lain GME adalah distress psikologik atau mental distress.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi GME dan hubungannya dengan lingkungan kerja, sosiodemografis, dan stressor kerja pada pekerja navigasi udara (airnav) cabang Pontianak di Bandara Udara Internasional Supadio-Pontianak.Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan potong lintang. Seratus tiga puluh pekerja airnav dari 97 petugas airnav cabang Pontianak telah diambil datanya lewat kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi GME pada seluruh petugas airnav adalah 12%, diantaranya 9,5% petugas lalu lintas udara (controller), tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna faktor sosiodemografis dan lingkungan kerja terhadap gangguan mental emosional dan terdapat hubungan bermakna faktor stressor pengembangan karier dengan gangguan mental emosional. Kesimpulannya prevalensi gangguan mental emosional pada seluruh pekerja airnav adalah 12% , diantaranya 9,5% adalah petugas lalu lintas udara (controller). Terdapat hubungan bermakna faktor stressor kerja pengembangan karier terhadap gangguan mental emosional pada pemandu lalu lintas udara di Bandara Udara Internasional Supadio-Pontianak.
......Mental Emotional Disorder (MED) is a condition that indicates a person experiencing psychological changes which may be a normal condition, but can also be a pathological condition. Another term for MED is psychological distress or mental distress. This study aims to determine the prevalence of MED and its relationship with the work environment, sociodemographics, and work stressors of the worker air navigation (airnav) branch West-Borneo at West Borneo-Supadio International Airport. This research was conducted descriptively with a cross section. One hundred and thirty Airnav workers out of 97 Airnav Pontianak branch officers had their data collected through questionnaires. The results showed that the prevalence of MED in all airnav workers was 12%, including 9.5% air traffic controllers, there was no significant relationship between sociodemographic factors and work environment on mental emotional disorders but there was a significant relationship between career development stressors and MED. In conclusion, the prevalence of mental emotional disorders in all airnav officers is 12%, of which 9.5% are air traffic officers (controllers). There is a significant relationship between career development work stressors and emotional mental disorders in air traffic controllers at West Borneo-Supadio International Airport."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmawati Ayu Azhariya



Nama : Rachmawati Ayu Azhariya

Program Studi : Magister Kedokteran Kerja, FKUI

Judul: Pengaruh Stres Kerja Berat Terhadap Kecenderungan Gangguan

  Mental Emosional Pada Staf Manajerial Perusahaan Penanaman 

  Modal Asing


Latar belakang

Staf manajerial merupakan aset krusial sebuah Perusahaan karena peranannya dalam memimpin, mengatur, merencanakan dan mengelola sumber daya guna mencapai tujuan Perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, staf manajerial diharapkan sehat baik secara fisik, mental dan sosial.



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan stres kerja berat dengan kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional pada staf manajerial.



Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2016 di Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing di Jawa Barat menggunakan metode comparative cross sectional. Stres kerja diukur dengan kuesioner Suvei Diagnosis Stres (SDS) sedangkan kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional dinilai dengan kuesioner Symptom Check List 90 (SCL 90). Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini adalah 105 orang yang terlebih dahulu diminta mengisi kuesioner stres kerja. Kemudian untuk menilai kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional, sebanyak 30 responden dipilih secara acak dari masing-masing kelompok stres kerja ringan-sedang dan stres kerja berat dan diminta mengisi kuesioner SCL-90.



Prevalensi stres kerja berat pada karyawan manajerial adalah sebesar 35,2%. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara stres kerja berat dengan kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional (OR 47; 95% CI 7,37-300,17; p<0,001). Komponen stresor kerja yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan gangguan mental emosional adalah beban kerja kualitatif (OR 10,67; 95%CI 1,03–109,94; p 0,047) dan perkembangan karir (OR 10,83; 95%CI 1,03–114,15; p 0,047). Pendidikan merupakan faktor individu yang memiliki hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik terhadap kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional (OR 0,17; 95% CI 0,03-0,83; p 0,029). Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor pekerjaan terhadap terjadinya kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional.


