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Pingsari Bratadjaja
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuan : Pengobatan yang tepat untuk menghilangkan nyeri secara permanen pada Neuralgia pasca herpes (NPH) sampai saat ini belum diketahui. Disamping itu di Bagian Kulit RSUPN-CM terapi NPH dengan TENS (Franscutaneolls Electrical Nerve Stimulation) bdum pernah dicoba sampai saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah TENS daplt mengurangi derajat nyeri, jumlah pemakaian obat analgetik dan meningkatkan acctivitas kebidupan sehari-hari. Rancangan : Melihat efek TENS pada NPH dala..'ll hal mengurangi derajat nyeri, jumlah ver.1akaian obat analgetik dan meningkatkan Aktifitas Kehidupan Sehari-hari (AKS). Cara : Penderita NPH yang datang ke IRM - RSUPN-CM dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi, diberikan TENS sebanyak 12 kali, dengan frekuensi 3 kali seminggu selama 20 menit. Elektroda diletakkan di luar area nyeri. Bila mengenai trigeminus, tiap cabang yang terkena masing-masing diberikan selama 20 menit. Perubahan nilai rasa nyeri diukur dengan VAS (Visual Analogue Scale), perubahan jumlah pemakaian obat analgetik dengan dosis obat, perubahan AKS dinilai dengan RAP (Rehabilitation Activities Profile). Masing-masing variabel dinilai sebelum diberikan TENS dan dibandingkan setelah 1 bulan diberikan TENS. Subyek : 14 orang penderita NPH usia antara 4S-80 tahun memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Basil penelitian : Dengan men&,crunakan Wilcoxon matched-paired Signed Rank Test didapatkan - Perbedaan bermakna antara VAS awal dengan VAS 12 (p<0,05) Perbedaan bermakna jumlah pemakaian obat analgetik sebelum dan sesudah TENS (pO,05). Perbedaan bermakna pada emosi terhadap anak sebelum dan sesudah pemberian TENS (p
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jusuf Misbach
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2002
PGB 0156
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdi Reza
Abstrak :
Operasi dekomprasi vaskular mikro telah diterima sebagai tatalaksana definitif pada berbagai keluhan akibat kompresi mekanik pada kompleks neurovaskular. Tindakan eksplorasi fossa posterior diketahui berhubungan dengan komplikasi gangguan fungsi serebellar dan saraf kranial. Diperlukan adanya evaluasi pasca operasi yang mengintegrasikan aspek pemulihan atas keluhan, dan komplikasi terkait tindakan, dalam menilai luaran pasien secara menyeluruh. Tujuan Menilai luaran pasca operasi dekompresi vaskular mikro pada penderita sindrom kompresi kompleks neurovaskular yang dikelola Departemen Bedah Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari 2011-Oktober 2015 menggunakan efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi luaran. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian historikal prospektif terhadap pasien pasca operasi dekompresi vaskular mikro dengan sindrom kompresi kompleks neurovaskular yang dikelola Departemen Bedah Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari 2011-Oktober 2015. Sebagai pembanding digunakan data luaran menurut publikasi ECT score orisinil. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui catatan rekam medis. Hasil Sejak Januari 2011 sampai dengan Oktober 2015, didapatkan 21 pasien trigeminal neuralgia primer dan 11 pasien hemifasial spasme primer yang dilakukan tindakan microvascular decompression. Sebanyak 15 pasien trigeminal neuralgia telah melalui periode lebih dari satu tahun pasca operasi dengan hasil luaran excellent (T-0) 13 pasien (87%), good (T-1) 1 pasien (6%), fair (T-2) 0 pasien, poor (T3-5) 1 pasien (6%). Sebanyak 11 pasien hemifasial spasme primer telah melalui periode lebih dari satu tahun pasca operasi dengan hasil luaran excellent (T-0) 5 pasien (62,5%), good (T-1) 2 pasien (25%), fair (T-2) 0, poor (T3-5) 1 pasien (12,5%). Penelitian ini memiliki jumlah sampel yang terbatas dan tidak didapatkan faktor yang mempengaruhi luaran Kesimpulan Skor ECT terbukti bermanfaat dalam menilai luaran pasien paska MVD di RSCM. Jumlah pasien trigeminal neuralgia primer yang sembuh sempurna tanpa komplikasi (T0) di RSCM didapatkan 13 pasien dari 15 pasien. Jumlah luaran pasien hemifasial spasme primer yang sembuh sempurna tanpa komplikasi (T0) di RSCM didapatkan 5 pasien dari 8 pasien. ABSTRACT
Outcome of Neurovascular Compression Syndrome Based on Efficacy Complication Total Score in FKUI-RSUPNCM, 2011-2015 Background Microvascular decompression has been administered as neurosurgical armamentary as definitive treatment of mechanical compression of neurovascular. Posterior fossa approach also related to post operative cerebellar and cranial nerve dysfunction. An integrated evaluation combining efficacy and complication of surgical exploration is crucial to determine a comprehensive outcome of post surgical patients. Purpose To evaluate outcome of microvascular decompression surgery in patient diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) and related factors. Method A historical prospective study on patients diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score). The