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Mega Santi Widya Putri
Nama : Mega Santi Widya PutriProgram Studi : Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatJudul : Pengaruh Konsumsi Susu Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Usia 24 Bulan DiKecamatan Duren Sawit Tahun 2018Pendahuluan: Stunting merupakan kekurangan gizi kronis akibat kekurangan asupan zat gizi dalamwaktu yang lama, biasanya diikuti dengan frekuensi sering sakit, yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktorseperti kurangnya pengasuhan, penggunaan air yang tidak bersih, lingkungan yang tidak sehat,terbatasnya akses terhadap pangan dan kemiskinan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuipengaruh konsumsi susu dengan kejadian stunting pada anak balita usia 24 bulan di Kecamatan DurenSawit tahun 2018. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian casecontrol, jumlah sampel penelitian ini adalah 74 orang, pada kelompok kasus 37 anak, dan pada kelompokkontrol 37 anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Duren Sawit pada anak balita usia 24 bulan.Hasil: Hasil penelitian analisis bivariat menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh antara konsumsi susu, frekuensiminum susu, jumlah minum susu, mulai minum susu, pendidikan ibu, pengetahuan gizi ibu, penyakitinfeksi, asupan energi, asupan lemak, dan asupan zat besi dengan kejadian stunting. Tidak ditemukanpengaruh pendidikan ayah, pekerjaan ayah, pekerjaan ibu, besar keluarga, riwayat ASI Eksklusif, asupankarbohidrat, dan asupan kalsium dengan kejadian stunting. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwakonsumsi susu, penyakit infeksi, dan asupan energi berpengaruh terhadap kejadian stunting dan yangpaling dominan dalam mempengaruhi kejadian stunting adalah konsumsi susu. Kesimpulan: Konsumsisusu memiliki pengaruh dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 24 bulan.Kata Kunci :Balita, Stunting, Konsumsi Susu

Name Mega Santi Widya PutriStudy Program Public Health SciencesTitle Influence of Milk Consumption with Stunting Event in 24 Month Child inDistrict Duren Sawit East Jakarta Year 2018Introduction Stunting is a chronic malnutrition caused by a lack of long term nutritional intake, usuallyfollowed by frequent frequent illness, caused by factors such as lack of care, impure water use, unhealthyenvironment, limited access to food and poverty . Purpose This study aims to determine the effect ofmilk consumption with the incidence of stunting in children aged 24 months in Kecamatan Duren Sawitin 2018. Method This study is a quantitative study with case control research design, the number ofsamples of this study was 74 people, in case group 37 children, and in the control group of 37 children.This research was conducted in Duren Sawit Subdistrict in children aged 24 months. Results The resultsof bivariate analysis showed that there was influence between milk consumption, milk drinkingfrequency, milk drinking, milk, mother education, mother 39 s nutrition, infectious diseases, energy intake,fat intake, and iron intake with stunting events. No effect of father 39 s education, father 39 s work, mother 39 sjob, family size, history of exclusive breastfeeding, carbohydrate intake, and calcium intake with stuntingevents. The result of multivariate analysis showed that milk consumption, infectious diseases, and energyintake had an effect on stunting event and the most dominant in influencing stunting incidence was milkconsumption. Conclusion Milk consumption has an influence with stunting events in children aged 24months.Key words Toddler, Stunting, Milk Consumption"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Tejabaswara
"The level of milk consumption in Indonesia is still low amongst Asia countries with only 11.9 per capita. Pocket money is a source of children in school aged to buy some products. The research aims to know if there is an association between the habit of milk consumption and pocket money in school aged children or not. This cross sectional study was held in SD Pegangsaan 01 Cikini, on January 2011 with population as musch as 97 students from grade 4,5, and 6.