Kata kunci: stres kerja, gangguan mental emosional, manajer




Name               : Rachmawati Ayu Azhariya

Study Program: Postgraduate program on Occupational Medicine,

              Universitas Indonesia

Title                 : Association of Severe Occupational Stress with Mental Emotional  

              Disorder Tendency among Managerial Staff at a Foreign Cooperation



Managerial staff are a crucial asset for their role in lead, organize, plan and manage resources to achieve the Company's objectives. Therefore, managerial staff are expected to be healthy physically, mentally and socially.



This study aims to determine the relationship of severe occupational stress with mental emotional disorder tendency among managerial staff.



This study used a comparative cross-sectional design. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of mental emotional disorder tendency in both group with mild-moderate and severe occupational stress. Based on the sample calculation, required respondents from each group are 30 people. Previously, a descriptive study was conducted to sort the respondents into mild-moderate and severe occupational stress. A total of 105 respondents were randomly selected from the total population of 220 people. Respondents were asked to do self-rating survey with SDS (Stress Diagnostic Survey) questionnaire which assess the occupational stress. Furthermore, 30 respondents were randomly selected from each group of mild-moderate and severe occupational stress to assess the tendency of mental emotional disorder. Symptoms Check List 90 (SCL-90) questionnaire was used to measure the tendency of mental emotional disorders.



The prevalence of severe occupational stress on managerial staff is 35.2%. There was a significant association between severe occupational stress with the tendency of mental emotional disorder (OR 47; 95% CI 7.37-300.17; p <0.001). Components of occupational stressors which statistically significant with mental emotional disorder is the qualitative workload (OR 10.67; 95% CI 1.03-109.94; p 0.047) and career development (OR 10.83; 95% CI 1.03 -114.15; p 0.047). Education is the individual factor statistically significant against the tendency of mental emotional disorder (OR 0.17; 95% CI 0.03 to 0.83; p 0.029). There was no significant relationship between work factors with the tendency of mental emotional disorder.



Keyword: occupational stress, mental emotional disorder, manager.



Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zackya Yahya Setiawan
"Latar belakang dan Tujuan
Pekerja redaksi merupakan aset utama bagi suatu perusahaan media cetak. Mereka bekerja dengan deadline yang sangat ketat, etch karena itu mereka harus senantiasa sehat secara fisik, mental dan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan stres kerja dan hubungannya dengan kecenderungan gejala gangguan, mental emosional.
Penelitian ini menggunakan disain potong melintang dengan analisis perbandingan internal. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik sosiodemografi responden, karakteristik lingkungan kerja, data pengukuran stres kerja dengan menggunakan kuesioner Survey Diagnostic Stress, data pengukuran kecenderungan gejala gangguan mental emosional dengan Symptom]) Check List 90 (SCL-90), serta data pengukuran tingkat kebisingan, pencahayaan, dan suhu kelembaban di lingkungan kerja.
Dari 100 responden didapatkan prevalensi kecenderungan gejala gangguan mental sebesar 58% dengan kecenderungan gejala terbanyak adalah psikolism 36%, somatisasi dari paranoid masing-masing 33%, serta obsesif-konvulsif 29%. Stres kerja bemakna berhubungan dengan kecenderungan gejala gangguan mental emosional melalui stresor pengembangan karma (p 0.00, OR 13.75, CI 3.69-51.11). Jenis stresor kerja yang dominan terhadap stres kerja adalah beban kerja berlebih kuantitatif 83%. Faktor karakteristik yang bermakna berhubungan dengan stres kerja adalah pendidikan pada stresor beban kerja berlebih kuantitatif (p 0.00, OR 0.17, CI 0.05-0.52), masa kerja pada stresor konflik peran (p 0.04, OR 2 72, CI 1.04-7.09), dan olah raga pada stresor tanggung jawab terhadap orang lain (p 0.00, OR 4.66, Cl 1.66-13.08). Faktor kebiasaan yang bermakna berhubungan dengan sires kerja adalah merokok pada stresor tanggung jawab terhadap orang lain
(p 0.00, OR 4.77, CI 1.37-1L64 ).
Stres kerja mcmpunyai hubungan bermakna dengan kecenderungan gejala gangguan mental emosional melalui stresor pengembangan karir. Pendidikan werupakan faktor protektif lerhadap stres kerja pada stresor beban kerja berlebih kuantitatif. Masa kerja pada stresor konflik peran dan olah raga pada stresor tanggung jawab terhadap orang lain berisiko terhadap stres kerja. Responden yang mengalami sires kerja karena stresor tanggung jawab terhadap orang lain berisiko mengkonsumsi rokok empat kali lebih banyak dibanding dengan responden yang tidak stres.

