ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengangkat tentang komunikasi sebagai salah satu bagian
fungsi utama museum dalam melayani masyarakat dan perkembangannya.
Komunikasi museum dilakukan melalui ekshibisi pameran. Lokasi penelitian
adalah Museum Penerangan yang terletak di kawasan wisata Taman Mini
Indonesia Indah. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep new museum, konsep
komunikasi, konsep ekshibisi di museum. Hasil dari penelitian ini
mengidentifikasi bahwa Museum Penerangan belum dapat menampilkan
ekshibisinya dalam konsep new museum. Museum Penerangan untuk menjadi new
museum harus menampilkan ekshibisi dengan menggunakan pendekatan tematik
yang didukung dengan pendekatan kronologi untuk mengurutkan periodesasi
media komunikasi dari media komunikasi tradisional sampai media baru.
ABSTRACTThis study focussed on the communication as one of the main functions of the
museum in serving the community. Communication is done through an museum
exhibition. The research location is in Museum Penerangan, located in the tourist
area of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Analysis of research is using the concept of
the new museum, the concept of communication, the concept of an exhibition at
the museum. The results showed that Museum Penerangan may not display its
exhibition in the concept of the new museum. In order to become a new museum,
Museum Penerangan has to display by using a thematic approach that is supported
by the chronological approach to periodization sort of communication media from
traditional media to new media communication;This study focussed on the communication as one of the main functions of the
museum in serving the community. Communication is done through an museum
exhibition. The research location is in Museum Penerangan, located in the tourist
area of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Analysis of research is using the concept of
the new museum, the concept of communication, the concept of an exhibition at
the museum. The results showed that Museum Penerangan may not display its
exhibition in the concept of the new museum. In order to become a new museum,
Museum Penerangan has to display by using a thematic approach that is supported
by the chronological approach to periodization sort of communication media from
traditional media to new media communication, This study focussed on the communication as one of the main functions of the
museum in serving the community. Communication is done through an museum
exhibition. The research location is in Museum Penerangan, located in the tourist
area of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Analysis of research is using the concept of
the new museum, the concept of communication, the concept of an exhibition at
the museum. The results showed that Museum Penerangan may not display its
exhibition in the concept of the new museum. In order to become a new museum,
Museum Penerangan has to display by using a thematic approach that is supported
by the chronological approach to periodization sort of communication media from
traditional media to new media communication]"