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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhammad Mansur
"Nepenthes tergolong tumbuhan karnivora yang tersebar luas di Indonesia. Pulau Sumatra memiliki keanekaragaman Nepenthes tertinggi kedua setelah Borneo. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis Nepenthes di Provinsi Sumatra Utara dan Sumatra Barat, termasuk distribusi, populasi, kondisi habitat, konsentrasi unsur hara dan status konservasinya. Eksplorasi dilakukan untuk inventarisasi jenis-jenis Nepenthes yang ditemukan di setiap lokasi penelitian, purposive sampling plot dibuat untuk mempelajari ekologinya serta analisa unsur hara pada Nepenthes dilakukan di Laboratorium. Hasil penelitian bahwa, total sebanyak 33 jenis Nepenthes ditemukan di lokasi penelitian, terdiri dari 22 jenis di Sumatra Utara dan 23 jenis di Sumatra Barat. Sepuluh jenis di antaranya tergolong kedalam kriteria terancam punah, mengingat populasi dan distribusinya sangat terbatas. Nepenthes berasosiasi sangat kuat dengan jenis vegetasi dominan di habitatnya. Pada satuan yang sama (%), konsentrasi nitrogen pada daun Nepenthes umumnya lebih besar daripada konsetrasi pada cairan kantong, sedangkan konsentrasi Nitrogen pada daun Nepenthes tidak dipengaruhi dengan bertambahnya ketinggian tempat hidupnya.
......Nepenthes are classified as carnivorous plants with their distribution center in Indonesia. The island of Sumatra has the second highest diversity of Nepenthes after Borneo. The research aims to determine the diversity of Nepenthes species in North Sumatra and West Sumatra Provinces, including distribution, population, habitat conditions, nutrient concentrations and conservation status. Exploration was carried out to inventory the species of Nepenthes found at each research location, purposive sampling plots were made to study their ecology and nutrient analysis of Nepenthes was carried out in the laboratory. The results showed that a total of 33 species of Nepenthes were found at the site, consisting of 22 species in North Sumatra and 23 species in West Sumatra. Ten of these species are classified as endangered, considering that their population and distribution are very limited. Nepenthes is very strongly associated with the dominant vegetation species in its habitat. In the same unit (%), the nitrogen concentration in Nepenthes leaves is generally greater than the concentration in the pitchers fluid, while the nitrogen concentration in Nepenthes leaves is not affected by increasing the altitude at which it lives."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuri Qulby Arimy
Nepenthes mampu hidup di dataran tinggi dan dataran rendah. Perbedaan habitat memunculkan perbedaan anatomi, salah satunya organ daun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan karakter anatomi helaian daun antara Nepenthes dataran tinggi N. aristolochioides dan N. singalana dari Sumatra dan Nepenthes dataran rendah N. rafflesiana dan N. gracilis dari Kalimantan. Setiap spesies diambil satu daun dewasa dari dua individu tumbuhan. Setiap daun dibuat sayatan melintang menggunakan hand mini microtome dan sayatan paradermal dengan teknik leaf scraping. Sayatan didehidrasi menggunakan seri alkohol bertingkat. Pewarnaan menggunakan safranin 1 dan fastgreen 1 . Sayatan diamati mengunakan mikroskop cahaya Olympus di Laboratorium Bioimaging ILRC, UI-Depok. Uji komparatif data anatomi kuantitatif menggunakan Uji T dan Uji Mann-Whitney. Kelompok spesies dataran tinggi menunjukkan helaian daun lebih tebal; kutikula adaksial lebih tipis; kutikula abaksial lebih tebal; epidermis adaksial dan abaksial lebih tebal; hipodermis adaksial lebih banyak lapisan dan lebih tebal; hipodermis abaksial lebih tebal; mesofil lebih tebal; jaringan palisade lebih banyak lapisan dan lebih tebal; sel epidermis adaksial dan abaksial lebih besar; kelenjar sesil adaksial dan abaksial lebih besar, lebih sedikit, dan lebih renggang; stomata abaksial lebih panjang, lebih lebar, lebih besar, lebih sedikit, dan lebih renggang; sel penjaga abaksial lebih panjang dan lebih lebar dibandingkan spesies dataran rendah.

Nepenthes is able to live in the highland and lowland. The differences of their habitat influence theirs anatomical differences, such as leaves. This study aimed to compare the leaves anatomy character between highland Nepenthes N. aristolochioides and N. singalana from Sumatra and lowland Nepenthes N. rafflesiana and N. gracilis from Kalimantan. Each species was represented by one adult leaves of two individual plants. Each leaf was made transverse section by using a hand mini microtome and paradermal section was made by leaf scraping technique. Section was dehydrated by using graded series of alcohol. Sections were stained with safranin 1 and fastgreen 1 . Section was observed using an Olympus light microscope at ILRC Bioimaging Laboratory, UI Depok. The comparative test data of quantitative anatomy using Independent t Test and Mann Whitney Test. Group of highland species showed thicker leaves blade thinner adaxial cuticle thicker abaxial cuticle thicker adaxial and abaxial epidermis more layers and thicker adaxial hypodermis thicker abaxial hypodermis thicker mesophyll more layers and thicker palisade bigger adaxial and abaxial epidermis cell bigger, fewer, and lower density adaxial and abaxial sessile gland longer, wider, bigger, fewer and lower densitity abaxial stomata longer and wider abaxial guard cell than group of lowland species."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Handayani
Pitcher plants (Nepenthes spp.) included in carnivorous plants which are often visited by nectar-seeking insects, such as bees, beetles, butterflies and ants. In order to be visited by insects, pitcher plants provide a lure prize in the form of nectar produced by flowers (floral nectar) and nectar in other parts outside the flower (extrafloral nectar). In an effort to get the nectar, visitor insects can fall into the hole of the pitcher which will eventually become the food of the pitcher plants."