Background and Objectives
The journalist is a valuable asset for publishing company. They work with a very strict deadline and that requires them to have a good state of physical, mental. and social health. This research aims to find out the existance of work-related stress and its relationship with the tendency of acquiring symptom of mental emotional disorder.
This research uses a cross sectional design with internal comparison analysis. The data collected were respondent's characteristic of sociodemography, work environment's characteristic, measurement of work-related stress by using Survey iDisgnostic Stress questionnaire, data of the tendencies of acquiring symptom of mental emotional disorder by using Symptomp Check List 90 (SCL-90), and data measurement of noise, lighting, and moisture level within work environment.
From 100 respondents, it was found that the prevalence of the tendency of acquiring symptom of mental emotional disorder is 58% with tendency of phsycotism 36%, somatisation and paranoid symptoms each of 33%, and obsesive-convulsive 29%. There is significant relationship between work-related stress and the tendency of acquiring symptom of mental emotional disorder on stressor of carrier development (p 0.00, OR 13.75, CI 3.69-51.111 The dominant stressor is role of overload quantitative 83%. The significant characteristic relationship to work-related stress is education on stressor of role of overload quantitative (p 0.00, OR 0.17, CI 0.05-0.52), work period on stressor of role of conflict (p 0.04, OR 2.72, CI 1.04-7.09), and time spent on exercise on stressor of responsibility for people (p 0.00, OR 4.66, CI 1.66-13.0a). Smoking has significant relationship to work-rclated stress on stressor of responsibility for people (p 0.00, OR 4. 77, CI 1.37-11.64).
Work-related stress has a significant relationship with the tendency of acquiring symptom of mental emotional disorder on stressor of carrier development. Education is a work-related stress protective factor on stressor of role of overload quantitative. Work period on stressor of role of conflict and time spent on exercise on stressor of responsibility for people have a siginificant relationship to stress at work. Respondent who experiences work-related stress because of stressor of responsibility for people has a greater tendency to smoke four times more than one who does not experience it.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prathama Wibisono
Background Mental emotional disorder becomes one of among top five sources of premature death and disability in many countries around the globe. Several studies reveal that mental health problems are very common among the college student, resulting almost half of college students population having mental health problems. The aim of this study is to find out the prevalence of mental emotional disorder among the first year medical and also to identify whether or not the trend of mental emotional disorder is increase in medical student after 1 year of medical education.Methods The total population of this study is 44 people that consist of men and women aged range from 18 to 24 years from international class medical students in the third semester. This study used the pre post study design. In addition, this study rsquo s population is the international class medical students of Universitas Indonesia Batch 2015. They underwent SRQ 20 both in the beginning of medical education and after 1 year of medical education which is in 2015 and 2016 respectively. In addition, they also conducted Holme Rahes questionnaire and open questions in 2016 after 1 year of medical education.Results The prevalence of mental emotional disorder is 34.1 of total population after 1 year of medical education. Meanwhile, the frequency of mental emotional disorder in 2015 of this population is none. There are some changes comparing mental emotional disorders in 2015 and 2016 that the changes of differences in mean score of 5.909.