result is compared with the original publication of ECT score outcome. Research data was obtained through medical records. Results Twenty one patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and 11 patients diagnosed with hemifacial spasm were treated by microvascular decompression surgery since January 2011 - October 2015. In trigeminal neuralgia group shown fifteen patients with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 13 patients (87%) excellent (T-0), 1 patient (6%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (6%) poor (T3-5). In hemifacial spasm group shown 11 patient with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 5 patient (62,5%) excellent (T-0), 2 patient (25%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (12,5%) poor (T3-5). Sample size of research were limited and related to insignificant findings of related factors. Conclusion Efficacy complication total score is efficient in evaluating post microvascular decompression surgery outcome. Trigeminal neuralgia group shown 13 of 15 patients with excellent outcome (T0). Hemifacial spasm group shown 5 of 8 patients with excellent outcome (T0).;Title Outcome of Neurovascular Compression Syndrome Based on Efficacy Complication Total Score in FKUI-RSUPNCM, 2011-2015 Background Microvascular decompression has been administered as neurosurgical armamentary as definitive treatment of mechanical compression of neurovascular. Posterior fossa approach also related to post operative cerebellar and cranial nerve dysfunction. An integrated evaluation combining efficacy and complication of surgical exploration is crucial to determine a comprehensive outcome of post surgical patients. Purpose To evaluate outcome of microvascular decompression surgery in patient diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) and related factors. Method A historical prospective study on patients diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score). The result is compared with the original publication of ECT score outcome. Research data was obtained through medical records. Results Twenty one patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and 11 patients diagnosed with hemifacial spasm were treated by microvascular decompression surgery since January 2011 - October 2015. In trigeminal neuralgia group shown fifteen patients with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 13 patients (87%) excellent (T-0), 1 patient (6%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (6%) poor (T3-5). In hemifacial spasm group shown 11 patient with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 5 patient (62,5%) excellent (T-0), 2 patient (25%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (12,5%) poor (T3-5). Sample size of research were limited and related to insignificant findings of related factors. Conclusion Efficacy complication total score is efficient in evaluating post microvascular decompression surgery outcome. Trigeminal neuralgia group shown 13 of 15 patients with excellent outcome (T0). Hemifacial spasm group shown 5 of 8 patients with excellent outcome (T0).;Title Outcome of Neurovascular Compression Syndrome Based on Efficacy Complication Total Score in FKUI-RSUPNCM, 2011-2015 Background Microvascular decompression has been administered as neurosurgical armamentary as definitive treatment of mechanical compression of neurovascular. Posterior fossa approach also related to post operative cerebellar and cranial nerve dysfunction. An integrated evaluation combining efficacy and complication of surgical exploration is crucial to determine a comprehensive outcome of post surgical patients. Purpose To evaluate outcome of microvascular decompression surgery in patient diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) and related factors. Method A historical prospective study on patients diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score). The result is compared with the original publication of ECT score outcome. Research data was obtained through medical records. Results Twenty one patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and 11 patients diagnosed with hemifacial spasm were treated by microvascular decompression surgery since January 2011 - October 2015. In trigeminal neuralgia group shown fifteen patients with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 13 patients (87%) excellent (T-0), 1 patient (6%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (6%) poor (T3-5). In hemifacial spasm group shown 11 patient with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 5 patient (62,5%) excellent (T-0), 2 patient (25%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (12,5%) poor (T3-5). Sample size of research were limited and related to insignificant findings of related factors. Conclusion Efficacy complication total score is efficient in evaluating post microvascular decompression surgery outcome. Trigeminal neuralgia group shown 13 of 15 patients with excellent outcome (T0). Hemifacial spasm group shown 5 of 8 patients with excellent outcome (T0).