The result showed all of the respondents consumed milk, however there is no association between the habit of milk consumption and pocket money;The level of milk consumption in Indonesia is still low amongst Asia countries with only 11.9 per capita. Pocket money is a source of children in school aged to buy some products. The research aims to know if there is an association between the habit of milk consumption and pocket money in school aged children or not. This cross sectional study was held in SD Pegangsaan 01 Cikini, on January 2011 with population as musch as 97 students from grade 4,5, and 6. The result showed all of the respondents consumed milk, however there is no association between the habit of milk consumption and pocket money."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarimonitha Munadzilah
Latar belakang: Prevalens malabsorpsi laktosa bervariasi tergantung daerah geografis. Di Indonesia, prevalens pada usia 3-5 tahun turun dari 72 di tahun 1971 menjadi 21,3 di tahun 1997 dan pada usia 6-12 tahun sebesar 58 . Pajanan rutin terhadap susu dan produknya dipercaya menimbulkan respons adaptif dan merubah prevalens. Tujuan: Mengetahui perubahan prevalens malabsorpsi laktosa pada usia 3-12 tahun dalam 50 tahun terakhir serta pengaruh pajanan susu dan produknya terhadap prevalens malabsorpsi laktosa. Metode: Desain potong lintang pada 174 anak usia 3-12 tahun. Dilakukan anamnesis mengenai kebiasaan konsumsi susu dan produknya serta pemeriksaan uji napas hidrogen. Hasil: Prevalens pada usia 3-5 tahun adalah 20,8 dan usia 6-12 tahun adalah 35,3 . Prevalens pada usia 3-5 tahun tidak berhubungan dengan kebiasaan minum susu p=1, ABSTRACT
Background: Prevalence of lactose malabsorption LM varies. In Indonesia, prevalence in children aged 3-5 years decreased from 72 in 1971 to 21.3 in 1997 and 58 at age 6-12 years. Routine exposure to milk and dairy products is believed to lead to an adaptive response and changes the prevalence. Aim: To know the change of LM prevalence rsquo;s in aged 3-12 years in the last 50 years and the effect of milk and dairy product exposure. Method: Cross-sectional design. 174 healthy children aged 3-12 years old were undergone hydrogen breath test and interviewed. Result: Prevalence LM at aged 3-5 years was 20.8 and 35.3 at 6-12 years. In group 3-5 years, no association between prevalence and milk consumption habits p=1, p"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susan Hartono
"Bone mineral content at old age is dependent upon the peak bone mass achieved in youth and subsequent adult bone loss (Matkovic, 1992). Adequate calcium consumption during childhood is beneficial for the acquisition of peak bone mass and density. It is therefore, calcium has been considered to play important role in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis (NIH, 1994), and osteoporosis has been described as a pediatric disease that manifests itself in old age (Lysen and Walker, 1997). If children fail to take in enough calcium, they are more likely to develop osteoporosis later in life (Insel et al., 2002). Nevertheless, calcium is one of the nutrients that most likely to be low or deficient in children's diets (Krause's, 2000). Recently, calcium has been suspected to have a positive effect in preventing some disorders, including diarrhea. Bovee et al., (2003) indicated that low calcium intake has been shown to impair host resistance to food-borne intestinal infections. Because of childhood morbidity and mortality due to infectious diarrhea is very high in developing countries, adequate dietary calcium intakes of the children will likely improve their bone as well as intestinal health (Bovee et al., 2003). Dairy products are always regarded as primary source of calcium. It is difficult to meet the RDA for calcium without milk or milk products (Krause, 1992). Unfortunately, the general Indonesian population does not commonly consume milk.
The results of 1997 national survey on households' food consumption pattern across provinces in Indonesia reveal that milk consumption was zero, or milk product was never consumed in the last three months at the time of survey (Sumarno at al., 1997). In line with the 1997 national survey, Ariani et al., (1997) reported that the level of milk consumption was lower than that of other animal products across the provinces in Indonesia, and in general, milk consumption of Indonesian population was below the standard of adequacy of milk consumption according to Widyakarya National Pangan dan Gizi 1998 (4.6 kg/cap/year). The above facts indicate that many Indonesians may consume calcium-deficient diet.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arky Kurniati Alexandra
"Sebagai salah satu negara berkembang, Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah rendahnya nutrisi pada anak - anak karena 14,9% anak - anak kelas 4 - 6 SD tergolong dalam kategori kurus yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh rendahnya konsumsi susu. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui asosiasi antara kebiasaan konsumsi susu pada anak sekolah dasar kelas 4 - 6 dan sumber informasi yang mempengaruhi pengonsumsian susu mereka. Riset ini terdiri dari 97 responden yang terdiri dari anak kelas 4 - 6 SD dan pengumpulan data dilakukan di SD Pegangsaan 01, Jakarta Pusat, pada Januari 2011 dengan metode cross sectional. Sampel diambil dengan cluster random sampling dengan cara mengisi kuisioner tentang kebiasaan meminum susu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada asosiasi yang signifikan antara kebiasaan konsumsi susu dan sumber informasi.