Gangguan mental-emosional menjadi salah satu dari 5 sumber penyebabnya kematian dini dan kecacatan di beberapa negara seluruh dunia. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masalah kesehatan mental sangat banyak ditemukan pada mahasiswa, yaitu hampir setengah dari setengah populasi mahasiswa mempunya masalah kesehatan mental. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan prevalensi gangguan mental-emotional pada mahasiswa kedokteran tahun pertama dan mengidentifikasi apakah kecenderungan gangguan mental-emosional akan bertambah pada mahasiswa kedokteran setelah menjalani satu tahun pembelajaran ilmu kedokteran.Metode: Total populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 44 mahasiswa yang terdiri atas pria dan wanita rentang umur mulai dari 18 sampai 24 tahun dari mahasiswa kedokteran kelas internasional semester tiga. Penelitian ini memakai pre dan post desain. Selanjutnya, populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiwa kedokteran kelas internasional Universitas Indonesia angkatan 2015. Mereka telah melakukan pengisian kuisioner SRQ-20 saat mereka memulai pembelajaran kedokteran pada tahun 2015 dan setelah mereka melewati 1 tahun pertama pembelajaran kedokteran pada tahun 2016. Setelah itu, mereka juga telah mengisi kuisioner Holme-Rahes dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan terbuka pada tahun 2016 setelah 1 tahun pertama pembelajaran kedokteran.Hasil: Prevalensi dari gangguan mental-emotional adalah 34.1 dari total populasi penelitian ini setelah menjalani 1 tahun pertama pembelajaran kedokteran. Selain itu, frekuensi gangguan mental-emosional pada populasi penelitian ini tahun 2015 tidak ada. Terdapat beberapa perubahan saat membandingkan gangguan mental-emosional pada tahun 2015 dan 2016, yaitu perubahan dari rata-rata nilai sebesar 5.909"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panggabean, Laurentius
"Latar belakang dan tujuan
Pekerja dalam melakukan pekerjaannya berhak mendapatkan perlindungan atas keselamatan seperti yang diamanatkan oleh Undang-undang Nomor 1 tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja. Keselamatan pekerja merupakan hal yang penting mengingat pekerja adalah sumber daya yang diharapkan mampu berproduksi secara optimal. Keselamatan pekerja juga akan mengurangi angka kecelakaan kerja baik yang merugikan pekerja sendiri maupun orang lain yang berada di lingkungannya serta alat produksi. Faktor lingkungan pada pekerja di sektor kelistrikan seperti medan elektromagnit dapat menjadi gangguan keseimbangan lingkungan ekosistem bagi seseorang.
Penelitian ini dilakukan secara cross sectional dengan perbandingan internal pada populasi tertentu yaitu karyawan PT X Jakarta yang bekerja di tempat dengan pajanan yang tinggi dan di tempat dengan pajanan yang rendah. Pengukuran pada karyawan meliputi nilai SCL-90, Survei Diagnostik Stres, dan Data sosiodemografi.
Medan listrik pada tempat dengan pajanan tinggi adalah 4.980 V/m masih di bawah nilai ambang batas yang dianjurkan untuk frekuensi 50/60 Hz yaitu 10.000 V/m untuk medan listrik dan 4,6 A/m untuk medan magnit yang juga masih di bawah ambang batas yaitu 398 A/m. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti adalah 164 karyawan sesuai jumlah sampel yang diperlukan masing-masing kelompok sama yaitu 82 orang. Pada kelompok subyek yang bekerja di tempat dengan pajanan medan elektromagnit tinggi didapat prevalensi gangguan mental 56% sedangkan pada kelompok yang bekerja di tempat dengan pajanan rendah didapat prevalensi gangguan mental 39,02% dengan perbedaan yang bermakna (p
Gangguan mental emosional tidak berhubungan secara bermakna dengan pajanan medan elektromagnit. Gangguan mental emosional berhubungan dengan stresor ketaksaan peran dan pengembangan karir.