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Trigeminal Neuralgia merupakan penyakit nyeri hebat dan kejang otot pada wajah yang disebabkan peradangan dari Nervus Kranialis. Pada neuralgia trigeminal, penyebab rasa sakitnya adalah iritasi yang terjadi karena tertekannya saraf trigeminal di bagian dasar otak oleh pembuluh darah. Kompresi oleh pembuluh darah tersebut lama kelamaan akan menyebabkan mielin dari saraf trigeminal tersebut robek atau rusak. Imunomodulator merupakan agen yang dapat meningkatkan fungsi sistem imun tubuh manusia untuk mengurangi rasa sakit pada trigeminal neuralgia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa fenolik dan keberadaan senyawa miristisin yang memiliki fungsi sebagai imunomodulator yang dilakukan pengujian terhadap mencit. Penemuan jamu oleh Rd Soenarto Mertowardojo bahwa Pala (Myristica fragrans), Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum), dan Jahe merah (Zingiber officinale var rubrum) dapat digabungkan dan diramu sebagai jamu penurun ketegangan saraf yang bermanfaat sebagai imunomodulator. Formulasi jamu di ekstrak menggunakan refluks pada suhu 80ºC dengan waktu 90 menit diperoleh hasil total senyawa fenolik yaitu 36,85 mg GAE/g dan ekstrak bahan tunggal pala dengan variasi suhu 60,70,dan 80ºC serta variasi pelarut air dan etanol. Hasil total senyawa fenolik diperoleh pada suhu 80ºC dengan pelarut 50% air-50% etanol yaitu 64,76 mg GAE/g. Jamu penurun ketegangan saraf memiliki senyawa miristisin dengan luas daerah 18,47% dan bahan tunggal pala dengan luas daerah 30,73%. Pengaruh jamu turun tegang saraf terhadap differensiasi leukosit terbukti memiliki pengaruh terhadap aktivitas imunomodulator dengan adanya kenaikan pada limfosit.
ABSTRACT Trigeminal Neuralgia is a severe pain and muscle spasm of the face caused by inflammation of the cranial nerves. In trigeminal neuralgia, the cause of the pain is irritation that occurs because of the stress of the trigeminal nerve in the base of the brain by blood vessels. Compression by these blood vessels will eventually cause myelin from the trigeminal nerve to be torn or damaged. Immunomodulators are agents that can improve the function of the immune system of the human body to reduce pain in trigeminal neuralgia. This study was conducted to determine the content of phenolic compounds and the presence of mirismin compounds which have a function as immunomodulators tested by mice. The discovery of herbal medicine by Rd ​​Soenarto Mertowardojo that Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), and Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var rubrum) can be combined and mixed as a nervous tension-reducing herb that is useful as an immunomodulator. The herbal formulation extracted using reflux at a temperature of 80ºC with a time of 90 minutes, the total phenolic compounds obtained were 36,85 mg GAE / g and extracts of single nutmeg ingredients with temperature variations of 60, 70, and 80ºC and variations in water and ethanol solvents. The total yield of phenolic compounds was obtained at 80ºC with a solvent of 50% water-50% ethanol namely 64,76 mg GAE / g. Nervous tension-reducing herbs have myristicin compounds with an area of ​​18,47% and single nutmeg material with an area of ​​30,73%. The effect of nerve strain down on differentiation of leukocytes has been shown to have an influence on immunomodulatory activity with an increase in lymphocytes.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library