ABSTRAKPerencanaan pulang bayi prematur menjadi tantangan bagi ibu untuk mempersiapkan perawatan bayi di rumah. Penelitian ini menggambarkan pengalaman ibu yang akan membawa pulang bayi prematur pasca perawatan di ruang perinatologi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif. Partisipan berjumlah 8 ibu yang akan membawa pulang bayi prematur dan diambil secara purposif. Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasi delapan tema: (1) Pengetahuan ibu terhadap kondisi fisik bayi prematur saat diperbolehkan pulang, (2) Kebutuhan belajar ibu terhadap perawatan bayi prematur di rumah, (3) Informasi yang telah diberikan perawat kepada ibu ketika bayi prematur diperbolehkan pulang, (4) Persepsi ibu terhadap pelayanan perawat ketika bayi prematur diperbolehkan pulang, (5) Perasaan ibu ketika bayi prematur sudah direncanakan pulang, (6) Persiapan terhadap perawatan bayi prematur di rumah, (7) Sumber dukungan dalam perawatan bayi prematur di rumah, (8) Harapan ibu terhadap kondisi bayi prematur setelah di rawat. Ibu merasa siap ketika bayi prematur diperbolehkan pulang, namun timbul juga perasaan takut untuk merawat bayi prematur di rumah. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat dibuktikan secara kuantitatif persiapan apa saja yang paling diperlukan ibu ketika bayi prematur direncanakan pulang.
ABSTRACTDischarge planning for the prematur baby can be challenges for the mother to prepare baby at home. This study aims to explore mother’s experiences after their premature baby hospitalized in perinatology unit, before bringing their baby come home. This study is using qualitative design with descriptive phenomenology. Eight mothers were participated in this study and the data was taken purposively. This study has identified eight themes: (1) Mother’s knowledges about baby’s condition whenthe baby’s discharge is planned, (2) Mother’s needs when take care her baby at home, (3) The information given by nurse to the mother, (4) Mother’s perspective of nursing care in hospital, (5) Mother’s response when she know her baby will come home, (6) The preparation for mother to take care her baby at home, (7) Family supports for mother when she care her baby at home, (8) Mother’s wishes for her baby post hospitalized in perinatology unit. When the baby finally can go home, the mother is feeling happy, but she is still afraid about the baby’s condition. Hopefully for the next research this study can be done with quantitative methods' of what mothers most needs when baby discharge home."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014