Workers needed safety work protection ordered by the Safety Law in Workplace, Law Number 1, Year 1970. Safety was very important to have workers work optimally, as well as decreasing the number of accidents in workplace and to have production instruments. In such as the working place, electromagnetic fields was one of the factors interfered the ecosystem balance of work.
This study was a cross sectional design with internal comparison. The population were workers of PT "X" Jakarta consisted of high exposed and low exposed groups. The SCL90 instrument was used to measure the mental emotional disorder.
The electric field as well as the magnetic field in the high exposed workplace were 4.980 V/m and 4,6 V /m below the limit of threshold value 10.000 V/m for electrical field and 398 V /m for magnetic field. Number of samples collected were 164 workers, each 82 for high exposed group and for low exposed group. The prevalence of mental disorder in high exposed group was 56,00% and in the low exposed group was 39,09% when the difference was significant. (p<0,05). Mental emotional disorder did not correlate with age, job position, level and education. The bivariate analysis showed that mental emotional disorder correlated with career development, ambiguity, responsibility for people, conflict, overloaded quantitative role, overloaded qualitative role, workplace and period of work. The logistic regression function identified that career development and role ambiquity correlated with mental emotional disorder while workplace had no correlation with mental emotional disorder.
Mental emotional disorders had no significant correlation with electromagnetic fields. Mental emotional disorder had significant correlation with career development and role ambiguity.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ekowati Rahajeng
"Sebagian besar pasien dengan gangguan mental emosional pertama-tama belum berobat ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan jiwa. Pasien gangguan mental emosional yang berobat ke Puskesmas wilayah Jakarta Timur hanya 1,88 % dari kasus yang ada di masyarakat dengan rata-rata kunjungan 1,31 kali pada tahun 1994. Agar gangguan tersebut tidak menjadi berat atau menjadi penyakit lain, maka diperlukan pengobatan sedini mungkin. Untuk mencapai maksud tersebut, yang menjadi masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pola perilaku pencarian pengobatan dari pasien gangguan mental emosional dan faktor-faktor apa yang berhubungan dengan perilaku tersebut.
Jenis disain penelitian ini adalah crossectional, namun menggunakan analisis yang lazim digunakan pada studi case control pada penduduk dewasa (17 tahun ke atas) yang mengalami gangguan mental emosional. Gangguan mental emosional ditetapkan berdasarkan pengisian instrumen Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) dengan cut-off points 6. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara systematic random sampling dengan sampling fraction 9. Unit sampel adalah rumah tangga dengan jumlah 650 KK yang meliputi 1950 penduduk dewasa sehat. Sampel pasien gangguan mental emosional yang diteliti berjumlah 446 kasus. Untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor dengan perilaku pengobatan dilakukan perhitungan Odds ratio melalui analisis regresi logistik multivariat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pola perilaku pengobatan pertama pasien gangguan mental emmosional di Kelurahan Pulogadung adalah melakukan pengobatan sandhi 27,8 %, ke dokter umum 18,4 %, tidak mencari pengobatan 17,4 %, ke Puskesmas 13,2 %, ke pengobat tradisional 8,7 %, ke rumah sakit umum 6,1 %, ke spesialis penyakit dalarn 5,8 % dan ke psikiater 2,5 %. Pasien yang melakukan kegiatan rujukan adalah 23,6 %. Sebagian besar pasien yang melakukan rujukan dan pasien yang melakukan pengobatan selanjutnya tidak berobat ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan jiwa.
Pasien gangguan mental emosional lebih mungkin tidak mencari pengobatan apabila pasien tidak merasa terganggu akibat gangguan mental emosional yang dialaminya (OR 0,01 ; 95% Cl 1,5E-03 - 0,02), kurang mendapatkan informasi pelayanan kesehatan jiwa (OR 0,49 ; 95% CI 0,25 - 0,95) dan apabila pasien malu berobat ke psikiater (OR 2,24 ; 95% 1,02 - 4,85).
Pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di masyarakat diharapkan tidak hanya menunggu pasien datang berobat ke fasilitas kesehatan jiwa. Kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Puskesmas perlu dikembangkan dalam kegiatan Puskesmas lainnya (Taruna Husada, Sala Shakti Husada dan sebagainya). Pelayanan prevensi sekunder (mendorong pasien berobat) melalui peningkatan pengetahuan gangguan mental emosional dan fasilitas pengobatannya perlu lebih diprioritaskan. Penyegaran pengetahuan gangguan mental emosional terhadap dokter umum perlu dilakukan secara periodik. Peningkatan mutu pelayanan jiwa di Puskesmas dan pembinaan pengobat tradisional perlu lebih diperhatikan. Disamping itu perlu juga dipertimbangkan tentang perubahan konsep figur psikiater di masyarakat.
