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Bayu Triyogo Widyantoro
Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) merupakan salah satu jenis pemodelan
yang dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan pasang surut pada wilayah regional
yang relatif luas. Tesis ini melakukan studi tentang pemodelan pasang surut
menggunakan ROMS untuk wilayah Indonesia dengan membagi menjadi 4 zona.
Data yang digunakan adalah data konstanta pasang surut dari TPXO tahun 2007
(TPXO7), data batimetri resolusi 1 menit dari etopo serta data dari World Ocean
Atlas Tahun 2009 (WOA09) berupa data temperatur, salinitas, serta densitas dari
kedalaman 0 hingga 5500 meter. Sebagai validator digunakan data pengamatan
pasang surut tahun 2013 dari stasiun pasang surut permanen milik Badan
Informasi Geospasial. Hasil pemodelan ini memiliki akurasi dan tingkat
kepercayaan yang baik untuk hampir di seluruh wilayah perairan NKRI dengan
nilai RMSE antara 9.4 cm hingga 24.4 cm namun hasil yang kurang baik didapat
pada perairan sekitar Merauke, Papua dengan nilai RMSE 62 cm.

Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is one of the models that can be used
to simulate tidal regionally on relatively wide range area. Tidal modeling using
ROMS in this thesis were performed by dividing Indonesian region into 4
different zones. Harmonic constituent data from TPXO year 2007 (TPXO7),
Bathymetry data with 1 minute resolution from etopo, and World Ocean Atlas
data year 2009 such as; temperature, salinity, inner density depth of 0 ? 5500
meters were used as the model?s inputs. As the validators, Badan Informasi
Geospasial?s tidal observation data year 2013 from permanent tidal gauge stations
were used. The modeling result shows good accuracy and reliability in almost all
Indonesian water with RMSE between 9.4 ? 24.4 cm. However, bigger RMSE up
to 62 centimeters were found in Merauke water, Papua.;Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is one of the models that can be used
to simulate tidal regionally on relatively wide range area. Tidal modeling using
ROMS in this thesis were performed by dividing Indonesian region into 4
different zones. Harmonic constituent data from TPXO year 2007 (TPXO7),
Bathymetry data with 1 minute resolution from etopo, and World Ocean Atlas
data year 2009 such as; temperature, salinity, inner density depth of 0 – 5500
meters were used as the model’s inputs. As the validators, Badan Informasi
Geospasial’s tidal observation data year 2013 from permanent tidal gauge stations
were used. The modeling result shows good accuracy and reliability in almost all
Indonesian water with RMSE between 9.4 – 24.4 cm. However, bigger RMSE up
to 62 centimeters were found in Merauke water, Papua., Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is one of the models that can be used
to simulate tidal regionally on relatively wide range area. Tidal modeling using
ROMS in this thesis were performed by dividing Indonesian region into 4
different zones. Harmonic constituent data from TPXO year 2007 (TPXO7),
Bathymetry data with 1 minute resolution from etopo, and World Ocean Atlas
data year 2009 such as; temperature, salinity, inner density depth of 0 – 5500
meters were used as the model’s inputs. As the validators, Badan Informasi
Geospasial’s tidal observation data year 2013 from permanent tidal gauge stations
were used. The modeling result shows good accuracy and reliability in almost all
Indonesian water with RMSE between 9.4 – 24.4 cm. However, bigger RMSE up
to 62 centimeters were found in Merauke water, Papua.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Purwanti
"Keterbatasan infrastruktur penyediaan data pasang surut real-time di pesisir Indonesia memunculkan solusi pemanfaatan model pasang surut. Pesisir barat Pulau Sumatera yang berhadapan dengan Samudera Hindia dari Aceh hingga Lampung memiliki potensi energi laut guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi ketelitian model pasut regional BIG menggunakan 19 stasiun pasut permanen sebagai titik evaluator dengan parameter RMS, RSS, RSSIQ, dan Discrepancy yang dianalisis per musim serta nilai koefisien korelasi. Analisis potensi energi laut dari energi pasut, arus dan gelombang dilakukan pada radius stasiun pasut. Hasil penelitian yaitu RMS 0,026m-1,039m dengan variasi RSS setiap periode musim DJF 1,150m; MAM 0,502m; JJA 0,426m dan SON 1,223m. Nilai Discrepancy dari 8 konstanta harmonik utama menghasilkan prosentase yang hampir sama pada musim ke-1 (DJF) dan ke-4 (SON) yaitu 25,495% dan 26,749%, musim ke-2 (MAM) dan ke-3 (JJA) yaitu 10,844% dan 9,107%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan kehandalan model dalam merepresentasikan ketinggian permukaan laut pada wilayah penelitian yang didukung dengan koefisien korelasi 0,960970,5m/s) sedangkan ketinggian gelombang yang lebih besar terdapat di pesisir yang berhadapan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia (>1,6m). Analisis lokasi pesisir barat Sumatera terdapat potensi pengembangan energi arus dan gelombang dibandingkan energi pasang surut, tetapi biaya produksi energi pasang surut sebesar Rp1.571,13/kWh lebih ekonomis jika dibandingkan energi gelombang laut sebesar Rp2.193,62/kWh, dan energi arus laut sebesar Rp2.317,15/kWh.
......The limited infrastructure for providing real-time tide data on the coasts of Indonesia has led to solutions for using tidal models. The west coast of Sumatra Island, which faces the Indian Ocean from Aceh to Lampung, has the potential for marine energy to improve the welfare of coastal communities. This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the BIG regional tide model using 19 permanent tidal stations as evaluator points with parameters such as RMS, RSS, RSSIQ, and Discrepancy which are analyzed per season as well as analysis of the correlation coefficient between observed data and tidal models. Analysis of sea energy potential from tidal, current, and wave energy is carried out at the tidal station radius. The results of the study are that the RMS values ​​range from 0.026m – 1.039m with variations in the RSS for each season, namely DJF 1.150m; MAM 0.502m; JJA 0.426m and SON 1.223m. Discrepancy values ​​of the 8 main harmonic constants produce almost the same percentages in the 1st (DJF) and 4th (SON) seasons, namely 25.495% and 26.749%, in the 2nd (MAM) and 3rd (JJA) seasons, namely 10.844 % and 9.107%. These results indicate the reliability of the model in representing sea level height in the study area which is supported by a positive and strong correlation coefficient of 0.96097 0.5m/s), while larger wave heights are found on the coast directly facing the Indian Ocean (> 1.6m). Analysis of the location of the west coast of Sumatra has the potential to develop current and wave energy compared to tidal energy, but the cost of producing tidal energy is IDR 1,571.13/kWh more economical when compared to ocean wave energy of IDR 2,193.62/kWh, and current energy sea ​​of ​​IDR 2,317.15/kWh."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library