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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Judi Wahjudin
"Tesis ini membahas tentang konsep new museum, teori pendidikan, dan model eksibisi di museum. Penelitian dilakukan di Museum Situs Kepurbakalaan Banten Lama (MSKBL) yang terletak di Kawasan Cagar Budaya Banten Lama, Serang. Mengacu kepada konsep dan teori tersebut, maka untuk meningkatkan peran MSKBL dalam pendidikan sejarah dan kebudayaan Kesultanan Banten Lama sebagai identitas masyarakat Banten, museum ini secara kelembagaan harus mengubah tujuan, visi, misi, dan struktur organisasinya. Adapun teori pendidikan yang tepat adalah kontruktivisme, dengan pendekatan eksibisi tematis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan studi literatur dan observasi di lapangan. Hasil penelitian berupa penerapan konsep new museum di MSKBL.
......The focus of this study is new museum concept, education theory, and exhibition model in museum. This study conducted in Old Banten Archaeological Site Museum's, Serang. Based on new museum concept, education theory, and exhibition model in museum, to enchane Old Banten Archaeological Site Museum's role in The Historical and Cultural Education of Old Banten Empire as Identity of Banten People, these institution must change vision, mission organizational structure. As for the theory that proper education is constructivism , with a thematic approach to exhibition. This research is qualitative descriptive interpretative. The data were collected by means of literature study and observation. Conclusion of research are application of new museum concept in Old Banten Archaeological Site Museum's."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gultom, Tampil Chandra Noor
"Tesis ini membahas peran Museum Sandi kepada masyarakat melalui fungsi dan peran museum berupa menumbuhkan pemahaman fungsi dan peran persandian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian ini mengindentifikasikan bahwa Museum Sandi telah berusaha menyediakan peran itu melalui fungsinya. Namun bagi Museum Sandi tetap perlu melakukan pengembangan dan peningkatan mutu dalam segala aspek. Di era New Museum dan New Museology memberi kesempatan kepada tiap museum, termasuk Museum Sandi untuk secara maksimal mengaktualisasikan semua potensi museum dalam fungsi dan perannya untuk melayani perkembangan masyarakat.

This thesis is discussing the role of Cryptography Museum in the society through its function and role of cryptography that is growing the understanding on cryptography function. The characteristic of this research is analytic descriptive and uses methods of observation, literature study, and interview. The research result identifies that Cryptography Museum has been trying to fulfill the role through its function. However, the Cryptography Museum is still needing the quality development and enhancement on every aspect. The New Museum and New Museology era gives opportunity to every museum, Cryptogram Museum included, to optimally actualize every museumÂ?s potential in its function and role to serve societyÂ?s development."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2010
RB 00 G 432 p
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Flora
"Tesis ini membahas tentang konsep new museum, identitas, memori kolektif, teori edukasi, dan model ekshibisi di museum. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Museum Negeri Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Manado. Mengacu kepada konsep dan teori tersebut, maka untuk meningkatkan peran Museum Negeri Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dalam memberikan pemahaman dan edukasi tentang perwujudan nilai-nilai warisan budaya, maka museum ini harus mempresentasikan perwujudan nilainilai warisan budaya Sulawesi Utara pada ekshibisi. Adapun teori edukasi yang tepat adalah konstruktivis, dengan pendekatan ekshibisi tematis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskiptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan studi literatur dan observasi di lapangan. Hasil penelitian berupa penerapan konsep new museum di museum Negeri Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.
......This research discusses about the concept of new museum, identity, memory collective, educational theory, and model exhibition at the museum. This research was conducted At The State Museum of North Sulawesi Province, Manado. Refers to concepts and theories, then to enhance the role of the State Museum of North Sulawesi Province in giving understanding and education regarding the embodiment of the values of cultural heritage, the museum must present the embodiment of the values of the cultural heritage of North Sulawesi at the exhibition. As for the right educational theory is constructivist, the exhibition's thematic approach. This research was qualitative research with design deskiptif. Data are collected by conducting studies of the literature and observations in the field. The results of this research is the application of the concept of the new museum at At The State Museum of North Sulawesi Province."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vetri Ridha Bhineka
Penelitian ini mengangkat tentang komunikasi sebagai salah satu bagian
fungsi utama museum dalam melayani masyarakat dan perkembangannya.