Most patients with mental emotional disorder didn't visit health facility with mental health service at the first treatment. There is only 1,8 % of people with mental emotional disorder who visited Puskesmas at East Jakarta with average 1.31 visit in 1994. To prevent the disturbance become more severe or to become another illness, early treatment is needed. To reach the purpose, the problem of this study is to identify health seeking treatment pattern of patient with mental emotional disturbance and to find factors which was associated with the behavior treatment.
The study design is cross sectional study but method of analysis is case control. Sample of the study are adult (17 years or more) who experience mental emotional disorder. The criteria of mental emotional disorder is based on answers of Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) with cut-off 6. Sampling method is systematic random sampling with sampling fraction of 9. Sampling unit is household with totally 650 household which include 1950 adult with good health. Sample of patient with mental emotional disorder are 446 cases. To identify relationship between factors with health seeking treatment, logistic regression with odds ratio is applied.
The result showed that for the first treatment there is 27,8% of the mental emotional disorder patients performing self medication, 18,4% visit medical doctor, 17,4 % didn't seek any treatment, 13,2 % visit Puskesmas, 8,7 % going to traditional healer, 6,1% to general hospital, 5,8% visit internist and 2,5% visit psychiatrist. There where 23,6 patient who were given referral. Most of the patients who were referred or patient who continue the treatment didn't visit health facility with mental health service.
Patients with mental emotional disorder probably not seek any treatment if they didn't feel uncomfortable with the disturbance they experienced (OR 0,01 ; 95% CI 1,5E-03 - 0,02), did not obtained enough information about mental health service (OR 0,49 ; 95% CI 0,25 - 0,95), or if the patient was ashamed to visit psichiatrist (OR 2,24 ; 95% CI 1,02 - 4,85).
Patients with mental emotional disorder probably would performed self medication if their social economic status is low (OR moderat 0,52 ; 95% CI 0,06-0,83; OR high 0,45 ; 95% CI 0,04-0,62), if they were not bothered by the disturbance they experienced (OR 0,47; 95% CI 0,03-0,91), didn't consider the disturbance as severe (OR 0,54 ; 95% CI 0,07-0,91), didn't obtained enough information on the mental health service (OR 0,52 ; 95% CI 0,06-0,79), were not suggested to have treatment (OR 0,45 ; 95 % CI 0,04-0,57), they have no work (OR 0,35 ; 95 %CI 0,17-0,67) and if they are Askes member (OR 2,48 ; 95% CI 2,40-17,54).
Patients with mental emotional disorder will probably visit traditional healer if they have expectation that the treatment not only give drug (OR 8,76 ; 95% CI 1,86 - 42,26), have supernatural believe (OR 7,53; 95% CI 3,15-40,22), and have enough knowledge on the traditional healer service (OR. 6,67; 95% CI 1.86-23,57), did not feel comfortable with the disturbance they experienced (OR 8,84; 95% CI 3,00 - 26,05), their knowledge on the mental emotional disorder was not good (OR 0,12;95% CI 0,03-0,56), and have no information on the mental emotional service (OR. 0,25; 95% CI 0,06-0,98).
Patients with mental emotional disorder will probably visit mental health service if they felt disturbed (OR 4,43 ; 95% CI 1,76 - 11,13), did not have senior high school or more education (OR 0,36 ; 95% CI 0,16 - 0,81), expected to be given more than just drug (OR 5,93 ; 95% CI 1,93 - 18,17), feeling that the high cost of the treatment influence the effort to seek treatment (OR 7,17 ; 95 % CI 2,83 - 17,81), obtained enough information on the mental health service (OR 5,22 ; 95% CI 2,34 - 11,59), and did not feel ashamed to visit psychiatrist (OR 0,43; 95% CI 0,18 - 0,99).
Patients with mental emotional disorder will probably visit Puskesmas if they feel bothered (OR 14,41 ; 95% CI 4,14 - 50,40), feeling the cost of the treatment influence the effort of seeking treatment (OR. 4,28 ; 95% CI 1,39 - 13,06), their social economic status is low (OR high 0,11 ; 95 % CI 0,03 - 0,37), lived near to Puskesmas (OR 0,21 ; 95% CI 0,06 - 0,77), realize that there is mental health service in the Puskesmas (OR 14,31 ; 95 % CI 4,09 - 49,89), did not know about traditional service (OR 0,05 ; 95 % CI 0,01 - 0,25), did not have knowledge about the general health service (OR 0,23; 95% CI 0,07 - 077), and the healer attitude did not influence the choice of treatment (OR 0,35 ; 95 % CI 0,14 - 0,88).
Mental health service in the public is expected not only waited patients to visit the mental health service. Mental health service at the Puskesmas needs to be integrated and to be developed with the other Puskesmas activity (Taruna Husada, Bhakti Husada, Karang Werdha). Secondary prevention thru knowledge development on the mental emotional disorder, treatment facility and early detection should be give more priority. Knowledge refreshment on the mental emotional disorder to medical doctor needed to be in force periodically. Quality improvement of health service in Puskesmas' and education of traditional healer need to be given more attention. The figure of psychiatrist in the society need to changed as well."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library