As a developing country, Indonesia still faces a problem of the low nutrition in children because 14,9% of children grade 4 - 6 was categorized in a thin condition with low milk consumption as one of the cause.3 The aim of this study is to find the association between the habit of milk consumption and sources of information. The research consists of 97 respondents and the data was collected at SD Pegangsaan 01 grade 4 - 6, Central Jakarta on January 2011 with cross sectional method. The sample was taken by cluster random sampling by filling the questionnaire about milk consumption habit. The result showed that all 97 respondents consumed milk; however there is no significant association between the habit of milk consumption and the sources of information."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esti Katherini Adhi
"Prevalensi balita stunting di Kab.Bogor tahun 2013 sebesar 28,3 . Hal tersebut masihmenunjukan bahwa stunting di Kab. Bogor masih merupakan masalah kesehatanmasyarakat. Susu merupakan sumber pangan yang mengandung energi, protein danmikronutrien yang hanya ditemukan pada sumber makanan hewani yang dapat berfungsidalam merangsang pertumbuhan. Pelarangan promosi susu pada anak dibawah umur 3tahun memunculkan kekhawatiran akan jumlah balita stunting yang malah akanmeningkat.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara asupan susudengan stunting ada anak balita umur 24 bulan di Kecamatan Bojong Gede KabupatenBogor Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional dengan sampelpenelitian sebanyak 113 balita.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan 26,5 balita umur 24 bulandi Kecamatan Bojong Gede Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2018 mengalami stunting. Terdapathubungan antara umur mulai minum susu dengan kejadian stunting p=0,021, sedangkantipe konsumsi susu p=0,734 dan frekuensi minum susu p=0,588 tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan kejadian stunting. Balita yang mulai minum susu umur ge;12 bulanmempunyai peluang 4,1 kali 95 CI: 1,23-13,32 untuk menjadi stunting dibandingkandengan balita yang minum susu umur.

The prevalence of under five children stunting in Kab.Bogor in 2013 is 28,3 . It is showsthat stunting in Kab. Bogor is still a public health problem. Milk is a food source thatcontains energy, protein and micronutrients that found only in animal food sources thatcan stimulating growth. The prohibition of promotion of milk in children under 3 yearsold raises concerns about increasing of stunting children .
The purpose of this study wasto determine the corelation between milk intake and stunting on 24 month old child inBojong Gede sub district, Bogor Regency in 2018. This study used cross sectionalmethod with 113 research samples.
The results showed 26.5 of children aged 24 monthsin Bojong Gede District, Bogor Regency in 2018 had stunting. There was a corelationbetween drinking milk start date and stunting p 0,021, while type milk consumption p 0,734 and milk drinking frequency p 0,588 had no corelation with stunting .Toddlers who start drinking milk ge 12 months old have a chance of 4.1 times 95 CI 1,23 13,32 encounter stunting compared to under fives who drink milk."
Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isni Utami I.
"Susu merupakan salah satu jenis minuman sehat yang dapat mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak karena kandungan gizinya yang lengkap. Konsumsi susu pada waktu anak-anak akan membantu mencapai kepadatan tulang maksimum saat dewasa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui riwayat konsumsi susu selama masa usia Sekolah Dasar dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jenis kelamin, sikap terhadap susu, pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan orang tua, pendapatan orang tua, pengetahuan gizi ibu mengenai susu, serta pengaruh iklan susu di televisi dengan riwayat konsumsi susu selama masa usia Sekolah Dasar pada siswa kelas 1 SMP Negeri 102 dan SMPI PB Sudirman Jakarta Timur.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen dengan pengukuran pada waktu yang bersamaan. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu Chi-Square dengan derajat kepercayaan (CI) = 90% dan derajat kemaknaan (α) = 0,05. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa-siswi kelas 1 SMP Negeri 102 dan SMPI PB Sudirman Jakarta Timur. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 92 anak.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 53,3% responden memiliki riwayat konsumsi susu yang baik selama masa usia Sekolah Dasar. Variabel yang berhubungan bermakna yaitu pengetahuan gizi ibu mengenai susu. Disarankan agar orang tua khususnya ibu sebaiknya selalu membiasakan anak untuk mengonsumsi susu minimal dua kali sehari. Selain itu ibu juga hendaknya memberikan contoh kepada anak-anak mereka untuk tetap mengonsumsi susu sampai usia dewasa. Pihak sekolah juga hendaknya mengembangkan penyuluhan gizi sederhana mengenai pentingnya susu.

Milk is one of a health beverage that can support children growth and development because milk is containing nutrition completely. Milk consumption on childhood will generate their bone solidity. This research is purposed to know history of milk consumption during elementary childhood and also it?s correlation between kind of sex, attitude to milk, parent education, parent occupation, parent income, mother?s nutrition knowledge regarding milk and also the influence of milk advertising on television on the student at the first grade study in SMP N 102 and SMPI PB Sudirman East Jakarta.
This research using cross-sectional design to see the correlation between independent variable and dependent variable with the same measuring time. Statistical test that used is chi-square by confident interval (CI) = 90% and (α) = 0,05. The populations in this research are to all students on the first grade study in SMP N 102 and SMPI PB Sudirman. The amounts of sample on this research are 92 students.
Result of this research indicates that 53,3% respondent have a good story on milk consume during elementary school age. Variable that has correlation is mother?s nutrition knowledge regarding milk. It's recommended to the parents especially to the mothers to serve their children on consume milk at least twice a day. Besides, mother act is needed to show their habit in milk consume to their children for consuming milk until they grow up. School board is also requested to developing simple nutrition information regarding milk consumption is important."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library