Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan wawasan karakteristik dan faktor-faktor yang memeberikan kontribusi secara signifikan dalam penerapan ERM di perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan jumlah sampel sebanyak 88 perusahaan yang pada Sektor Pertambangan dan Sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas dan Transportasi yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun periode 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Independent Sample T-Test dan Logistic Regression dengan variabel dependen yaitu ERM adoption, sedangkan variabel independennya adalah Firm Size, Asset Opacity, Financial Leverage, Firm Complexity, Presence of Big 4 Auditor, Independence of BOD, Stock Price Volatility, dan Institutional Ownership. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa adanya perebedaan hasil antara karakteristik perusahaan yang telah menerapkan ERM dengan faktor yang memberikan kontribusi secara signifikan pada penerapan ERM . Karakteristik perusahaan yang menerapkan ERM adalah Firm Size, Presence of Big 4 Auditor dan Independence of BOD. Sedangkan Faktor yang memberikan kontribusi dalam penerapan ERM adalah Firm Size dan Institutional Ownership.
The purpose of this is to provide insight into the characteristics and factors that contributed significantly to the implementation of ERMin the company. The total sample of this study is 88 companies in the Mining Sector and Infrastructure Sector, Utilities and Transportation that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Year period 2014. This study used Independent Sample T-Test and Logistic Regression with dependent variable is the adoption of ERM, while The independent variable is the Firm Size, Opacity Asset, Financial Leverage, Firm Complexity, Presence of Big 4 Auditors, Independence of BOD, Stock Price Volatility, and Institutional Ownership. The result of the study, we find that the different results between the characteristics of companies that have implemented ERM by a factor that contributes significantly to the implementation of ERM. The characteristics of companies that implement ERM is Firm Size, Presence of Big 4 Auditors and Independence of BOD. While the factors that contribute to the implementation of ERM is Institutional Ownership and Firm Size.