Komunikasi museum dilakukan melalui ekshibisi pameran. Lokasi penelitian
adalah Museum Penerangan yang terletak di kawasan wisata Taman Mini
Indonesia Indah. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep new museum, konsep
komunikasi, konsep ekshibisi di museum. Hasil dari penelitian ini
mengidentifikasi bahwa Museum Penerangan belum dapat menampilkan
ekshibisinya dalam konsep new museum. Museum Penerangan untuk menjadi new
museum harus menampilkan ekshibisi dengan menggunakan pendekatan tematik
yang didukung dengan pendekatan kronologi untuk mengurutkan periodesasi
media komunikasi dari media komunikasi tradisional sampai media baru.

This study focussed on the communication as one of the main functions of the
museum in serving the community. Communication is done through an museum
exhibition. The research location is in Museum Penerangan, located in the tourist
area of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Analysis of research is using the concept of
the new museum, the concept of communication, the concept of an exhibition at
the museum. The results showed that Museum Penerangan may not display its
exhibition in the concept of the new museum. In order to become a new museum,
Museum Penerangan has to display by using a thematic approach that is supported
by the chronological approach to periodization sort of communication media from
traditional media to new media communication;This study focussed on the communication as one of the main functions of the
museum in serving the community. Communication is done through an museum
exhibition. The research location is in Museum Penerangan, located in the tourist
area of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Analysis of research is using the concept of
the new museum, the concept of communication, the concept of an exhibition at
the museum. The results showed that Museum Penerangan may not display its
exhibition in the concept of the new museum. In order to become a new museum,
Museum Penerangan has to display by using a thematic approach that is supported
by the chronological approach to periodization sort of communication media from
traditional media to new media communication, This study focussed on the communication as one of the main functions of the
museum in serving the community. Communication is done through an museum
exhibition. The research location is in Museum Penerangan, located in the tourist
area of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Analysis of research is using the concept of
the new museum, the concept of communication, the concept of an exhibition at
the museum. The results showed that Museum Penerangan may not display its
exhibition in the concept of the new museum. In order to become a new museum,
Museum Penerangan has to display by using a thematic approach that is supported
by the chronological approach to periodization sort of communication media from
traditional media to new media communication]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Museum adalah tempat yang sangat strategis dalam penyampaian pesan dari pengelola museum kepada pengunjung ( masyarakat). Museum tidak boleh lagi hanya memikrkan kebutuhan internalnya saja tapi harus juga memikirkan pihak eksternalnya yaitu masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Untuk itu tesisi ini membahas bagaimana mengoptimalkan fungsi museum sebagai media komunikasi bagi pngunjung agar masyarakat atau pengunjung mendapatkan informasi yang luas dan benar tentang TNI melalui Museum Bhakti TNI. Museum memiliki empat media komunikasi yaitu melalui koleksi, melalui program kegiatan publik, ikut serta dalam kegiatan dan ruang publik, dan melalui kegiatan kebijakan kehumasan dalam kegiatan sehari. Empat hal inilah yang akan dioptimalkan perannya berdasarkan konsep dan teori komunikasi museum dan new museum sehingga akan menghasilkan konsep komunikasi yang efektif, atraktif, dan komunikatif di Museum Bhakti TNI.