Bogor: Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas, 2019
580 WKR 17:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dee Dee Alfarishy
Nepenthes adalah salah satu genus tumbuhan yang memiliki karakter kunci identifikasi pada organ daun dan kantong sebagai modifikasi. Akan tetapi, luasnya variasi morfologi pada organ tersebut dalam satu spesies dan antar spesies dapat menyebabkan kesulitan dalam proses identifikasi. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menyediakan alternatif proses identifikasi melalui karakter anatomi. Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian disebabkan kurangnya data taksonomi terbaru spesies alami Nepenthes di sana. Lima spesies Nepenthes telah dikoleksi dari Danau Lingkat dan Danau Gunung Tujuh. Pengamatan helaian daun dan kantong dilakukan terpisah. Kantong dibelah menjadi bagian tutup kantong dan badan kantong, kemudian diamati menggunakan mikroskop stereo. Helaian daun dipisahkan menjadi sayatan paradermal dan transversal, didehidrasi menggunakan alkohol, dan diwarnai menggunakan safranin dan fast green. Sayatan diamati menggunakan mikroskop cahaya. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sebelas karakter pembeda antar spesies, yaitu penyebaran kelenjar digesti di pangkal kantong, bentuk kelenjar digesti di pangkal kantong, kerapatan kelenjar digesti di pangkal kantong, kerapatan stomata, panjang stomata, bentuk kelenjar sessile, kerapatan kelenjar sessile, distribusi trikom, ketebalan kutikula adaksial, ketebalan hipodermis adaksial, dan jumlah lapisan hipodermis adaksial. Selain itu, telah dilakukan pelengkapan data terhadap kelenjar nektar.

Nepenthes is one of genera which have key characters on leaf and pitcher as modification. However, wide varieties of morphological features on pitcher intraspecies and between species could be tough for identification proccess. The objective was to provide alternative identification proccess by anatomical features. Kerinci Seblat National park were choosen because lack of update data on wild type Nepenthes there. Five Nepenthes were collected from Lingkat Lake and Gunung Tujuh Lake. Observation on leaves and pitcher divided to two different methods. Pitcher were separated into lid and body part, then observed by stereo microscop. Leaves were separated into paradermal and transversal slices, dehydrated used alcohol, and stained used safranin and fast green. Slices observed by light microscop. Result show there are eleven different characters between species, that rsquo s are digestive glands distribution on pitcher base, digestive glands shape on pitcher base, digestive glands density on pitcher base, stomatal density, stomatal length, sessile glands shape, sessile glands shape, trichoma distribution, adaxial cuticle thickness, adaxial hypodermal thickness, and amount of adaxial hipodermal layer. Besides, updating data on nectary glands has been done."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mansur
"Diversity on the lowland pitcher plants (Nepenthes spp.) in Central Kalimantan were conducted between August 2005 and September 2006 at three locations study. That is: Barito Ulu, Sebangau and Kasongan district. Survey inventories were used to determine the diversity of Nepenthes at the study site. We found sixteen Nepenthes at study area, divided nine Nepenthes species; N. albomarginata, N. ampullaria, N. gracilis, N. hirsuta, N. mirabilis, N. rafflesiana, N. reinwardtiana, N. stenophylla, one unidentified Nepenthes species and seven natural hybrid; N. xhookeriana (N. rafflesiana x N. ampullaria), N. xtrichocarpa (N. gracilis x N. ampullaria), N. xneglecta (N. gracilis x N. mirabilis), N. mirabilis x ampullaria, N. mirabilis x rafflesiana, N. reinwardtiana x N. mirabilis and N. reinwardtiana x gracilis. Heath forest and peat swamp forest are generaly the habitat of lowland Nepenthes at Central Kalimantan."
Bogor: Pusat Penelitian Biologi, 2007
BBIO 8:5 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hani Sriyani
"Kebun Raya Bogor merupakan destinasi wisata alam yang bermuatan ilmu pengetahuan di Bogor. Penyampaian informasi melalui lanskap lingusitik di kawasan Kebun Raya Bogor menjadi penting untuk para wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kecenderungan penggunaan bahasa di ruang publik Taman Nepenthes Kebun Raya Bogor. Data penelitian berjumlah 30 yang dibagi menjadi tiga kategori. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa didapatkan data terbanyak dari kategori informasi dan edukasi di tempat penelitian sebanyak 19 LL. Pemakaian bahasa cenderung bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa utama pada kategori tersebut. Terdapat alih kode dan campur kode pada LL. Istilah ilmiah juga ditemukan pada teks sebagai edukasi kepada pengunjung mengenai tanaman Nepenthes. Terdapat beberapa pemakaian kata pada LL yang belum sesuai dengan KBBI. Oleh karena itu, pengelola Kebun Raya Bogor perlu meningkatkan kualitas LL, khususnya dalam aspek pemakaian bahasa Indonesia. 
......Bogor Botanical Gardens is a natural tourist destination that contains science in Bogor. The delivery of information through linguistic landscapes in the Bogor Botanical Gardens area is important for national and international tourists. This research aims to explain trends in language use in public spaces at Nepenthes Park, Bogor Botanical Gardens. There are 40 data research divided into four categories. The research methods applied in this research are quantitative and qualitative methods. The research results showed that the most data obtained from the information and education category at the research site was 19 LL. Language use tends bahasa Indonesian as the main language in this category. There is code switching and code mixing in LL. Scientific terms are also found in the text to educate visitors about the Nepenthes plant. There are several uses of words in the LL that are not in accordance with the KBBI. In conclusion, the management of the Bogor Botanical Gardens needs to improve the quality of LL, especially in the aspect of using the bahasa Indonesian."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library