Museum is a strategic place to send a message from museum to the visitor or people. Museum may not just be care of it internal need but it also must be care of the external need like visitor and it environments . Therefore this thesis is focused and discussed of how to optimize the function of museum as communication media for visitor in order to they can get more information effectively and accurately through Bhakti TNI Museum. Museum have four communications media they are: collections, Public activities program, following in activity and public space, by daily activities of public policy. These four things that will be optimized based on concept of communication theories and new museum theories, so it can produce the effective, attractive, and communicative communication concept in Bhakti TNI Museum."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marwan Setiawan
"Tesis ini menjelaskan tentang penelitian konservasi sebagai salah satu ciri new museum dengan perspektif baru. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap manajemen konservasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia, dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Kegiatan manajemen konservasi museum baru mencakup struktur organisasi, prinsip, program, penelitian, dan teknologi informasi dalam bidang konservasi. Hasil analisis dan pembahasan penelitian, menyimpulkan Museum Etnobotani Indonesia belum memiliki manajemen konservasi yang sesuai dengan konsep museum baru. Kegiatan konservasi masih berorientasi terhadap pelestarian koleksi benda budaya yang merupakan ciri museum tradisional. Untuk menjadi sebuah museum baru dalam bidang manajemen konservasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia harus memperluas konsep pelestarian yang tidak hanya melestarikan koleksi benda budaya. Akan tetapi, melestarikan koleksi budaya tak benda seperti memori kolektif masyarakat dengan membuka informasi seluas luasnya terhadap publik.
This thesis describes the study of conservation as one of the characteristics of the new museum with a new perspective. Research conducted on conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia, using a qualitative approach. The new museum conservation management activities include organizational structure, principles, programs, research, and information technology in the conservation field. The results of the analysis and discussion of research concluded Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia does not have a conservation management in accordance with the concept of the new museum. Conservation activities are still oriented towards the preservation of cultural collections that are characteristic of traditional museums. To become a new museum in the field of conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia must expand the concept of preservation is not only to preserve a collection of cultural objects. However, preserving a collection of cultural objects such as people's collective memory with the widest breadth of information open to the public."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Rodiani Ekaningsih
Tesis ini membahas tentang pengembangan edukasi di Museum Negeri
Provinsi Banten melalui Pameran Temporer Partisipatori dan Program Publik
dalam membentuk pemahaman pengunjung dan masyarakat mengenai
keberagaman budaya dan masyarakat yang berasal dari latar belakang yang
Museum adalah lembaga edukasi non-formal dan memiliki peranan dasar
yakni sebagai lembaga Pendidikan. Dengan demikian museum memiliki
keterkaitan secara langsung sebagai sumber daya pendidikan yang menampilkan
kekhasan daerah bagi masyarakat setempat.
Dengan menggunakan konsep New Museum melalui pendekatan
partisipatori serta dilengkapi model pembelajaran active learning, penelitian ini
berusaha untuk mengembangkan edukasi melalui pameran temporer partisipatori
dan program publik yang bisa diterapkan di Museum Negeri Provinsi Banten guna
meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan pengalaman pengunjung dan
Masukan dan saran juga disampaikan melalui penelitian tesis ini kepada
pihak pengelola museum untuk mengembangkan program-program edukasi yang
lebih bervariatif, inovatif, menyenangkan dan bermanfaat bagi pengunjung dan
masyarakat serta mengoptimalkan dan memaksimalkan peran, fungsi dan
tanggungjawab Museum Negeri Provinsi Banten sebagai lembaga edukasi non
formal di masyarakat baik di masa kini dan masa yang akan datang.

This thesis discusses the Development of Education at the Banten Province
Museum through the Participatory Temporary Exhibition and the public program
on the diversity of cultures and communities that come from different
Museum is a non-formal education institution and has a basic role as an
educational institution. Thus the museum has direct relevance as an educational
resource that displays regional peculiarities for the community.
By using New Museum concept with participatory approach and completed
with active learning model, this research tries to develop education through
participatory temporary exhibition and public program that can be applied in
Banten Province Museum to increase knowledge and understanding of people and
Inputs and suggestions are also submitted through this thesis research to
museum to develop educational programs that are more varied, innovative, fun
and useful for people, organizations and institutions of Banten Province as nonformal
education institutions in present and future."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library